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Your playerbase is in uproar now IS NOT the time to stay silent Bioware


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You asked for feedback when this was on the PTS, we gave it to you, you ignored it.


The expansion has launched and its the shortest to date around 2 hours if you discount the bugged final boss fight in the flashpoint.


The UI is terrible, seriously it looked better before 7.0, people told you this while it was on PTS, once again you ignored them.


Your list of bugs is as long as, if not longer than the patch notes for the expansion.


Your twitter feed since launch reads like a bad joke, Servers going down at 4, update servers now going down at 4:30, update servers now aren't going down, update servers are going down in 15 minutes, it reads like amateur hour, you are a AAA studio for crying out loud, act like one.


You say you listen to feedback (you didn't on the PTS) and respond to players concerns, Jackie less than 3 weeks ago you even said:




Yet at the moment your player base is in uproar, people are telling you this isn't an expansion its a small story up-date at best, people are telling you again that the new UI is terrible, people are telling you that they don't want systems you pushed through despite being told we didn't like them when they where on the PTS.


Right now your player base needs to know you hear them because to be blunt right now you guys are coming across as tone deaf and ignoring the problem, there is zero acknowledgement you see any of the current criticism's about story length, feeling its not an expansion, UI being widely hated.


It's time you (Bioware) who pushed this live and had the audacity to call it a expansion to come and face the music and answer your paying player bases concerns and dislikes instead of sitting silent and hoping it goes away.


Have any of the Dev team heard of the NGE and how SOE handled that communication? Because you are handling communication now exactly like SOE did, in another Star Wars game, its like history repeating.


Stop sitting silent.


Two things.


Since when does a Dev ask for feedback - and actually acknowledge it? They ask for feedback in order to make sure that we feel like we have a (muted) voice, not because they actually plan to implement it.


Only cowards stay silent. Considering the fact that they suspended my other account because those ****bags allow others to insult their users, I can pretty much say for sure that they're reading this. What, are they hiding behind a skirt or something? Crying themselves to sleep because they shamed themselves by making us wait for such a ****** expansion?


Both would be relevant.


In summary: Never assume that the Devs take our feedback seriously, and NEVER assume they have a backbone. Doing either of those things will make you naive.

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No amount of complaining or demanding on the forums will matter. The only, TRULY effective thing to do is simply cancel your subscription and stop spending on the CM. The current management of this game clearly won't respond to anything else. The more of us that vote "no" with our wallets, the faster we will see any potential fixes to this insulting disaster. Edited by Rennex
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No amount of complaining on demanding on the forums will matter. The only, TRULY effective thing to do is simply cancel your subscription and stop spending on the CM. The current management of this game clearly won't respond to anything else. The more of us that vote "no" with our wallets, the faster we will see any potential fixes to this insulting disaster.


They only pay attention if enough people unsubscribe at once on mass. Unfortunately there are too many people willing to keep throwing away money with this company.

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We could potentially find out exactly what ratio of subscribers to F2P accounts they need to keep the bosses happy.


Like it or not, you HAVE to be a subscriber to post here, and IF the people saying they're going to quit actually do...that's a lot of cancelled accounts (using the "if one person takes the time to complain to you about your product/service/etc....assume that 10 others have the same opinion and just didn't tell you about it" rule of thumb)


I agree totally. It is a well-known fact (from an analyst standpoint of view) that for each person who will take the time to post here there are quite a few more who don't (with the same negative opinion).


That said: IMO the game is in trouble for certain .. but dead or done might be a tad over the top. I should also point out that if the team continues to ignore what is taking place ... yeah ... even bigger issues will follow quickly.

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To me it isn't JUST a matter of "fixing" anything, though there are many bugs that need fixed.

Someone, at some point in the last 6 months, decided on the wrong direction to take the game.


The short story that came with 7.0 was to be expected. It's essentially the same setup as 6.0 with the intro to the story taking us to Ossus. I kind of expected that, only this time the daily area wasn't finished in time so we aren't distracted by grinding up new rep (is there even rep for manaan?)


Changing how the Gearing system worked. That's a pretty major design change.

Changing how the weeklies for the heroics & daily areas work. that's a pretty major design change.

Changing how the skill trees work. That's a pretty major design change.


There isn't anything to really fix with these examples. You either commit to them, and they have, or you change them back to how they were before....which I doubt very much they're willing to do.


Solid points with fact and merit !!


To that list I'd also add that so much of what made the game what it was no longer exists. As well add to that mix the number of BUGS we all deal with!


IMO add all of this up it spells out a VERY frustrating situation for a LOT of customers !

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Solid points with fact and merit !!


To that list I'd also add that so much of what made the game what it was no longer exists. As well add to that mix the number of BUGS we all deal with!


IMO add all of this up it spells out a VERY frustrating situation for a LOT of customers !


Can you imagine their results if they put an actual customer satisfaction survey on the login screen. One for free to play people and one for subscribers. I bet there would be a big difference on expectations based on what people expect as paying customers and what people expect for free.

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I agree totally. It is a well-known fact (from an analyst standpoint of view) that for each person who will take the time to post here there are quite a few more who don't (with the same negative opinion).


That said: IMO the game is in trouble for certain .. but dead or done might be a tad over the top. I should also point out that if the team continues to ignore what is taking place ... yeah ... even bigger issues will follow quickly.


It does really seem to be "sunsetting" this game, it feel like were at a club and they've turned the lights up to hurry us off the dance floor.

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But you know they will stay silent because that’s what they do. It’s their default setting. They will let us all rage and unsubscribe before they admit mistakes and man up to discuss it.


What I want to know is who were the handful of people at Bioware responsible for this **** show and are they going to be held accountable? Will they even have the balls to apologise to the community who told them for over 6 months that this was the wrong approach and reported ALL the problems that have gone live while on the PTS builds.


How does something like this even go live with things that players reported over 6 months ago? Who is responsible for allowing this to happen? The arrogance or incompetence is astounding,


We need a change.org petition asking Disney/EA/Bioware to roll back ALL the system changes for 7.0. Then rerelease the expansion in 7.1 with only the story updates. Use the old 6.0 gearing system (with less RNG and **** mods) and with updated stats. Use the old UI system and do away with swapping combat styles until it can be made to work smoothly, quickly, on the fly and incorporated into the old UI style. And for ****s sake, change the damn font back so it doesn’t hurt our eyes and we can see it.


I’d sign that petition in a heart beat.


Or, maybe we need to start complaining loudly on the Disney forums, and draw attention from that end. DIsney and StarWars.com may be two places to actually get a response, since the Dev Team does not want to respond here. Our Producer should have already addressed the community. Forcing "New Game Enhancements" down our throats and then just being silent, did not work the last time, why should it work now?

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To me it isn't JUST a matter of "fixing" anything, though there are many bugs that need fixed.

Someone, at some point in the last 6 months, decided on the wrong direction to take the game.


The short story that came with 7.0 was to be expected. It's essentially the same setup as 6.0 with the intro to the story taking us to Ossus. I kind of expected that, only this time the daily area wasn't finished in time so we aren't distracted by grinding up new rep (is there even rep for manaan?)


Changing how the Gearing system worked. That's a pretty major design change.

Changing how the weeklies for the heroics & daily areas work. that's a pretty major design change.

Changing how the skill trees work. That's a pretty major design change.


There isn't anything to really fix with these examples. You either commit to them, and they have, or you change them back to how they were before....which I doubt very much they're willing to do.


Exactly. They have fundamentally changed the game, with this update. I even had hot keys on my UI that were moved across the screen. Why?? What was that all about? These look like the toons that we have been using, but they are not the same.

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Or, maybe we need to start complaining loudly on the Disney forums, and draw attention from that end. DIsney and StarWars.com may be two places to actually get a response, since the Dev Team does not want to respond here. Our Producer should have already addressed the community. Forcing "New Game Enhancements" down our throats and then just being silent, did not work the last time, why should it work now?


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It does really seem to be "sunsetting" this game, it feel like were at a club and they've turned the lights up to hurry us off the dance floor.


Personally, I hope that's not the case.

On the other hand, you could be right. Don Meredith summed it up like this:






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