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Cheers to the Best Video Game Ever Made (Haters Keep Out!)


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Been reflecting on 10 years, and I gotta say that nothing before or since is better than this "flawed" gem called SWTOR. This was my first MMO, but in the 10 years since launch, I've played all other others. I keep coming back here (never left since launch tbh). I'm a gamer through and through and also play a variety of other genres, including all the RPGs, strategy, open world, sports, etc. games.


This game has a number of flaws, bugs, nits -- it's far from perfect. I've shared my thoughts on this in the past at times (always out of love for the game). But this thread isn't about any of that (please put that somewhere else as a courtesy to this homage). Because despite it all, I've never loved any game more than this one and I know I'm not alone. This remains the best ever. Here's a short list of why:


1. Immersive: Too much to cover. But fully voice acted, with Star Wars lore? Um yeah! Whenever you log into this game, you feel instantly transported in the world of Star Wars. No other game makes you feel like you're in a vibrant world the way this one does!

2.Star Wars: kinda like #1, but deserves its own place. Choosing The Old Republic was brilliant, since it opened up even more lore.

3. Accommodating: casual, hardcore, noob? Story-driven. End-gamer? Crafter? Space Barbie? There's something here for you. For example, for the first couple years, I didn't even have a level 50 (old level cap). But I had all crew skills maxed and used to make millions (when that was a big deal) just crafting. Later got into PvP.

4. PvP: best there is in any game. A number of reasons this is so, but for starters it's accessible to casuals and hardcore alike. It's got a varying meta. And it's infinitely replayable. Again, for several years I did just PvP as my main "play" (besides space barbie and crafting) b/c I could jump in and do 20 min and feel like I did something.

5. PvE: I have never done an Operation. It's on my SWTOR Bucket List, but I've just never had the time (and still am not particularly good :D). But I love the FPs, world bosses, etc. at various difficulty modes. And if you count the story and side quests (how can you not?), there isn't anything even close.

6. Still Holds Up: How many 10 year old games can you still play and still enjoy as if new?

7. Story: I don't even think this belongs on this list. It's literally it's own post by itself! There isn't even a close contest here when it comes to story. Witcher, Skyrim, FFXIV, WoW -- nothing is in this league. How many games make you care? So much to say here, but if you're reading this, you already know!


So take a moment this anniversary and reflect on the marvel Bioware put together here. It's incredible how ambitious this was at the time, and that's showing over the years as many other companies have failed to capture this magic. Also, no other Star Wars licensed product has this magic. Bioware took a major risk and were punished for it early on (by EA mostly) yet, this stands out as a classic, fully holding up after 10 years. Kudos to all the devs and team involved over the years and thank you so much for giving the world this amazing game!


What else am I missing? Who else agrees? No haters please...

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I wouldn't call it the best. Still to this day I have very fond memories of SWG. For me, in it's glory days may have been the best game I ever played. However, there is a reason why so many people keep coming back to Swtor. Partially due to being the only Star Wars MMO. (Yes, of course I know about the emu servers like Basilisk and Legends, which I do play on from time to time, but they are kind of dated in terms of technology. To get a good experience you need to install client side mods and even with them there is still lag, LOD issues and other problems.) Swtor has managed to carve out it's own niche in the mmo genre. I think it's biggest appeal is that caters to both the single player and group at the same time. Not many other games can claim that. In my opinion, this game has more of a cult following. Best game ever? Not even close. Best game for it's price model? Yes, absolutely worth 15 bucks a month! Edited by TonyTricicolo
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There is already two haters here, threads like this only draws attention from haters on these forums unfortunately. Its just sad,


This is the only SW game on the market with good storyline so ı wont complain (not really anyway)


List me some high quality SW games currently on the market: You can't, there is none. SWTOR is the only one one of the kind still get updates even though they tiny in content at least we still getting something. (Jedi fallen order doesnt count)


People moaning like there is no tomorrow about this game for AGES dying, dead and so on, and now we getting an expansion they still moan. They never get happy, thats the issue with BioWare games, community is hostile, toxic and aggressive. When I post something I get mad too but I don't start WW3,


There is a good reason they did shut down their social network years ago and people tried to hunt them down. BioWare does NOT own anything to you. You pay your money, you get your subscription, that is all that matters.


There is already crapton trolls here, and expect they will invade this thread too unfortunately.

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There is already two haters here, threads like this only draws attention from haters on these forums unfortunately. Its just sad,


This is the only SW game on the market with good storyline so ı wont complain (not really anyway)


List me some high quality SW games currently on the market: You can't, there is none. SWTOR is the only one one of the kind still get updates even though they tiny in content at least we still getting something. (Jedi fallen order doesnt count)


People moaning like there is no tomorrow about this game for AGES dying, dead and so on, and now we getting an expansion they still moan. They never get happy, thats the issue with BioWare games, community is hostile, toxic and aggressive. When I post something I get mad too but I don't start WW3,


There is a good reason they did shut down their social network years ago and people tried to hunt them down. BioWare does NOT own anything to you. You pay your money, you get your subscription, that is all that matters.


There is already crapton trolls here, and expect they will invade this thread too unfortunately.


Ah yes, anyone who has a different opinion on an open forum is a troll. Telling people who disagree with a topic to stay out of a thread does nothing, I don't know why there would be a reasonable expectation that people just would abide by it. Like anything I love and enjoy, this game deserves the criticism is gets just like anything else that is run by a multi-million (billion if you want to go by EA) dollar corporation.


There is nothing wrong with any of the posts here as far as productive conversation goes (except yours tbh, you're being pretty toxic imo), unless you rather it be a copefest thread of praise while we await a 2 month late anniversary expansion. The nature of this game as a "live service", its genre, Bioware's niche and Star Wars are why this game is still around. We shouldn't fool ourselves here as to why its still here. This is the only high quality SW game on the market (still getting updates) in years because literally 1 company had the exclusive right to create games using the IP, so I don't know why you're even bringing it up like there was some competition here.


To clarify on my previous post, I am indeed saying that if you think that this is the "Best Video Game Ever Made", you may want to play other games. If this still somehow tops out ahead of everything else you play for whatever reason, I'm happy for you. But its pretty sad. Coming from someone who believes well intentioned criticism of things you love is always a good thing. This is also just a weird time to start this thread considering our current situation, but go off.

Edited by DarthCasus
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Ah yes, anyone who has a different opinion on an open forum is a troll. Telling people who disagree with a topic to stay out of a thread does nothing, I don't know why there would be a reasonable expectation that people just would abide by it. Like anything I love and enjoy, this game deserves the criticism is gets just like anything else that is run by a multi-million (billion if you want to go by EA) dollar corporation.


There is nothing wrong with any of the posts here as far as productive conversation goes (except yours tbh, you're being pretty toxic imo), unless you rather it be a copefest thread of praise while we await a 2 month late anniversary expansion. The nature of this game as a "live service", its genre, Bioware's niche and Star Wars are why this game is still around. We shouldn't fool ourselves here as to why its still here. This is the only high quality SW game on the market (still getting updates) in years because literally 1 company had the exclusive right to create games using the IP, so I don't know why you're even bringing it up like there was some competition here.


To clarify on my previous post, I am indeed saying that if you think that this is the "Best Video Game Ever Made", you may want to play other games. If this still somehow tops out ahead of everything else you play for whatever reason, I'm happy for you. But its pretty sad. Coming from someone who believes well intentioned criticism of things you love is always a good thing. This is also just a weird time to start this thread considering our current situation, but go off.


I play a ton of games. :rolleyes: I suppose I could say that from my POV, what's sad is that you think it's sad that I have this opinion, and that you thought that telling the world how sad this is was necessary. But I don't honestly think that's sad, given that I don't know anything about you. ;)


But I can't, and wouldn't try to, stop anyone from posting here. Instead, my thinking -- silly in hindsight -- was that given that there are so many negative threads to post on, that those who didn't share my views here might choose to share that dissent elsewhere. Some of us (and I don't believe it's as small as the threads might imply) are actually looking exactly for a "copefest of praise."


I know for myself, if someone said they weren't looking for positive opinions in their negativity thread, I wouldn't post a positive one there, because...well, not even worth explaining further. But I recognize that was foolish of me to expect that across the board...

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Ah yes, anyone who has a different opinion on an open forum is a troll. Telling people who disagree with a topic to stay out of a thread does nothing, I don't know why there would be a reasonable expectation that people just would abide by it. Like anything I love and enjoy, this game deserves the criticism is gets just like anything else that is run by a multi-million (billion if you want to go by EA) dollar corporation.


There is nothing wrong with any of the posts here as far as productive conversation goes (except yours tbh, you're being pretty toxic imo), unless you rather it be a copefest thread of praise while we await a 2 month late anniversary expansion. The nature of this game as a "live service", its genre, Bioware's niche and Star Wars are why this game is still around. We shouldn't fool ourselves here as to why its still here. This is the only high quality SW game on the market (still getting updates) in years because literally 1 company had the exclusive right to create games using the IP, so I don't know why you're even bringing it up like there was some competition here.


To clarify on my previous post, I am indeed saying that if you think that this is the "Best Video Game Ever Made", you may want to play other games. If this still somehow tops out ahead of everything else you play for whatever reason, I'm happy for you. But its pretty sad. Coming from someone who believes well intentioned criticism of things you love is always a good thing. This is also just a weird time to start this thread considering our current situation, but go off.


A toxic poster calling someone else toxic. How Ironic.




This game has the most trashiest interface in the world. Archaic platform at best with a perverse dual windows process methodology that makes me scream "What the hell where you people thinking?"


But at the end of the day - I love the story - And it's star wars. The Flashpoints are rather fun when I can solo them.

And I get to play Togruta - just love that.


I play many other games that are vastly better in quality and platform - but they aren't star wars - makes them suck in their own way.

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This is the only SW game on the market with good storyline so ı wont complain (not really anyway)



LOL kotor I and II had lightyears better storyline that anything swtor has to offer. But swtor is good none the less, but kotor set a really high bar that hasn't really been exceeded by many games if any, imo ofc.

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Best Video Game Ever?

Not even close. Play more video game.


Best Star Wars Video Game?

If we took the class stories out and made it into a solo RPG game, than yeah, I like it on par with or even more than Kotor I and II simply because there are 8 stories that allow use to see the whole picture of this Republic vs Sith Empire society. But like the others had said, the engine and interface of this game really isn't the best even at it's prime. And the single plot for all story format later really destroys what makes SWTOR unique as a mmoRPG game.

Edited by eabevella
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Best Video Game Ever?

Not even close. Play more video game.


Best Star Wars Video Game?

If we took the class stories out and made it into a solo RPG game, than yeah, I like it on par with or even more than Kotor I and II simply because there are 8 stories that allow use to see the whole picture of this Republic vs Sith Empire society. But like the others had said, the engine and interface of this game really isn't the best even at it's prime. And the single plot for all story format later really destroys what makes SWTOR unique as a mmoRPG game.


I believe it's now exceeded Kotor I/II -- great games too, and can't knock someone for preferring those. And again, I'd never argue that this game was perfect -- none are. But what's with the "play more games" everyone is saying? What are these amazingly great games I'm missing? I've played too many titles to even count at this point, and certainly all the ones you'd expect. But always looking for magic. What am I missing? Please share...

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I believe it's now exceeded Kotor I/II -- great games too, and can't knock someone for preferring those. And again, I'd never argue that this game was perfect -- none are. But what's with the "play more games" everyone is saying? What are these amazingly great games I'm missing? I've played too many titles to even count at this point, and certainly all the ones you'd expect. But always looking for magic. What am I missing? Please share...


Metal Gear Solid trilogy (MGS1-3) has a great story/world building that's not relied on some already famous IP and per-established world and each of them used the most of their console (PS 1-3) and provided new gaming idea/interaction in each game which were novel at their times, something you don't see in latter games, not even in MGS4-5 which are more of a Konami money grab, which is why I don't play 5. The series and its characters doesn't become a gamer culture legend for no reason (still want a czerka crate-o for my male Jedi Knight!).

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As another poster mentioned SWG from Launch till SOE shut it down imo Has No Equal and I still play currently now on Legends server it's only a eye candy issue that keeps it from having more folks playing it Had it All and the best PvP and Crafting ever as well as housing and open world. And it has more stuff to do Still... swtor is a great game and it's sad they don't and didn't do more to make it the best ever Star Wars...I can only imagine if What could have been had the folks with ESO had gotten the chance instead of EA
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