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Players disrespected.


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This game has always been imperfect and "broken". It always had "issues". But they were pretty fine to tolerate. Untill now...


All these things testers were talking about. Making this "expansion" go live as it is is just a spit. A complete disrespect to us, players.

Why do u do public tests and not take into consideration what ppl say?

Why break ui?

Where's new raid?

New pvp zones?

What's new appart from completely broke combat styles, keybinds and quickbars?

so many questions...


And I suppose there are good answeres for all of them. But why should I care?

I mean, I pay sub - am I not supposed to get a good quality content for that? Why should I spent 40 minutes loading, then 1,5 hrs trying to sort out combat styles, quickbars and keybinds only on 1 of my chars to figure out all these things are completely broken. I have no time for that.


But I have some healthy pride and self respect not to tolerate this developers' attitude towads me.


It's sad, SWTOR was a nice place and realy helped me during dark times. And I was loyal for so many years closing eyes and ignoring obvious limitations. Not any more...


May the Force be with you

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This game has always been imperfect and "broken". It always had "issues". But they were pretty fine to tolerate. Untill now...


All these things testers were talking about. Making this "expansion" go live as it is is just a spit. A complete disrespect to us, players.

Why do u do public tests and not take into consideration what ppl say?

Why break ui?

Where's new raid?

New pvp zones?

What's new appart from completely broke combat styles, keybinds and quickbars?

so many questions...


And I suppose there are good answeres for all of them. But why should I care?

I mean, I pay sub - am I not supposed to get a good quality content for that? Why should I spent 40 minutes loading, then 1,5 hrs trying to sort out combat styles, quickbars and keybinds only on 1 of my chars to figure out all these things are completely broken. I have no time for that.


But I have some healthy pride and self respect not to tolerate this developers' attitude towads me.


It's sad, SWTOR was a nice place and realy helped me during dark times. And I was loyal for so many years closing eyes and ignoring obvious limitations. Not any more...


May the Force be with you



Companies nowadays more and more expect the paying customer to be also a beta tester... They knew it, they just my opinion is wanted to make some big bucks of CE, some sales and some subs. And then just wrap things up.


Game's destroyed.

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Haven't even played the new content yet and I'm disappointed. I'm trying to find everything. UI is just an eyesore, have to rebuild my quick bars, and learn new mechanics.


I was fine with mechanics. But holy crap I can't get past the UI. It's so weird seeing your legacy/cargo box in one style and your personal cargo in another. Roll this back.


"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." was not followed here.

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And the OP has it right it basically feels like complete disrespect instead of appreciation for our continued purchases/subs.



Just Add Content



We're gonna change everything you like to improve gameplay and virtually ignore what you want.



Don't do this, here's X amount of ways to do what you're trying to do better even but don't do this.



Ok so most of the stuff you liked won't be in the expansion, but we've heard you about modded gear, abilities, and tacticals... So we're taking more of those away and now the uber grindy gear you hated has different stats!




(Silent bc they've logged off onto a game where they feel they're getting their moneys worth)

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Im a french player


I am so sad. I defended this game body and soul ,being a subscriber all the time. Having spent a colossal fortune in the cartel because completionist. I loved the raid, the achieves. In short I was satisfied with little even if I am an HL player having clean all the nim content.

I loved the game....


But here, I cannot condone.


It's a disaster


I say it again


I am so sad

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Sorry, but guess what, you don't talk on my behalf, and you'd be wrong if you tried, I'm not disappointed.


Ok, we get you're the one who is happy. But legitimately you're the only person I've seen, whether its reddit, genchat, forums and here.


So while you can add your voice as one in the other column you have to acknowledge a majority are unhappy with the changes.


You're totally allowed to like them, but you can't discredit they are not well received by most.

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I didnt go in to this expansion expecting much, I prepared for maybe a new planet, a bit of leveling, regearing and the like that comes with every new 'expansion' that Swtor has put out. I however did not expect to log in to find the game visual unpleasing and overall uncomfortable on the eyes. It reminds me of a middle school power point project, just boxes and links to different slides. Nothing about this feels complete, or honestly even professional. Instead its taken a stat based game and tried to hide the stats..made odd things in to popups..honestly that was worse than not being able to hide amplifiers.

Visually I just feel uncomfortable the UI itself feels sharper but that change doesnt make it look better but worse. I feel like they threw any features that could fit together in one screen there and said..that works, even if it doesnt. After all as long as the game keeps going they can 'bugfix' it later for more money.

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iam sad and as a founder iam uber angry :mad:


seeing the 2nd star wars mmo running down the massacre route again, in one lifetime :(


i mean, look at the known bug list, look at it or, better, look at my 2,5h long loading screen (...still loading).


i go to bed now and call it a day. maybe i wake up tomorrow and all was a bad dream

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iam sad and as a founder iam uber angry :mad:


seeing the 2nd star wars mmo running down the massacre route again, in one lifetime :(


i mean, look at the known bug list, look at it or, better, look at my 2,5h long loading screen (...still loading).


i go to bed now and call it a day. maybe i wake up tomorrow and all was a bad dream


Also founder here, from beta. Never ever saw something as horrible as this.


You at least got that loading screen. It saved you. I got to play for about 15 minutes, till i ragequitted.


Game's trash now.


Everything about 7.0 sucks so bad its not even worth mentioning anymore. The only option for them is to restore server to how it was pre expansion (or should i say "detraction")...


Im really sad. It was good while it lasted.


Time to move on i guess... i just turned 36. Maybe i should start focusing more on other stuff... tone down gaming a little bit

Edited by HectorCasan
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Also founder here, from beta. Never ever saw something as horrible as this.


You at least got that loading screen. It saved you. I got to play for about 15 minutes, till i ragequitted.


Game's trash now.


Everything about 7.0 sucks so bad its not even worth mentioning anymore. The only option for them is to restore server to how it was pre expansion (or should i say "detraction")...


Im really sad. It was good while it lasted.


Time to move on i guess... i just turned 36. Maybe i should start focusing more on other stuff... tone down gaming a little bit


Man your last line hits hard this game has been a very decent distraction from the ****-hole called reality for many years, to see this happen just hits even harder. Reminds me that all good things in reality go to **** because of other people. lol

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