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Empty server list


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I'm in disbelief that they have a fix but we have to wait more than another two weeks to get it. Why can't they have a brief maintenance and apply a small patch for this (and whatever else they deem ready and working)? :(


Because we're a small handful of players using a certain laptop, not enough for them to worry about hurrying. I'm only still here because I have a desktop as well. I said in an earlier post if we all quit the loss of revenue would not be even noticeable for them.

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After all this time without being able to play, and sorry if I sound too entitled about this, but anything less than a full refund for the subs for all those affected plus giving us 6 months worth of sub, is the very least they should do to compensate us for all the trouble they caused for shipping a product that was full of bugs and issues, causing most, if not all of us on this thread to be unable to play.


It's been weeks since I sent that email regarding the Ryzen issue to get no reply at all, so I doubt any compensation will happen at this point in time.

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Because we're a small handful of players using a certain laptop, not enough for them to worry about hurrying. I'm only still here because I have a desktop as well. I said in an earlier post if we all quit the loss of revenue would not be even noticeable for them.

Are we really only a small number? It's a fairly popular laptop series, as I understand it. Still, that's kinda beside the point. I feel like, in the past, there were plenty of instances were fixes were applied at one- and two-week intervals. Why not now?

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Are we really only a small number? It's a fairly popular laptop series, as I understand it. Still, that's kinda beside the point. I feel like, in the past, there were plenty of instances were fixes were applied at one- and two-week intervals. Why not now?


Regardless of the laptop series being popular or not, we're still paying customers who didn't get access to the service they paid for, during the time that the service was valid for.


I know that backend is hard, and sometimes fixing an error creates an extra 100, which is actually how this whole ordeal started, and I don't want to downplay at all the amount of work that goes into the game.


However, at the end of the day, the company should still be held responsible for whenever it's customers are negatively impacted by their products and services, and hence should make a more active and fast effort to reach out to those customers who were affected and compensate them as an apology, as well as make the product work well for them in the end. Word of mouth and last experience with a product and service are still the main determining factors for whether they will consider using that service again or recommend it to friends.

Edited by Nomut
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I just noticed something.. and I think this might work.

I was looking through


There was a file for a character I deleted a while ago.



Now should this matter... no, but I removed this and my serverlist popped up.

For the past few weeks I have narrowed down (for me) a temp fix, which was just saving my %localappdata%\SWTOR\swtor\settings\GUIProfiles files and removing everything in %localappdata%\SWTOR\swtor\settings\.


In my case removing that character file worked.

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So....this is probably a bit far fetched. But at my house, i was playing connected to a wireless extension adapter. I tried to launch the game in 3 diferent places, besides my home connecting directly to the router network connection of said place, sometimes it work, sometimes it didnt...servers would or would not appear...just like the 1/1000 casual log ins.


Now everytime i try during night time, London GMT +00:00, to log in on the extension it fails, but if i change the wireless reception to the router directly, and log in, it works, character select menu! Its been like this for 3 days...


Cant call it a fix, or anything, but truth is, i somehow bypassed the issue and i am able to play...


If connection gets weary, it goes back to server list menu, with the normal warning messages, instead of pressing "OK", press "X", servers are still there and just keep playing....


Hope this helps! Keep on Keepin on!

Edited by SparksGYBE
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Hahahaha, just when you think Customer Service couldn’t get any worse.


I just received a reply to the email I sent Support on the instructions of Jackie providing all the info that was requested.


Here it is in all it’s glory.




Thanks for contacting Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Support.


We’d like to help you get back in-game as soon as possible, but we need some more information from you to make that happen.


Create a new ticket and let us know the character name, their class and level and/or the name of the mission where you’re having the problem.


We’re looking forward to hearing back from you, and we’re sorry for the delay.


Galactic Support is our specialty….



I’m done. I’m seriously done. @JackieKo I don’t know what to say. Truly incompetent.

Edited by Catalan
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I got the same email like 30 minutes ago and i got confused because they are asking me to create a ticket regarding the issue when they should already know that I can’t create a ticket because I can’t access the servers



Hahahaha, just when you think Customer Service couldn’t get any worse.


I just received a reply to the email I sent Support on the instructions of Jackie providing all the info that was requested.


Here it is in all it’s glory.




Thanks for contacting Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Support.


We’d like to help you get back in-game as soon as possible, but we need some more information from you to make that happen.


Create a new ticket and let us know the character name, their class and level and/or the name of the mission where you’re having the problem.


We’re looking forward to hearing back from you, and we’re sorry for the delay.


Galactic Support is our specialty….



I’m done. I’m seriously done. @JackieKo I don’t know what to say. Truly incompetent.

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Hahahaha, just when you think Customer Service couldn’t get any worse.


I just received a reply to the email I sent Support on the instructions of Jackie providing all the info that was requested.


I just got two of them too. So… am I creating a ticket then? Jackie?

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I just got two of them too. So… am I creating a ticket then? Jackie?


Never mind! Apparently you have to be able to log in to the game to open a ticket. Cool. Super impressed with how this is all playing out. My fool self resubbed back when the PTR fix patch came out. What a clown I am.

Edited by kormonnaut
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I just got exactly the same email too. I thought this was supposed to be resolved via email, not in-game ticket? And why would they need to know a character name, class, mission, or level - the server issue concerns none of these things? I would be happy to do what they suggested if I had any sense that it was what Jackie said - since Jackie, at least, is aware of the actual issue.


Edit: At least, I was assuming we could still create tickets even if we can't access the server list. But I just tried, and we can't. Instead, there's a message inviting me to become a subscriber! But I already am! Jackie, please communicate with the people working in customer support, since it really does not seem like their "specialty" right now.

Edited by Estelindis
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Thank goodness I wasn't alone in getting that email. I assume it is just an auto-response and that our emails will be manually reviewed, since well we can't log on to create tickets. Some assurance/confirmation would be nice though, so Jackie, we of the Zephyrs humbly summon you! :ph_thank_you:
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Well at least I got a reminder email from them that my six month sub is due to renew in 30 days. :rolleyes: Strongly inclined to cancel at this point, but we'll see if/how the compensation works out. In the meantime, I'll think about the handover process for my guilds.
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