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So I came back because of the 7.0 changes. I get what BioWare is doing.


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Is the {NICHE GROUP} unable to access that content? I've said all along, put the absolute best gear behind Crafting or PvP and {NICHE GROUP} will whine so loud, you'll have to uninstall Discord.


For all we know, they might put the best gear behind crafting or pvp, but the devs aren't updating those in 7.0 yet . We'll have to wait until 7.2 and 7.3. Just like raiders will have to wait until 7.1 to even get a new raid. 😴

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Yeah, no. There is nothing "wrong" about what I said. The entire conceit of a Massively MUTLIPLAYER Online Role Playing Game is the novelty of the 'Massively Multiplayer' part - having a large number of people able to congregate and do group content. That was the concept starting from Ultima Online all the way to this one now in SWTOR.


Now, YOU may not like that. YOU may want it to be a single player game with a graphical AOL chatroom otherwise. But just because YOU don't like the MMO part of an MMORPG, that doesn't make ME wrong.


Since YOU are committed to returning SWTOR to its roots, I'm sure YOU want to rebuild the roleplaying activity in the game. After all, SWTOR is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. YOU said so yourself. BioWare emphasized the roleplaying element of the game by running dedicated RP and RP-PVP servers at launch and for awhile thereafter. I know because I'm a Founder and a Legendary player--in fact, I was a beta tester--and I had characters on those RP-focused servers.


So when do YOU want a character of your choice to meet one of mine, on a server and location of your choice, to begin reviving roleplay as a key activity in SWTOR? I look forward to our encounter.

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Since YOU are committed to returning SWTOR to its roots, I'm sure YOU want to rebuild the roleplaying activity in the game. After all, SWTOR is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. YOU said so yourself. BioWare emphasized the roleplaying element of the game by running dedicated RP and RP-PVP servers at launch and for awhile thereafter. I know because I'm a Founder and a Legendary player--in fact, I was a beta tester--and I had characters on those RP-focused servers.


So when do YOU want a character of your choice to meet one of mine, on a server and location of your choice, to begin reviving roleplay as a key activity in SWTOR? I look forward to our encounter.


Being a founder or a legendary player doesn't mean anything.


Regardless, you did hit on something that I think is worth expanding on. That is that this game is an RPG at its heart. And even though it is an rpg at it's heart, I truly believe that in 10 years of playing, this game has never really found a true identity. When they went hard into the RPG portion they were met with less interest (Kotfe Kotet), when they went for group play/balanced approach they were met with more interest (Shadow of Revan). But, ultimately they never REALLY just went all in to one philosophy for a long period of time, or enough time for the identity to actually settle. It was a little dabble here a little dabble there. Then to further confuse everything they made absolutely awful development choices that doomed the path they were trying to take (Kotfe Kotet removing companions, going generic introducing 78 million companions for no reason at all etc and for the sake of argument here non moddable gear and other gearing related issues). They've just never never never produced enough content of either "mode" to really move any needle.


7.0 does sound more like a return to something more akin to Shadow of Revan to me. Less content for sure, but from a framework perspective maybe it is right to say it's like SoR which was their most popular "expansion". And true to form, it sounds like they're stuck repeating the cycle of "good idea marred with horrible horrible design choices". So to tie it into the title of the threat I do get what Bioware is doing: they're trying to replicate their most popular expansion, but yeah continuing their amazing ability to make horrible design choices. They're at least consistent no matter what.



I also really do believe that if they had continued the Kotfe Kotet type game they'd have really been successful assuming they had never done the removal of companions and made them as they are now. the idea of monthly chapters was really really good. They just blew it. Bioware is not Empress Acina, but Minister Lorman.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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Since YOU are committed to returning SWTOR to its roots, I'm sure YOU want to rebuild the roleplaying activity in the game. After all, SWTOR is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. YOU said so yourself. BioWare emphasized the roleplaying element of the game by running dedicated RP and RP-PVP servers at launch and for awhile thereafter. I know because I'm a Founder and a Legendary player--in fact, I was a beta tester--and I had characters on those RP-focused servers.


So when do YOU want a character of your choice to meet one of mine, on a server and location of your choice, to begin reviving roleplay as a key activity in SWTOR? I look forward to our encounter.


Great response, but he's just going to move the goalposts and/or attack you.


Edit: Yep.

Edited by Cedia
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Since YOU are committed to returning SWTOR to its roots, I'm sure YOU want to rebuild the roleplaying activity in the game. After all, SWTOR is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. YOU said so yourself. BioWare emphasized the roleplaying element of the game by running dedicated RP and RP-PVP servers at launch and for awhile thereafter. I know because I'm a Founder and a Legendary player--in fact, I was a beta tester--and I had characters on those RP-focused servers.


So when do YOU want a character of your choice to meet one of mine, on a server and location of your choice, to begin reviving roleplay as a key activity in SWTOR? I look forward to our encounter.


Most individuals that "claim" they want SWTOR to return to its roots would most likely want to ignore the roleplaying community. They have done so since pretty much at the beginning, but at least back then we had our roleplaying servers and therefore didn't have the trouble in roleplaying as we have now after all the mergers because now you advertise for a roleplaying guild and good luck. (especially in the comments when trying to promote a roleplaying guild)

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Since YOU are committed to returning SWTOR to its roots, I'm sure YOU want to rebuild the roleplaying activity in the game. After all, SWTOR is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. YOU said so yourself. BioWare emphasized the roleplaying element of the game by running dedicated RP and RP-PVP servers at launch and for awhile thereafter. I know because I'm a Founder and a Legendary player--in fact, I was a beta tester--and I had characters on those RP-focused servers.


So when do YOU want a character of your choice to meet one of mine, on a server and location of your choice, to begin reviving roleplay as a key activity in SWTOR? I look forward to our encounter.


lol just playing a Sith/Jedi/whatever running through the story is roleplaying .

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Being a founder or a legendary player doesn't mean anything.


Yes it does. It means I have a history with the game that began at launch--actually before, since I was a beta tester--and that I've played all eight class stories. In terms of my Legacy, I'm a Living Legend. So all of these titles establish my credibility and perspective based on BioWare-certified game experience. I'm not boasting when I present these facts, and players who haven't earned these titles aren't "lesser" players. I've played the game for a long time, from the beginning, and I've witnessed all of the thematic vacillation, the search for a game identity, you highlight in your comment.


And I agree with you on all the points you've made. But your analysis raises the larger question the OP and respondents have discussed in this thread.


Group content has always been available in this game, to all players: OPS, raids, Flashpoints, Heroics, and even basic PUGs. There's no reason whatsoever, none at all, to limit solo player progression and gear quality to incentivize group play, especially since 7.0 doesn't even include new group content at its inception. "Oh, but it will!" say 7.0's defenders. So...it will make available the same kind of content that's always been available.


What about roleplaying? Can you compel people to roleplay? Of course not. But if the OP or any of his compatriots are serious about returning SWTOR to its roots, then they need to include roleplaying in their efforts. You can't say, "Oh, SWTOR lost its way when it de-emphasized group content," and then ignore the de-emphasis on roleplaying. If it isn't financially feasible for BioWare to provide dedicated RP servers again, then players like the OP need to organize roleplaying content to get SWTOR back on its original track.


Thanks for your comment. You've definitely identified key elements of SWTOR's identity that we all need to consider, and by "we all" I mean devs and players alike.

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Most individuals that "claim" they want SWTOR to return to its roots would most likely want to ignore the roleplaying community. They have done so since pretty much at the beginning, but at least back then we had our roleplaying servers and therefore didn't have the trouble in roleplaying as we have now after all the mergers because now you advertise for a roleplaying guild and good luck. (especially in the comments when trying to promote a roleplaying guild)


IMO ... the "ROOTS" of SWTOR has gradually been swept aside. I'm not talking about their ABILITY to tell a story or to build a game ... I'm talking about so many of the things that made SWTOR what it was.


This is my concern ... and what I'm watching closely. IMO it's entirely possible to be so involved in "group activities" that the genre of the game no longer matters. RPG styles would see the effects of this perhaps more than just about any other group out there!


BUT there are still other aspects to consider as well. I mentioned those concerns in this thread (several pages back). I haven't changed my mind on that subject as of this AM. (Unlikely I will either!)


At this point even a solid lengthy story (something we've not seen in a long while) will be seriously overshadowed by what (at this time) appears to be a great deal of negativity.


I hope I'm wrong ...


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IMO ... the "ROOTS" of SWTOR has gradually been swept aside. I'm not talking about their ABILITY to tell a story or to build a game ... I'm talking about so many of the things that made SWTOR what it was.


This is my concern ... and what I'm watching closely. IMO it's entirely possible to be so involved in "group activities" that the genre of the game no longer matters. RPG styles would see the effects of this perhaps more than just about any other group out there!


BUT there are still other aspects to consider as well. I mentioned those concerns in this thread (several pages back). I haven't changed my mind on that subject as of this AM. (Unlikely I will either!)


At this point even a solid lengthy story (something we've not seen in a long while) will be seriously overshadowed by what (at this time) appears to be a great deal of negativity.


I hope I'm wrong ...



I've read your responses and I agree with just about everything you've said. Unfortunately, I also share your pessimism. We'll see.

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lol just playing a Sith/Jedi/whatever running through the story is roleplaying .


You're describing the same single-player experience you have when playing a Mass Effect or Dragon Age game. The OP emphasized the multiplayer, online elements of SWTOR.


Would BioWare have created RP and RP-PVP servers at launch and maintained them for awhile if they didn't consider multiplayer, online roleplaying an essential element of SWTOR? Of course not. Running those servers takes time and money--something the OP and his compatriots highlight in their defense of the 7.0 changes.


Again I say, if the OP and his compatriots are serious about returning SWTOR to its roots, then they need to support roleplaying activities. And players who grief role-players, in-game or in the forums, need to be treated exactly the same as any other griefers.


*edited for syntax*

Edited by Ryderych
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The overall issue with swtors development is BioWare themselves don’t seem to be able to decide what the game should be.

That’s why the game development comes across as institutionally schizophrenic. It’s a lack of cohesive vision and long term planning and swerving back and forth.

That’s why I believe they make so many design and system mistakes. They reinvent the wheel so often and don’t learn from their own mistakes.


Sometimes I don’t think some of the people running things even know the history of their own game’s development.

They often trash systems or content that is highly popular. They drive current players away from the game looking for a new player cohort and then drive them away too with the next expansion.


I often use this as an example.


Back around 3.6 time, the devs posted how PVPers were the most loyal and stable subscribers in the player base because they didn’t leave between content releases. BioWare acknowledged this and made some QOL changes in 3.x and 4.x to reward PvPers.

Then in 5.0 they come along and trash the PVP eco system that had been working really well and kept PVPers loyally subbed. That made a huge amount of PvPers up and quit. By 5.2 we had half the PvPers we had during 3.x-4.x.

BioWare have continued to trash the pvp eco system ever since and totally ignored the remaining pvpers on how to fix and rebuild the pvp eco system again (besides ranked insiders who care little for the rest of pvp or the game)


BioWares biggest issue is they are intrinsically arrogant as developers. They ignore player feedback unless it eco’s what they want to do.

They don’t engage properly and would rather stick their proverbial heads in the sand if there is a large amount of player anger or dissatisfaction.

They’ve done this for 9 years and that’s why they go silent on the forums when there is push back. It’s institutional arrogance that they always think they are right and players are wrong about what they enjoy and what works.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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The overall issue with swtors development is BioWare themselves don’t seem to be able to decide what the game should be.

That’s why the game development comes across as institutionally schizophrenic. It’s a lack of cohesive vision and long term planning and swerving back and forth.

That’s why I believe they make so many design and system mistakes. They reinvent the wheel so often and don’t learn from their own mistakes.


Sometimes I don’t think some of the people running things even know the history of their own game’s development.

They often trash systems or content that is highly popular. They drive current players away from the game looking for a new player cohort and then drive them away too with the next expansion.


I often use this as an example.


Back around 3.6 time, the devs posted how PVPers were the most loyal and stable subscribers in the player base because they didn’t leave between content releases. BioWare acknowledged this and made some QOL changes in 3.x and 4.x to reward PvPers.

Then in 5.0 they come along and trash the PVP eco system that had been working really well and kept PVPers loyally subbed. That made a huge amount of PvPers up and quit. By 5.2 we had half the PvPers we had during 3.x-4.x.

BioWare have continued to trash the pvp eco system ever since and totally ignored the remaining pvpers on how to fix and rebuild the pvp eco system again (besides ranked insiders who care little for the rest of pvp or the game)


BioWares biggest issue is they are intrinsically arrogant as developers. They ignore player feedback unless it eco’s what they want to do.

They don’t engage properly and would rather stick their proverbial heads in the sand if there is a large amount of player anger or dissatisfaction.

They’ve done this for 9 years and that’s why they go silent on the forums when there is push back. It’s institutional arrogance that they always think they are right and players are wrong about what they enjoy and what works.


Ya know, there was another company, oh the name escapes me, who sounded eerily familiar to the above. Hang on....Hack....Track....no..Smactivision. That's it, Smactivision Wizard.

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Yes it does. It means I have a history with the game that began at launch--actually before, since I was a beta tester--and that I've played all eight class stories. In terms of my Legacy, I'm a Living Legend. So all of these titles establish my credibility and perspective based on BioWare-certified game experience. I'm not boasting when I present these facts, and players who haven't earned these titles aren't "lesser" players. I've played the game for a long time, from the beginning, and I've witnessed all of the thematic vacillation, the search for a game identity, you highlight in your comment.


And I agree with you on all the points you've made. But your analysis raises the larger question the OP and respondents have discussed in this thread.


Group content has always been available in this game, to all players: OPS, raids, Flashpoints, Heroics, and even basic PUGs. There's no reason whatsoever, none at all, to limit solo player progression and gear quality to incentivize group play, especially since 7.0 doesn't even include new group content at its inception. "Oh, but it will!" say 7.0's defenders. So...it will make available the same kind of content that's always been available.


What about roleplaying? Can you compel people to roleplay? Of course not. But if the OP or any of his compatriots are serious about returning SWTOR to its roots, then they need to include roleplaying in their efforts. You can't say, "Oh, SWTOR lost its way when it de-emphasized group content," and then ignore the de-emphasis on roleplaying. If it isn't financially feasible for BioWare to provide dedicated RP servers again, then players like the OP need to organize roleplaying content to get SWTOR back on its original track.


Thanks for your comment. You've definitely identified key elements of SWTOR's identity that we all need to consider, and by "we all" I mean devs and players alike.



I'm glad you feel being a founder means something.


You see, I am ALSO a founder. And I find your ascertation ridiculous. Even back to Ultima Online, the forefather of ALL MMOS, there was NOT a bunch of people using the platform as a D&D campaign meeting place. The "role playing" part has ALWAYS been understood as the part where you as a person get to role play your character within the context of the existing digital story.


They did try your idea once though - it was called SWG. It died. :rolleyes:


See, the thing is, most people DON'T WANT to have to put in the work to make their own campaigns.


Now, if you and your ilk enjoy that sort of thing, I won't hate on that. These games have always been fertile ground for RPG guilds, and for the people who enjoy that sort of thing, I am all for them doing so.


But from the beginning of the design of SWTOR, they NEVER painted it as what you are describing. In fact, given the failure, slow bleed and eventual death of SWG, they were pretty open about running AWAY from that SWG model, granted much to the chagrin of hardcore RP people who enjoyed what SWG had to offer (and it did have a TON to offer for people who wanted to make their own content - for those who didn't though, not so much. See, I played that game for 8 years as well, so I know both games VERY well, and in fact, I had a greater impact on the direction of parts of SWG than most players, so I know it better than most).


I mean, basically, you're getting mad at me and constructed this whole straw man argument wanting to have me advocate for the game to be something it never was in the first place, whereas what I am celebrating is the game returning aspect of what it ABSOLUTELY was in the past.


Deny it all you want. Doesn't change the fact that I am right.

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But from the beginning of the design of SWTOR, they NEVER painted it as what you are describing. In fact, given the failure, slow bleed and eventual death of SWG, they were pretty open about running AWAY from that SWG model, granted much to the chagrin of hardcore RP people who enjoyed what SWG had to offer (and it did have a TON to offer for people who wanted to make their own content - for those who didn't though, not so much. See, I played that game for 8 years as well, so I know both games VERY well, and in fact, I had a greater impact on the direction of parts of SWG than most players, so I know it better than most).


I mean, basically, you're getting mad at me and constructed this whole straw man argument wanting to have me advocate for the game to be something it never was in the first place, whereas what I am celebrating is the game returning aspect of what it ABSOLUTELY was in the past.


Deny it all you want. Doesn't change the fact that I am right.


Deny what, exactly? I'm stating facts about the origins of SWTOR and the time, money, materiel, and effort BioWare put into providing infrastructure for role-players.


If you really are a Founder, then you've forgotten or were oblivious to the dedicated RP and RP-PVP servers BioWare ran at launch, and for some time thereafter. Do you suppose they established those servers so people could run through their class stories as they would on any other server? Or use them as AOL-style chat rooms, to paraphrase one of your earlier remarks? No. They were specifically for role-players. There were dedicated role-playing guilds established on those RP servers. I had characters on those servers. But those servers died because the community dried up. Now that community is represented by guilds that feature role-play as a core activity, as you denote.


And I'm "getting mad" at you? Please re-read my posts and identify, precisely, where I expressed anger at you, or even insulted you. My perspective is different from yours and I'm stating it clearly, and I'm using facts to underpin my analysis. I'm not being hostile to you at all.


If you don't want to advocate personally for a role-playing revival, simply say, "I'm not a role-player." Your post would've been much more concise and on point. But when you assert that 7.0 is returning the game to its MMO roots, you can't dismiss the RPG element of SWTOR and the assets BioWare devoted to RP.


Similarly, you can't claim that it's OK for BioWare to incentivize group players at the expense of solo players when group content has been in the game since launch. Balance between playstyle and game systems is essential, and it's something BioWare has struggled with for 10 years. They're still struggling, and they'll never get it just right, but they can do better than 7.0.

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Good grief ...


This is getting out of control!


** Sorry but 7.0 is not taking the game back to it's roots ! That is an opinion (and that's fine) .. but it's also just an opinion.


** The changes that are coming ... "are what they are". We will either like them or we won't !


** Pushing out ANY group of players (PvP / PvE / Solo / guilds (large or small) ... IS COUNTER PRODUCTIVE !! Period !!


** Continuously cutting down on the amount of content that is being released is downsizing the game ! Period !


** Removing aspects of the game that made it what it once was is NOT returning it to it's roots ... it IS redefining what it is coming in the future.


** Most of these changes I've just listed are negative in nature. ( Kind of makes one wonder what sort of impact will follow).


When the time comes, I will see what is left of the game that I've played .. what we have ... what the new "expectations are" .. and IF it's fun to play then I'll stick around. I know for some that will be a disappointment (sorry, but the old man is just plain stubborn about such matters).


In any case I'm not so sure "celebration" fits what we are looking at right now !! Maybe something will change in the next week or so. Hopefully, there have been secret meetings, planning fun events and other items that simply has yet to be released.


AND HOPEFULLY ... some folks can see things with a different perspective without delineations implicating such demeaning attributes or connotations. Our passion for our point of view should not come at the expense of an apathetic attitude toward respect !


Whatever aspect of the game any of us enjoy .. do so to the fullest and have FUN!


I hope that's not too much to ask !

Edited by OlBuzzard
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Good grief ...


This is getting out of control!


** Sorry but 7.0 is not taking the game back to it's roots ! That is an opinion (and that's fine) .. but it's also just an opinion.


** The changes that are coming ... "are what they are". We will either like them or we won't !


** Pushing out ANY group of players (PvP / PvE / Solo / guilds (large or small) ... IS COUNTER PRODUCTIVE !! Period !!


** Continuously cutting down on the amount of content that is being released is downsizing the game ! Period !


** Removing aspects of the game that made it what it once was is NOT returning it to it's roots ... it IS redefining what it is coming in the future.


** Most of these changes I've just listed are negative in nature. ( Kind of makes one wonder what sort of impact will follow).


When the time comes, I will see what is left of the game that I've played .. what we have ... what the new "expectations are" .. and IF it's fun to play then I'll stick around. I know for some that will be a disappointment (sorry, but the old man is just plain stubborn about such matters).


In any case I'm not so sure "celebration" fits what we are looking at right now !! Maybe something will change in the next week or so. Hopefully, there have been secret meetings, planning fun events and other items that simply has yet to be released.


AND HOPEFULLY ... some folks can see things with a different perspective without delineations implicating such demeaning attributes or connotations. Our passion for our point of view should not come at the expense of an apathetic attitude toward respect !


Whatever aspect of the game any of us enjoy .. do so to the fullest and have FUN!


I hope that's not too much to ask !


Well said

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I get what they're going for.


In order to keep the game alive through the 6.00 era, the developers really did have to adopt a solo play model because most of the players they had left were solo players. They had run off a lot of the PVP and operations groups.


So you had conquest which was geared towards a bunch of solo players contributing towards a larger goal, and gearing redone for solo players.


What's obvious with 7.0 is that EA has renewed their commitment to SWTOR, and given them more of a budget.


It also looks like based on the changes, for the very first time SWTOR is going to focus on player retention - that is Major because it has been a core Business philosophy up until this point that BioWare doesn't care if people sub or not. I'm not even kidding. There's a James Ohlen interview where he explicitly states that from about a year after the game was launched.


Also, based on the information we are getting oh, it looks like they are trying to make it more of an MMO again and it looks like they are gearing up to reach out to that type of audience. It's also why they are trying to make as much as they can be beginner-friendly and also combat inflation, so that new people aren't hit with sticker shock.


That being said, I think people are overreacting here because solo play isn't going away, and there is a gear path for solo players via personal conquest, which rewards players from playing whatever content they want.


It's just that they are allowing group Play to gear faster, to incentivize grouping in order to do so.


And while solo players may complain about it, we are playing an m m o... The point of that category is to group!


So what BioWare is trying to do is bring back the people who are in favor of group content as well as add more people to enjoy group content.


That the forums are so negative is more indicative of just the fact that they've catered to solo players for a while and that's who all is really left on the forums. If they are successful in bringing in more people, the tenor of the forms will shift along with those groups returning.



As for me, I was one of the group content people they ran off. Combat styles was interesting, but incentivizing grouping is what is bringing me back. That, and the game finally getting some needed TLC...


Summed up: I'm a group player so i'm happy with the changes, if you're a solo player, sucks to be you.

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Here's the rub, the situation doesn't have to be "either / or ". 6.0 was well-done in that regard, in that anyone could achieve 306.


I guess some folks are upset with what others get / have / do.


In a video game.


You can continually try the passive aggressive route to attack the population you think is responsible for your frustration, but just because you can do something doesn't make you right. But if it makes you feel super good and increases that dopamine flow then by all means keep popping off in ways that make you look foolish.

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Here's the rub, the situation doesn't have to be "either / or ". 6.0 was well-done in that regard, in that anyone could achieve 306.


I guess some folks are upset with what others get / have / do.


In a video game.


I pay to play this video game: I'm a subscriber. My subscription is worth the same as any other subscriber's. In 7.0, top-level gear will "trickle down" to solo players at some unidentified time. So solo players will wait their turn to get the same items as group players. The same items. You bet I'm upset. As a paying customer, I say no.


So please note I've said consistently group play shouldn't be incentivized at the expense of solo play. You've identified 6.0 as a good example of balance between playstyles, and I agree with you.


Thanks for your comment.


*edited to correct typo.*

Edited by Ryderych
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Good grief ...


This is getting out of control!


** Sorry but 7.0 is not taking the game back to it's roots ! That is an opinion (and that's fine) .. but it's also just an opinion.


** The changes that are coming ... "are what they are". We will either like them or we won't !


** Pushing out ANY group of players (PvP / PvE / Solo / guilds (large or small) ... IS COUNTER PRODUCTIVE !! Period !!


** Continuously cutting down on the amount of content that is being released is downsizing the game ! Period !


** Removing aspects of the game that made it what it once was is NOT returning it to it's roots ... it IS redefining what it is coming in the future.


** Most of these changes I've just listed are negative in nature. ( Kind of makes one wonder what sort of impact will follow).


When the time comes, I will see what is left of the game that I've played .. what we have ... what the new "expectations are" .. and IF it's fun to play then I'll stick around. I know for some that will be a disappointment (sorry, but the old man is just plain stubborn about such matters).


In any case I'm not so sure "celebration" fits what we are looking at right now !! Maybe something will change in the next week or so. Hopefully, there have been secret meetings, planning fun events and other items that simply has yet to be released.


AND HOPEFULLY ... some folks can see things with a different perspective without delineations implicating such demeaning attributes or connotations. Our passion for our point of view should not come at the expense of an apathetic attitude toward respect !


Whatever aspect of the game any of us enjoy .. do so to the fullest and have FUN!


I hope that's not too much to ask !


Yes to all of what you've said. If you think I've been disrespectful, please identify what I've written so I can learn to communicate more effectively.


Thanks for your comments throughout this thread.

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Summed up: I'm a group player so i'm happy with the changes, if you're a solo player, sucks to be you.


Hi, it's literally just 1 tier of gear, nothing else. Also that tier of gear, 330's, will only be acquirable from nightmare operations. Literally everyone else will be capped at 326. So just pretend 330 doesn't exist.


As for solo aspects in 7.0, there seems to be plenty of content, yet no new group content other than a flashpoint that can be done solo.


Here's the rub, the situation doesn't have to be "either / or ". 6.0 was well-done in that regard, in that anyone could achieve 306.


I guess some folks are upset with what others get / have / do.


In a video game.


Hmmm yes, it does seem that way doesn't it.... 330 gear....

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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