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Guild Conquest Rewards Don't Reward


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CSR has called one of my guildies a liar and claimed they already got their guild reward, and said my screenshots are invalid because they don't have a date.


There is no date displayed anywhere on any conquest screen, period. And there is no way to provide proof of any form that a player *didn't* get their rewards. I can't take a screenshot of a pop up that doesn't pop up! You are demanding the *********** impossible!


CSR is literally gaslighting players while trying to suppress active bugs and avoid doing their damn jobs.



Edited by Tressith
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CSR has denied that my guild was eligible for their guild conquest rewards in spite of all the evidence I provided above.


Literally, I have no idea what to *********** do. I am opening another ticket. I have done everything I'm supposed to, repeatedly. I've filed bug reports. I've opened tickets with CSR. I've posted on the forums. It has done nothing. Bioware is taking my *********** money as a subscriber and actually just stealing it.


Is this a consumer protection matter? What are my next steps? None of these devs are paying attention or doing anything about the numerous game-breaking bugs, but they're certainly *********** happy to take my money for their completely destroyed product.

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Just wanted to document that I noticed something. Prior to our guild rewards starting to bug, I used one of my characters to promote a different character of mine to guildmaster. Ever since I did that, my social button on my nav on the new guildmaster has lit up like I've gotten some kind of notification. I've linked a snip below. However, there's no notifications, and nothing I've done over the past several months has made it stop lighting up. Maybe that's related to the bug?




Still hoping me and my guild will be compensated for our lost encryptions. We've been playing less and less because we don't think our work will be rewarded.

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My imperial guild, the [imperial Reclamation Service], didn't get our guild conquest rewards.




Again, again.


We're short 30ish encryptions we rightfully earned. Please, give us our encryptions. I'm begging you. I don't want to quit over this. I don't want my friends to quit over this.


The common factor seems to be this happens every time there's an update. Please fix this. I'm begging you.








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  • Dev Post

Hi Tressith,


Wanted to hop into the thread and let you know that the team is still investigating the bug that your Guild is encountering. We did pass along the updates you have been providing here to them.


I'll be reaching out to you privately as I need some additional info about your Guild. Appreciate your patience while we continue to look into this issue.

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Got same problem this week. My personal imperial guild, "Heavy Metall Hamster", Star Forge server, didnt get guild reward. No encriptions, no tech fragments, NOTHING.

I absolutely sure I completed small guild conquest, because all my 9 charaters completed personal conquest. And that was first time in all my game time. Please, PLEASE fix that bug.

Upd. Checked this carefully and found thats my bug, not yours. :( Looks like I didnt click hard enough on Invasion button, so guild conquest didnt start.

Edited by juliabee
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  • 4 weeks later...
Update to this: the social button on the guild leader's tab doesn't flash anymore, but we still don't get guild conquest rewards on patch weeks. We're holding up fine so far though - the generosity of the community and compensation from the CSR team has put everyone back in high spirits. :)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Happy to report that in spite of the timing of last night's maintenance, my guild actually got its rewards! We'll reach the conquest this week to check to see if the patch day bug has been resolved, but this is very exciting for us.
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  • 3 weeks later...

This still isn't fixed... Three weeks in a row of not getting ANY of the conquest rewards and having to submit multiple tickets (AKA be annoying) just to get any attention to get it fixed.... See how long it takes this week to get a reply and hopefully fixed.


How long until they actually attempt to address this and not give it lip service while ignoring it?

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So after looking at the bug forums... This has been an ongoing issue without resolution for ~4 years or more. Here is one of the first posts about it from May 2018:




Reason I am putting this in hopes that a dev will give us an update on when this will be corrected. The last Dev response was from JackieKo in May 2022 on this same thread (page 4) saying they were investigating the issue. Here we are almost 90 days later and it would be nice to have an update of when this will be resolved...

Edited by Xaelinone
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This still isn't fixed... Three weeks in a row of not getting ANY of the conquest rewards and having to submit multiple tickets (AKA be annoying) just to get any attention to get it fixed.... See how long it takes this week to get a reply and hopefully fixed.


How long until they actually attempt to address this and not give it lip service while ignoring it?


This is weird. It seems like the bug was fixed for my impside guild -- we've been getting our guild conquest rewards even on patch weeks now. But maybe it has to be applied to individual guilds?


I don't know why customer service doesn't just grant the encryptions instead of gaslight players by saying they didn't earn the rewards. I don't understand why Bioware would even employ people who just... Don't do their jobs.


Hope this gets fixed for you.

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