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MY friends are 50. they say nothing to do.


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<- Level 50

Plenty to do.

Have run EV a few times, (2/5 HM now)

Run guild mates through FPs to gear them up for leveling

PvP non stop

Run my Ilum dailies

Laugh at people on Imp fleet cause they aren't 50 yet

Troll SWTOR forums

Troll General Chat

Eat lunch

Exploit the GTN because no one knows how to sell things on it for profit

Take baths in my millions of credits

Kill lowbies on Tatooine

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There really isnt much to strive for at 50 beside being an altoholic


No one who is playing this game the way it was meant to be played should be 50 yet. Keep skipping all the content (conversations and storyline) and then complain that you are bored. That makes a lot of sense.

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There really isnt much to strive for at 50 beside being an altoholic


Ahh, our Voice of Reason. Glad you could make it into this thread too. Are you part of the Shadysketchy fan club, by any chance?


Rush to 50, have nothing to do, rush to forums. Yeah, we told you this would happen if you rushed.


The free month ending can't come soon enough.

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My mom's best friend's old college roommate's second cousin's dog sitter said your friend is wrong.


Once the majority of players will be out of the "this game is so awesome. ps: I'm level 5" spree, this game is gonna crash and burn like the Hindenburg.


The Hindenburg burned and crashed, not crashed and burned.

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Age of Conan all over again.



Every MMO all over again.


The one thing NEITHER the players NOR the game companies seem to learn.


The players seem never to learn - Don't rush to max level; there most likely will be very little to do there; BECAUSE the game companies never seem to learn peple will rush to max level; so have something worthwhile there.



Even though the bottom line message NO MMO player seems to learn - MMOs are not about the end game, because the end game is an illusion. The "end game" is just an intermission to the next expansion. MMOs are about the journy, not the "win" because you cannot "win" an MMO. There is no defined parameters for "winning".


There is no "end" to an MMO. (well, unless you are Earth and Beyond, Auto Assault, Shadowbane or SWG hehehe).

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Once the majority of players will be out of the "this game is so awesome. ps: I'm level 5" spree, this game is gonna crash and burn like the Hindenburg.


Quite so im afraid.

You see, they are hiding behind the "casual veil" where its normal to be level 10 17 days into games launch. Well I got news, if you play this game casually (with a job and social life,) its almost impossible not to reach level cap by now. This game is way easy to level in. But yes, we all clearly rushed for not wanting to reroll 7 times to listen to each class story and find each codex entry and datacron.

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If they fix the unresponsive combat system (which will fix pvp) there will be plenty to do.



But, I can't tell the future and with all the displeasure I could still see this game crashing here in a month or two.

a few days ago, I would have sworn that couldn't happen, but I'm having second thoughts.

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No one who is playing this game the way it was meant to be played should be 50 yet. Keep skipping all the content (conversations and storyline) and then complain that you are bored. That makes a lot of sense.


Yes because you have to skip that stuff to be 50 right now... wait nope. I never hit my spacebar once.

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The most played (unnamed) MMO in the world suffered a lack of end game in its first year. Then content was added along the way, as I'm sure it will be here.


Revisionist history happens too much, and that other MMO, despite millions and millions of users, had one, single end game raid for the first 9+ months of the game. One.


Give it time. At release, the focus, obviously, is on lower, leveling content. As time goes on, and the majority of customers have L50's, the focus will shift. Older leveling content will see less focus, and end game will become the priority.


Working as intended.

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<- Level 50

Plenty to do.

Have run EV a few times, (2/5 HM now)

Run guild mates through FPs to gear them up for leveling

PvP non stop

Run my Ilum dailies

Laugh at people on Imp fleet cause they aren't 50 yet

Troll SWTOR forums

Troll General Chat

Eat lunch

Exploit the GTN because no one knows how to sell things on it for profit

Take baths in my millions of credits

Kill lowbies on Tatooine


If you are feeling slightly less homicidal you can finish out your Codex entries too.


Take baths in my millions of credits

Is it a scented bath?

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Yes because you have to skip that stuff to be 50 right now... wait nope. I never hit my spacebar once.


He's just mad he isn't very good at leveling. Don't worry. I have a 40+ GS, 50 SW, and 30 BH. I've never skipped a quest or a voice over.

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If they fix the unresponsive combat system (which will fix pvp) there will be plenty to do.



But, I can't tell the future and with all the displeasure I could still see this game crashing here in a month or two.

a few days ago, I would have sworn that couldn't happen, but I'm having second thoughts.


You will anger a lot of zealous fans, dont mention the 500 lb gorilla in the livingroom

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No one who is playing this game the way it was meant to be played should be 50 yet. Keep skipping all the content (conversations and storyline) and then complain that you are bored. That makes a lot of sense.


I love when people make this assumption.


I love the story lines I listen to every quest and don't skip scenes (unless if FP in which I've already seen them the first time).


Still got to 50 fast b/c its extremely easy. I don't even play all the time gotta work to make money.


I think if your not close to 50 either you hardly play the game at all or just bad at MMO's in general.

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He's just mad he isn't very good at leveling. Don't worry. I have a 40+ GS, 50 SW, and 30 BH. I've never skipped a quest or a voice over.


LOL i level just fine thank you but i feel no rush to move through this game quickly. There is a lot to enjoy along the way. When i see a datacron i get it. It might take me a half hour trying to find the way to it, but its worth it to me. I also get no xp for that time spent. I'd rather be having fun in game then getting to 50 and quitting because i'm bored. Sounds like I'm getting the most out of my money.

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I have a hard time believing that or you just don't do anything else besides play SWTOR. Either way sucks for you.


Nope, i've actually been playing in my free time. Took a couple PTO days at launch, then the holiday stuff hit so wasn't online. Been playing in a hockey tourny the past couple days so havn't been on much. Its really not difficult to level fast without skipping conversations. Maybe i'm just better at it than you?

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MY friends are 85. they say nothing to do.


I have a lot of in game WoW friends who are saying that game is really boring when you get to 85. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.


MY friends are 75. they say nothing to do.


I have a lot of in game LotRO friends who are saying that game is really boring when you get to 75. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.


MY friends are 30. they say nothing to do.


I have a lot of in game DCUO friends who are saying that game is really boring when you get to 30. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.


Should i continue?

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