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Be able to summon all companions at once.


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This would be a good tool for solo operations and master flashpoints. Also, it would be good for questing and roleplaying to see what companions approve and disapprove of. Maybe, it could be limited to class story companions or all companions you get throughout the game including cartel market ones. Thanks for considering!
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maybe 2 or 3 but not all because you could literally have upwards of over 70 companions nowadays in Swtor thats just unrealistic. 2 or 3 maybe for flashpoints I do not ever see companions being alone in raids for solo-raids.


Yeah but it would be great when some NPC taunts you with the line "Yeah you and what army?"

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Yeah but it would be great when some NPC taunts you with the line "Yeah you and what army?"


My main has about 70 companions, possibly even more, has every companion, plus all the CM ones, and event ones.

I can imagine pressing a button, summing them all, I'd need a whole instance just for me...lol

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Guild Wars allows this. In 4m content you can summon 3 companions with varying roles and in 8m content you can summon 7 companions. These are called Heroes and they’re highly customizable by the player character in terms of role, gear, and their quickbars.


There are also pre-configured companions you can recruit and dismiss on an as-needed basis.


The results - especially with Heroes - are amazing.

Edited by mike_carton
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Guild Wars allows this. In 4m content you can summon 3 companions with varying roles and in 8m content you can summon 7 companions. These are called Heroes and they’re highly customizable by the player character in terms of role, gear, and their quickbars..

This...sounds amazing TBH. A GW Hero style companion system blended with the companion system TOR currently has, would really hit the ball out of the park for a good feeling of control of your "personal Star Wars story" that EA likes to tagline SWTOR with.


The problem is that even player characters SWTOR are only just starting to get a taste of the robust customisation system that GW and moreso GW2 have built their MMO around. Companions would have to be totally rebuilt from the ground up to accommodate this, and then they would be more entertaining that our own characters, which is problematic. GW Heroes had customisable stat combinations for different styles of play (direct dmg v condi, health sponges v tanks v healer-tanks, specialised crit builds, etc.), and completely independent rune and sigil sets to further specify what you want characters to do.


TOR has...DPS, Heal, Tank. You could make the case that the bonus effect sets we have now are like runesets and the tacticals are reminiscent of sigils, but not only can companions not make use of these, they don't have the player movesets to use them, nor do we have stat diversification options to back them up. If they did, companions would likely be overpowered, and would really need to have their AI redesigned to make use of it all.


It's a great idea, but not feasible.

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