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[Ruins of Nul: Story Mode] One Shot by Malgus


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So i tried to play this on my new lvl 80 char to find it is broken i ended up quitting the mission after being stuck with the regent boss. I killed about 15 Volatile Monitors and mobs to find the shield did not drop once :(

Same for me. Should note that I didn't do it as part of the actual story (stopped right in front of it on the only toon that can do it), but as part of the activity finder, solo run. You are missing a NPC which normally runs with you through that thing, besides the companion.


In any case, after killing stuff pretty much everywhere at that Regant boss and seeing no change at all (and eventually succumbing to weird LoS, pathing and whatnot issues with companion + strange aggro behavior of spawns etc.) I decided to quit this garbage and sorted it mentally under "broken".


That aside, the voice over for that boss is horrible. What was the idea there? A simple auntie google search got me

for something robotic sounding and this is 100x better than whatever is dropped on us at this boss. Edited by Spexius
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I understand some people are having issues with the Malgus boss fight in Nul. have not had any issues. I have fought him with two different toons with no issues. Defeated him twice. Wiped only once due to my own poor use of healing resources. Not sure if this might be a platform, card, or OS issue for those having difficulty.
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Post 7.0.1 one shot death - Smuggler - Dirty Fighting Spec - Satele Shan server - Approx day/time March 22 at 4:05 pm MDT - mode solo story

While covered in place, my Smuggler was knocked into the fight barrier behind her and killed instantly. I did not catch the combat info, only the Malgus dialog emote. I have a screen shot showing the location (on "rocks" inside near the outer area in line with the path into the circle), but it doesn't show dmg type. I did not go flying outside the bounds of the fight this time, but hitting the barrier was a one shot.

The next fight I stayed in cover with my back to the fallen pillar in the fight area to the left as you enter the circle and let the companions hold Malgus, and that time I didn't die, but I also didn't really fight him.


I did not get knocked through the world this time by the first "cat" boss like before. Tau still dies while grappling up the staircase.

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Story Mode didn't even make it to Malgus this time around. Constantly end up falling through the game then either get stuck in graphics and have to die to be able to continue or float in space and die. First Boss in Ruins when he jumped I ended up below game then floated in space and died.

I am on PC, Story Mode, Solo Star Forge server around 2040 Hawaii Time died with - fall damage

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I'm happy (or more accurately, relieved) to report that I got through this hot mess in story mode, *finally*. I was initially going to try it on my strongest character, my assassin, after hearing the devs had messed around to potentially fix it, but I decided to try it with a ranged DPS character instead, so that I wouldn't get bogged down with tanking or healing strategy. My Innovative Ordinance Mercenary seemed right (it was him or my gunslinger) so I ran him through the dual mission, complete with awesome Lana and creepy AF Rivix, who I had healing me. No problems for a change! Even the Malgy fight was a piece of cake; I just kept my back against a pillar, only attacked him when he was in range, and only had to move to an adjacent pillar once to avoid his nasty red AOE. So yeah It can be done, though I'm anything but enthusiastic about repeating this epic slog on other characters.


The ending, though, was a total letdown -- don't worry, no spoilers will issue from my keyboard-- and the trash mobs remain far too numerous and tough, or decidedly non-trashy.


Anyway, I assure you all that it's improved and is no longer impossible. If I could do it,I'm sure anybody can. Best of luck to all. I'll remain subscribed to this thread in case there's anyone I can help troubleshoot problems.

Edited by Swounds
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  • 2 weeks later...
Still broken?


I've now gotten the majority of my capped characters through the flashpoint with no breaking errors. There are some very irritating things (like companion auto-dying on the mountain ascent, and the far too dense concentrations of silvers and golds in the trash groups) but I've been able to complete it.


Even the big old Malgus fight is fairly easy, in solo story mode at least. The trick is to not spend your time chasing him; park with your back up against the pillars and let him come to you, stay out of the angry red AOE, and chip away at him.

Oh,and if Tau / Rivix / whoever suicides on that final climb, easiest thing to do is dismiss them and re-summon.


If your experience is different, feel free to post about it (the dev team needs to know this stuff if it's ever going to truly be fixed).

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is still happening, pubside solo, death to fall damage. I read the thread and got the advice about not chasing and was able to beat it on the next try, even though Lana had vanished since first boss. It's reminiscent of Spirit of Vengeance, something similar happened there.


Even without the bug, Nul is a very difficult fight, at least as difficult as SoV used to be. I would be surprised if many solo-only people aren't struggling with it.

Edited by Ardrossan
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  • 2 weeks later...
Any chance this is going to be fixed with 7.1?


We can but hope.


I just got to this buggy FP on my Sorc, lvl 80, and can't for the life of me beat him, either it's that OP lightening attack of his, or the one where he uses some ability that insta kills me, and resets me back to the med droid.


Tried putting Rivix on tank, wich worked better, but it's of no use. Get insta killed when he reaches ~40-35% HP, and uses whatever ability that insta kills us all.


Only gotten through this ONCE on another character, wich was pub side. Guess that must of been a fluke.

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