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Please don't make alts useless by limiting CQ rewards to only 3 characters


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Yet you are arguing against that

-Person A plays 70 hours per week and plays 20 alts and gets 20 conquest box rewards

-Person B plays 70 hours per week and plays their main character for the entire week and gets a single conquest box reward


So you are quite literally arguing that one person should get 20 times the rewards even if both spend the same time, you are quite literally saying you want your specific way of playing to have 20 times the rewards.


If you dont see how wrong, unfair and unbalanced this is, there is nothing else to be said.


Then instead of arguing that the people who play 20 Alts should get penalised, how about asking BioWare to reward you for playing 70 hours.


Ie, if you hit the conquest goal more than once on your character, you get rewarded for that. Wether the goal is 50k or 100k shouldn’t matter. So if conquest is 50k and your conquest points are 150k, you’d get the conquest rewards x3.


Instead you are advocating talking stuff away from players who already play the game a certain way. Cant you see how negatively that impacts them too. You want us to have empathy to your play style, but fail at empathy towards us.


Please stop telling us how to play or advocating BioWare take one more thing from us with this stupid expansion. Instead focus on your own play style and advocate BioWare add a multiplier for you to get the same rewards playing one alt.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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But what rewards are we talking about. We are already losing all credits and XP from conquest and I won’t at all be surprised to learn techfrags are nerfed when the time comes.


His beef is someone might be able to gear up faster than him. But Ops guys will be able to do that anyway. And people playing now can spam hammer station on one character to gear up.


He also seems to be a pvper, so I’m not sure why he’s even concerned about conquest gearing. Wouldn’t it be faster to just spam pvp to gear up?


Or better yet, spam every type of content on one character and he’d be geared up faster than people playing conquest on 20 Alts.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I think the obvious answer is to keep the "gear" or <insert name for gear currency> locked to the individual character that earned the CQ, and let him continue to pool mats in legacy bank. I don't think BW will do that. and players have been passing mods to alts through legacy shells for a long time before 6.x (except you had to earn those shells through reputation with various sub-factions). although come to think of it, that won't be a problem outside of the ops gearing tree.


iunno. I've said many times over that I don't expect BW to do anything right, just half-arsed. at least from my pov.

Edited by CheesyEZ
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Call me crazy...but aren't we ignoring the jawa in the room?


20 alts - seems a bit excessive isn't?


Maybe this guy is farming goods for the market? Inflation cause?


If he's subbed - that's a lot of CC's isn't?


Frankly anyone with that kind of dedication has a bigger problem than "time invested".


Sure...you can do what you want - but there's a fine line between rational and insane.


Whatever excuse you can come up with...justified or not.....I don't have a problem with this.

I think however they should limit it to 8 - enough to cover the obvious number of alts your going to have for full legacy.

But that's just my 2 cents - and I couldn't' care less what the OP thinks in response because he made it rather clear that there's no rhyme or reason to his arguments.


*regrets not throwing a can of fuel into the fire*

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I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I think the obvious answer is to keep the "gear" or <insert name for gear currency> locked to the individual character that earned the CQ, and let him continue to pool mats in legacy bank. I don't think BW will do that. and players have been passing mods to alts through legacy shells for a long time before 6.x (except you had to earn those shells through reputation with various sub-factions). although come to think of it, that won't be a problem outside of the ops gearing tree.


iunno. I've said many times over that I don't expect BW to do anything right, just half-arsed. at least from my pov.


If you play all the content for the different gear, you will gear up the fastest. It doesn’t matter if it’s on one character or many.

Sure, the people who play 20 Alts for conquest could have potentially have gotten 20 pieces a week to help them gear up. But they would be limited to only the most basic green stuff.

The fastest / most efficient way to gear is probably going to be playing everything on one character or only a few so that you don’t waste time on less optimised gear.

Ie, pvp and flash point spam will gear faster than conquest and operations will gear the fastest, but has limits. So spamming the first two will prepare you for operations gear via the iLevel (not cross grading). Conquesters will literally be left behind. So there is no reason for him to want them nerfed.

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Call me crazy...but aren't we ignoring the jawa in the room?


20 alts - seems a bit excessive isn't?


Maybe this guy is farming goods for the market? Inflation cause?


If he's subbed - that's a lot of CC's isn't?


Frankly anyone with that kind of dedication has a bigger problem than "time invested".


Sure...you can do what you want - but there's a fine line between rational and insane.


Whatever excuse you can come up with...justified or not.....I don't have a problem with this.

I think however they should limit it to 8 - enough to cover the obvious number of alts your going to have for full legacy.

But that's just my 2 cents - and I couldn't' care less what the OP thinks in response because he made it rather clear that there's no rhyme or reason to his arguments.


*regrets not throwing a can of fuel into the fire*


Eights not fair either. I would usually play about 30 Alts a week because I’ve the free time being semi retired and have health issues that basically keep me isolated in my house during this pandemic.

I run 2 family guilds and for us to hit conquest each week I have to get at least 10 Alts from each faction through. Why shouldn’t I be rewarded for that. The same as people who are rewarded for playing 1 or 8 characters.

I think there should be no limits on how many Alts you choose to play. I paid real money to open up 70 slots per server.

If someone can play 70 hours on one character and I can play 70 hours on 20, it shouldn’t matter. Yes the person playing one character is currently limited in rewards.

But how about we change the conversation to them getting a multiplier to get the same rewards as someone playing 20 characters instead of nerfing other players rewards who like playing multiple Alts.

People are too focused on taking away from others that dont play their way instead of focusing on how BioWare could boost their rewards. It’s dividing the community as usual and no one wins in the end because people leave the game.

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Call me crazy...but aren't we ignoring the jawa in the room?

20 alts - seems a bit excessive isn't? *


I've never thought 20 Chars was excessive. I have my own reasons why I have the 25 that I do.

I have a tank and a healer for Imp & Pub ea. I have Melee and Ranged chars and some that I used for RPing.

I regularly use about 14 in a week. I also get 'attached' to these pixels. IDK why it seems crazy when in the blink of an eye they can all be taken from you. But Meh it seems crazy to spend 5500cc on some pixels in the form of a saber. (For me that's 57$ CAD - cost + exchange rate + GST) - I bought Cyberpunk for the same price.).


Anyway, all these toons need gear and if now I'm being nerfed to getting only 3 chars through a week, that's getting enough bad but as was mentioned before now getting frameworks for guild ships is going to be mega-harder and either more time consuming or credit costly. Encryptions now cost almost as much as Frameworks did when guild ships 1st came out.


<Sigh> Every day I read these forums and I find out there more things that have me moving from cautiously optimistic to I think 10 years will be my max.

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I've never thought 20 Chars was excessive. I have my own reasons why I have the 25 that I do.

I have a tank and a healer for Imp & Pub ea. I have Melee and Ranged chars and some that I used for RPing.

I regularly use about 14 in a week. I also get 'attached' to these pixels. IDK why it seems crazy when in the blink of an eye they can all be taken from you. But Meh it seems crazy to spend 5500cc on some pixels in the form of a saber. (For me that's 57$ CAD - cost + exchange rate + GST) - I bought Cyberpunk for the same price.).


Anyway, all these toons need gear and if now I'm being nerfed to getting only 3 chars through a week, that's getting enough bad but as was mentioned before now getting frameworks for guild ships is going to be mega-harder and either more time consuming or credit costly. Encryptions now cost almost as much as Frameworks did when guild ships 1st came out.


<Sigh> Every day I read these forums and I find out there more things that have me moving from cautiously optimistic to I think 10 years will be my max.


Funny how the issue I pointed too is conveniently overlooked.

But ok..sure.

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The reason they are limiting it is likely to curb inflation - seem to recall seeing something along those lines.


Your logic is flawed. They’ve already removed the credit element from conquest. So what you suggest doesn’t line up with limiting people to only 3 Alts.


The only reason they are limiting is to gate people’s ability to gear up multiple Alts via conquest. It’s to slow down the whole gearing experience because they’ve not added enough playable content to last long enough. They think if it takes people months and months to gear up 3 Alts at a time, they’ll stay subbed longer.


Sadly, conquest is nearly the only reason I play these days and limiting that to 3 Alts at a time ruins the game for me. I won’t be participating in this shamolze of an expansion. Every other day we find out something else is being taken away.


BioWare are sabotaging their own game at this point. I can’t see it lasting past next year if they keep driving more people away with these constantly bad changes.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Your logic is flawed. They’ve already removed the credit element from conquest. So what you suggest doesn’t line up with limiting people to only 3 Alts.


The only reason they are limiting is to gate people’s ability to gear up multiple Alts via conquest. It’s to slow down the whole gearing experience because they’ve not added enough playable content to last long enough. They think if it takes people months and months to gear up 3 Alts at a time, they’ll stay subbed longer.


Sadly, conquest is nearly the only reason I play these days and limiting that to 3 Alts at a time ruins the game for me. I won’t be participating in this shamolze of an expansion. Every other day we find out something else is being taken away.


BioWare are sabotaging their own game at this point. I can’t see it lasting past next year if they keep driving more people away with these constantly bad changes.


Not that flawed - the Cartel Coin income alone makes me raise an eyebrow considering the amount they get - IF they are subscribed.


Even then - the whole thing is a moot point in terms of them complaining overall regardless.

I do agree however the 3 alt limitation seems very very harsh. Hence my earlier statement of increasing that to say 8 alts. Even 10 if you want a nice round number.

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Not that flawed - the Cartel Coin income alone makes me raise an eyebrow considering the amount they get - IF they are subscribed.


Even then - the whole thing is a moot point in terms of them complaining overall regardless.

I do agree however the 3 alt limitation seems very very harsh. Hence my earlier statement of increasing that to say 8 alts. Even 10 if you want a nice round number.


Dude, you are so confused. You don’t get cartel coins from conquest. You are thinking of Galactic Seasons which has nothing to do with conquest or limiting your Alts to 3.


No there should be no restrictions. Not 8, 10 or even 20. People should be allowed to play as many Alts in conquest as they can now. Reducing or limiting it is only going to drive players from the game. Which is bad for everyone, especially EA shareholders ;)


There is no logical reason to limit people, except to slow down or gate the speed of gearing. That is the only reason BioWare are doing this. And it’s ridiculous

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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On PTS there's a weekly cap of 600 Marks of Commendation, and you get 200 from CQ. I'm just hoping that, if they go through with this, we'll still get some sort of reward for doing CQ on more than 3 characters (how the heck do we still get tech fragments anyway?).


There's also a cap of 800 aquatic resource matrix per week.


So basically, it's like rep, anything you do with more than 3 characters won't help you. It was ok for rep, but for gearing... it's just really lame. I might as well forget gearing up more than 3 characters at this point.


Okay, I've been pretty well just rolling with the punches so far on 7.0 but what in the void is this, in all seriousness, BW? 7.0: Earn scraps on 3 toons max! Quite the catchy sales pitch :( That 5-10 year old content is doing some pretty damned heavy lifting to keep folks interested in your game, eh?


I have 8 guilded toons atm. Why would I maintain this in 7.0, to earn points for the guild and bupkis for myself?

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Dude, you are so confused. You don’t get cartel coins from conquest. You are thinking of Galactic Seasons which has nothing to do with conquest or limiting your Alts to 3.


No there should be no restrictions. Not 8, 10 or even 20. People should be allowed to play as many Alts in conquest as they can now. Reducing or limiting it is only going to drive players from the game. Which is bad for everyone, especially EA shareholders ;)


There is no logical reason to limit people, except to slow down or gate the speed of gearing. That is the only reason BioWare are doing this. And it’s ridiculous


I stand corrected then - was under the impression you get CC's per char per month or something to that effect.

Even then - they obviously had a reason to do this (albeit harsh) limit.

Some sort of inferred abuse/exploit that is being curbed by this.

Why else do it?

Gating seems too easy an excuse. But if that's all they are saying - well then yeah - that's stupid.

Can't say I'm eager to defend those who abuse the hell out of the system - tends to lead to "why we can't have nice things" syndrome. Subject to correction - and I'd only listen to Trixxie at this point as Trix is the only one making sense here.

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To the people who complain that they don't get more rewards by playing one character, it's not totally true. There's no limit to how many flashpoints or ops you can run. How would you feel if they stopped giving you rewards after the 5th one or something? I mean, you'll still get drops, right?


Again, it just seems that bw has it against the solo player.

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To the people who complain that they don't get more rewards by playing one character, it's not totally true. There's no limit to how many flashpoints or ops you can run. How would you feel if they stopped giving you rewards after the 5th one or something? I mean, you'll still get drops, right?


Again, it just seems that bw has it against the solo player.


Can the currency be spent, and then earned again in the same week, like Tech Frags? In that case, you could keep running Conquest on more characters, as long as you used up enough of the currency.


Or, can you switch to a different type of upgrading after 3 Conquest characters? For example, on any following the 3rd, you might do FPs, PVP, GSF, an Op, etc., and upgrade gear as well as finish Conquest on those characters that way?


I haven't tried any of the gearing stuff on PTS, assuming it's mostly a work in progress, and because I'm at least sticking around for the 7.0 story. If the game changes so much I no longer enjoy it after 10 years, despite the paltry amount of playable content produced in recent years, something definitely has gone very wrong with BW's decision making.


Different topic: one way to reduce inflation/credits in circulation is to have most of your veteran players, those most likely to have many billions earned over the years, quit!

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BioWare are sabotaging their own game at this point. I can’t see it lasting past next year if they keep driving more people away with these constantly bad changes.


Another interpretation, if consistent with something you've openly discussed on the forums, is if BW already knows development for SWTOR will end in a set timeframe, the dev team may be taking certain steps for the benefit of the playerbase.


If that's the case, weaning people off playing so much is a way to address folks who get addicted to certain game loops, capping Conquest points on tons of characters being one of them.

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With conquest no longer rewarding Solid Resource Matrix, credits, renown, XP, and taking 100k instead of 50k... Whether it be 3 characters or 20 characters you're all just arguing for scraps instead of looking at the big picture.


We shouldn't be arguing about the 3 characters limit, when there's almost no rewards for it other than commendations that are used to upgrade gear that'll mostly be outclassed anyway.

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Not that flawed - the Cartel Coin income alone makes me raise an eyebrow considering the amount they get - IF they are subscribed.


Even then - the whole thing is a moot point in terms of them complaining overall regardless.

I do agree however the 3 alt limitation seems very very harsh. Hence my earlier statement of increasing that to say 8 alts. Even 10 if you want a nice round number.


Running a large legacy through conquest right now does not get you cartel coins. If there is a way please show me.


Ok so let's explain why limiting conquest rewards like this is bad. There are people doing in right now. They are getting huge legacies through conquest every week. It takes time. It keeps people playing the game. Further this conquest grind involves all kinds of play. So that means more people for OPs, Fps, GSF, Pvp, etc. In short, it keeps people into the game. More play time equals more player investment. More play investment leads to more money spent on the game. More money being spent on the game keeps it going. More players is a benefit to everyone.


Take it away and these people play less. That's less people playing the game or more correctly people playing the game less. That is less player investment. That benefits no one.


If we get lucky these players migrate to focusing a few toons on group content. However, there is still going to be a loss of time played. Which again is less investment. However, it won't do this. It will hurt smaller guilds. Making the game less alt friendly doesn't help anyone. Conquest as a game mode is going to suffer greatly over this.


As to the player who just play a single toon or two, it doesn't effect them because their rewards aren't changing really. This change isn't going to draw them back.


In short this a bad change because it doesn't help anyone. It doesn't do anything positive for the game. It does not make the experience of any players better. 7.0 gearing and conquest changes aren't about improving the player experience but limiting how people play the game.

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With conquest no longer rewarding Solid Resource Matrix, credits, renown, XP, and taking 100k instead of 50k... Whether it be 3 characters or 20 characters you're all just arguing for scraps instead of looking at the big picture.


We shouldn't be arguing about the 3 characters limit, when there's almost no rewards for it other than commendations that are used to upgrade gear that'll mostly be outclassed anyway.


I don't know, conquest has been nearly essential for amassing encryptions if you run solo guilds and still want to expand your flagships. That has always been the main draw for me, at least. Every other reward has either been pretty easy to get through other means or never really needed in significant quantities. With this change, unlocking a full flagship (nevermind one for each faction) for people who are just now starting up solo guilds will seemingly be a fair bit more challenging.

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With conquest no longer rewarding Solid Resource Matrix, credits, renown, XP, and taking 100k instead of 50k... Whether it be 3 characters or 20 characters you're all just arguing for scraps instead of looking at the big picture.


We shouldn't be arguing about the 3 characters limit, when there's almost no rewards for it other than commendations that are used to upgrade gear that'll mostly be outclassed anyway.


Well, the commendations is what you need to upgrade your gear. So it's kinda important to be able to get them. But the gear won't be "outclassed," you will HAVE to get those commendations to upgrade it.


I mean, I don't know how solo players play, but I'm a solo player and the ONLY thing that's been keeping me around is playing alts, doing conquest and upgrading my gear. If I can only play three toons to do that now, I might as well find another game to occupy my time.


There is NOTHING to do but CQ (and galactic season) for solo players. NOTHING. And now there's barely going to be a point to it if we can only do it on three characters.

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Well, the commendations is what you need to upgrade your gear. So it's kinda important to be able to get them. But the gear won't be "outclassed," you will HAVE to get those commendations to upgrade it.


I mean, I don't know how solo players play, but I'm a solo player and the ONLY thing that's been keeping me around is playing alts, doing conquest and upgrading my gear. If I can only play three toons to do that now, I might as well find another game to occupy my time.


There is NOTHING to do but CQ (and galactic season) for solo players. NOTHING. And now there's barely going to be a point to it if we can only do it on three characters.


It is outclassed by not only 330 NiM gear, but from the looks of it also Legacy HM operations and MM flashpoint gear due to stat distribution. So it's important, but only if you give up on fighting for what really matters which is conquest gear not being 3rd rate even when fully upgraded.


But I shouldn't be derailing the thread, yes of course limiting to just 3 characters is bad. Not sure why 3 is the magic number they chose when the game has 8 stories to play through and 7 days of conquest objective resets.

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