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Belsavis World Boss Primal Destroyer is not Respawning for Feast of Prosperity Event


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Wow, what a surprise. Same complaints than last year...





Has the last intern working on this game given up and there's no one left to fix anything? Seriously BW, get your **** together and actually start to improve your game.

Edited by demotivator
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The workaround is in the threads posted above: do your fellow players a favour and kill the adds without kiting them away if the boss dies before they do. If you don't, it reverts to its normal two-hour respawn time.


That is not a "work-around". That is intended. And yes, Every group I have been in has killed them.

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  • Dev Post

Hi folks,


Thanks for reporting the bug with the respawn time of the World Boss Primal Destroyer during the Feast of Prosperity Event.


Our team is aware of this bug. As mentioned in this post: Darth Malgus - Belsavis World Boss not respawning, this issue seems to occur (at least in one case) when players kite the Primeval Destroyer's adds away from the boss area after the boss has been killed. You should follow this new workaround while we're looking into it:

  • Make sure the adds are dead before killing the World Boss. - Updated workaround
    • Note: If you see another group fighting the world boss, and you want a piece, help them and focus ads to ensure you get your own boss after.

I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.

Edited by CommunityTeam
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Hi folks,


Thanks for reporting the bug with the respawn time of the World Boss Primal Destroyer during the Feast of Prosperity Event.


Our team is aware of this bug. As mentioned in this post: Darth Malgus - Belsavis World Boss not respawning, this issue seems to occur (at least in one case) when players kite the Primeval Destroyer's adds away from the boss area after the boss has been killed. You should follow this workaround while we're looking into it:

  • Try to kill the adds even if they're still alive after the boss has been defeated.

I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.


I mean, this exact bug was an issue last time Feast was around too, why hasn't it been fixed? It's a straight up blocker for the Feast WB daily. If you can't fix this you should make sure to always offer either Tatooine or Hoth WB as an alternative every time Belsavis WB is up, as it inevitably will bug out due to trolls or players who don't know about the issue.

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This boss is either never there or respawning in 30 seconds, it's a broken mess.


All World Bosses should have a 5-10 minute respawn timer, no exceptions.


Also the respawn timer might have something to do with it, if boss tries to respawn while adds are still up then it apparently breaks, and since the respawn timer is so short on this particular boss then players might not actually need to kite the adds, just fail to kill them in about 30 seconds after the boss dies.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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Hi folks,


Thanks for reporting the bug with the respawn time of the World Boss Primal Destroyer during the Feast of Prosperity Event.


Our team is aware of this bug. As mentioned in this post: Darth Malgus - Belsavis World Boss not respawning, this issue seems to occur (at least in one case) when players kite the Primeval Destroyer's adds away from the boss area after the boss has been killed. You should follow this new workaround while we're looking into it:

  • Make sure the adds are dead before killing the World Boss. - Updated workaround
    • Note: If you see another group fighting the world boss, and you want a piece, help them and focus ads to ensure you get your own boss after.

I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.

Several people have confirmed this "workaround" does not always work. BW managed to fix this last year so if it's the same issue surely you have the fix available? Until it's fixed, surely a better idea is to remove this world boss/quest from the feast dailies?

Edited by Sarova
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Hi folks,


Thanks for reporting the bug with the respawn time of the World Boss Primal Destroyer during the Feast of Prosperity Event.


Our team is aware of this bug. As mentioned in this post: Darth Malgus - Belsavis World Boss not respawning, this issue seems to occur (at least in one case) when players kite the Primeval Destroyer's adds away from the boss area after the boss has been killed. You should follow this new workaround while we're looking into it:

  • Make sure the adds are dead before killing the World Boss. - Updated workaround
    • Note: If you see another group fighting the world boss, and you want a piece, help them and focus ads to ensure you get your own boss after.

I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.


Someone correct me if something changed with Belsavis WB Primal Destroyer but in my experience the mechanics dictated the most efficient way to down this WB is to pull the 3 adds away from the boss (not too far) while the rest of the group downs Primal. Once Primal is down then finish the adds. If the group takes out any of the three adds before Primal Destroyer goes down then a huge AoE knockback with damage is applied to everyone in the operations group.


So basically BioWare seems to be saying as a workaround we need to down the three adds before Primal and just deal with the AoE damage that will result when each add gets killed.

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Second day in a row that Belsavis shows up on the mission terminal. Second day in a row that we can't get our kill and advance our weekly.


If you are too incompetent to fix the bug regarding the adds, at least REMOVE THE WB FROM THE POOL OF DAILIES.

Edited by demotivator
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For the past 12 hours at least there have been no spawns on any instance of Satele Shan. Kinda makes the event hard to do...


Update: Still no spawns on any of the instances from before, over 24 hours later. We managed to get another instance to open up which thus then had the boss available. Server-wide we got in no more than I'd say a dozen clears of him before it bugged again.

Edited by Aravanus
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How is it that every event has bugs that you never fix...How is this the second year that this is an issue for this boss. What is causing it to happen is not relevant, the fact that it is and you are aware of it and never did anything to fix it is. I don't understand how you don't know how to fix your own game...you just always say, "We're looking into it". How can your team be so incompetent that you don't know how to fix issues in YOUR game. We are paying you for a service, one which you are not providing. Any other mmo would have taken the servers down as soon as they knew about the problem, and 30 mins later they would have fixed it and servers would be back up. You are the only game that even when it happened at last year's event, so you had an entire year "To look into it", its still happening.
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Hi folks,


Thanks for reporting the bug with the respawn time of the World Boss Primal Destroyer during the Feast of Prosperity Event.


Our team is aware of this bug. As mentioned in this post: Darth Malgus - Belsavis World Boss not respawning, this issue seems to occur (at least in one case) when players kite the Primeval Destroyer's adds away from the boss area after the boss has been killed. You should follow this new workaround while we're looking into it:

  • Make sure the adds are dead before killing the World Boss. - Updated workaround
    • Note: If you see another group fighting the world boss, and you want a piece, help them and focus ads to ensure you get your own boss after.

I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.


It's not working!

German Server still had same problem.


it's countdown timer, must you to restart on all Server.

When i'll killing world boss then 5 min countdown.

For 10.000 times killed not more new world boss.



This is no buggy must you restart. :confused:

Edited by Unterlord
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3rd day in a row that Belsavis WB shows up on the mission terminal. 3rd day in a row that we can't get our kill and advance our weekly.


Are you aware that there are only 7 days in a week? 1 more Belsavis and we're left hoping that it never shows again our we will never have our 3 WB kills for the week.


This is gross incompetence at its finest. REMOVE THE BELSAVIS WORLD BOSS FROM THE POOL OF DAILIES.

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This is broken again unfortunately despite all groups doing the adds kill workaround. On DM currently not respawning fast (like it was for the feast event) in any instance. It was instantly respawning in instance 1 but now nothing anywhere.


EDIT: I echo the request to have this boss removed from the event!! The boss is not respawning at all.

Edited by Sarova
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can confirm, it is again bugged (on Star Forge, Satele Shan as well as DM)


for the next round of this event it would be great to have a wider variety of world bosses to kill in general (not just Hoth and there only the cat, Belsavis, Nar Shaddaa) that changes daily ...

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