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cartel market weapons


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i have been asking in game and on discord, now here, what is going to be done with cartel market weapons, they are all gear that uses mods, are they just going to become useless? is there a weapon cosmetic slot, like the armor slots? will those of us that use cartel market weapons just going to be using items that are 5 levels lower that everyone else?
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7.1 is when dev notes say that will be addressed.


Until then it's either live with 306 pretty weapon or upgrade to something not so lovely. All depends what you're trying to do in the game. If you're PvE casual, hanging onto a 306 cartel weapon won't gimp you if the rest of your gear is upgraded.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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i have been asking in game and on discord, now here, what is going to be done with cartel market weapons, they are all gear that uses mods, are they just going to become useless? is there a weapon cosmetic slot, like the armor slots? will those of us that use cartel market weapons just going to be using items that are 5 levels lower that everyone else?


being able to put weapons is supposed to be coming wit 7.1 but when that is supposed to happen, who knows. Until then we either use mission reward weapons and all look the same or use the weapons we purchased and suck up the power difference.

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i have been asking in game and on discord, now here, what is going to be done with cartel market weapons, they are all gear that uses mods, are they just going to become useless? is there a weapon cosmetic slot, like the armor slots? will those of us that use cartel market weapons just going to be using items that are 5 levels lower that everyone else?


When 7.1 comes out, you'll be able to use weapons just like you do CM clothing in your outfit designer.


So, you'll basically be using that CM weapon as a "skin" for whatever weapon you have equipped.


It was supposed to drop with 7.0, but got pushed back due to a bug.


So, they won't be "useless" for long. At worst you'll have to run around with some other lvl 80 weapons for a bit.


Not the end of the world.

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LOL this patch wannabe expansion is such a joke omg lol


Their only form of income is subs....and cartel market. This patch was so bad that people are unsubbing and now they broke it so you can't even use the gear you buy from the cartel market LOL they are SINKING THIS game

Edited by Yojadi
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When 7.1 comes out, you'll be able to use weapons just like you do CM clothing in your outfit designer.


So, you'll basically be using that CM weapon as a "skin" for whatever weapon you have equipped.


It was supposed to drop with 7.0, but got pushed back due to a bug.


So, they won't be "useless" for long. At worst you'll have to run around with some other lvl 80 weapons for a bit.


Not the end of the world.


I'll believe it when we see it actually happen. This isn't the first time they've tried to add weapons to the outfit system and then ended up scrapping it

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