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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

999/999 cap is game breaking


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Because of the limit I don't even dare spending my aquatic resource matrixes in case I end up getting 7500 tech fragments to upgrade another legendary (heck I'm not even sure how many you need to get a 328 one).


Last week I had close to 11k fragments but I was short two aquatic matrixes or something because of the cap and it was extremely frustrating. I ended up getting one of the Command crates gear piece in order not to waste any tech fragments.


It's such a bad design... Legendaries, PvP gear, solo gear, FP gear, they should all only require ONE type of part. It's just ridiculous that people are forced to do content they don't want to when they just want to do pvp or run Ops. And we shouldn't have to do math to save one type of part to be able to use ANOTHER type of part.


I swear the more I play, the more idiotic this gear system is.

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why there not remove the weekly cap and do the same thing there have done with the tech fragments.


that you can get a max limit off lets tell 11k from the Medals of Commendation, Aquatic Resource Matrix and Thyrsian Production Accelerant.

then the problem is also fix.


since i can get easy in few day's the weekly cap by only compleet the personal conquest and i need 5 chars to reach my weekly limit from the 8 chars i am doing conquest with.

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The problem isnt the "max", the problem is having nothing to spend them on.


TBH I do NOT want them to raise it by even 1. Either give us something to actually spend it on or get rid of the flipping currency completely. The new gear is useless outside of PvP or OPS anyway as its been proven that you do NOT kill mobs faster in the highest rated gear over 306 gear. The scaling breaks it all and makes it useless and the gear alone is not enough to spend them on...worst gurd dang update to an MMO in almost 20 years.

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The problem isnt the "max", the problem is having nothing to spend them on.


TBH I do NOT want them to raise it by even 1. Either give us something to actually spend it on or get rid of the flipping currency completely. The new gear is useless outside of PvP or OPS anyway as its been proven that you do NOT kill mobs faster in the highest rated gear over 306 gear. The scaling breaks it all and makes it useless and the gear alone is not enough to spend them on...worst gurd dang update to an MMO in almost 20 years.


I prefer both: raise the limit and have some really GOOD STUFF to blow it on! ;)

Edited by OlBuzzard
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The problem isnt the "max", the problem is having nothing to spend them on.


TBH I do NOT want them to raise it by even 1. Either give us something to actually spend it on or get rid of the flipping currency completely. The new gear is useless outside of PvP or OPS anyway as its been proven that you do NOT kill mobs faster in the highest rated gear over 306 gear. The scaling breaks it all and makes it useless and the gear alone is not enough to spend them on...worst gurd dang update to an MMO in almost 20 years.


Nah, people with alts have things to spend it on (and people with two combat styles and different loadouts). They're the only ones really affected by the cap frankly, everyone else will be geared up in 3 weeks... But BW hates alts.

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Nah, people with alts have things to spend it on (and people with two combat styles and different loadouts). They're the only ones really affected by the cap frankly, everyone else will be geared up in 3 weeks... But BW hates alts.


I have 35 characters...you only need a force set and a tech set because you can place the sets in your legacy for your other characters to use.

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I have 35 characters...you only need a force set and a tech set because you can place the sets in your legacy for your other characters to use.


It's what I've been doing (except only one set plus weapons/legendaries) but I HATE it. I can't log in a new toon and go, I have to get gear first. I can't log off somewhere while waiting for a clicky to respawn and switch to another toon in the meantime. I have to log off by a legacy vault all the time. It's just as annoying as it was to open boxes and disintegrate everything in 6.0 except that I HAVE to do it every time.


And yes I've died a few times because I completely forgot to get gear first...


So I'm gearing my toons. And it gives me something to do. I'm at 8 so far (minus legendaries). Just only bothering with 1-2 accuracy augments and not anything else (just so I won't miss when I finally do the Elom FP and whatever new content is coming up). Besides, what else am I going to do with all the extra parts? Credits are a complete non-issue for me (especially as running all those weeklies to reach the CQ goal on my toons is giving me even more credits than in 6.0 - I don't think that BW realizes that. So much for reducing inflation).

Edited by Pricia
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ISo I'm gearing my toons.


Ok, that does not make your claim people with alts have to do it, which is what I commented on. You did not refute my original point either. You are making a personal choice that isnt necessary and was also one of the reasons why the developers made their piss poor choice in radically changing the gearing system and also removing set buffs...


It also does not help that gearing outside of PvP and OPS is literally pointless thanks to the scaling changes they made. You will find zero difference in how long it takes you to beat mobs above IR 306 outside of those 2 parts of the game.

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It also does not help that gearing outside of PvP and OPS is literally pointless thanks to the scaling changes they made. You will find zero difference in how long it takes you to beat mobs above IR 306 outside of those 2 parts of the game.


I disagree here, at least from my experience in VM FPs. I have run tons of VM FPs with both 324 (incl. legendary implants) and 306 (BIS bonus sets) since launch and can see a notable difference to how quick mobs melt after content is now set to 80 and with 324 gear. I am conscious of my groupmates' ratings in assessing this, and since these are what I do with 90% of my playtime, pretty confident that Level 80 content with 324 is > same content at 306.


To your point, I am not thinking I need to go to 326 because the content is easier now than before, and at just 324. I do agree with you on any sub-80 content (tertiary stats now capped also).

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I have 35 characters...you only need a force set and a tech set because you can place the sets in your legacy for your other characters to use.


No, 1 dps set can be worn by every dps force or tech.


You need multiple weapons while legendary implants are optional but if doing meaningful content, recommended.

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If you live in this game all day and all night, I'm glad you're having so much fun. Normal people don't play like this and the caps make it so normal people don't feel pressured to make this game their entire lives just to keep up. Pace yourself. If you want to get really crazy, even consider doing something else other than play SWTOR.
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You can disagree all you like. Its been tested on PTS and since its gone live. A bunch of people posted their results and there is a reason why so many threads exist about the scaling problem.


So I was clear - I agree with you on scaled content (sub 80), but there is a difference in level 80 content (not just pvp and ops).

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So I was clear - I agree with you on scaled content (sub 80), but there is a difference in level 80 content (not just pvp and ops).


To once again clarify since you dont seem to get it, its been tested for months. Scaling breaks everything outside of PvP and OPS. And more testing has been done since it went live than during PTS because of literally having to spend command currency to accept seasons awards so people are buying 320 gear to just spend them, have been popping on 320 gear and doing content just to test more.


There is no difference in time spent killing in 320 gear than max IR gear in open world, doing heroics or doing flashpoints , including end game flashpoints. Only OPS and PvP are seeing increases in actual power over content because mobs health is increased with your IR level...AKA, you DO MORE damage, but because they have MORE HEALTH, it takes the same amount of time to kill them and that means, no flipping difference or reason to raise your IR unless you are doing PvP gear, or OPS gear. This has been talked about heavily for over 4 MONTHS and did not stop when it hit live, its talked about more because more are playing it and see it themselves.

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To once again clarify since you dont seem to get it, its been tested for months. Scaling breaks everything outside of PvP and OPS. And more testing has been done since it went live than during PTS because of literally having to spend command currency to accept seasons awards so people are buying 320 gear to just spend them, have been popping on 320 gear and doing content just to test more.


There is no difference in time spent killing in 320 gear than max IR gear in open world, doing heroics or doing flashpoints , including end game flashpoints. Only OPS and PvP are seeing increases in actual power over content because mobs health is increased with your IR level...AKA, you DO MORE damage, but because they have MORE HEALTH, it takes the same amount of time to kill them and that means, no flipping difference or reason to raise your IR unless you are doing PvP gear, or OPS gear. This has been talked about heavily for over 4 MONTHS and did not stop when it hit live, its talked about more because more are playing it and see it themselves.


Easy Tiger, I am sharing my gameplay experience. I carve through FP content easier with 324 than with 306 (post release and as I level alts still on 306). Not saying it is comparable to posted data evidence, but just my experience, and why I continue to grind to 324 for my other alts.

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To once again clarify since you dont seem to get it, its been tested for months. Scaling breaks everything outside of PvP and OPS. And more testing has been done since it went live than during PTS because of literally having to spend command currency to accept seasons awards so people are buying 320 gear to just spend them, have been popping on 320 gear and doing content just to test more.


There is no difference in time spent killing in 320 gear than max IR gear in open world, doing heroics or doing flashpoints , including end game flashpoints. Only OPS and PvP are seeing increases in actual power over content because mobs health is increased with your IR level...AKA, you DO MORE damage, but because they have MORE HEALTH, it takes the same amount of time to kill them and that means, no flipping difference or reason to raise your IR unless you are doing PvP gear, or OPS gear. This has been talked about heavily for over 4 MONTHS and did not stop when it hit live, its talked about more because more are playing it and see it themselves.


^^^ Exactly.


So what we have now is:


1) Grind up 5 levels to gain back some of the abilities you lost (but not all).


2) Grind a convoluted gear system for ~weeks to get gear and you're weaker in 99% of the game world than you were pre-7.0.


See level sync data problems here:



3) Bonus: your companions suck comparatively now as well.


4) Lose access to your cosmetic weapon skins you paid real money for.


5) Lose the fun and control of the mod system that made SWTOR's gear system unique, fun, approachable, and enjoyable.


It is literally ALL downsides. There is nothing good about gear, scaling, progression, etc. in 7.0

Edited by Muckbeast
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I've maxed out


999/999 weekly on


Medals of Commendation

Aquatic Resource Matrix

Thyrsian Production Accelerant




I've preloaded for next week with half a dozen unclaimed mission rewards on a dozen of level 80 toons....


I've run out of things to do this week.

??? Just curious; what did you do before 7.0 dropped? Any reason you can't do those things still?


The cap is annoying. It's hardly game breaking. I buy and deconstruct items when I hit the cap. It bleeds off credits, which is arguably something that needs to be done in the game in general, and it gives me tech fragments. It's inelegant and a bit annoying, but it solves the problem.

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It is very bad, i mean if there was anything at all to dump some in that made sense but right now its just poorly designed. Im constantly capped on one and not enough of another to do anything with them or just capped period.
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??? Just curious; what did you do before 7.0 dropped? Any reason you can't do those things still?



Speaking for myself here - comparing to when I was still gearing up in 6.0 - I was running solo flashpoints for drops and heroics for renown/loot caches.


So yeah, once maxed, neither of those things give me anything (I don't need alliance crates and turning them in takes forever now).


The only reason I've kept playing after finishing CQ and capping pvp and CQ currencies is because I decided to gear my alts, so I've been doing weeklies - at least I get a piece of gear doing those. But that was last week. Seeing the weeklies this week... probably not going to bother.


Looking forward to next week when I can CHOOSE my weeklies again.

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