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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So Your Rolled Empire....Why?


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Remember: Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy, and we shall have peace

"Unauthorized murder" is a crime in the Empire. Sith can go around killing people with no repercussions as long as they're not powerful. There is no right to a fair trial, and anyone who can possibly be considered an enemy of the Sith is killed. I wiped out a village of Jawas on Tatooine because they wouldn't sell one of our agents power cells.


Yeah. The Empire isn't evil at all!


Our citizens can choose not to be, but it's obvious that the ones making the decisions are cruel and psychopathic.

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"Unauthorized murder" is a crime in the Empire. Sith can go around killing people with no repercussions as long as they're not powerful. There is no right to a fair trial, and anyone who can possibly be considered an enemy of the Sith is killed. I wiped out a village of Jawas on Tatooine because they wouldn't sell one of our agents power cells.


Yeah. The Empire isn't evil at all!


Our citizens can choose not to be, but it's obvious that the ones making the decisions are cruel and psychopathic.


Jawas are evil. Their evil prevented them from helping us. By purging their kind from the planet we make it less evil. You inability to see things from multiple perspectives troubles me.

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Simple, played all classes in Beta through mid teens and loved the Bounty Hunter. Bounty Hunters cannot be Republic, so I went Empire. (best story line in the game IMHO, followed by IA)


However, as I am almost Light 4, I wouldn't say I chose the Dark side by any means. I chose Empire, there is a huge difference.

Edited by Phaedrynn
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It seems there is about a 3:1 margin of people choosing to roll Empire over Republic in this game. My question is to all of you Empire folks....why did you choose the dark side?


I have chars on both sides...but as for why I like the empire more? Its fairly simple.


The empire is the only side thats not full of complete *****s (so totally not talking about players mind you). Now hear me out here....


The Republic is supposed to be the good guys....democracy for all. Yay we're here to help you. We're nice and kind and are trying to help the people and keep them free and have all this peace and love for everyone.


But thats a lie...the republics democracy has always been a complete fail completely overrun with corrupt bureaucrats who occasionally accomplish some good but not without the right bribes in the right places. Its a place where everyone says they're good and such but they're more than willing to sell you up the river when it suits your goals after lieing to your face.



Conversely the Empire is full of *****s yes...but at least they're honest about it. A totallitarian regime of people who are completely honest that they are going to stab you in the back at a moments notice if it suits their needs. You know at some point right off the bat that they're going to withold information, lie to you, outright cheat you, and use you for their own ends at every possible moment. They're pretty in your face about it honestly.


Which is so much better than the false pretense of being for the people and good and righteous. I'll take the honesty of 'screw the people and screw you if it suits my needs' to the dishonesty of 'yay freedom for everyone we're all good here we do what we can to make the universe "better" we're all honest here! Honest!'.


On the republic side, you have senators taking bribes from gangsters, and soldiers feeling like their governments abandoned them...and this is all horrible. On the empire side...you have all of that, and everyones cool with it because thats expected.


So yeah Empire because at least they're honest about all being lieing backstabing *****s.

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You always have people insisting that 'both sides are equally bad' in games like this. Or even more hilarious-- that the 'good guys' are actually MORE EVIL than the bad guys, because the bad guys don't make a pretense of being anything other than evil.


That's ridiculous.


The good guys have a moral standard that they will never be able to universally live up to, but that's not bad. The Republic *aspires* to hypocrisy, which is much more moral than simply throwing up your hands and saying, "yeah, we're *****". Having a moral ideal and failing to meet it is still superior to having no standard at all.

Edited by PibbyPib
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Because I think making your decisions based on morals and not based on a situation per situation evaluation basis or pure rational thought is weakness.

I just think in general people who run their lives purely off of moral stances and can't make their own decisions is weakness and I think that's basically what the republic stands for (in my mind).

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It's pretty obvious the empire would have cooler storylines. Evil is cooler than being a goody two-shoes. Also, the movies all follow the republic side, not the empire side. So it's a more unique perspective.


I'm betting most the people who went republic only did so because the empire is the overcrowded side.


I followed my friends to republic who chose it because of the reason I stated.

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I rolled the BH cause I liked it. She wasn't really evil or anything. Tried out the Knight and I really liked the class, but was informed my friends finally go this game, have rolled sith on another server and I decide to change my style and be a tanking inquisitor.





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It seems there is about a 3:1 margin of people choosing to roll Empire over Republic in this game. My question is to all of you Empire folks....why did you choose the dark side?


I rolled empire because there "bad side" in this game and my previous game which was wow... i rolled alliance and had wished i rolled horde lol.. but i usually switch each mmo i go to good bad good bad depends ill eventually play the republic if not just for the story's but atm there seems to be were most of the children are hanging out and i'm really trying to avoid all that nonsense this time around..

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