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What are the in-game events for November? No post in News yet


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I'm sure people who've paid attention to the pattern can probably tell us. September had rakghoul and then gree, while October had bounty hunter and swoop bikes. Dantooine pirates is the other one in that rotation, although I didn't think pirates came right after swoop bikes, since both would be on Dantooine. But I admit; I haven't really paid much attention to the rotation pattern. Pirates would be what we're due for later in the month, though.
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I would really like to know how the devs manage to get the monthly event post late every time. I would assume it could be possible to make some kind of a schedule, or a plan, maybe with a calender or something similarly unusual, and set a date for the end of the month for the monthly preview? No? Well, sometimes my mind has crazy ideas. :rolleyes:
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I would really like to know how the devs manage to get the monthly event post late every time. I would assume it could be possible to make some kind of a schedule, or a plan, maybe with a calender or something similarly unusual, and set a date for the end of the month for the monthly preview? No? Well, sometimes my mind has crazy ideas. :rolleyes:


Well, the end of the calendar month is so RNG-dependent, it always catches them by surprise.

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