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The only mistake BW made (imo)


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...is letting people post who haven't got their email yet. They wanted to avoid the forums being full of idiot posts from people who aren't playing (with active subscription); probably should've included early access.

That would include me too, but all the crying is really obnoxious.

EGA is a priveledge, not a right.

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...is letting people post who haven't got their email yet. They wanted to avoid the forums being full of idiot posts from people who aren't playing (with active subscription); probably should've included early access.

That would include me too, but all the crying is really obnoxious.

EGA is a priveledge, not a right.


Your right about the silly posts and the crying and whining. I only signed up just over a week ago and if I have que up and stand in line to get on so be it. I think BW is doing it right if they let us all in at once they would probably have a major server crash. Hopefully I get my invite before Friday but if that is the day Oh well BW did say originally that it would be 5 days before the rest.

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I'm generally not against forum whining as there is a basis in them. However this time I fully agree with you. People have HUGE entitlement issues on here obviously. They feel they're entitled to the first early access day because they ordered CE, or...just because they pre-ordered even. And the amount of threads about just this...it drowns out all other threads.


YES they could have granted access to more people. From the server population screenshots I've seen, they could have allowed double the amount in. So they made a calculation error, BIG DEAL. They're still humans and thus not perfect.


People should just wait their turn already and stop ************ about 'not getting in on the first day of EGA.

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...is letting people post who haven't got their email yet. They wanted to avoid the forums being full of idiot posts from people who aren't playing (with active subscription); probably should've included early access.

That would include me too, but all the crying is really obnoxious.

EGA is a priveledge, not a right.


yeah cause we at a freakn court infront of a judge. we not VALUED FREAKN customers, there are privligies and rights here.


in Mcdonalds its a PRIVELEDGE for the staff to say thank you and please NOT A RIGHT.


how many more idiots want to come here post thinking they smart?


ffs herd of sheep.

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I'm generally not against forum whining as there is a basis in them. However this time I fully agree with you. People have HUGE entitlement issues on here obviously. They feel they're entitled to the first early access day because they ordered CE, or...just because they pre-ordered even. And the amount of threads about just this...it drowns out all other threads.


YES they could have granted access to more people. From the server population screenshots I've seen, they could have allowed double the amount in. So they made a calculation error, BIG DEAL. They're still humans and thus not perfect.


People should just wait their turn already and stop ************ about 'not getting in on the first day of EGA.

when you work and get paid say 20 an hour which is a reasonable salary, and you not complaining, then someone come and do EXACT same job but for 40 an hour, do you raise questions?


to me and many others its a deal breaker to walk in to a PvP server where there is World PvP and the battleground shares lvl 10 and 50, and by time you hit lvl 10 you realise there are 100 lvl 50 in the server, YET YOU PRE-ORDERED then you wont be happy.


they taking some of the fun out of this game simply by letting some people who pre-ordered before others who ALSO pre-ordered.


their communication about it was ZERO, none of the people who got in today had a clue they getting in today, no one knows who will be in tomorrow or after, all they tell us is refresh your freakn E-mail t ofind out???


so those who have no job have no problem, but us working who enjoy first day of a new game and want to take a day off for it CANT cause we have no clue whats going on.


yesssss i can wait till 20th but if i am told i can play 15th *** why wait?


if you stress test before hand and you know your servers can take xxxxx players over period of xxxx hours then do your math and invite those people before hand to start on xx day at xx hour....


but NO they do it their way, they dont tell us whos going in when they going in how many going in because "its info you dont need to know" and you all like a herd of sheep should be like YES MASTER ITS A PRIVILAGE THANK YOU.


well to hell with this, get some customer service in this game or not many customers will be around.


as i said before KODOS to the developers of the game, they have done an ABSLOUTLY AMAZING JOB, this game is best i played. but the team behind customer relation, and customer support FAIL

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...is letting people post who haven't got their email yet. They wanted to avoid the forums being full of idiot posts from people who aren't playing (with active subscription); probably should've included early access.

That would include me too, but all the crying is really obnoxious.

EGA is a priveledge, not a right.


Almost makes you think people are unhappy with staggered early access.

Edited by Darkblack
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when you work and get paid say 20 an hour which is a reasonable salary, and you not complaining, then someone come and do EXACT same job but for 40 an hour, do you raise questions?


to me and many others its a deal breaker to walk in to a PvP server where there is World PvP and the battleground shares lvl 10 and 50, and by time you hit lvl 10 you realise there are 100 lvl 50 in the server, YET YOU PRE-ORDERED then you wont be happy.


they taking some of the fun out of this game simply by letting some people who pre-ordered before others who ALSO pre-ordered.


their communication about it was ZERO, none of the people who got in today had a clue they getting in today, no one knows who will be in tomorrow or after, all they tell us is refresh your freakn E-mail t ofind out???


so those who have no job have no problem, but us working who enjoy first day of a new game and want to take a day off for it CANT cause we have no clue whats going on.


yesssss i can wait till 20th but if i am told i can play 15th *** why wait?


if you stress test before hand and you know your servers can take xxxxx players over period of xxxx hours then do your math and invite those people before hand to start on xx day at xx hour....


but NO they do it their way, they dont tell us whos going in when they going in how many going in because "its info you dont need to know" and you all like a herd of sheep should be like YES MASTER ITS A PRIVILAGE THANK YOU.


well to hell with this, get some customer service in this game or not many customers will be around.


as i said before KODOS to the developers of the game, they have done an ABSLOUTLY AMAZING JOB, this game is best i played. but the team behind customer relation, and customer support FAIL


So your raging because you didn't get in? Seriously they have communicated enough. Its pretty damn clear how early access is going down. One thing for sure you are guaranteed some early access. How much? That's up to them but hey they told you that when you pre-ordered. So yeah they clearly stated their intent. Hell I understood it, and every person I personally know who pre-ordered which is a fair number understood that.


Going to post this anyway for everybody else and hell I think I may cut copy and paste what I say below to post in every damn thread complaining about not getting in. I am actually pretty amazed at the ignorance and lack of comprehension many people seem to be displaying on these forums today.


Bioware has clearly stated on their website under the pre-order FAQ that you would be granted access based of the date you pre-ordered. Hell even on the pre-order page it says you MAY get 5 days of early access. How about you and ever other person complaining about not getting in go and look up the word MAY in a dictionary, it sure seem s to many many people do not know what it means.

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WOW A thread that has common sense in it. That would have been awesome, then I could actually read REAL information rather than pages of threads people have started to cry about Bioware not giving them a max level, top tier armour and weapons on their character from before the game was anounced, no even before it was thought of.
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...is letting people post who haven't got their email yet. They wanted to avoid the forums being full of idiot posts from people who aren't playing (with active subscription); probably should've included early access.

That would include me too, but all the crying is really obnoxious.

EGA is a priveledge, not a right.


You are right. It hasn't been a mistake AT ALL to not notify people of when they will finally get into the game. The communication of EGA, grace period, changing their mind, no notifications has been PERFECT!

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Your right about the silly posts and the crying and whining. I only signed up just over a week ago and if I have que up and stand in line to get on so be it. I think BW is doing it right if they let us all in at once they would probably have a major server crash. Hopefully I get my invite before Friday but if that is the day Oh well BW did say originally that it would be 5 days before the rest.


Stop saying there would have been a server crash. If that's the case, then what do you think the 20th will be? If they aren't ready now, they won't be ready for the 20th.


This helps somewhat on risk management, but 7 days of super slow access is extreme.

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Stop saying there would have been a server crash. If that's the case, then what do you think the 20th will be? If they aren't ready now, they won't be ready for the 20th.


This helps somewhat on risk management, but 7 days of super slow access is extreme.


The 20th will be much better as they've gated alot of the entry into the game. READY is hardly a yes or no affair. They may be ready to accept X amount of players but may require further fine tuning as the process goes. If your eager to stare at a *********** blue wheel for hours on end, then my condolences to you and yours. If not then get up and do something else while you wait for your email.

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So your raging because you didn't get in? Seriously they have communicated enough. Its pretty damn clear how early access is going down. One thing for sure you are guaranteed some early access. How much? That's up to them but hey they told you that when you pre-ordered. So yeah they clearly stated their intent. Hell I understood it, and every person I personally know who pre-ordered which is a fair number understood that.


Going to post this anyway for everybody else and hell I think I may cut copy and paste what I say below to post in every damn thread complaining about not getting in. I am actually pretty amazed at the ignorance and lack of comprehension many people seem to be displaying on these forums today.


Bioware has clearly stated on their website under the pre-order FAQ that you would be granted access based of the date you pre-ordered. Hell even on the pre-order page it says you MAY get 5 days of early access. How about you and ever other person complaining about not getting in go and look up the word MAY in a dictionary, it sure seem s to many many people do not know what it means.



Just because they announced it doesn't make it any better that on launch day there will be lvl 50s in battleground queues and world PvP. That will definitely have an impact on the experience of launch...


I love launch day. Too bad I missed it since I'll probably get day 3 or 4 of EGA...

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...is letting people post who haven't got their email yet. They wanted to avoid the forums being full of idiot posts from people who aren't playing (with active subscription); probably should've included early access.

That would include me too, but all the crying is really obnoxious.

Ega is a priveledge, not a right.


who the heck do you think you are?

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