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Suggestions for the next galactic seasons


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I really like and enjoy the galactic seasons so here is some theme ideas/suggestions I have for the next galactic seasons:




- Companion: Bothan (male)

- Mount: Subscriber

- Mount: Woodland krak'jya (They live in the Bothawui forests)

- Mount: Mountain krak'jya (They live in the Bothawui mountains)

- Mount: Albino krak'jya (Rare variation among Krak'jya)

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Stronghold label: Secret hideout

- Legacy title: Spymaster

- Legacy title: Ally to the Bothan

- Customization: (Bothan name)'s infiltration customization

- Customization: (Bothan name)'s saboteur customization

- Set: (Bothan name)'s armor set

- Weapon: (Bothan name)'s cannon + (Bothan name)'s blaster + (Bothan name)'s blaster rifle + (Bothan name)'s sniper rifle + (Bothan name)'s double-bladed lightsaber + (Bothan name)'s lightsaber




- Companion: Trandoshan

- Mount: Subscriber

- Mount: ???

- Mount: ???

- Mount: ???

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Stronghold label: Hunter lair

- Legacy title: Great champion of the Scorekeeper

- Legacy title: Ally to the Trandoshan

- Customization: (Trandoshan name)'s veteran customization

- Customization: (Trandoshan name)'s tracker customization

- Set: (Trandoshan name)'s armor set

- Weapon: (Trandoshan name)'s cannon + (Trandoshan name)'s blaster + (Trandoshan name)'s blaster rifle + (Trandoshan name)'s sniper rifle + (Trandoshan name)'s double-bladed vibrosword + (Trandoshan name)'s vibrosword




- Companion: Gormak (female gormak with a body type 3 because we already have a male gormak companion + not many female companions with a body type 3)

- Mount: Subscriber

- Mount: Cyborg mawvorr

- Mount: Cyborg uxibeast

- Mount: Cyborg nexu

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Stronghold label: Bunker

- Legacy title: The Survivor

- Legacy title: Ally to the Gormak

- Customization: (Gormak name)'s explorer customization

- Customization: (Gormak name)'s scout customization

- Set: (Gormak name)'s armor set

- Weapon: (Gormak name)'s cannon + (Gormak name)'s blaster + (Gormak name)'s blaster rifle + (Gormak name)'s sniper rifle + (Gormak name)'s double-bladed vibrosword + (Gormak name)'s vibrosword




- Companion: Voss (female commando)

- Mount: Subscriber

- Mount: Savana mawvorr (The most common variety of Mawvorr from Voss. We can see them in many parts of Voss)

- Mount: Cave mawvorr (They live in the Voss caves)

- Mount: Corrupted mawvorr (Mawvorr corrupt by Sel-Makor's dark influence in the Nightmare Lands)

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Stronghold label: Meditation temple

- Legacy title: Student of Shrine of Healing

- Legacy title: Ally to the Voss

- Customization: (Voss name)'s commando customization

- Customization: (Voss name)'s mediator customization

- Set: (Voss name)'s armor set

- Weapon: (Voss name)'s cannon + (Voss name)'s blaster + (Voss name)'s blaster rifle + (Voss name)'s sniper rifle + (Voss name)'s double-bladed vibrosword + (Voss name)'s vibrosword




- Companion: Chiss (I always wanted to have Salana Rok as companion but we can't. So I hope we could have a female chiss companion as cool as Salana Rok with the galactic seasons, here is an example of what we could have: https://imgur.com/ExDYGk1 )

- Mount: Subscriber

- Mount: Pantran Whitefang/Tracker speeder

- Mount: Pantran Whitefang/Reconnaissance speeder

- Mount: Pantran Whitefang/Chiss ascendancy speeder

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Stronghold label: Military base

- Legacy title: Partner of the Chiss Ascendancy

- Legacy title: Ally to the Chiss

- Customization: (Chiss name)'s bounty hunter customization

- Customization: (Chiss name)'s forward scout customization

- Set: (Chiss name)'s armor set

- Weapon: (Chiss name)'s cannon + (Chiss name)'s blaster + (Chiss name)'s blaster rifle + (Chiss name)'s sniper rifle + (Chiss name)'s double-bladed vibrosword + (Chiss name)'s vibrosword




- Companion: Killik

- Mount: Subscriber

- Mount: Killik subterranean demolisher (They dig the rock to extend Killik caves) => Use the rancor or gundark skeleton OR Forest ripclaw (They live in the Alderaan forests)

- Mount: Killik fighting demolisher (They are used in the wars to devastate the enemy camp) => Use the rancor or gundark OR Artic ripclaw (They live in the Alderaan frozen mountains)

- Mount: Killik guardian demolisher (They protect the most important parts of hive) => Use the rancor or gundark OR Royal ripclaw (The most brutal variety of Ripclaw from Alderaan)

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Stronghold label: Nest

- Legacy title: Benefactor of Hives

- Legacy title: Ally to the Killik

- Customization: (Killik name)'s warmonger customization

- Customization: (Killik name)'s hunter customization

- Set: (Killik name)'s armor set

- Weapon: (Killik name)'s cannon + (Killik name)'s blaster + (Killik name)'s blaster rifle + (Killik name)'s sniper rifle + (Killik name)'s double-bladed vibrosword + (Killik name)'s vibrosword

*Keep in mind killiks average height can vary from 3 centimeters to 50 meters. Here an example for what we could have for a killik demolisher mount: https://i.imgur.com/hHd5goW.jpg

If killik demolisher mounts aren't possible so we can take ripclaw as mount




- Companion: Wookie

- Mount: Subscriber

- Mount: Woodland katarn (They live in the Kashyyyk immense forests)

- Mount: Coastal katarn (They live near to Kashyyyk seas and lakes)

- Mount: Savage kkorrwrot (They live in the Kashyyyk immense forests)

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Decoration:

- Stronghold label: Forest refuge

- Legacy title: Hunter from Shadowlands

- Legacy title: Ally to the Wookie

- Customization: (Wookie name)'s tracker customization

- Customization: (Wookie name)'s honorable warrior customization

- Set: (Wookie name)'s armor set

- Weapon: (Wookie name)'s cannon + (Wookie name)'s blaster + (Wookie name)'s blaster rifle + (Wookie name)'s sniper rifle + (Wookie name)'s double-bladed vibrosword + (Wookie name)'s vibrosword



I hope you like these ideas/suggestions.


Feel free to share your opinion about that.

Edited by orichichan
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  • 6 months later...

How about an Echani or a Zeltron? 

" The Echani are a Near-Human species from the Inner Rim world of Eshan. They are known for their skills at melee and hand-to-hand combat. The Echani fighting style emphasizes swiftness and agilty; they are disdainful of brute force and seldom wear armor or heavy clothing that could hinder their movements."

"Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin which came in different shades of red ranging from light pink to deep red, and hair which could be red or blue. Most of them were considered highly attractive by Human, near-Human, and even some non-humanoid standards."

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I'm all into more companions for sure. "even" from GS as I liked very much the idea behind it.

I can agree that few seasons without companions can be good, but I'd like return of them someday.

I really want companions from such races (and themes of GS) like:
Kel Dor must have
Selkath must have
Gree must have
Rakata would be great
Krex would be nice
Daiyschmura or whatever this is spelled why not
Esh-Ka why not
(New) Chiss would be great
Kilik why not
Colicoid why not
Chiss would be nice
Abyssin could be interesting
Anomid would be great
Gen'Dai would be great
Ongree why not
Hutt becasue xD

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