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Stop comparing a game that just launched to a game thats been out for 7 years


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Seriously guys....Its ridiculous. Wow at launch doesnt even compare to SWTOR now... Give them some time....heres what most of you are crying about...


LFD tool...

It took wow until the end of Wrath to implement the LFD tool... Give Bioware some time


endgame content...

last i checked i belive we have 3 raids? And while i didnt raid in vanilla wow im pretty sure it had 1....



WOW pvp was abysmall at launch... SWTOR has so much more to offer than wow did...


UI customization

Bioware has already said this is coming....


Seriously..... The game is 10 days old (17 for some of us)



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Let them sit in here and complain,i`m just going to continue to play this awesome game.:D


Man id be right there with you if i wasnt at work... Sadly these forums are all i have.


Ive been having a freakin blast with the game. Ive played wow since vanilla and have NEVER had this much fun......

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Keep in mind the choice isn't to play WoW of 7 years ago against SWTOR of now, it's to play both games as they are NOW.



It would be like saying "Don't compare the feeling of having a new game with tons of mysteries and stories you haven't explored that you get from SWTOR now with WoW on your 5th character you are grinding to max level, pretend it was 7 years ago when WoW was shiny and new and you were still exploring the world with your first charcter!"



That said if a game made with modern tech can't compete with a *7* year old game, that's pretty shameful.

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Dude... cmon. WoW is 7 years old and TOR lacks its features..


Its like if a car designer took some features from a 7 year old car, then left out others. You'd be asking "what the hell, this 7 year old car has more features than this brand new one"


So do you people think bioware can just waive a magic wand and poof the code is written and the stuffs in the game?


Or prehaps do you think they can just copypasta the code?


Have some common sense people, new features take time.

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Fair warning: If you just wanted to get a lot of traffic on your thread, this is the way to do it: you're about to get a lot of opinions...


Including mine!


I understand the sentiment of allowing the game to, er, mature...for the lack of a better term. No MMO launches perfectly and needs time to develop.


That said, it simply won't fly anymore. People are accustomed to WoW with three expansions, and seven years of content and polish...not vanilla WoW a week after launch.


But give TOR a chance!


It won't be given a chance. Whether one likes it or not, TOR will be expected to swim...or sink, like the rest. Is it fair? Probably not, but that's just the way it is.


Gamers in general have very exacting standards, and if those are not met, they leave. Is this a critique? No, just an observation, as I am the same way. I expect a certain level of what I like to be in a game. TOR happens to meet a lot of those standards for me, as do most BW games.


All we can do is hope BW is up to the task...bc in the end, that's what matters.

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I am not a fan of complaining but pointing out desirable features in another game that aren't in this one seems pretty reasonable. I know the tone from these "requests" doesn't always come across nice but rather than meet fire with fire, dump a bunch of water on the complaint and share how SWToR could grow into that feature that XYZ person is complaining about.
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while yes, this game did just launch, it's not like the things it's missing were unknown to them when they were making the game.


the argument that the game is new is no excuse. bioware had a huge amount of resources to work with and knew what they were leaving out.


that's like saying a it's a ok for a 2012 model car to not come with a radio because it's new.

(best analogy i could think of, lol)


now that's not to say i'm not having fun playing the game, just that things are missing from the game that bioware could have taken the time to put into it, but chose not to so they could release earlier.


yes, things will be added over time, but people will still leave because of some things they feel should have been in the game to begin with, and not scheduled for a later date.

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So do you people think bioware can just waive a magic wand and poof the code is written and the stuffs in the game?


Or prehaps do you think they can just copypasta the code?


Have some common sense people, new features take time.




I agree they need to work out bugs before they can add what makes WoW work well. But again, he is correct. These features are not new, but they take time to develop.


I'd say it'l take SW a few months to start adding these "New" features because of all the bugs. That's just how it is.


These are not new ideas.

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They have to compete with a game that has been out for seven years. So to ignore it would spell certain doom for this game.


Bioware is a business and needs to make money. Ignoring the competition is how you fail.

Edited by Wazooty
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Seriously guys....Its ridiculous. Wow at launch doesnt even compare to SWTOR now... Give them some time....heres what most of you are crying about...


LFD tool...

It took wow until the end of Wrath to implement the LFD tool... Give Bioware some time


endgame content...

last i checked i belive we have 3 raids? And while i didnt raid in vanilla wow im pretty sure it had 1....



WOW pvp was abysmall at launch... SWTOR has so much more to offer than wow did...


UI customization

Bioware has already said this is coming....


Seriously..... The game is 10 days old (17 for some of us)




Ok. let's not compare it to WoW....lets compare it to a small indy company that made a MMO and released this year too.......


LFD....Rift has it.

RAIDs....Rift has them

PVP...Rift has actual world PVP with objectives.

UI customization....could drag my stuff all of the screen with Rift on day 1


Again, this is a small independant game developer who didnt have 100 million to develope a game or EA backing them....but they managed to do these things on day 1.



So you are right, it isnt fair to compare SWTOR to WOW....some would say it isnt fair to compare it to a small indy company that didnt have the fund or resources that Bioware did..and good thing too....cause BW would look amateurish.

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So do you people think bioware can just waive a magic wand and poof the code is written and the stuffs in the game?


Or prehaps do you think they can just copypasta the code?


Have some common sense people, new features take time.


Nope, no magic wand. That's what development time is for.

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Gamers in general have very exacting standards, and if those are not met, they leave. Is this a critique? No, just an observation, as I am the same way. I expect a certain level of what I like to be in a game. TOR happens to meet a lot of those standards for me, as do most BW games.


This. Considering the huge number of MMO's out there, there is no reason for gamers to stick with one that isn't doing it for them. Once you buy the box set it's simple enough to cancel your account if the new game isn't living up to your standards and coming back in 3-4 months and seeing if things have changed.



That's a good option for the gamer who isn't happy, but a bad option for the people who are happy, and a disaster for the game company that produced the MMO. With all the money sunk into this game up front the last thing they want the common theme to be from those who love the game the most to be "No the game isn't ready with all the features you want, come back another time."


It's not like the features that most people are complaining about should have come as huge surprises to Bioware, they are common requests that all MMO makers get and they have been hearing them since beta.. if not since alpha.


That said SWTOR is exactly what I told my friends I'd be happy with if I got it.. it's a SW themed Bioware game that has 8 stories of roughly 100-300 hours of gameplay each that are very much like KOTOR.


The rest of the MMO stuff? Meh.. Bioware isn't known for producing great MMO end games and the like, I didn't expect them to get that part better then people who have been doing it longer then they have.

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Ok. let's not compare it to WoW....lets compare it to a small indy company that made a MMO and released this year too.......


LFD....Rift has it.

RAIDs....Rift has them

PVP...Rift has actual world PVP with objectives.

UI customization....could drag my stuff all of the screen with Rift on day 1


Again, this is a small independant game developer who didnt have 100 million to develope a game or EA backing them....but they managed to do these things on day 1.



So you are right, it isnt fair to compare SWTOR to WOW....some would say it isnt fair to compare it to a small indy company that didnt have the fund or resources that Bioware did..and good thing too....cause BW would look amateurish.


I forgot about rift O.o


But. This.

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If they charge the same subscription fees and are competing for the same audience, why wouldn't you compare them? It's not like WoW is charging $30 a month to access their seven years of content compared to SWToR's $15 a month.


Maybe new MMOs should charge less until they get up to speed with the competition. Otherwise, prepare to be judged along side them.

Edited by Apax
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Dude... cmon. WoW is 7 years old and TOR lacks its features..


Its like if a car designer took some features from a 7 year old car, then left out others. You'd be asking "what the hell, this 7 year old car has more features than this brand new one"


It took Blizzard 10 (7 post release) years of development to get WOW to where it is now, and there is a lot they brought to the table that are incredible points of contention in that game.


Many of the features are ones that while WOW has it, are hardly considered "good" by the playerbase as a whole.



They also have not gone through the drama Bio has with this license, NOR did they have to deal with EA.

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LFD....Rift has it.

RAIDs....Rift has them

PVP...Rift has actual world PVP with objectives.

UI customization....could drag my stuff all of the screen with Rift on day 1


Again, this is a small independant game developer who didnt have 100 million to develope a game or EA backing them....but they managed to do these things on day 1.


Um.. no. Rift didn't not have World PvP objectives on Day 1 or the LFD. Greenscale may have been in the game as the only raid but it was horribly broken. UI stuff yeah, the SWTOR UI is shameful when compared to what is expected of a modern MMO on day 1. I'm shocked nobody in their office thought that only having 4 bar slots was a stupid idea.


Of course that said Rift is done by a much smaller company, and is at the 9 month mark and does have all the features you've listed and more. Compared to where they were at launch and where they are now is just incredible. Their dev team runs rings around the WoW dev team when it comes to putting new things out there for the players to do. I really hope SWTOR follows the Rift model of something new every 1-2 months instead of the WoW model of.. " it's been 6 months and you want something new already? LOL."

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Seriously guys....Its ridiculous. Wow at launch doesnt even compare to SWTOR now... Give them some time....heres what most of you are crying about...


LFD tool...

It took wow until the end of Wrath to implement the LFD tool... Give Bioware some time


endgame content...

last i checked i belive we have 3 raids? And while i didnt raid in vanilla wow im pretty sure it had 1....



WOW pvp was abysmall at launch... SWTOR has so much more to offer than wow did...


UI customization

Bioware has already said this is coming....


Seriously..... The game is 10 days old (17 for some of us)




This argument is no longer valid. Bioware used WoW as their model to make their game. They said this countless times in numerous interviews. That means they had 7 years of of Blizzard refining their game to show Bioware makes a good MMO. There is no excuse for Bioware to have launched this game with so many missing "basic" features we find in many other MMO's, like custom UI's, guild banks, better character creation options, more responsive combat controls, random whether effects, night and day cycles, open worlds, and more than 100 people per shard! OMG it say there are 100 people in my shard and zone the Republic fleet and I see maybe 2 or 3 people at most. The whole station is basically dead except for the NPC's and they are all like cardboard cutouts, they do nothing and we cannot enteract with 80% of them...the cantinas are ghost towns.


Sorry, but Bioware screwed up...they didn't deliver an MMO, they gave us a co-op single player game.

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SWTOR with all the WoW features at launch would mean this game could not have been released until 2015 or so. And by that time wow would have new features again. To add a feature in a game is a little bit more complex then just comming up with the idea. Gamecode needs to be writen, graphics created, databases designed and created, it all needs to be tested and way more. Strangely enough it takes Bioware more then 10minutes to create a LFG tool that is bug free, working cross realm, and is easy to understand, man they must suck! (SARCASM)


In the end i think SWTOR has a pretty damn solid launch with a good amount of features. It has multiple raids, battlegrounds, good amount of professions, solid storage and inventory system, less confusing stats system, more playstyle diversity per class, better stat customisation for gear and... no gah some people just cant see the whole picture.


There is more to making a game then just having cool ideas! Start to realize this.

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