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Top 96 PvP Rewards


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Hi everyone,




Why were some characters “skipped” in line of succession?

Please keep in mind the following points as these outline what makes characters eligible/ineligible. First, there is a minimum number of wins players must achieve in order to be eligible for Top Rewards. Secondly, players must have an eligible/active account e.g no major ToS violations, character is not deleted, etc…




An "active" account was not a requirement in the past. I unsubbed once securing my two top 3s in season 14 and had to "activate" my characters when logging in to check for rewards. I received gold rewards, but not top 3. I suspect this was the issue, and these requirements were not communicated until after rewards went out.


I appreciate your communication with us, the players, but it would've been nice to know these hidden requirements beyond getting 160 wins/rating/not being banned before the season started to avoid this debacle of top 3 rewards not being handed out fairly.


The choice to give team ranked top 3s to solo ranked players for the first time is bizarre but I know that's not a decision you made.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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An "active" account was not a requirement in the past. I unsubbed once securing my two top 3s in season 14 and had to "activate" my characters when logging in to check for rewards.


By active account she does not mean subscription. I did not have a sub, and got rewards.

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Hi everyone,


Wanted to touch on a couple of things that players have brought up in various spaces and I hope the following points will bring some clarity to some of the confusion we are seeing with Top 96 Rewards specifically. To reiterate from an earlier post, the leaderboards have not been updated.


There was a concern about characters receiving multiple Top 3 boxes.

This is a common occurrence and has been for several seasons. Nine Eligible characters receive Top Rewards for their rankings in both Solo and Group ranked.


Why were some characters “skipped” in line of succession?

Please keep in mind the following points as these outline what makes characters eligible/ineligible. First, there is a minimum number of wins players must achieve in order to be eligible for Top Rewards. Secondly, players must have an eligible/active account e.g no major ToS violations, character is not deleted, etc…


The system is built in a way where it is intended to give out 6 Top 96 rewards for each Advanced Class, 3 going to qualified Solo Ranked characters and 3 going to qualified Group Ranked characters. For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to reference Guardians in the following example to explain how characters could appear to be “skipped” when rewards were issued.


Let’s say that I qualified for a Guardian Top Reward because I met the number of minimum wins required for Solo Ranked. However, for Group Ranked no other Guardian qualified because they did not meet the minimum required wins or were otherwise ineligible to qualify. There are now unclaimed rewards. So the system will look to reward the next highest rated Guardian who has obtained the minimum requirement of wins/is active to backfill for the unclaimed reward.If I've played some Group Ranked matches during the season, I would be eligible to receive these unclaimed Group Ranked top rewards, whereas a higher rated Solo player (that did not play any Group Ranked matches) would not.


Last point of clarification regarding what is live now.

There were several cases where there were not enough folks who qualified for Top 3 rewards in Group Ranked for their Advanced Class. In those cases, the rewards were moved over to Solo Ranked to the next valid qualifier. This is why you may notice some Advanced Classes have more than 3 winners in Solo Ranked.


I hope the above offers some insight into how rewards were distributed.




thanks for the explanation i think all people can understand how it works , not perfect but it is what it is

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Let’s say that I qualified for a Guardian Top Reward because I met the number of minimum wins required for Solo Ranked. However, for Group Ranked no other Guardian qualified because they did not meet the minimum required wins or were otherwise ineligible to qualify. There are now unclaimed rewards. So the system will look to reward the next highest rated Guardian who has obtained the minimum requirement of wins/is active to backfill for the unclaimed reward.If I've played some Group Ranked matches during the season, I would be eligible to receive these unclaimed Group Ranked top rewards, whereas a higher rated Solo player (that did not play any Group Ranked matches) would not.


Let's say this is all accurate. No one at Bioware can see the problem with this? You're explaining it as if this all makes sense, when in reality it's ******* insane. You're randomly handing out what are supposed to be group ranked top 3s to solo ranked qualifiers that just happened to play some group ranked matches. And you're not saying it was a mistake. You're not apologizing. You haven't stated any intention to remove rewards from people that didn't earn them.


I don't understand why others are even congratulating you on "communicating" when this is the quality of the communication.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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I don't understand why others are even congratulating you on "communicating" when this is the quality of the communication.


For me , it's quite simple: i just simply don't blame JackieKo for anything, since she's not a BioWare dev CODER.


She's only authorized & allowed to deliver very specified type messages from the DEVS.


Would it be nice if she/they communicated more (and better) ? Well duh yeah of course.


But, as of now, she's all we got. Therefore, as i mentioned in another thread, i choose to be nice toward JackieKo and place my "criticisms" at the feet of BioWare coders, producers, & designers instead.

Edited by Nee-Elder
please BioWare , please bring back 8v8 tactical warzones for RANKED (aka 'Team Ranked' )
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For me , it's quite simple: i just simply don't blame JackieKo for anything, since she's not a BioWare dev CODER.


She's only authorized & allowed to deliver very specified type messages from the DEVS.


She's the community manager, not an unpaid intern. She is part of the Bioware team that maintains this game. She's not "just" a messenger. Obviously she's not primarily at fault in this situation, but she's also not blameless, especially when it comes to what she's posting here.

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She's the community manager, not an unpaid intern. She is part of the Bioware team that maintains this game. She's not "just" a messenger. Obviously she's not primarily at fault in this situation, but she's also not blameless, especially when it comes to what she's posting here.


What would i even blame her for? Poor grammar? :D


But seriously, she doesn't even make any core decisions and she certainly didn't code the silly 'Ranked pvp system' originally. And i can't blame her for 7.0 debacle , nor for that ridiculous Free-to-Pay Cartel Market re-skinned items-on-a-$tick x infinity game model. That's on EA & Musco. :(


Besides which, most humans don't respond well to being told how awful & pathetic they are all the time. Hence why typically MMO's make a point of responding 99% of the time only to "positive" (or newb) type posts.


Anyways, we're straying wayyyyy off-topic here lol

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What would i even blame her for? Poor grammar? :D


But seriously, she doesn't even make any core decisions and she certainly didn't code the silly 'Ranked pvp system' originally. And i can't blame her for 7.0 debacle , nor for that ridiculous Free-to-Pay Cartel Market re-skinned items-on-a-$tick x infinity game model. That's on EA & Musco. :(


Presumably she has read the feedback in the forum threads and elsewhere. So she should have a good handle on what actually happened. She should also have a good handle on what the devs should be doing to fix it. Furthermore, do you think they explicitly barred her from including an apology? Or any kind of acknowledgment that this was a massive screw up?


Besides which, most humans don't respond well to being told how awful & pathetic they are all the time. Hence why typically MMO's make a point of responding 99% of the time only to "positive" (or newb) type posts.


Okay. I have no interest in pretending someone is doing a good job just so they'll "respond well" (in this case at least, lol). Obviously a lot of the community would disagree with me on that. They see someone posting and think "finally, someone is paying attention! we must preserve them and not be mean to them!" as if sucking up like that will make any difference whatsoever. I don't think anything I've said has been unfair in the slightest. We are paying subscriptions for this game after all.


Some people seem to pretend like the devs are volunteers doing us a favor by updating this game. They're professionals and they should act like it.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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You're randomly handing out what are supposed to be group ranked top 3s to solo ranked qualifiers that just happened to play some group ranked matches.


Not "some" group ranked. "1" group ranked game is all it takes.

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We are paying subscriptions for this game after all.


Some people seem to pretend like the devs are volunteers doing us a favor by updating this game. They're professionals and they should act like it.


I would totally agree with you there, yep.


Although, imo there's a big difference between---as you put it--- "congratulating" JackieKo (whch i never did) ...or , as you also put it, "sucking up to" her ... and just merely including a quick "thanks for the info" within other legit critiques or suggestions. (as i did with my reply)


But hey, you do you! ;)

Edited by Nee-Elder
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If I wouldn't have received my rewards and this post would've been made I'd quit. 100% this is not acceptable, you announced top96 rewards twice for this season with different titles too. I do not understand how this is possible, every Top96 person who actually should've received the rewards, no any person that ever got 1500 after S12 would've done a better job communicating / giving out rewards. This is honestly just outragous, receiving tramranked rewards in solo ranned bc you have the solo ranked wins is not only just a bug in your code but it also shows how terrible the system is if there isn't even people around who played 160w of teamranked on most classes.


This system is flawed and bugged, obviously. Thanks for trlling us, at least now we can see how they were given out - still just terrible, its just terrible and it makes me sad...

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Let’s say that I qualified for a Guardian Top Reward because I met the number of minimum wins required for Solo Ranked. However, for Group Ranked no other Guardian qualified because they did not meet the minimum required wins or were otherwise ineligible to qualify. There are now unclaimed rewards. So the system will look to reward the next highest rated Guardian who has obtained the minimum requirement of wins/is active to backfill for the unclaimed reward.If I've played some Group Ranked matches during the season, I would be eligible to receive these unclaimed Group Ranked top rewards, whereas a higher rated Solo player (that did not play any Group Ranked matches) would not.


I'm actually amazed that you are trying to make it sound like this is intended lol - and even more so if it actually is.

This makes no sense whatsoever, giving out a reward that is supposed to be given to the "best" players to actually very much below average players that don't even achieve bronze elo/rewards in solo ranked but just happened to have played 1 teamranked game and got the wins in solos (totally different gamemode and not eligible in either one of them, just by some bizzare nonsense combination of both). How can anyone think that this makes sense or explains anything?

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If I wouldn't have received my rewards and this post would've been made I'd quit.


I did properly receive my top 3, and I'm still seriously considering quitting because of this debacle.


This is a "dead" game. We all know that swtor ranked isn't as strictly competitive as other games because we lack the population, and all skill levels are lumped together. But even with that in mind, part of what makes ranked fun is that people are competing for elo and top rewards. And even if the rewards themselves aren't the most meaningful thing in the world, to me it's satisfying to set goals and achieve them. If you take that away, it becomes significantly more boring, at least to me.


Bioware already has a history of not caring about ranked. This is just the most extreme example yet. And if they can mess up something this basic this badly, not apologize for it, and not make any attempt to fix it, what hope is there for them to ever do anything right regarding ranked again?

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Bioware already has a history of not caring about ranked. This is just the most extreme example yet. And if they can mess up something this basic this badly, not apologize for it, and not make any attempt to fix it, what hope is there for them to ever do anything right regarding ranked again?


The least thing we can do is keep this conversation alive I guess. There have already been more different posters on this topic after Jackie's responses. They should clearly see that the information in her latest post is widely appreciated, but can't be the final answer on the subject, as there are many open questions still.

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They should clearly see that the information in her latest post is widely appreciated, but can't be the final answer on the subject, as there are many open questions still.


And what does it say about Bioware that this kind of communication is "widely appreciated?" That just speaks to how uncommunicative Bioware normally is. They shouldn't be getting any kind of credit for the absolute bare minimum. And I'm not sure this even meets that bar, because again, there has been no acknowledgment of wrongdoing, no apology, and nothing about applying a fix.


Not to mention the explanation is *********** bonkers. She just states it as if people are supposed to shrug and go "okay, that makes sense." The more I think about it and type about it, the worse it gets to me.


And if people look at my posts here and want to say something like "this is why they don't communicate with us," I'd say that they should be doing their jobs regardless of what I say or how I might make them feel. They are being paid to do this, not doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. I think it's important that they understand how badly they ****ed up. Being friendly doesn't get that message across at all clearly.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Hi everyone,


Wanted to touch on a couple of things that players have brought up in various spaces and I hope the following points will bring some clarity to some of the confusion we are seeing with Top 96 Rewards specifically. To reiterate from an earlier post, the leaderboards have not been updated.


There was a concern about characters receiving multiple Top 3 boxes.

This is a common occurrence and has been for several seasons. Nine Eligible characters receive Top Rewards for their rankings in both Solo and Group ranked.


Why were some characters “skipped” in line of succession?

Please keep in mind the following points as these outline what makes characters eligible/ineligible. First, there is a minimum number of wins players must achieve in order to be eligible for Top Rewards. Secondly, players must have an eligible/active account e.g no major ToS violations, character is not deleted, etc…


The system is built in a way where it is intended to give out 6 Top 96 rewards for each Advanced Class, 3 going to qualified Solo Ranked characters and 3 going to qualified Group Ranked characters. For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to reference Guardians in the following example to explain how characters could appear to be “skipped” when rewards were issued.


Let’s say that I qualified for a Guardian Top Reward because I met the number of minimum wins required for Solo Ranked. However, for Group Ranked no other Guardian qualified because they did not meet the minimum required wins or were otherwise ineligible to qualify. There are now unclaimed rewards. So the system will look to reward the next highest rated Guardian who has obtained the minimum requirement of wins/is active to backfill for the unclaimed reward.If I've played some Group Ranked matches during the season, I would be eligible to receive these unclaimed Group Ranked top rewards, whereas a higher rated Solo player (that did not play any Group Ranked matches) would not.


Last point of clarification regarding what is live now.

There were several cases where there were not enough folks who qualified for Top 3 rewards in Group Ranked for their Advanced Class. In those cases, the rewards were moved over to Solo Ranked to the next valid qualifier. This is why you may notice some Advanced Classes have more than 3 winners in Solo Ranked.


I hope the above offers some insight into how rewards were distributed.




Sorry but this excuse won't work too :eek: team ranked has nothing to do with solo ranked. There was no rule published that if among team ranked classes no one isn't qualified for platinum rewards it will be skipped for solo ranked. And it's pretty unlogical and unfair to give team ranked rewards to those who didn't even participated in team ranked lmao. Team and solo ranked are absolutely different, they require distinctive playstyles, and if person deserve a reward in solo ranked it doesn't mean he deserves same reward for team ranked especially when we talking about highest pvp tier reward.



In addition to that there is no excuse of you giving season 14 platinum rewards to two players with 1200 rating :D (to sentinel Cirilla and gunslinger Kirda). How it is possible to give platinum rewards to 1200 rated players in solo ranked?



Moreover, it's pretty hard to believe that you skipped legit skilled players in solo ranked because they were not eligible for rewards....their accounts were active, they weren't banned and they played legit so why you skipped them??

Edited by omaan
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Again, I think they are forcing you to give wrong information to the player base.

First of all, a couple of seasons ago, you changed the win requirement for us, raising it to 160 wins, which was necesary to even qualify for the rewards. From that point of view, is absolutely UNFAIR and CONTRADICTORY what you did on this season.

Even more, there is a reason that we have a solo ranked separated from a team ranked bracket. If nobody qualify for a team ranked reward, then dont grant it? Why are you giving away top 3´s to people that didnt deserve it, or just didnt qualified according to YOUR OWN RULES. A competition has rules, and I dont see anywhere, in any advertisement of Ranked where you communicate to your playerbase that, in case that a reward is vacant, you will grant it with the logic you just mentioned.

And to make the situation worse, you actually SKIPPED on the rewards, people that have been loyal to the game for many years, for absolutely no reason, like Caprica. And not a single apology on this? This is just so disgusting to even read.

So the question here is, whats the point on making us having 160 wins, then? Which security do we have that having 160 wins and the necesary rating will mean getting rewards in the future?

Like I said before, this is a comedy of mistakes. And this is serious, Jackie. To get 160 wins, you need to spend SO MUCH TIME queing for ranked, sometimes sitting on fleet just waiting for pops, and you are applying these rules that WE CANT READ ANYWHERE?!. Id want to know how fair is this. You think the explanation you gave us is fair? I think it made more people mad about it. I hope you, as a company, because I think Jackie is just delivering a message, give us a good explanation and apology on this, and actually reconsider what you have done, because the damage you did to some people is really big.

Edited by alasamaya
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