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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A new (returning) player's perspective - top-tier boomer MMO, but 7.0 concerns


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I have the Founder title and subbed to SWTOR day 1 of release. I played for a bit, and stopped for the majority of the games life to raid hardcore in WoW and other MMOs. I recently came back to SWTOR about two months ago and fell in love with the game. I'm 38, and no longer have the time to dedicate to 3+ nights a week of scheduled raiding, nor can I maintain a core group of in-game friends mostly. Here's what I loved about the game as soon as I came back:


1. Most everything is account-wide - rep, money, gear, etc - progress on one char feels like progress on all - gear is shared, so you can somewhat upgrade chars with other chars, or at least give them a head start

2. Weekly goals do not take long to do, at all, on many chars (conquest). You can get your "chores" done, and play how you want for the rest of the week without worry you are missing out.

3. You can do ANY content you want on ANY difficulty, and you will eventually get to the same end gear item level as anyone else in the game, just maybe not as quickly. Play harder content if you want to get there faster, but the end of the race is the same for everybody, and there is an "end" in sight to be had.


7.0 concerns me a lot, as it takes away a lot of what I immediately gravitated towards when I came back to SWTOR. This content is the ultimate for someone who plays like I do - enjoys alts, likes making progress no matter what, enjoys a variety of content, easy to find groups bc content isn't that hard (aka exclusionary), and eventually wants to be "done" gearing and relax until the next patch.


I don't want to play WoW 2.0 where I have to "mythic raid" to get max level gear, and the grind never stops. I don't want to have BiS specs, gear, or trouble finding groups for things I enjoy. I don't want to track 500 currencies and 500 vendors for each specific piece of gear. Why don't we just have ONE upgrade vendor with ONE currency that's obtained from anywhere in the game (at various rates of course depending on difficulty)? MM can start at a higher upgrade level as base, but the end can be the same for everyone.


Please don't take away what I have found and love in this game and make me play WoW 2.0. Thanks!

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While I agree with all of your points, its sadden me to tell you all of that is just pipe dream.


Judging from BW past, the update already set in stone and no matter what the whole community says/complaint will change BW stance. They're that out of touch from the playerbase.

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Judging from BW past, the update already set in stone and no matter what the whole community says/complaint will change BW stance. They're that out of touch from the playerbase.


I think they realized they messed up and probably some kind of fix is already being designed and will be released some time around 7.2 or 7.3. They will of course never admit they were wrong and limit communication to minimum but I don't think this system will stay with us for long. Either it will be adjusted or it'll sink the game.

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I think they realized they messed up and probably some kind of fix is already being designed and will be released some time around 7.2 or 7.3. They will of course never admit they were wrong and limit communication to minimum but I don't think this system will stay with us for long. Either it will be adjusted or it'll sink the game.


I truly hope this is true. I will give it some time for sure to see where it goes, but I hope we get to enjoy more of what I have just recently found. It's already a ton of game to come back to - there are 5000 currencies I have to try to keep track of and figure out what they are as is - it would be nice to have gear not be something that turns into a chore, but instead is a path to helping me enjoy the game and play how I want to play.

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I think they realized they messed up and probably some kind of fix is already being designed and will be released some time around 7.2 or 7.3. They will of course never admit they were wrong and limit communication to minimum but I don't think this system will stay with us for long.


What makes you think that? You’re advertising false hope with statements like that.


Nothing we’ve said is going to change what they’ve already done. The only reason for the delay was because they couldn’t finish half the stuff they had on the PTS.


I would suggest you accept that what’s on the PTS and what they’ve announced already is what they will move ahead with for the rest of the year.


Set your expectations to the lowest possible and then you won’t be more disappointed and have false hope.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I think they realized they messed up and probably some kind of fix is already being designed and will be released some time around 7.2 or 7.3. They will of course never admit they were wrong and limit communication to minimum but I don't think this system will stay with us for long. Either it will be adjusted or it'll sink the game.

What? No, they won't listen to a single word of feedback.


7.0 will release, people will get to level 80 and then realise that will take 8 WEEKLIES done to upgrade a SINGLE piece of gear.

We are here telling everyone about it but people in here keeps saying "hurr durr just wait for it to come out, stop crying".

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What? No, they won't listen to a single word of feedback.


7.0 will release, people will get to level 80 and then realise that will take 8 WEEKLIES done to upgrade a SINGLE piece of gear.

We are here telling everyone about it but people in here keeps saying "hurr durr just wait for it to come out, stop crying".


Gearing up after Jedi Under Siege was also a grind. Obviously it's the only way BW manages to keep players busy during long periods without significant content updates. That this will be the case again with 7.0 doesn't make me optimistic about how much new playable content we will get in 2022.

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We are here telling everyone about it but people in here keeps saying "hurr durr just wait for it to come out, stop crying".


Please, don't put me in one camp with people who support those changes. If they announced they're scrapping the "expansion" and will only release story parts later I would be very happy.

I'm just saying that seeing how unpopular those changes are they will have to make it more bearable (like they did with Galactic Command) or it will kill the game.

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This bears repeating - the paradigm of 7.0 has not only proven to be untenable subs wise, but was disproven from a gameplay standpoint years ago.


Catering to raiders destroyed EQ when WoW came out. Catering to raiders bled WoW. (Granted they have other problems). Now, 10 years into the game's lifecycle, BW is going to cater to the same {NICHE MARKET} and expect different results?

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A new (returning) player's perspective - top-tier boomer MMO, but 7.0 concerns


What does the word "boomer" mean in this context? I'm used to boomer meaning someone from the Baby Boomer generation that was born between 1946 and 1965 or thereabouts. 30-something's certainly are not "boomers." Do current teens and 20-something use the word "boomer" to mean anybody that is middle aged or older now?

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What does the word "boomer" mean in this context? I'm used to boomer meaning someone from the Baby Boomer generation that was born between 1946 and 1965 or thereabouts. 30-something's certainly are not "boomers." Do current teens and 20-something use the word "boomer" to mean anybody that is middle aged or older now?


Boomer is kind of now slang for anyone who is like 30 and beyond. I'm 38, so that's what the kids these days would call me.


Less a formal definition and more a working one.

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What I'm essentially saying is, for where I am at in my gaming career (not hardcore, not schedule-driven) the current iteration of the game suits me perfectly, and I hope that isn't upended entirely to be exactly like everything else.
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What does the word "boomer" mean in this context? I'm used to boomer meaning someone from the Baby Boomer generation that was born between 1946 and 1965 or thereabouts. 30-something's certainly are not "boomers." Do current teens and 20-something use the word "boomer" to mean anybody that is middle aged or older now?

Boomer is the most annoying meme I've ever seen. And yes it's basically anybody born before 1995.

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I ll have to agree with one thing, people dont want a WoW 2


WoW fought and died pandering to the hardcore crowd and high end reward system, swtor was the polar opposite of that during 6.0, with everyone being able to max gear level and rewards on their own pace, on their own time.


The tryhard wow raiders arent gonna join swtor due to how slow raid updates are, so why is 7.0 even pushing a raid or die model?

Edited by ralphieceaser
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Boomer is the most annoying meme I've ever seen. And yes it's basically anybody born before 1995.


If boomer means anyone born before 1995, then there needs to be a better definition for actual real baby boomers who also play games. What do we call them now? old timers? ancients? ancestors? LoL :p

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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If boomer means anyone born before 1995, then there needs to be a better definition for actual real baby boomers who also play games. What do we call them now? old timers? ancients? ancestors? LoL :p


Excuse me ???


I guess that makes over the hill, through the woods and out on the other side !!! :eek::eek::eek:


(... this cracks me up !! ) :D

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If boomer means anyone born before 1995, then there needs to be a better definition for actual real baby boomers who also play games. What do we call them now? old timers? ancients? ancestors? LoL :p


It's not called The Old Republic for nothing :)

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