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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do we know anything about the size and length of Legacy of the sith?


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I enjoyed Onslaught quite a bit, it was imo a returnto form in terms of storytelling and writing quality (not that I didnt enjoy Kotet and Kotfe, but Iokath was terribly designed and traitor arc terribly written imo) but there was very little of it.


In general terms, id like to ask, have we ever gotten and explanation as to why it seems to be so hard to create content for swtor? The game is in a good state in my opinion and new players have tons of stuff to do but when you compare the amount of content added in a patch or even an expansion with any other mmo it is jarring, swtor expansion is basically like FF XIV major patch.

I assume its because of the engine and lack of resources but do we actually know anything more specific?


And outside of that, any closer info on the size of the new expansion? The gameplay changes it adds seem to be quite extensive and will be fun to play around with for sure, but what about the story content, side quests and endgame?


Do you think that swtor will ever create "expanion sized" expanions? At least like Makeb was for example?

Edited by Sorens
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It's not so much *hard* as *expensive*, given all the voice actor time that's required. (Forty eight different voice actors just for the player character voices!)


Well of course that voice acting is expensive, nothing new there. Doesnt really answer the question.

That being said swtor is still very popular and financially successful, not to mention that there are far more voice actors available nowadays than in years past, I feel like this should be less and less of an issue as time passes.

There are games that add content on a more frequent schedule and it is meetier as well, if voice acting truly is the only limiting factor they should invest into finding a way around it, like the datapad quests and such, but even if you take voice acting into consideration I still believe that there should be more.


Tho, 48 for player character alone? That doesnt seem right, we have 8 classes, with 2 genders per class so thats 16 voice actors unless im missing something :D Are you including companions? Because those havnt had a lot to say in a long time.

Edited by Sorens
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You won't be happy with any answer you'd be given, not that any player can give you a answer, So...No, BW has never given a reason, not that you be happy with, or except. As clearly it not hard to do any such expansion according to you.
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And outside of that, any closer info on the size of the new expansion? The gameplay changes it adds seem to be quite extensive and will be fun to play around with for sure, but what about the story content, side quests and endgame?


I think we can do a little guessing and can assume the expansion on release will be roughly the same size as Onslaught was. We will get two small planets (although hopefully both Onderon sized at least, Mek-Sha was too small), an operation, anywhere between one to three flashpoints and maybe a new warzone arena. At least one of the planets (Manaan would be my guess, based on available EU lore) will also act as a daily reputation zone.


In the months after the release we will probably get a trickle of small "catchup" story missions (state of the galaxy stuff), a new flashpoint or two and potentially some game events or additions to existing events (such as a swoop race track on Manaan).


Do you think that swtor will ever create "expanion sized" expanions? At least like Makeb was for example?


I really hope we get more zones that are extensive but I wouldn't hold my breath. I'd also like to see existing planets used better, which is admittedly difficult given the level lock, but we can get around that by doing what Corellia or Belsavis do by having seperate zones. Planets that come to mind for more expansion are Korriban and Coruscant, since both have plenty of room for expansion while the existing zones are relatively small and in Courscant's case uninteresting.


I hope in whatever expansion they come up with next after Legacy will include some other classic KotOR locales like a revisit to Kashyyyk or Telos IV, both of which would be excellent locales for a full sized Makeb-esque planet.


Another thing I hope for in future expansions is also some flashpoints that aren't part of the main story but well... flashpoints. Somewhere our characters can help the war effort that isn't necessarily a huge important part of the main questline (plus some of the areas from the standalone FP's are quite memorable).


And while I'm on my wishlist of things: no more stupidly placed invisible barriers. Allow me to jump into ridiculous places like I can on Drumond Kaas if the terrain allows. Reward our exploration efforts, even if it is just with cool views.

Edited by BipolarJuice
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I really hope we get more zones that are extensive but I wouldn't hold my breath. I'd also like to see existing planets used better, which is admittedly difficult given the level lock, but we can get around that by doing what Corellia or Belsavis do by having seperate zones. Planets that come to mind for more expansion are Korriban and Coruscant, since both have plenty of room for expansion while the existing zones are relatively small and in Courscant's case uninteresting.


I hope in whatever expansion they come up with next after Legacy will include some other classic KotOR locales like a revisit to Kashyyyk or Telos IV, both of which would be excellent locales for a full sized Makeb-esque planet.


Another thing I hope for in future expansions is also some flashpoints that aren't part of the main story but well... flashpoints. Somewhere our characters can help the war effort that isn't necessarily a huge important part of the main questline (plus some of the areas from the standalone FP's are quite memorable).


And while I'm on my wishlist of things: no more stupidly placed invisible barriers. Allow me to jump into ridiculous places like I can on Drumond Kaas if the terrain allows. Reward our exploration efforts, even if it is just with cool views.


Yep, all of this sounds great, would love that too :)

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With the size there is 2 aspects to this story size and overall size of the actual expansion. There are 2 different things and I do see the amount work in the bones and structure of how they are taking Swtor in the future. We can expect a expansion probably storywise in terms of Rise of the Hutt Cartel but overall size of the actual expansion would be closer to full Shadow of Revan or Kotfe. All the changes (ripping advanced classes/combat styles off of base classes/origin stories, expanding the ability to allow characters to be multiple combat styles, loadouts, the features with force users and alignment, some of the UI changes, probably some tweaks they will have to do to class stories as the killing animations and what not are actually linked to the advanced classes/combat styles so there is some things they have to get with that) they are doing is going to take up the bulk and probably 80% of the expansion in itself. I do not see us getting like Kotfe where each month was a new story/chapter (with actual combat and not cs) release but I do see more story coming out throughout the yr next yr much like Oricon, Ziost and Ossus in terms of content. Probably more CS drops could be every month though but scattered out. Length of the expansion it will probably be completed in about 30mins - 3 hrs with repeatable daily missions that will hold us over and also the grind of gearing plus the OP on release. None of the expansions so far have really lasted more than 5 hrs upon initial launch so it is safe to say that will be the case again.


This expansion is basically laying the foundation for 8.0 they have already hinted at things that will be coming with 8.0 which 8.0 could be the biggest expansion of swtor but in order for us to get to that point they have to get all the work done that will allow them to get to that point. Rework of the system is going to be throughout next yr some things wont be implemented right away with LotS (which we having no idea the extent they are planning throughout next yr to help flush out the expansion and get everything ready for 8.0). Overall longevity of the expansion I would say with what they are planning for 8.0 we could see 2 yrs. Don't really see Legacy of Sith ending before 2 yrs as it is going to take them awhile for 8.0 maybe a slim chance of a yr and half. I would also not be entirely surprised if we do not get 8.0 next yr like we did with kotet after kotfe it was what a yr between those 2 the shortest amount of time between expansions.

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It takes longer than other games because of the voice acting and the fact that there is actually a story and cutscenes etc, which isn't really the case in most MMORPGs. I mean, they have to take into account republic side, imperial side, saboteur stuff, hopefully independent side... it's probably a lot of planning just for the story alone.


I'm not expecting much more than what we got in Onslaught length-wise, BUT they also said that there would be new stuff all year, so I wouldn't be surprised if they kept dropping new story content and flashpoints.


But again, the expansion itself is just a small part, considering there is going to be more gear to grind, and hopefully a new rep.


But in the end they just make the best they can with the staff they have (and whatever money they get from subscribers/CC purchases).

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I'm not expecting much more than what we got in Onslaught length-wise, BUT they also said that there would be new stuff all year, so I wouldn't be surprised if they kept dropping new story content and flashpoints.


Are you confident that BioWare's content release cadence and quantity in 2022 will meet your expectations? I expect two "content" patches with new story/group content in 2022. If we get more than two then that will be great but I'm honestly not expecting it.

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Tho, 48 for player character alone? That doesnt seem right, we have 8 classes, with 2 genders per class so thats 16 voice actors unless im missing something :D Are you including companions? Because those havnt had a lot to say in a long time.

Sixteen per language, in three languages, French, English and German, which makes forty eight.

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Locked, loaded, and prepared for 3-5 hours of 2-planer and maybe a flashpoint worth of story to last us half a year.


I suspect all of the under the hood tinkering is meant to also freshen up a lot of what we already do have as well but if I'm being honest, I could blink and skip everything post KOTET and not miss anything. I'm less concerned with the quantity and scope but more so the quality, because only that will determine whether I and the remains of my friends stay or go. That said, I'm just expecting it to be more in line with what we've seen so far in recent years, if not a little less.

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