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BUG: Ruins of null, lana disappears(solo)


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  • 1 month later...
I've just had Lana disappear in solo story too. I'm playing Republic side as a sage and I noticed she was gone shortly after the conversation where she and Tau were discussing possible reasons why the shield was up. I can't say if I mounted before noticing (I don't think I did), though I had mounted several times before then without any problems. (For the record, I have previously done this fp in solo story (before 7.0.1) repside on a sentinel and impside on a sorcerer and a sniper without encountering this issue. All three regularly used mounts where they were allowed.)
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  • 2 months later...

While doing this quest Imp side, Revix or whatever that red darth guy's name is, fell off the stairs shortly before the Malgus fight. - finally completed it with my BH (yay!) . I felt fortunate because he reappeared before the fight. My character & Lana didn't fall, just the red guy.


There is a problem in that you cannot summon any companion during the flashpoint. Not Lana, not Revix.


They should fix this so you can summon the 2 you do the flashpoint with. I know they don't allow you to do it with companions you actually want, but they don't give you the option to resummon the ones they give you.

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I skipped killing the baddies on the stairs on the way to Malgus.

Arrived at the top, the FP of course wouldn't progress because killing those on the stairs is really required.


Of course, I could not return to the bottom of the stairs to do so, because of the grappling hooks which can't be used to go down again.


So in the end, I simply jumped off the stairs and killed myself.

After doing so, Lana finally did return.


So next to the Lana issue, it's also "great" mission design.

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  • 1 month later...

I can confirm this, too. Playing Republic character. Lana disappeared after the first boss fight, but was still in cutscenes and audio commentary could be heard while running around.


However, as soon as the cutscene ended after defeating the shield computer boss, her dead body appeared right under my feet... But there was no revival option. Picture can be found below:




Her body also appeared under my feet after the next cutscene as well.


She only came back after I threw myself off a cliff.

Edited by Nevelyna
Found a (not great) workaround.
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  • 6 months later...

Sorry to drag up an old thread ...  but this still exists!  It had nothing to do with any mounts.  Lana was simply gone just before I started looking for the keystones!  She's nowhere to be found!  Then she shows up at the cutscene just before the trap where we destroy the machine!  When it's time to do battle ... (and the cut scene is completed) Lana is lying dead at my feet with no way to revive her!  NO!  I was not going to jump off a cliff to see if that would work.  If you log off ... then you get to start the entire part of the story alllll over again. [/facepalm].
This sequence of events continues up to and including the encounter with Malgus.  I faced Malgus with just me and Tau.  Strangely enough it did not matter.  I still beat Malgus.  In fact I had zero issues with Tau falling off the cliff this time  (she always does...  also another known bug).

In any case...  I was able to complete the story.  It's just a mess though.  All of Lana's VA is also still intact all the way through the experience...  just no Lana!  (Really weird) And I did have to be careful as to how much damage I was taking!  No biggie..,  after Manaan I've gotten used to the idea that I'm going to take a beating in game these days! 

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  • 1 month later...

After having this issue 3 times, i finally had a full run with Lana. Though for that, i had to respect two things :

1- no use of rocket boost, or mount (As she is not considered as our companion in that instance, the fact that i run very fast left her way behind, and may be unable to catch the distance) and no strange jumping road to advance in the instance.

2 - always watch she follows at a certain distance.

Once this was done, i had no issue at all.

i did several other tests, and each time if i run too fast, i loose her. I was able to get her back in one of this instance by diing voluntarily. When i rezzed she was with me again, and i could finish the instance without issue.

May be SWTOR could put a flag on the run so she is teleported each time to us


UPDATE : run today 2 times the instance. tested again by doing one instance with no run or jumping, all went smooth and i never lost Lana. On the second time i did run a lot using the rocket, or mount, as well as jumping down and climbing, and Lana vanished. I could only bring her up again by doing /stuck and diing voluntarily


Edited by Malibbu
Confirmation with 2 new runs
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