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So females with beards now?


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When it's a matter of limited time and resources then yes it's a matter of either/or. Did they make both the things people were actually asking for AND random lady-beards? No. They made one and not the other. Did they let us know that this is just the first of many customizations and that the things people actually want will be added as time goes by? No. Enjoy your beards, I don't care if you like them or not but you'll be one of the only ones using them meanwhile the customization aspects that have been lacking for 10 years will continue to fall by the wayside.


This is simply not how game development works. Making new customization features is exponentially more time intensive than the coding required to make an already available texture available for a different gender. As there have mentioned, it could even be unintentional. Either way, it’s not something you got “instead of” other features.

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As a woman, I find the female characters/companions dressed as sex toys to be very immersion breaking, and offensive too. It would be nice if they created a feature that let you block things that other people were wearing, like beards or bikinis on females, from being shown on your screen. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that forcing other people to see it is the whole point (not to mention that 7.0 being a buggy mess proves that adding new features is too hard for them).


As a woman, I find it invigorating to be able to dress and express myself anyway I wish. If that offends you, then I think it’s you that has the problem. Because I’m totally secure in my sexuality and power as a woman to choose my own path.

If what I wear offends you in this video game, then I think you should look for other entertainment that more wholesomely suits to your sensibilities, like a church coir.


Both of you make a good point. Ideally we could have a "conservative" and "liberal" visual options. Toggle conservative on and skimpy outfits become more covered, pink hair with green beard and purple lipstick becomes brown hair and no beard or lipstick etc and liberal allows everything. I always think people should be able to play things way they enjoy. I love color, but for many people immersive means more rough and grey look.


But that would sadly be too much work for it to be worth it. Their budget is very finite. So i guess things need to stay as they are.


Personally i find most of the bikini ladies very immersion breaking, but there are few skimpy outfits that work, and there are tons of wild/unconventional hairstyles that work. It also depends on context. DS Jaesa wearing her revealing top fits very well for her, as long as she does not get silly dancer's bottoms or other stupid stuff. DS Warrior keeping Vette as a slave and in skimpy outfit is realistic enough - unless she accomppanies them into battle.


As for beards and such... well problem is that i dont think bearded ladies or pink haired anyone fits well in Star Wars aesthetic. It fits well for some sci fi settings though, and there definetly are some more wild/unconventional looking visual options already, so why not allow for more? Star Wars is large galaxy, surely there are many places where wild/unconventional aesthetics are the norm. Coruscant, Zakuul, Nar Shaddaa, many other big planets with large populations.


So i would say yes for more options and variety. I just really hope that they don't become too common for NPCs. I like NPC aesthetics as they are, most are quite plane and regular looking, only few have more wild/unconventional look. Roughly in similar proportions like in real life, taking into account which planet/group those people come from. So more wild/unconventional looks in underworld of Nar Shaddaa, less in higher classes of Alderan. Keep it that way and its all good.

Edited by TheRomanRuler
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As a woman, I find the female characters/companions dressed as sex toys to be very immersion breaking, and offensive too. It would be nice if they created a feature that let you block things that other people were wearing, like beards or bikinis on females, from being shown on your screen. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that forcing other people to see it is the whole point (not to mention that 7.0 being a buggy mess proves that adding new features is too hard for them).

Then you'd better stay away from Tik-Tok or night clubs. Females are notorious for dressing themselves as sex toys. 😂

(And what's with those ugly long fingernails?)

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This is simply not how game development works. Making new customization features is exponentially more time intensive than the coding required to make an already available texture available for a different gender. As there have mentioned, it could even be unintentional. Either way, it’s not something you got “instead of” other features.


Great! So giving players alternate color options for Twi’leks, giving existing NPC hairstyles to players, etc...would have been much easier and less time intensive than adapting a beard texture to all the female faces. Too bad they didn’t do that INSTEAD of joke beards.

Edited by Nefla
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They probably went with the easiest and fastest to implement with the least amount of technical difficulty or effort required. It may have even started out as a bug and they decided to make it a feature. Regardless, just move on. It’s in the game now. It’s not hurting anyone and is actually helping some people. They aren’t going to remove it cause that would take it away from some players and take away resources to fix real problems in the game.

I’m not asking them to remove it, I don’t care about it. I’m asking for options we actually want to be implemented. If you don’t like my opinion, just “move on” and don’t reply. :rolleyes:

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Great! So giving players alternate color options for Twi’leks, giving existing NPC hairstyles to players, etc...would have been much easier and less time intensive than adapting a beard texture to all the female faces. To bad they didn’t do that INSTEAD of joke beards.


Literally the opposite of what I said and the opposite of what is true.

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I don't get why that would be offensive. I don't understand why seeing a female body would be so disturbing. It's a fantasy video game not your place of work. I guess we should only allow females in astronaut suites.



I happen to be 64 and female, and I agree with this. It is fantasy, so what's the problem? I even have Sith and Jedi characters (both female) dressed in the dancers outfits because I think they're sexy. Does that make me sexist? I don't think so. I just like a really pretty eye catching outfit!


Just for the record, I also have a bare chested male Cathar that shows off his gorgeous black fur!

Edited by cmcougar
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Literally the opposite of what I said and the opposite of what is true.

I'm glad you're finally admitting you're saying the opposite of what's true. A color or existing hairstyle is in fact easier to implement than a new set of textures mapped onto dozens of faces, I'm glad you see that now.

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I'm glad you're finally admitting you're saying the opposite of what's true. A color or existing hairstyle is in fact easier to implement than a new set of textures mapped onto dozens of faces, I'm glad you see that now.


The textures were already there for male characters. It takes no effort to make them accessible to female characters as well. It is so easy that we don’t even know if the change was intended or not. Honestly, I’m not sure what your game is here.

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I happen to be 64 and female, and I agree with this. It is fantasy, so what's the problem? I even have Sith and Jedi characters (both female) dressed in the dancers outfits because I think they're sexy. Does that make me sexist? I don't think so. I just like a really pretty eye catching outfit!


Just for the record, I also have a bare chested male Cathar that shows off his gorgeous black fur!


Good for you! Only 62 here, but I feel you rocking the senior onda. You go get 'em, girl!

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I happen to be 64 and female, and I agree with this. It is fantasy, so what's the problem? I even have Sith and Jedi characters (both female) dressed in the dancers outfits because I think they're sexy. Does that make me sexist? I don't think so. I just like a really pretty eye catching outfit!


Just for the record, I also have a bare chested male Cathar that shows off his gorgeous black fur!


I’m a 37 year old woman and I agree with this. I’m going to dress both my male and female characters however I like and whichever way suits their personality-some in full armor and some in skimpy outfits. Someone else can dress theirs however they want, I don’t care.

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gotta say that it brightens my mood to see this thread regularly pop back up amid all the complaints about bugs and terribly implemented changes.

they added something that can be so easily ignored, but people gotta fuss over it.


The day I stop fussing over the lack of Twi’lek and Zabrak customizations is the day I stop caring about this game and by then it’ll be too late.

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gotta say that it brightens my mood to see this thread regularly pop back up amid all the complaints about bugs and terribly implemented changes.

they added something that can be so easily ignored, but people gotta fuss over it.


It's worth complaining about.

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The day I stop fussing over the lack of Twi’lek and Zabrak customizations is the day I stop caring about this game and by then it’ll be too late.


Except that isn’t what this thread is about. Under your logic any thread about any option in the game should prompt you to complain about Twi’lek and Zabrak customizations.

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It was disturbing to see this when going to make a female character, because by default the customizations are randomized during character creation. Yuck.


I'd pay 1000 cartel coins to permanently disable it on my account. Please make this offer available soon, devs.

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I'm 65, female and I don't care how IG characters are dressed unless it breaks immersion.

Wearing a bikini (or the male version of one) on the fleet doesn't break immersion.

However, wearing one on Hoth or Ilum does.


(my favorite change came when you could put your character in different outfits and toggle between them without actually having to mod said gear. So If I go to Hoth, I'm wearing a parka!)


Female with a beard? I don't care. Star Wars has all manner of bipeds. I'm sure Wookie females have facial hair.


The game has all manner of bugs right now that are more relevant to get fixed.

Like Mounts, for any character that is in a guild. If I didn't have my mounts set up already in inventory prior to 6.0, I would not be able to pick my favorite mounts to ride for characters in a guild. However, this same glitch prevents me from adding new ones or changing existing ones.

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Like Mounts, for any character that is in a guild. If I didn't have my mounts set up already in inventory prior to 6.0, I would not be able to pick my favorite mounts to ride for characters in a guild. However, this same glitch prevents me from adding new ones or changing existing ones.

Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but you don't seem to know that you can scroll the Abilities list. "Mounts (vehicles)" is just below 'pets', but there is no 'scroll bar' to indicate that you can scroll.

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It was disturbing to see this when going to make a female character, because by default the customizations are randomized during character creation.

Ya know, you can change settings. 🤔

You don't have to keep the initial ones. 🙂

Just clutch your pearls while you move the slider. 😅

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