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What did you name your trooper?


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Cracked.com had a list of the top 9 manliest real-life names. Actor Powers Booth was on there, as well as attorney Dick Pound. #1 was Staff Sgt Max Fightmaster. Here's the link to the article:




In Feb of 98 when I was goin through basic training in Ft. Sill we had a tall black drill sergeant that looked like Busta Rhymes (minus the hair) with the last name of Trueblood. You want to talk about intimidating on top of intimidating. I was thoroughly ready to crap myself when I saw him for the first time.

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Personally, I find that if you consider your chosen character name as their Havoc "callsign", it works better throughout the story. After all, when you first arrive on the scene, you're surrounded by people named Fuse, Wraith, Needles, etc. This tends to fall in-line with the way that TCW Clones were nicknamed as well.


That being said, you can claim that your trooper's actual first and last names are something completely different and no conflicts can arise.

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