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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

7.0 dealing with Premades a Guide


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Yes Ladies and Gentlemen you too can benefit from my years of training and experience for the low low cost of free ninety nine. If you want to up your win percentage against and with these people please keep reading.


First a Premade is four people, in either a tank/heals/2dps configuration or a heals/3 dps configuration. Next we must break down these two groups into their subclasses.


(1) Numberfarmus Maximus, these players have very good eyesight, they look for clumps of people when said clump is found they will most definitely attack in a "patterned" approach. To deal with these groups...spread out...., don't all clump up, and for the love of god do not expect these players to click anything blue or glowie in a warzone, except ranked reward flags, also please refrain from telling them how "bad" they are when you loose the warzone, Numberfarmus Maximus doesn't care if they loose, but next warzone when you are on the other team, they will remember your kind remarks, some go as far as to put players on their friends list so they can be reminded how "bad" they are, and will continue to farm said players.


How to beat Numberfarmus Maximus, play the obj's but send enough people to keep the beasts killing and farming those numbers. If your team goes to the pylon and sits, Numberfarmus Maxiumus' keen eyesight will see the clump of people and begin calculating all the numbers they can farm. Then after they have killed said players, one of their team mates not in the premade will take your node.


(2) Tryhardus Objectivus this is our second category to the premade, this premade will be at every pylon, every huttball, every blue glowie thing all the time. The Tryhardus Objectivus is drawn to the glowies like moths to a flame. The way to deal with the Tryhardus Objectivus premades are to go where the tank/heals aren't, unless you have the latent Numberfarmus gene if so go to town on them, and take your node, if six of you can't kill a tank healer combo, especially now a days, maybe it's you and not them.....



(3) Don'tgiveacrapamus Rex, this premade is four dps, they usually don't care if they win or loose they just enjoy being together and giving each other crap. Didn't want to incur their wraith by leaving them out.


To win with a premade it's simple, keep the premade together, guard the nodes, peel for their healer, do the little things they aren't going to do. To win against the premade, keep throwing enough bodies to them to satisfy their number farm or feel like they gotta stay at the objective. But I don't want to do that, then you don't want to win, keep playing your way, it's your subscription play how you want.


Oh wait there is another way also, make friends, when you see someone in a warzone and you like what they are doing put em on your friends list, ask them to group up. Oh but I don't want to do that I am a solo player!!!! Then fine be a solo player, I'm sure that one of these days they will make you a warzone that you can go into and be all alone by yourself with endless blue glowies to click and you can farm numbers on the warzone dummies in there if that's your cup of tea.


and now you know and knowing is half the battle..... G.I. SOJO!!!!!!!!


In all seriousness, I'm old I get it, I'll be 50 this year, don't like change, don't like most new people, but premades in pvp aren't going anywhere. Meet some people, don't have to get in discord or anything, just que up with people that you enjoy playing with, however the warzone turns out, if your playing with people you enjoy playing with and being around the losses aren't so bad and the wins are even better. If you don't want to do this play how you want, it's your sub, but crying about it on the forums isn't going to change anything. If your a totally "solo" player realize the limitations to that, you don't do hard mode operations solo do you? there is always "solo" ranked for the "solo" player. So why is it that there is a a category of pvp named "solo". OMG I just solved your all's problem with the premades, just que solo ranked from now on. See problem solved. Your welcome


As always love in Christ



Edited by Sojorn
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Oh wait there is another way also, make friends, when you see someone in a warzone and you like what they are doing put em on your friends list, ask them to group up.





I cannot stress how many problems people have with SWTOR PVP that can be solved by simply finding people to play with.

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It's not cringe if you read it with a Steve Irwin, voice in your head. I promise


"Cringe" is the usual response from young adults when they have to read something long. Don't sweat it. In their world its something you only had to do in a classroom. It's how they cope with trying to process experience.


I thought it was a good read. The important thing for solo players to realize is that this is an MMORPG. The RPG is there, but the foundation is an MMO. And the best parts of this game is played with your guildees. I've seen married couples make their own private guilds where they bring in their children to the world of Star Wars. Anyhow, Solo players are solo by choice. But the very instant you enter a flashpoint, uprising, warzones, gsf you are no longer a "solo" player. You are in a team with other human beings, where the main idea is "working together" to win. You cant call yourself a "solo" player in a warzone. No such thing. Those are humans, not npcees.


As dealing with premades, I think you nailed the different kinds that folks should be aware of. But players should be aware that most premades are no good at all. Many of them are not even on voice, so its like theyre not even a premade, just in the same guild. Even in the list the Numberfarmus Maximus, the DontGiveACrapamus are all useless premades. UNLESS!... the rest of their team knows what they're doing. Then you're done. Because those premades will distract your team as the other four random players get all the nodes and make all the scores.


The scariest teams are the TryHardus Objectivus. If they are seasoned to work well with each other, they are going to win, because they are focused on winning. All you can hope for is that others in your team are focused on winning and that you dont have the dps number farmers (doing pve rotations in a warzone) and the cluelessDontGiveaCrapus premades in your team, because you're going to lose, period.


But, never despair in a warzone. A lot of returning rusty players and a lot of new players are around recent expansion releases. If your team is bumbling around and dying at your spawn area (absolutely by far the most humiliating experience for many new players and players stuck in those groups), take the time to remind the team what the objectives are and how the map works. There will always be one angry noobish player being farmed endlessly frustrated out of his/her/they mind who will respond "No one cares" or "Shut up" etc. Let him/her/they fume alone and keep teaching your team how to play SWTOR. Many times, this works, once players realize oh ok, so that long bright line is the ball. Or, ohhhhh so I have to stay in the node to keep it activated. Or, ohhhhhh voidstar is like a race. You get the idea. You're going to lose, because you're typing, but you were going to lose anyways because your team didn't know what to do. So at the very least you got to teach players some stuff they didn't know about SWTOR, helping keep the game alive.


The matches that stay in my memory are always the ones, where both teams are trying their best to win. That's when I don't mind losing. I love those kinds of losses. That's when it really feels like a sport. When everyone is "trying hard". And when you win one of those, it is like the greatest feeling in this game. Because you know the enemy tried hard. Also beating a team that doesn't care, feels almost as good. Because even though they claim not to care. They still lost, and they know they lost. They're just trying to hide the fact, that they found the objectives too complicated and will probably retreat to their usual vet mode fp's where they can unleash they "pve rotations".


One last thing. 99.99999% of the players right now are not in full 330 augmented gear. For new players brand new to warzones, and for rusty players trying to get good rewards,queue up to Ranked warzones instead.


Here's why I say that. Regular warzones have objectives. You can't win a single match if you don't prioritize objectives. Be it going directly to objectives or trying to keep 5 clueless players far away from the objectives making them "feel" like theyre winning, as the rest of your team caps all the nodes against just 3 players. So mush stategy is involved. But Ranked warzones has none of this. Zero objectives in Ranked warzones.


In Ranked, youre are only doing the same exact maps you did in lowbie warzones when you were level 10 trying to get free implants, relics and an earpiece. Its the same exact content. So if you leveled up doing lowbie and midbie warzones as you mastered all of your new abilities, you will find Ranked Warzones is exactly that.


So do Ranked Warzones instead if you as a player find Regular Warzones too complicated. You will also get bigger rewards in Ranked. And now is the time to do it, because no one is geared for Ranked.

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For new players brand new to warzones, and for rusty players trying to get good rewards,queue up to Ranked warzones instead.


Here's why I say that. Regular warzones have objectives. You can't win a single match if you don't prioritize objectives. Be it going directly to objectives or trying to keep 5 clueless players far away from the objectives making them "feel" like theyre winning, as the rest of your team caps all the nodes against just 3 players. So mush stategy is involved. But Ranked warzones has none of this. Zero objectives in Ranked warzones.


In Ranked, youre are only doing the same exact maps you did in lowbie warzones when you were level 10 trying to get free implants, relics and an earpiece. Its the same exact content. So if you leveled up doing lowbie and midbie warzones as you mastered all of your new abilities, you will find Ranked Warzones is exactly that.


So do Ranked Warzones instead if you as a player find Regular Warzones too complicated. You will also get bigger rewards in Ranked. And now is the time to do it, because no one is geared for Ranked.


Because it's still preseason, I do encourage everyone that wants to to queue ranked to practice. That being said, the rest of what you said is quite wrong.


The "objectives" in ranked, are often more complicated and difficult to achieve than those in regs. Those objectives are killing the other team and surviving. If you view that as simple, you're showing that you have no conception about the difference in focus between regs and ranked.


If you come into ranked and you just mindlessly hit enemies, pop all your dcds suboptimally and die without having tried to kite, stealth out, etc, you will virtually never win games. By contrast, you can win games in regs by doing almost nothing.


Ranked is not the place for clueless pvpers. Regs is where you practice for ranked, where you can learn to dps and pop dcds, not the other way around.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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The "objectives" in ranked, are often more complicated and difficult to achieve than those in regs. Those objectives are killing the other team and surviving. If you view that as simple, you're showing that you have no conception about the difference in focus between regs and ranked.


A game mode which offers one way of achieving victory is simple but it doesn't imply that it is easy. 8v8 is clearly a more complex game mode since it offers multiple ways of achieving victory. To suggest that the former is as or more "complicated" than the latter is bordering on delusional.


*chuckles in 8v8 ranked*

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Ranked is not the place for clueless pvpers. Regs is where you practice for ranked, where you can learn to dps and pop dcds, not the other way around.


Generally I would agree... but it's preseason. Anyone interested in ranked, should start queing during preseason. It's the best time to try to que for the first time. In fact, most of the people queing solo ranked right now seem like PVErs and RPers.

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. 8v8 is clearly a more complex game mode since it offers multiple ways of achieving victory.


i still don't really understand why 8vs.8 mode was not only taken away, but also why it hasn't been re-activated again yet?


Was it just a "lag" issue? or too much win-trading to detect ?

Edited by Nee-Elder
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Generally I would agree... but it's preseason. Anyone interested in ranked, should start queing during preseason. It's the best time to try to que for the first time. In fact, most of the people queing solo ranked right now seem like PVErs and RPers.


In that line you quoted, I meant actual ranked, not preseason ranked.


A game mode which offers one way of achieving victory is simple but it doesn't imply that it is easy. 8v8 is clearly a more complex game mode since it offers multiple ways of achieving victory. To suggest that the former is as or more "complicated" than the latter is bordering on delusional.


*chuckles in 8v8 ranked*


Incorrect. You just made up that having more than one way of achieving victory automatically makes it more complex. In regs, surviving is not nearly as important as it is in ranked. In fact, it is often better to stay in the fight, die and get a quick respawn, rather than wasting time kiting away and healing to full.


The "complexity" of ranked is juggling survival and damage in a way that is rarely relevant in regs. Not to mention having to make critical choices about who to cc, who to chase, when you need to run away yourself, etc.


Pretending that regs has some kind of complex dynamic that ranked lacks is the true delusion here. And I say this as someone that virtually always plays objectives when I play regs. I have no use for number farming. The objectives are all straightforward. Regs requires far less brain power to succeed at than ranked, so where exactly is the added "complexity"?


Finally, 8v8 ranked hasn't existed for many years, and has no relevance here. We're comparing ranked to regs.

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Ranked is not the place for clueless pvpers. Regs is where you practice for ranked, where you can learn to dps and pop dcds, not the other way around.


Pretending that regs has some kind of complex dynamic that ranked lacks is the true delusion here. And I say this as someone that virtually always plays objectives when I play regs. I have no use for number farming. The objectives are all straightforward. Regs requires far less brain power to succeed at than ranked, so where exactly is the added "complexity"?


Okay, so you want me to practice for a complex mode in a mode that “requires far less brain power”? That’s how people end up coming into ranked thinking that they’re good at PvP, getting slapped into the dirt, and quitting in frustration. No, if you want ranked skills, you need to practice in ranked. There’s no other environment that gives the same experience. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s what the preseason is for.

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No, if you want ranked skills, you need to practice in ranked. There’s no other environment that gives the same experience. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s what the preseason is for.


You'd be surprised how far basic pvp skills like awareness, rotational knowledge, knowledge of ur CDS, and reaction time will get you in ranked.... could probably get silver with just those skills and nothing more.


It's something the RPers don't have, when they write their essay on the forums about how "Ranked is a Cesspool of Toxicity."

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i still don't really understand why 8vs.8 mode was not only taken away, but also why it hasn't been re-activated again yet?

Was it just a "lag" issue? or too much win-trading to detect ?

Bioware didn't think the game mode was popular enough so they got rid of it and most of the people who took part in it which leaves no reason to bring it back.


Incorrect. You just made up that having more than one way of achieving victory automatically makes it more complex.

Definition of Complex

Merriam-Webster: a whole made up of complicated or interrelated parts.

Oxford Dictionary: made of many different things or parts that are connected.


Like it or not but 8v8 offers more possibilities and mechanics than 4v4. No amount of mental gymnastics will change that reality.


Finally, 8v8 ranked hasn't existed for many years, and has no relevance here. We're comparing ranked to regs.

And in this discussion, complexity, 8v8 ranked and "regs" are the same. The former simply being a generally more organized form of it and how people play is irrelevant when it comes to explaining or describing the game mechanics.


(*chuckles in 8v8 ranked* Is actually old Sith for "omg are you really suggesting 4v4 deathmatch is comparable with a 8v8 game mode that offers additional means of victory, are you not even going to admit to the added complexity of doubling the amount of players Do you even Huttball bro?")

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Definition of Complex

Merriam-Webster: a whole made up of complicated or interrelated parts.

Oxford Dictionary: made of many different things or parts that are connected.


Like it or not but 8v8 offers more possibilities and mechanics than 4v4. No amount of mental gymnastics will change that reality.


It really doesn't though, and I already explained why. The fact that you don't respawn in ranked is an added complication that far outweighs objectives, because the interplay of dcds and dps has to completely change depending on the circumstances, not to mention target priorities. And there's also acid to consider.


And in this discussion, complexity, 8v8 ranked and "regs" are the same. The former simply being a generally more organized form of it and how people play is irrelevant when it comes to explaining or describing the game mechanics.


This is still wrong. The added competitiveness and organization of 8v8 ranked make it a completely different game mode from regs, which have only a tiny fraction of the competitiveness of ranked, and almost no organization outside of occasional premades. These facts are not only relevant but foundational here. 8v8 ranked hasn't existed for years and it will never exist again.


(*chuckles in 8v8 ranked* Is actually old Sith for "omg are you really suggesting 4v4 deathmatch is comparable with a 8v8 game mode that offers additional means of victory, are you not even going to admit to the added complexity of doubling the amount of players Do you even Huttball bro?")


I understood the meaning the first time, and it's still nonsense even after you've unnecessarily explained it lol


People desperately trying to glamorize regs and 8v8 ranked on these forums always amaze me. Invariably it's because they're bad at arenas, but I also don't know you in particular.

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You'd be surprised how far basic pvp skills like awareness, rotational knowledge, knowledge of ur CDS, and reaction time will get you in ranked.... could probably get silver with just those skills and nothing more.


It's something the RPers don't have, when they write their essay on the forums about how "Ranked is a Cesspool of Toxicity."


Can confirm. Did regs, learned game basics, multi silver my first season. I also did some preseason I suppose.


People in ranked don't get upset when you mess up the complex parts of it, they get upset when you let yourself die unstunned without pushing your dcds. The bar is extremely low, if you can't push your one vanish button and decide you're ready for competitive pvp the hate is kinda warranted imo.



Also to the complexity argument, regstars think regs is more complex because they don't know what they don't know. Cc and cleansing mechanics, dcd outplay, kiting, chasing, focus target interrupt, healer control, and swapping off guard are all entirely foreign to them to the point they don't know they exist, and it shows in their regs gameplay. It's also why they never improve--can't learn and practice something you don't even know about. It's why talented ranked streamers are such a valuable commodity, but unfortunately most of them don't stream anymore.

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When there are two queues, the queue that requires people to get a group to play dies.


And just because some people that take steroids lose anyways doesn't mean taking steroids for weekend softball games isn't an exploit.


Grouping breaks the queueing system - it skews the averages, putting more newer, less skilled/geared and/or bots on one side and the relatively more serious/experienced players on the other. It's never going to be perfect but pvp in swtor should at least try to be fair. Either force everyone to join a group to queue or block everyone from being able to group. Sometimes I want to play 1 or 2 warzones in a bracket/faction/character I don't normally play and then stop; I'm supposed to spend an hour forming a group for that if I want to play on an even field? Just because everyone's gotten used to (exploiting) premades over the years doesn't mean it's been good for the game or good for pvp queues.


And no, "distracting" the number farmer premades by feeding them kills so my team can get the objectives pretty much never feels like much of a win.

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It’s funny watching everyone tell each other who ranked and pvp are for. If you play this game it’s for you. If you suck, it’s for you. Go have fun. The next 10 ranked matches I queue for will be naked. This will help all the 1337 kids.


I wonder if you guys read what you’re typing, or is it just like fleet chat where you type the fastest and hope someone reads your expert opinion in whatever you happen to be an expert on that day. We need more people coming to enjoy pvp, not less! Be welcoming to losing a few if you see new players on your team. All these new players are potential pvpers to play with and against in the future.


I’ll try to explain to the pvpers who never party with friends to prove their point on the fact that pvp shouldn’t have parties. 90% of my groups usually could care less about what build the party composition is. We joke around and talk about the funny things that happened that day. Dabs. Joking. PvP. - Rinse and repeat. I queue solo too, and when I get rolled on for a couple of matches, I just move on.


It’s hard to believe, but I played on a lot of servers where pubs were owning pvp. I lost 3/4 matches I played. All that did was make me a lot better at countering great moves and smart players. Don’t hate on friends trying to have fun. When I’m solo, I’m glad people are still partying up and having a good time. Take your loss and move on. It’s not even a guaranteed loss. I have won so many matches against Premades just countering movements. It’s all experience, so take it with a lot of fun.

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Sometimes I feel like I am playing a complety different game than the people here.


Honestly I just don't see how you could loose that many games in a row. Time and time again on stream I have hunted premades and soloed carried. I even have premade hunting nights. Where I put them on friends list to try and que into them.


Don't have the time right now to stream that but the vids are there. I think the last time I went 10-4 against premades.


The biggest issue I see is the ones that complain to the most of the time it's their own fault for looses. Honestly I'll que with anyone to help with pvp concepts. There's not a lot out there on how to actually play each warzone. I won't be toxic or anything if you really want to learn.

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When there are two queues, the queue that requires people to get a group to play dies.


And just because some people that take steroids lose anyways doesn't mean taking steroids for weekend softball games isn't an exploit.


Grouping breaks the queueing system - it skews the averages, putting more newer, less skilled/geared and/or bots on one side and the relatively more serious/experienced players on the other. It's never going to be perfect but pvp in swtor should at least try to be fair. Either force everyone to join a group to queue or block everyone from being able to group. Sometimes I want to play 1 or 2 warzones in a bracket/faction/character I don't normally play and then stop; I'm supposed to spend an hour forming a group for that if I want to play on an even field? Just because everyone's gotten used to (exploiting) premades over the years doesn't mean it's been good for the game or good for pvp queues.


And no, "distracting" the number farmer premades by feeding them kills so my team can get the objectives pretty much never feels like much of a win.


Well said. You said it better than anyone.


I don't like the idea that I need to spend hours grouping just to be on the same playfield.


I also find it Hilarious that people who are defending premades organize premades themselves and the rest of solo quers are asking for an option to opt out of facing them.


I could care less to what people think. This "git gud" arguement is false on many levels. If that is the case then all you PREMADES just solo que. If you want to shoot **** with your boys and have a good time - go que PVE or que against other premades.


Majority of the premades on my server (Sateele Shan) are people with sub par game mechanics that win by virtue of having a good comp (Tank/ Healer and 2 DPS). You can't be serious and argue that it is a good matchmaking when you have 10 DPS solo quers and a premade with a tank and a healer on the other side.


Yes you can play objectives, but the premade will still farm numbers, kills and then brag about it in general chat. For all soloquers can we please create a petition to just give us a chance to OPT OUT of premades during unranked solo que.

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It’s funny watching everyone tell each other who ranked and pvp are for. If you play this game it’s for you. If you suck, it’s for you. Go have fun. The next 10 ranked matches I queue for will be naked. This will help all the 1337 kids.


I wonder if you guys read what you’re typing, or is it just like fleet chat where you type the fastest and hope someone reads your expert opinion in whatever you happen to be an expert on that day. We need more people coming to enjoy pvp, not less! Be welcoming to losing a few if you see new players on your team. All these new players are potential pvpers to play with and against in the future.


I’ll try to explain to the pvpers who never party with friends to prove their point on the fact that pvp shouldn’t have parties. 90% of my groups usually could care less about what build the party composition is. We joke around and talk about the funny things that happened that day. Dabs. Joking. PvP. - Rinse and repeat. I queue solo too, and when I get rolled on for a couple of matches, I just move on.


It’s hard to believe, but I played on a lot of servers where pubs were owning pvp. I lost 3/4 matches I played. All that did was make me a lot better at countering great moves and smart players. Don’t hate on friends trying to have fun. When I’m solo, I’m glad people are still partying up and having a good time. Take your loss and move on. It’s not even a guaranteed loss. I have won so many matches against Premades just countering movements. It’s all experience, so take it with a lot of fun.


I won 83% of the matches when I was leveling. I am losing a lot more right now at max level facing premades. Those 2 weeks where it was all 75s and a lot less premades felt a lot more enjoyable than this.


Stop talking out of your ***. You want to be nicer to people so they could PvP more often. Then do not run butt hugging premades. Biggest discouragement to get into PvP are premades. We all solo que players are saying it here. Removing premades is better for overall health of the game.

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We all solo que players are saying it here. Removing premades is better for overall health of the game.


Objection, that is pure speculation. You have no way of knowing what all players that solo que think. I que solo mostly and have zero issues with premades. I enjoy trolling them in chat.

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I won 83% of the matches when I was leveling. I am losing a lot more right now at max level facing premades. Those 2 weeks where it was all 75s and a lot less premades felt a lot more enjoyable than this.


Stop talking out of your ***. You want to be nicer to people so they could PvP more often. Then do not run butt hugging premades. Biggest discouragement to get into PvP are premades. We all solo que players are saying it here. Removing premades is better for overall health of the game.


Ah, you were in another thread talking about how you hate this game and all that... I tried to give you some tips on how to get better, as a new player, like you. Since I see you've ignored those tips, ill waste my time and give you on more! Being decent to people might actually get you a friend! you and that friend can party up in pvp. Careful though, if you get back to raging again, you'll lose that friend and have to queue solo once more.


As a newer player, I can see you also don't know that when you queue at level 75 for pvp, most of those players won't have half the skills you're using and owning with. I seem to see what kind of PvP you enjoy now. No... No premades in mid pvp, but a bunch of players still leveling and missing half their abilities. If that's the kind of pvp you enjoy winning, go level another character up!

Edited by picklesrskankin
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