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Is SWTOR even a MMO?


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Why would you enjoy random invites? Ur weird, this isn't WoW. And I'm fine with going through towns and not being randomly invited to join a guild.


Although in WoW, I was more of a mere Raider, so in the end I moved to the RAID guild that needed the best DPS or needed a tank slot filled without a bunch of half brained idiots to do end game content.

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So, an entire planet is roughly the size of a single zone in WoW?


I can't be certain, but... I'm not sure that's helping your argument.


Not sure if serious.


You're taking the term planet, far too literally.


Still can't tell if serious, or if I need to explain further.

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In world of warcraft its a linear path you follow. Notice all the other people online running by you while you are out and about? It's an MMO.


You don't know what Linear is, Linear means theres one way to do things, and thats the only way, in SWTOR, you follow one quest line, In WoW, you can Level wherever you want, in multiple places (with level being considered). I could level in any starting area with any race.

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You don't know what Linear is, Linear means theres one way to do things, and thats the only way, in SWTOR, you follow one quest line, In WoW, you can Level wherever you want, in multiple places (with level being considered). I could level in any starting area with any race.


The only areas non-linear in WoW are azeroth. Outlands, Wrath (with the exception of starting zones) and Cata (with the exception of staring zones) are all linear.

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It's not an mmorpg.


It's a morpg


Seems like everyone in these forums has no knowledge at all.


Does anyone know the word massive and it's meaning when it comes to mmorpgs.Of course u dont.


Massive means big open world that is so big u can get lost in it and u have tons of things to do in this world.


Well starwars it's not a world it's a bunch of instances that kills the world massive.

So no it's not an mmorpg it's a singleplayer game wich plays only online just like diablo 3 in order to reduce piracy.Got it?

The worst part is that they demand u to pay for this multiplayer game in which im totaly negative.


Now say thank to god that u learned something in your misserable knowledge and celebrate with a cookie.


you are incorrect, the massive in MMORPG relates to the massive amount of players on the same server usually applied when a server has at least 1000 players.

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You don't know what Linear is, Linear means theres one way to do things, and thats the only way, in SWTOR, you follow one quest line, In WoW, you can Level wherever you want, in multiple places (with level being considered). I could level in any starting area with any race.


You weren't there at launch then when you had to follow the same linear type of path to the original cap.


If you're going to make comparisons then be realistic about it or don't bother.

Edited by EzoEo
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You don't know what Linear is, Linear means theres one way to do things, and thats the only way, in SWTOR, you follow one quest line, In WoW, you can Level wherever you want, in multiple places (with level being considered). I could level in any starting area with any race.


And even then there were still the "best" leveling areas that everyone went to anyway. The option was there, but most of those other leveling areas were so unbearable there was no point in going to them.

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You don't know what Linear is, Linear means theres one way to do things, and thats the only way, in SWTOR, you follow one quest line, In WoW, you can Level wherever you want, in multiple places (with level being considered). I could level in any starting area with any race.




In WoW you generally have two zones at most that are level appropriate. Can you technically get you a higher level zone and level by killing random animals? I suppose you could, but none of the quests are available to you. The game very clearly funnels you into one of two directions, and that's at most. It gets even more linear as you go.


And on top of that, enemies get massive advantages over you when they are five levels or so higher, so even if it's technically possible to maybe sneak into a higher level area, trying to actually LEVEL that way would be absolutely miserable.

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actually massively refers to the game world not the population.


And to the OP. I never played WOW, but this is no different then any other MMO I ever played. EQ2 and LOTRO just use a different mechanic to go from zone to zone. Only game I played that didn't have zones was an old game called Istaria..something. A very old MMO that still exists but has a very small following now a days.


To be an MMO it only needs to have a large persistent game world, be available to multiple players at the same time and be online 24/7 (more or less). Thats it. There is no dimensional requirements or zone/instance requirements.


I can't believe you've been playing MMO's for all these years and don't even know what the 1st M means? LOL

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It sure as hell feels like an MMO to me.


The second I started the game and created my first character, it immediately felt like an MMO. The chat was bustling as was the world itself -- many players were fighting and questing around me, traveling to and fro to their respective questing areas. The entire area felt very much like a battlefield, and that was just on the starter planet. As soon as I arrived on the second capital planet, it was even more crowded. The quest zones were jampacked with players running around, traveling, fighting, harvesting, chatting etc. and the chat was always filled with heroic requests and LFGs.


I don't know what everyone's expecting when it comes to a "real" MMO. I don't know what they are comparing SW:ToR to... it feels just as "MMO-ey" as the rest of them.


It seems to me like everyone is yearning to feel that rush they got when they played their first MMO -- the feeling of being in a massive, persistent world. A feeling that, I might add, will NEVER come back. :rolleyes:

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The term MMO can mean many different things now-a-days like casual and hardcore. Even if you try to use the dictionary, you will find people have different views on it. This is a theme park MMO. That is the best way you can call it. This is not a bad thing but merely a different take on a MMO.
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Everything feels so linear and feels as if its not open-world. Each zone you teleport to via your spaceship and each of the planets you are restricted for example there may be mountains covering around the planet and thats where it ends. Theres no sense of open world where if your at a planet you cant just ride there without having to have a stupid loading screen.


Its basically.. * Walk to Spaceship * * Click Planet * * Loading Screen * * Your now at the planet *. So its not really open world when everythings loading. Your gonna hate me even more saying this but World of Warcraft was always open world.


I could go from Darnassus to Stormwind by walking, flying without stupid loading screens. The only time you would get loading times if you went on a boat, or went into an instance. In this game it's a linear path you follow.


Whats up with that?


What about when you go to outland?northrend?another continent? Any of the cata zones? Oh thats right LOADING SCREENS. On this game what are they? Cinematics, it makes it feel more like a story. Go back to the wow forums to troll.

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The chat was bustling as was the world itself -- many players were fighting and questing around me, traveling to and fro to their respective questing areas




what bazaaro server were you playing on? my server is on a constant 30-50 minute queue and even on the space station the only chat is "LFM Healz 4 cadaminu" and there is no dueling, only people sitting about on their speeders.


the game is a MRPG, a multi-player RPG, there is a great lack of massive in this game.

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what bazaaro server were you playing on? my server is on a constant 30-50 minute queue and even on the space station the only chat is "LFM Healz 4 cadaminu" and there is no dueling, only people sitting about on their speeders.


the game is a MRPG, a multi-player RPG, there is a great lack of massive in this game.


I could ask you the same thing. I've seen chat active and routinely see lots of other players AND I've never experienced one of these so called wait times and my server is high population.

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How is it? whats linear about WoW? you dont have a designated path in which you need to follow. There are quests in which you travel at your own free will to complete at your own free will. There are no limitations where in this game your limited. WoW is a Sandbox and is not linear at all!


LOL jesus christ.


wow is a sandbox huh? lol hahaha


hmm can't tell if troll or not but....


wow is the mmo that coined the term themepark. you say its not linear? i say you go into a quest hub and collect all the quests do them, then the last quest you get sends you to the next village to rinse and repeat.

sure you can go to another villiage instead but guess what, you're gonna collect those quests do em and be shipped off to the next villiage.


Don't sit here and act like you know what the term 'sandbox' means and apply that to wow.


sandbox=player driven content with the tools provided by the developers.

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I could ask you the same thing. I've seen chat active and routinely see lots of other players AND I've never experienced one of these so called wait times and my server is high population.


as in my signature, i play on prophecy of the five.

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I can understand why MMO fans are upset though.


I can't. It has every other basic multiplayer element that any other MMO has. the only real difference I see is that the PLAYERS are the ones refusing to group, or dont seem interested in grouping. That however is not short sight of Bioware's that's just players choosing solo over grouping.



I can't help but laugh at the people who use "it doesn't feel like an open world" to justify their statements that this isn't an MMO. I don't believe I've seen any definition ever, that states a MMO has to have a completely opened world. I've read that it needs to have a persistent world which basically means the game world continues even if you do not. But never has "open world" been a necessary defining characteristic of an MMO.


If that's the case then half the MMO that are MMOs aren't MMOs because nearly every MMO restricts you in some manner or another from going wherever you please. Nearly every MMO has some sort of loading screen (yes WoW has many, even in Vanilla).

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I play MMO's because I expect it to be an open world. I want to be able to have the freedom to go to a quiet place without the hectic cause of having to go through citys and have to go through countless loading times. I love open-world and sadly it didnt meet my expectations.

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