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Why OPS shouldnt give the best gear.


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At the end of the day, I want player freedom over Bioware control. I don't care how Bioware thinks I should play the game. I don't care how anyone outside of my circle thinks I should play the game. If I want to run Ops I will. If I want to group content I will. If I want to run solo I will.


6.0 showed the game functions just fine without content gates on gear. It has been fr active then I have seen it a while. Ops and Fps were being ran. Contrary to what 7.0 supporters on here would have you believe, it was far from just EV & farming MM.


The old system lifted from WoW isn't going to work. It never really did. MM Ops never have been a big draw. Bioware is putting the hammer down on casuals exactly when they need to keep them invested. The Kotor remake and Eclipse are coming. Here soon Swtor isn't even going to be the best looking game for it's era of Star Wars. Casuals chase story not group play.

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Just a reminder of the original system where gear was even more gated that 7.0


Gear progression at level 50:



Exactly. I remember when level 55 was max and end game content was 5 flashpoints and 2 ops and that was all people would play.


I remember just running circles around Fleet doing nothing.


Why I enjoyed gearing in 6.0 is because I could play any content on any alt and still upgrade gear and get tech frags to buy new rewards.


It has been so fun being rewarded for playing all aspects of the game/


I will play the new NiM content to get new gear; but, I am not going to play MM Flashpoints for subpar gear and that is a real bummer.


I was having so much fun lately.


With 7.0 changes, I will just log in and do the new operation and then have no reason to stay logged in.


I could play all day in 6.0 because I can play all my alts; with 7.0 it will be back to playing only certain characters and certain content.


Which means I will play a lot less.

Edited by kirorx
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I started playing November 6 and I'm 306 now, tech fragments made that super easy. It's hard to find a solid group for HM or NIM OPS with the expansion coming, most people are waiting or doing the quick SM OPS. I'm not going to bother spending a bunch of credits and tech fragments on gear sets that can be augmented with the expansion coming so soon. The content that I'm at right now, I don't need high end gear or even 306... you don't need the best gear to do those things, that's my point.


I don't know the gear requirement for NIM OPS, but it makes sense to put the end game content with the best gear. If it didn't have it, people wouldn't do it or do it once for content. Raids or Operations have always been the end, you go through the Story, FPs, and then Operations. If you don't plan on doing the NIM OPS, you don't really need the best gear. People Raid for two things, gear and content. If you're wanting to see the content, by all means SM is for you. You can do it without having the best gear, but if you want the best gear you got to work for it. In my opinion, it shouldn't be given so freely through other means. Best gear should be a challenge.


PvP is a completely different thing. That's why you have PVE content and PVP content. It's like that in any MMO. A good player can have PVE gear in PVP and do well and vice versa. Ultimately, if you want PVP gear, you PVP, and if you want PVE gear ,you PVE, simple as that.

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Ultimately, if you want PVP gear, you PVP, and if you want PVE gear ,you PVE, simple as that.


If we want to go back to locking the best gear behind Operations, then we should go back to "expertise" stats on PvP gear too


That way, if you want to PvE you do Operations and if you want to PvP you have to do Warzones.


Might as well go back to 3.0 again.

Edited by kirorx
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I started playing November 6 and I'm 306 now, tech fragments made that super easy. It's hard to find a solid group for HM or NIM OPS with the expansion coming, most people are waiting or doing the quick SM OPS. I'm not going to bother spending a bunch of credits and tech fragments on gear sets that can be augmented with the expansion coming so soon. The content that I'm at right now, I don't need high end gear or even 306... you don't need the best gear to do those things, that's my point.


I don't know the gear requirement for NIM OPS, but it makes sense to put the end game content with the best gear. If it didn't have it, people wouldn't do it or do it once for content. Raids or Operations have always been the end, you go through the Story, FPs, and then Operations. If you don't plan on doing the NIM OPS, you don't really need the best gear. People Raid for two things, gear and content. If you're wanting to see the content, by all means SM is for you. You can do it without having the best gear, but if you want the best gear you got to work for it. In my opinion, it shouldn't be given so freely through other means. Best gear should be a challenge.


PvP is a completely different thing. That's why you have PVE content and PVP content. It's like that in any MMO. A good player can have PVE gear in PVP and do well and vice versa. Ultimately, if you want PVP gear, you PVP, and if you want PVE gear ,you PVE, simple as that.


It's hard to find a group for the harder Ops because there's little trust for random people when actual mechanics come into play. Did a 16m SM ToS This morning, and you could clearly tell there were folks that were hm/nim raiders and that there were others who struggled with BASIC STORY CONTENT -- and mind you this operation was nerfed heavily compared to when I learned it as back then people generally wanted to see your achievement for completion before inviting you into the group.


Back "then" we had separate pve and pvp gear. You know what the complaint was? That their hard earned op gear was effectively meaningless in pvp.


Right now we're getting another grind but not a lot of incentive to do it all over again. I think the best part was reading about the "gearing philosophy" since years ago we did express that the rng and gearing system would be bad and they chose to ignore the feedback.

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PvP is a completely different thing. (1) That's why you have PVE content and PVP content (2). It's like that in any MMO. (3) A good player can have PVE gear in PVP and do well and vice versa. Ultimately, if you want PVP gear, you PVP, and if you want PVE gear ,you PVE, simple as that (4) .


1) Yes, yes it is


2) Thanks CPT Obvious?


3) Not true. In certain MMOs (BDO, EQ certain servers), PvP was the world. You died in EQ in PvP? You could lose: an item, ALL your items, money.


4) Re-read those two sentences. I'm sure they made sense to you when you wrote them, but combined with what else you wrote, they make no sense.


They ESPECIALLY make no sense because at this time, there is NO new PvP specific gear (well, maybe 7.1), which means if your suggestion of PvErs getting the best PvE gear, AND can do well in PvP...well...you see the problem with that? Right?


Look, I get it, raiders want to be special snowflakes, and of course they want the best gear so they can sell carries. A simple compromise is to put the best gear behind crafting, and call it a day.

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It's hard to find a group for the harder Ops because there's little trust for random people when actual mechanics come into play. Did a 16m SM ToS This morning, and you could clearly tell there were folks that were hm/nim raiders and that there were others who struggled with BASIC STORY CONTENT -- and mind you this operation was nerfed heavily compared to when I learned it as back then people generally wanted to see your achievement for completion before inviting you into the group.


Back "then" we had separate pve and pvp gear. You know what the complaint was? That their hard earned op gear was effectively meaningless in pvp.


Right now we're getting another grind but not a lot of incentive to do it all over again. I think the best part was reading about the "gearing philosophy" since years ago we did express that the rng and gearing system would be bad and they chose to ignore the feedback.


That's interesting. I didn't know that the pvp gear was just similar pve gear now. Unfortunately people are always going to commend or complain. You can't please everyone, but imo going back to expertise gear would be nice for pvp, especially if they are going to put the best gear in operations. OPS aren't for everybody, people think that are simple until they get into it. Then it makes the vets annoyed, but yeah, you really have to pay attention to mechanics, fights, positioning, and have patience. Not everything is just a dps check.

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1) Yes, yes it is


2) Thanks CPT Obvious?


3) Not true. In certain MMOs (BDO, EQ certain servers), PvP was the world. You died in EQ in PvP? You could lose: an item, ALL your items, money.


4) Re-read those two sentences. I'm sure they made sense to you when you wrote them, but combined with what else you wrote, they make no sense.


They ESPECIALLY make no sense because at this time, there is NO new PvP specific gear (well, maybe 7.1), which means if your suggestion of PvErs getting the best PvE gear, AND can do well in PvP...well...you see the problem with that? Right?


Look, I get it, raiders want to be special snowflakes, and of course they want the best gear so they can sell carries. A simple compromise is to put the best gear behind crafting, and call it a day.


I have not played EQ, I should edit my post to say it's like this in most or some MMOs then as most of my suggestions were based of my own experiences with World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Also when I wrote this I did not realize that SWTOR had no pvp gear of its own that wasn't different from pve gear.(I'm still fairly new to the game). Someone mentioned that it used to have it's own stat called expertise, and they had changed it, probably due to people complaining about gear.


I agree with some gear being behind crafting, or maybe just have some gear sets be made from crafting, some be received from Operations, so people can have the best of both worlds. Then for PVP idk, if people want PVP gear strictly for PVP again maybe bring back expertise. I'm not really big into PVP so it wouldn't do anything for me. I do enjoy it every now and then. The only thing I'm kinda sad about is that I'm a huge achievement grinder and it's impossible to get the open area PVP achievements.

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I'm not sure it's really *clear* based on what you've said here, and *solely* on what you've said here. You haven't cited any reliable studies, surveys, or whatever, so your argument is nothing more than an unfounded assertion.


No. You've *stated* that NiM raids aren't the hardest, but you haven't *proved* it.


His premise is flawed, horribly, based on wish-casting.


The progression raids are tuned to the upper echelon of gear. His denial of that doesn't change this fact.


And progression raiding is why most raider's raid.


Honestly, people need to get over this sort of thing - the best gear is needed for progression raiding, and everything else is tuned to a level below what you can get in a progression raid. At this point its crying that you want the best without earning it, just because. It would be like whining that you got a new ford escort instead of a lexus when all you need is something to get you from point a to point b - no matter how they try to frame the argument to make it not sound like that, in the end, that's all this argument amounts to.

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His premise is flawed, horribly, based on wish-casting.


The progression raids are tuned to the upper echelon of gear. His denial of that doesn't change this fact.


And progression raiding is why most raider's raid.


Honestly, people need to get over this sort of thing - the best gear is needed for progression raiding, and everything else is tuned to a level below what you can get in a progression raid. At this point its crying that you want the best without earning it, just because. It would be like whining that you got a new ford escort instead of a lexus when all you need is something to get you from point a to point b - no matter how they try to frame the argument to make it not sound like that, in the end, that's all this argument amounts to.


For most of us the issue is not a vendetta against Ops players. The issue is that 7.0's itemization scheme is crap. Unless you play specific content you will be limited to static stat gear, which, if you are doing other Ops, should be annoying enough, but it is even worse for solo players. Solo players will not only be limited to static stat gear, but they will also be limited to green gear with the worst stat distribution that will, if the numbers from PTS carry over to live, have an over abundance of endurance and tertiary stats that are only slightly higher than current 306 gear.


Further, testing on the PTS showed that in level synced content, which the vast majority of solo content is level synced (especially since the Manaan daily area will not even be included with the 7.0 launch), one is better off in their 306 gear due to stat allocation. 7.0's level sync will not place flat caps on stats, so stat allocation will matter, thus removing any gear progression from solo players in 7.0 if they already have full, augmented 306 gear.


When was the last time we had an update that destroyed gear progression for solo players? We have had itemization schemes that capped solo players at a lower item rating, but never one that completed removed gear progression. When was the last time we had an update that locked the vast majority of players in static stat gear, which will make it very difficult for even Ops players to hit alacrity thresholds, and impossible for solo players. I started playing in 2012, but I did not really start to focus on end game gearing as a solo player until 2.0 came out.


Under 2.0's itemization scheme one could acquire purple modded gear that was sufficient for all solo content and allowed entry into flashpoints that would allow us to customize our stats to focus on high crit or high alacrity. That choice is gone with 7.0. In 7.0 the top solo gear, green 326 gear, will be worse than augmented 306 gear. That is the bigger issue for most solo players, and not some vendetta against Ops players.


I asked the question above, how would you like to run content with crap alacrity, crap crit, but an overabundance of endurance, and they would not answer. We all know the answer, it is boring. It turns every fight into a slog. But we are filthy soloers, it does not matter if we are having fun, right? Just so long as people can keep changing their mantra, "soloers do not need BiS gear, only Ops players," it lets them ignore that solo players are not just being locked out of BiS gear, but that solo players are being locked into the crappiest gear in any expansion. Gear that is so crap that we are better off ignoring itemization in 7.0 and sticking with our 306 gear.

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It would be like whining that you got a new ford escort instead of a lexus when all you need is something to get you from point a to point b - no matter how they try to frame the argument to make it not sound like that, in the end, that's all this argument amounts to.


Sir (?) this assertion is blatantly ignoring every other concern people have over this system and their personal needs. It's this closed mindedness and unkindness that ruins productive discussions and offers no help or solutions to very real problems for others.

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Agreed. The car comparison made no sense, anyway. Ceryxp nailed it. 7.0 gives most players nothing gear-wise. Am I going to trade my fully augmented, fully modded, fully min-maxed 306 gear for static green crap? Nope. Am I going to do NiM ops? Nope. All players like me can do is hope that later expansions add to the 7.0 system enough for us to get upgraded gear months or years down the road.
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For most of us the issue is not a vendetta against Ops players. The issue is that 7.0's itemization scheme is crap. Unless you play specific content you will be limited to static stat gear, which, if you are doing other Ops, should be annoying enough, but it is even worse for solo players. Solo players will not only be limited to static stat gear, but they will also be limited to green gear with the worst stat distribution that will, if the numbers from PTS carry over to live, have an over abundance of endurance and tertiary stats that are only slightly higher than current 306 gear.


Further, testing on the PTS showed that in level synced content, which the vast majority of solo content is level synced (especially since the Manaan daily area will not even be included with the 7.0 launch), one is better off in their 306 gear due to stat allocation. 7.0's level sync will not place flat caps on stats, so stat allocation will matter, thus removing any gear progression from solo players in 7.0 if they already have full, augmented 306 gear.


When was the last time we had an update that destroyed gear progression for solo players? We have had itemization schemes that capped solo players at a lower item rating, but never one that completed removed gear progression. When was the last time we had an update that locked the vast majority of players in static stat gear, which will make it very difficult for even Ops players to hit alacrity thresholds, and impossible for solo players. I started playing in 2012, but I did not really start to focus on end game gearing as a solo player until 2.0 came out.


Under 2.0's itemization scheme one could acquire purple modded gear that was sufficient for all solo content and allowed entry into flashpoints that would allow us to customize our stats to focus on high crit or high alacrity. That choice is gone with 7.0. In 7.0 the top solo gear, green 326 gear, will be worse than augmented 306 gear. That is the bigger issue for most solo players, and not some vendetta against Ops players.


I asked the question above, how would you like to run content with crap alacrity, crap crit, but an overabundance of endurance, and they would not answer. We all know the answer, it is boring. It turns every fight into a slog. But we are filthy soloers, it does not matter if we are having fun, right? Just so long as people can keep changing their mantra, "soloers do not need BiS gear, only Ops players," it lets them ignore that solo players are not just being locked out of BiS gear, but that solo players are being locked into the crappiest gear in any expansion. Gear that is so crap that we are better off ignoring itemization in 7.0 and sticking with our 306 gear.


Give it a rest. You are obviously correct on all points, and what you are responding to is so shallow an argument it's not worth going back and forth on.


One potential fix is pretty simple. We used to see gear systems have basic/standard/ultimate commendations, or green/blue/purple data crystals to buy mods in exchange for those currencies. Even though the mods weren't as optimized as drops from Operations, they still allowed a player to customize stats better than static gear did. In the 1.x era, crafting or running solo dailies could supply optimized 126 gear, doing MM FPs would give optimized Columi gear (136), and HM Ops gave Rakata gear (140). I can't remember when gear was changed to non-static for drops for Columi or Rakata, or if they always had mods. By later in 1.x, mid-2012, and definitely in 2.x, all gear had mods, with set bonuses tied to armoring components.


7.x needs, at a minimum, a version of this old way of doing things, with the ability to purchase mods of various quality with currencies, and easily craft optimized mods of a lower rating for solo-only players.


I've played since the launch days, and can't remember a time when solo players weren't given at least some option to progress their stats reasonably. It was definitely in place during 2.x forward, and 1.x had it for most of, if not the entire update cycle. Every expansion since has had gearing progression options for non-Ops players that were reasonable.


It's my opinion, at this late stage in the game's life, when the vast majority of group content is 7-10 years old, it makes more sense for folks to be able gear up and get the best stats doing most types of content, then move on to play what they enjoy on a given evening - jump into WZs with a good PVP set, jump into a HM or NiM Op with a good PVE set, run Vet or MM FPs, etc. Make that process as drawn out as BW thinks is appropriate, but locking everything behind progression in 1 Operation not only leaves out a lot of subscribers that would otherwise be gearing characters - it's also tedious and boring.


I'll play the new Op, but I'd like to be able to progress characters' gear doing other content too, as engaging a variety of things at endgame is the only way not to get bored of SWTOR at this stage, in my opinion. It just doesn't add enough new content any longer for other gearing models to work.


7.0 will launch however it will, but I'm betting BW will need to revise the gearing system and offer other ways to min/max stats, as too many subscribers will end up leaving. Static gear with limited ways to upgrade is going to go over like the original Galactic Command system did.

Edited by arunav
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I don't really care what gives the best gear, as long as the gear I have access to lets me kill things in the world and story decently quick.

With the gear I have now, I feel a little weak on Onderon, and I don't like it. The story tells me I'm basically a force god, I zap and ragdoll a dark council member like he's a fresh Korriban acolyte, yet I can't blast through a handful of animals in a couple seconds? No, this is not right.


Reduce mob scaling, or give me higher item level stuff.

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His premise is flawed, horribly, based on wish-casting.


The progression raids are tuned to the upper echelon of gear. His denial of that doesn't change this fact.


And progression raiding is why most raider's raid.


Honestly, people need to get over this sort of thing - the best gear is needed for progression raiding, and everything else is tuned to a level below what you can get in a progression raid. At this point its crying that you want the best without earning it, just because. It would be like whining that you got a new ford escort instead of a lexus when all you need is something to get you from point a to point b - no matter how they try to frame the argument to make it not sound like that, in the end, that's all this argument amounts to.


Here is the thing. 6.0 exists. Many of us are complaining because access to end game gear is being taken away. We don't want to do MM Ops. So for us paying customers we are been asked to do something we don't want to do or lose access to what we already had.


Also it's not like nothing is being done for the gear, content is being ran for it still. Let's been real is farming an Op boss so different than farming a MM flashpoint? It is all time investment. The mechanics in Ops aren't honestly that much harder than stuff you see in harder solo content like the Eternal Championship. Once the guide comes out and with a decent team most Op bosses are pretty easy.


Casual players are going to jut ignore the new gear. They might run the new Op in story mode that's about it. Hard core raiders will do it but they were already raiding. How do I know this? The history of the game. This happens every time with every raid. Casual players won't in the end even care. The gear and rewards are never enough. The real issue is that this is pissing them off and they are going to leave. This is bad for the game. Telling people they need to get over to support a game model that doesn't work is silly. They aren't.


In the end the gear isn't the point. The point is this plus a lot of the other changes are casual and alt unfriendly. Casual players are the majority and always have been. Bioware i giving the less reason to play the game and reasons to play the game less. Telling people to get over it isn't going to work.

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Here is the thing. 6.0 exists. Many of us are complaining because access to end game gear is being taken away. We don't want to do MM Ops. So for us paying customers we are been asked to do something we don't want to do or lose access to what we already had.


Also it's not like nothing is being done for the gear, content is being ran for it still. Let's been real is farming an Op boss so different than farming a MM flashpoint? It is all time investment. The mechanics in Ops aren't honestly that much harder than stuff you see in harder solo content like the Eternal Championship. Once the guide comes out and with a decent team most Op bosses are pretty easy.


Casual players are going to jut ignore the new gear. They might run the new Op in story mode that's about it. Hard core raiders will do it but they were already raiding. How do I know this? The history of the game. This happens every time with every raid. Casual players won't in the end even care. The gear and rewards are never enough. The real issue is that this is pissing them off and they are going to leave. This is bad for the game. Telling people they need to get over to support a game model that doesn't work is silly. They aren't.


In the end the gear isn't the point. The point is this plus a lot of the other changes are casual and alt unfriendly. Casual players are the majority and always have been. Bioware i giving the less reason to play the game and reasons to play the game less. Telling people to get over it isn't going to work.


My god, it's unbelievable how many people think they're entitled to the best gear for doing nothing. I hate to break your little bubble, but no.

The best gear should be awarded only to the people that complete the hardest content of this game - operations and PvP(but that's a different story). Eternal Championshis's difficulty is nowhere even remotely near that of most hard mode ops, not to mention nightmare. Even with guides and tutorials, people wipe for prolonged amounts of time. And what do these people get in the end? Oh, the same rewards as people that are doing heroics? Wonderful, what a great incentive.

BWA's catering to the casual community already ended up in a mass exodus of actual MMO players to WoW, ESO, etc. Given the sudden roll backward of a gearing system, it was a huge number of players and likely financial metrics confirm that otherwise, a current RNG-******** system would have remained.

If casuals want to leave... well, good luck finding a mmo that has a different gearing system.

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My god, it's unbelievable how many people think they're entitled to the best gear for doing nothing. I hate to break your little bubble, but no.


What is unbelievable is that people continue to hold onto a flawed notion that merely because someone does not play the same content as them that that someone is "doing nothing."


What is unbelievable is that even though we have had five years of everyone being able to get to max gear level (with group content affording the faster path to gear, ya know, that incentive people keep talking about), and that this is the first time we have had a gear system that essential leaves out an entire segment of players, and that this is the first time we will have a gearing system that is going to lock everyone into static stat gear, completely removing player agency in determining their stat allocation unless they play one specific piece of content, which will not even be released at the same time as 7.0, that people are still defending it.


But then, people still think Stanley Kubrick faked the Moon landing, so...

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My god, it's unbelievable how many people think they're entitled to the best gear for doing nothing. I hate to break your little bubble, but no.

The best gear should be awarded only to the people that complete the hardest content of this game - operations and PvP(but that's a different story). (1) Eternal Championshis's difficulty is nowhere even remotely near that of most hard mode ops,(2) not to mention nightmare. Even with guides and tutorials, people wipe for prolonged amounts of time. And what do these people get in the end? Oh, the same rewards as people that are doing heroics? Wonderful, what a great incentive.

BWA's catering to the casual community already ended up in a mass exodus of actual MMO players to WoW, ESO, etc (3) . Given the sudden roll backward of a gearing system, it was a huge number of players and likely financial metrics confirm that otherwise, a current RNG-******** system would have remained.

If casuals want to leave... well, good luck finding a mmo that has a different gearing system (4) .


(1) Gotta love how there's always that caveat, "Yes best gear should go to the hardest content that ISN'T PvP".


(2) Which HM OP? EV, EC? ToS? Dxun? The "difficulty" in SWTOR raiding doesn't come from mechanics, but from tight DPS checks. I will toss raiders this bone, tough to do mechanics when the damaging AOE or whatever doesn't show up for 2-3 seconds AFTER you've started taking damage.


(3) Do you have statistics to back up this claim? People left SWTOR early on for many reasons, I doubt it was just because of lack of gear for raiders.


Speaking of which, SWTOR has never been an "end-game" raiding MMO. (As evidenced by the lack of end-game raids for starters). So why are the developers trying to make the game something it's not? (And never was)


(4) Have you PLAYED any other MMO? I mean extensively. (NW doesn't count, that game is dying as I type).

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(1) Gotta love how there's always that caveat, "Yes best gear should go to the hardest content that ISN'T PvP".

"but that's a different story" - I put it for a reason because pvpers definitely should get the highest gear through pvp progression like it was pre 5.0.


(2) Which HM OP? EV, EC? ToS? Dxun? The "difficulty" in SWTOR raiding doesn't come from mechanics, but from tight DPS checks. I will toss raiders this bone, tough to do mechanics when the damaging AOE or whatever doesn't show up for 2-3 seconds AFTER you've started taking damage.


Again, i did say "most hard mode ops", because some of them, like for example EV - isn't hard and can be done with 5 if not 4 people.ToS is indeed an interesting one, not to mention nim.


(3) Do you have statistics to back up this claim? People left SWTOR early on for many reasons, I doubt it was just because of lack of gear for raiders.


I wish I could get my hands on financial data, but sadly I can only observe player population on the DM server, which dwindled heavily since the 5.0 "expansion". Gearing was not the only problem, but it contributed heavily. The situation only worsened with 6.0 and it's undeniable. Fewer players - less money.


Speaking of which, SWTOR has never been an "end-game" raiding MMO. (As evidenced by the lack of end-game raids for starters). So why are the developers trying to make the game something it's not? (And never was)


Well, maybe it's an issue then? Maybe that's why, similar in terms of game mechanics, WoW has times more population? Maybe instead of focusing on a mediocre story, devs actually start creating MMO content?



(4) Have you PLAYED any other MMO? I mean extensively. (NW doesn't count, that game is dying as I type).

And yes, i played more than a dozen MMO's, but only 3 MMORPG's: swtor, wow, eso.

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You don´t need the BIS Gear to complete Nim Ops either. Ther gear is a reward for doing Nim Ops not something you actually need.

And if Bioware want me to do the old content to grind for gear they have to give me something better then green 318 gear. Or in other words i will be back and sub for the game when the BIS Gear is available again for every kind of playstyle.


None of us actually know if this is going to be true. I keep seeing this comment made. Has anyone tried NiM Ops on the PTS to know if they are balanced for lower level gear or are they balanced around 330 gear?


Just because some can do them in lesser gear during the 6.0 expansion doesn't necessarily mean BW won't balance it differently in 7.0

Edited by Toraak
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Again you are being entirely unkind. Also ignoring other points of view, why bother responding? Do you want people to feel bad for not agreeing with you?


I want facts, NOT feelings. A persons' feelings are fine as an individual opinion, but if they want action that affects more than just them, then don't give me feelings. Give me facts.


And truthfully? No, its not about making people feel bad for not agreeing with me - to consider that type of mentality is more a reflection of the one accusing it. What I am tired of, is people having emotional tantrums on the forums over things that they haven't thought out yet. I am tired of people who think that just because they have a "big feeling", that now everyone must coddle them or cater to it. Its like people forgot the purpose of a video game.


This is an MMO. There are too many people to make EVERYONE happy. And the purpose of a video game is escapism. It does NOT exist to validate people's opinions or emotional conditions. Again, it says more about the person than the game if a person is looking to a video game for that sort of emotional validation.


So if you have a critique, you are entitled to your opinion, of course. But likewise, I am entitled to MINE as well - so don't go lecturing me about feelings. If you need to talk feelings with someone, there are professionals out there who are paid to listen to it. If you still want to talk feelings with me, I'll either rebuff you like I just did or start charging you by the hour. :rak_03:

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None of us actually know if this is going to be true. I keep seeing this comment made. Has anyone tried NiM Ops on the PTS to know if they are balanced for lower level gear or are they balanced around 330 gear?


Just because some can do them in lesser gear during the 6.0 expansion in less then BiS doesn't necessarily mean BW won't balance it differently in 7.0


I think that's the main point of my consternation - Bioware already said they ARE rebalancing content around 318 gear in 7.0, so people wringing their hands and using 6.0 as a comparison are using a faulty data set for their opinions.

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I think that's the main point of my consternation - Bioware already said they ARE rebalancing content around 318 gear in 7.0, so people wringing their hands and using 6.0 as a comparison are using a faulty data set for their opinions.


I thought they said they were balancing MOST content for 318 gear in 7.0. But what does most content mean? FP's, sm, or hm Ops while having NiM be higher or does it mean everything is balanced for 318 except the new raid?

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