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[Ruins of Nul: Story Mode] One Shot by Malgus


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I waited for the week to change, as posted in another forum.

But even the attempts 30-40 were not successful.

Have Tau run again as DD,Tank and Healer, stood inside at Malgus as well as outside behind the pillar.

Anyone else have any ideas?

My frustration level is just at maximum.... :mad:

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I waited for the week to change, as posted in another forum.

But even the attempts 30-40 were not successful.

Have Tau run again as DD,Tank and Healer, stood inside at Malgus as well as outside behind the pillar.

Anyone else have any ideas?

My frustration level is just at maximum.... :mad:


Same here really.

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I waited for the week to change, as posted in another forum.

But even the attempts 30-40 were not successful.

Have Tau run again as DD,Tank and Healer, stood inside at Malgus as well as outside behind the pillar.

Anyone else have any ideas?

My frustration level is just at maximum.... :mad:


What character are you doing it on? I did it on my sorceress (the only one that had no trouble) and I just kept moving her around since she is a lightening spec and no trouble. The rest (smuggler, etc) I tried with no luck and said forget it. I will try it on my sage soon but I do have the lightening spec for a 2nd combat style so might try that as well.


But they need to get this fix and not 2-4 months down the line. I got so frustrated that I just said forget it for awhile and went to play Lost Ark.

Edited by casirabit
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What character are you doing it on? I did it on my sorceress (the only one that had no trouble) and I just kept moving her around since she is a lightening spec and no trouble. The rest (smuggler, etc) I tried with no luck and said forget it. I will try it on my sage soon but I do have the lightening spec for a 2nd combat style so might try that as well.


But they need to get this fix and not 2-4 months down the line. I got so frustrated that I just said forget it for awhile and went to play Lost Ark.


I am currently in the story only with my shadow so far.


I feel the same way you do. I prefer to play cyberpunk at the moment.

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Still broke. It's amazing that a bug that was known in PTS, blew up on release, still isn't fixed. I was really hoping they woulf fix it with the weekly patch, but NOPE! This is more for the dev's than the community at large, I'm done playing until it's fixed. I don't want to run the same crap over and over again. I wanted the new story line. If a bug that big happened in WoW or Destiny, there would be a hotfix ASAP. Instead we get, "Developers are aware of the issue" ***???? Why did the game get released if it was such a huge bug? Kiss off SWTOR
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I am personally not doing this flashpoint again until there is a fix out. I have been one shotted by Malgus 20 times and I am just done with it. That toon is sitting at the Malgus fight and will stay there until there is a fix, and I will refuse to start it on any other toons until it is fixed.



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What character are you doing it on? I did it on my sorceress (the only one that had no trouble) and I just kept moving her around since she is a lightening spec and no trouble. The rest (smuggler, etc) I tried with no luck and said forget it. I will try it on my sage soon but I do have the lightening spec for a 2nd combat style so might try that as well.


But they need to get this fix and not 2-4 months down the line. I got so frustrated that I just said forget it for awhile and went to play Lost Ark.


I've only moved one character (an alt) due to this bug!


And yes .. one shot and we're done! I did notice that we were killed with ZERO damage !! :eek::eek::eek:


(I know Malgus is dark side and that automatically makes him more powerful ... but good grief ... not THAT powerful!) :D


Oh ! BTW ... it should be noted: Character used was a Smuggler: gunslinger.


I'll probably just see what is going on STO until this gets fixed.

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I've only moved one character (an alt) due to this bug!


And yes .. one shot and we're done! I did notice that we were killed with ZERO damage !! :eek::eek::eek:


(I know Malgus is dark side and that automatically makes him more powerful ... but good grief ... not THAT powerful!) :D


Oh ! BTW ... it should be noted: Character used was a Smuggler: gunslinger.


I'll probably just see what is going on STO until this gets fixed.


Good luck. The sad/funny part is that it seems they are pushing players into other games instead of here. I know I didn't know about Lost Ark until they delayed the patch and someone mentioned it and since I like elves (lol) I thought I try it and now I am having more fun there than here and that is sad.

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On the english eu server I had no issues running the fight multiple times both solo and in vet group, then suddenly yesterday in the german server I had the most broken malgus fight ever as if it was trying to catch up to me not having issues before. My teammates would get instakilled, I would fall in the void whenever I tried to get close to malgus to attack and spawned at the medbay (no actual death, just spawned back and could not get back in the fight area), teammates were spawned out of bounds. It was impossible for me to do anything as a full melee character. I eventually gave up and left after an hour of trying with my team. Edited by TheKaterina
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Did the fight on my Juggernaut and had no issues. At the time I thought the bug might be overblown.

But nope.

I can't finish it on my Shadow. I tried to cheese it - many have described a process - but something always happens that kills me or Malgus resets.

This seriously needs to be fixed asap - or at least we need to know what's the issue. The first boss also insta-killed my Shadowa couple of times through some push-skill (that didn't happen on my Juggernaut), so I guess the map, not Malgus alone, is the issue. Something is off about the ground, and we're not Obi-Wan.

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I got by this fight with my lightning sorcerer on day 1 with no deaths but have not been able to complete it since. Trying with my other lightning sorcerer on the other server and I just get keep getting one shotted with full health. How on God's green Earth has this not been fixed?
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Oddly enough I had no problem defeating him on any of my Republic players except 1, my Sentinel. That took about 15 tries.


Every single one of my Imperial characters had difficulties in defeating him. Eventually, I just put my companion on DPS and I stood with my back against a pillar with a healing station. When my health got low from his lightning attacks, I'd heal up. When he started to zip around, I found it safe enough to move to another pylon with a healing station and repeat the process until my companion eventually defeated him.


Not a fun experience. Big fail on Bioware for this. Worst e̶x̶p̶a̶n̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ update ever.

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Class might play a factor, but I'm not sure. Every time I have been in there on Vet mode, everyone gets pulled out and dies except the Sorc. Could just be coincidence, but I'm not sure.


I had no problems at all on solo mode, when I ignored the bonus objectives. I saw somebody post earlier that it might be related to the buff from the bonus objectives. I did notice the times we failed, it was with the bonus objectives done, but not the bonus boss. Again, that could be coincidence, because I'm refusing to go back into there on Vet mode to experiment further.

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I already made a post about this bug yesterday.

I really hope the mods and devs pay some attention to this forum.


Darth Malgus pulls you, you fly up, then down, then take 0 falling damage and die instantly.


A fix may be setting the falling damage to 1.

Maybe they have mistaken an integer as a boolean.

boolean falling damage 0 = no, 1 = yes,

integer falling damage = X>0, when 0 then kill player

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Class might play a factor, but I'm not sure. Every time I have been in there on Vet mode, everyone gets pulled out and dies except the Sorc. Could just be coincidence, but I'm not sure.


I had no problems at all on solo mode, when I ignored the bonus objectives. I saw somebody post earlier that it might be related to the buff from the bonus objectives. I did notice the times we failed, it was with the bonus objectives done, but not the bonus boss. Again, that could be coincidence, because I'm refusing to go back into there on Vet mode to experiment further.


Not related to the bonus - they turned off the bonus mission, and I'm still dying from fall damage when Malgus uses his pull on my Assassin.

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Hi all,


We're still investigating the issue that players are experiencing with the Malgus fight. We will update players once we have a fix in place.


Current workaround for this fight is to stick with the outer perimeter of the fight (by the stone path but not beyond the pillars) when Malgus uses the ability Relentless Assault.


Thank you for your patience.


Well if Relentless Assault is the issue a smart person would deactivate that ability until the bug is fixed. I am stating a smart person however. What does Bioware care if they piss off the community? Also while you're at it bring back Darth Marr we prefer him to Malgus.

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Also would this bug possibly be faction specific? My JC healer had no problem with this but my SI sorcerer is stuck.

No. I had no issues on my Sith Warrior and so far I have.. I believe.. 30-40 tries on my Jedi Shadow and still couldn't finish the fight.

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