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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I agree there seems to be a delay with my video, but lets look at your video as an example.



Tell me there is a .5sec or more delay beetween the time where your cast bar turn white ( thats when you casted ability fire) and when you activate the grenade.


I even dare you to pause that video when the cast bar turn white, and then try to play and pause before the frag grenade activate. Its pretty much instant.


correct, i dont have a problem with the gcd, i have a problem with the dmg not lining up with it. As stated this is a ton of problems rolled into one thread. The dmg is delayed period, what if it was a interrupt and not dmg, or killing blow dmg before a heal went off. Thats the problem that you hit an ability and the result isn't always as instantaneous as we'd like.

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I agree there seems to be a delay with my video, but lets look at your video as an example.



Tell me there is a .5sec or more delay beetween the time where your cast bar turn white ( thats when you casted ability fire) and when you activate the grenade.


I even dare you to pause that video when the cast bar turn white, and then try to play and pause before the frag grenade activate. Its pretty much instant.


There is a tiny little delay after his timer is up before he actually stands and fires...He should of fired off instantly a that timer was done...I mean instantly!

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I dont find a problem with that...Instant in this case means no cast time..Not instant damage


The damage occured when the blaster bolt hit the target..I firmly believe this is how it should be...There just shouldnt be a delay from when the cast time is up and when it actually starts firing




The issue is if you cant fire 1 spell every gcd or cant fire at all.


If your grenade hit the target instantly or 1.5sec after, you still do the same damage.

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I've put Warzones on hold because of this. But the strangest thing is that this doesn't happen only in Warzones.


Today I was questing alone and everything was fine, then some other player started questing next to me and my abilities started getting a huge delay.


I don't get this really.


Also, every time I'm going for a gank I get a huge fps drop and massive ability delay. :(

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If your grenade hit the target instantly or 1.5sec after, you still do the same damage.


That's what i made the video for, this is unacceptable because timing can be everything at key points.


If I hit my brakes on my car it eventually stops regardless, but if it is really slow at braking that could be a problem when it matters most.

Edited by samdbtto
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correct, i dont have a problem with the gcd, i have a problem with the dmg not lining up with it. As stated this is a ton of problems rolled into one thread. The dmg is delayed period, what if it was a interrupt and not dmg, or killing blow dmg before a heal went off. Thats the problem that you hit an ability and the result isn't always as instantaneous as we'd like.


I definitely see what your saying...Things should fire off exactly when they are suppose to be, BUT this system, even if working perfectly is still slightly different then WOW and it will take adjustment from us the players...Meaning thought we are used to instant abilities being instant in every form, well SWTOR does it differently


Mind you that is no execuse for the delay in which the ability is executed upon hitting the button or what have you

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Well i was getting frustrated last night by my "seemingly" 3 second animations and inability to actually use some abilities in pvp because of the resposiveness in this game.

Then i found this thread and its clear im not crazy. I love the game to death but if they can't fix this delayed ability stuff i dont know how long i can enjoy it.

Hope they fix soon...

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I've put Warzones on hold because of this. But the strangest thing is that this doesn't happen only in Warzones.


Today I was questing alone and everything was fine, then some other player started questing next to me and my abilities started getting a huge delay.


I don't get this really.


Also, every time I'm going for a gank I get a huge fps drop and massive ability delay. :(


Its got to be be a issue with latency/lag etc to SOME degree...


I have stated numerous times that my desktop at home only really experiences the "no response at all" occassionally when I hit a button, but no delay really


My laptop on the other hand...Barely handles TOR and the delay and etc and pretty intense sometimes...But thats cause my FPS are real low and etc

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correct, i dont have a problem with the gcd, i have a problem with the dmg not lining up with it. As stated this is a ton of problems rolled into one thread. The dmg is delayed period, what if it was a interrupt and not dmg, or killing blow dmg before a heal went off. Thats the problem that you hit an ability and the result isn't always as instantaneous as we'd like.


I agree there might be an issue of animation delaying when your spell land, but not when it fire. That frag grenade in that video seemed to take more time landing after activation than a frag grenade casted alone.


As for stun/interupt/ability taking time to land i have yet to see that. In my experience bubble/speedboost/stun/interupt were all pretty much instant. It would be interesting to see if lets say a stun could be delayed the same way that frag grenade was.

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I definitely see what your saying...Things should fire off exactly when they are suppose to be, BUT this system, even if working perfectly is still slightly different then WOW and it will take adjustment from us the players...Meaning thought we are used to instant abilities being instant in every form, well SWTOR does it differently


Mind you that is no execuse for the delay in which the ability is executed upon hitting the button or what have you


If I dont like cabbage, I dont like cabbage, I don't want to get used to it, I just want if off my plate.


I hope BW doesn't like it this way.

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I dont find a problem with that...Instant in this case means no cast time..Not instant damage


The damage occured when the blaster bolt hit the target..I firmly believe this is how it should be...There just shouldnt be a delay from when the cast time is up and when it actually starts firing


We are talking here about the same combat system that is implemented in wow. In wow instant cast is instant cast and forget the animation when the spell is executed. you can do other things and because of this the combat feels responsive and fluid.

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I agree there might be an issue of animation delaying when your spell land, but not when it fire. That frag grenade in that video seemed to take more time landing after activation than a frag grenade casted alone.


As for stun/interupt/ability taking time to land i have yet to see that. In my experience bubble/speedboost/stun/interupt were all pretty much instant. It would be interesting to see if lets say a stun could be delayed the same way that frag grenade was.


but wouldnt combat be better if they were ALL instant. No one is arguing FOR delayed abilities right?

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I didn't notice this issue so much with my sorc, it was there on occasion but not so bad. Now I'm leveling a maurader, and it's absolutely unbearable. Half of a fight will be spent looking at the target stupidly, waiting for my strikes to go through, all the while theirs tick off just fine; leaving me close to death on the simpleist mobs. Hopefully this gets fixed soon, along with my Sorc's missing "Darth" title, and the three in game mails that are still "lost" worth just over 200k.
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That's what i made the video for, this is unacceptable because timing can be everything at key points.


If I hit my brakes on my car it eventually stops regardless, but if it is really slow at braking that could be a problem when it matters most.


I understand you...But I must reiterate that I support how they handle that aspect..as long as there is no delay when executing it


I know it must be annoying if you throw that grenade and the damage/interupt happens when it impacts and it causes your death, but at the same time, I really dont think attacks like that should be instant if say your grenade/saber/blaster bolt has not hit them yet...I like the little bit of realism they used for situations like that


NOW, if you were up close and executed a interupt that had that kind of delay, thats completely unacceptable!!! My mage in WOW would fire off his interupt immediately, so I know how annoying your situation might be, but my Mage wasnt throwing anything...He looked pointed and executed...They might have designed your class ability to have that negative factor to even the playing field a little...If the cast time is 2.5, your 1.5 time to impact should still interupt...Now because of the delay, thats not happening and thats not right and there for I agree on that aspect completely

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This is causing major issues not only on PVP, Us Healers are having to resort to overheal = "BUTTON SMASHING" in order to be somewhat effective healers creating a sink in our force"MANA". We need this fixed before any UI, Buff, Nerf fixes or tweeks... Please make this fix your top priority. Thanks




Edited by BlindGeezer
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Well just cause you dont like cabbage doesnt mean I dont...Why should you get it your way and we dont get it the way we prefer?


You can like cabbage all you want, but just because YOU like cabbage, other people shouldn't be forced to eat it.

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I understand you...But I must reiterate that I support how they handle that aspect..as long as there is no delay when executing it


I know it must be annoying if you throw that grenade and the damage/interupt happens when it impacts and it causes your death, but at the same time, I really dont think attacks like that should be instant if say your grenade/saber/blaster bolt has not hit them yet...I like the little bit of realism they used for situations like that


NOW, if you were up close and executed a interupt that had that kind of delay, thats completely unacceptable!!! My mage in WOW would fire off his interupt immediately, so I know how annoying your situation might be, but my Mage wasnt throwing anything...He looked pointed and executed...They might have designed your class ability to have that negative factor to even the playing field a little...If the cast time is 2.5, your 1.5 time to impact should still interupt...Now because of the delay, thats not happening and thats not right and there for I agree on that aspect completely


The damage from the grenade isn't delayed because of flight time, it is delayed because of the previous animation. The damage registers before the grenade hits.

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Anyway, while this bug as been noticable for me for awhile. Its never been so much of a PROBLEM.


I did, however, finally experience the game-breaking part of this issue last night, with a boss, lord cineratus i believe his name is. He has an ability that causes HUGE amounts of damage, its a channeled ability that you're supposed to interrupt.


I'd have no problem needing to interrupt, however. When i hit jolt - my interrupt - the second he starts channeling. There is enough delay that HE FINISHES THE CAST before i actually use jolt.

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but wouldnt combat be better if they were ALL instant. No one is arguing FOR delayed abilities right?


No i like the ability travel time. Instant #1 takes 1sec to land, while instant#2 takes .3sec to land, now if i want to finish someone quickly ill use instant number 2.


Even if interupt would take .5 sec to land, i would not have a problem with that. It would make us think faster, no interupting the ennemy .1 sec before his cast finish.


THE PROBLEM I HAVE IS : I dont care if an ability take time to land (damage) but it should take the same time every time you cast that ability. Should not depend at all on the previous casted ability.

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I didn't notice this issue so much with my sorc, it was there on occasion but not so bad. Now I'm leveling a maurader, and it's absolutely unbearable. Half of a fight will be spent looking at the target stupidly, waiting for my strikes to go through, all the while theirs tick off just fine; leaving me close to death on the simpleist mobs. Hopefully this gets fixed soon, along with my Sorc's missing "Darth" title, and the three in game mails that are still "lost" worth just over 200k.
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We are talking here about the same combat system that is implemented in wow. In wow instant cast is instant cast and forget the animation when the spell is executed. you can do other things and because of this the combat feels responsive and fluid.


The combat is obviously not exactly wow's...otherwise we wouldnt be having this conversation...


If things fired off correctly with no delay, this system would feel responsive and fluid for everyone...What you are saying is you dont want a added challenge to the scenario..If you dont like the fact your grenade has to make it to and hit the target before its effects happen, use a up close interupt


I dont think its fair that I cant interupt from a distance on my SW..So by you having to wait for it to hit me makes it more fair for melee classes


did you ever think for one second with that particular ability that it is a intended con to using the ability...Like how a lot of games incorporate a pro/con system


I.E: You get a +5 base damage increase but -5 to accuracy

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No i like the ability travel time. Instant #1 takes 1sec to land, while instant#2 takes .3sec to land, now if i want to finish someone quickly ill use instant number 2.


Even if interupt would take .5 sec to land, i would not have a problem with that. It would make us think faster, no interupting the ennemy .1 sec before his cast finish.


THE PROBLEM I HAVE IS : I dont care if an ability take time to land (damage) but it should take the same time every time you cast that ability. Should not depend at all on the previous casted ability.


Travel time is not the issue, it is the delay from the previous animation, at least that is what my gripe is, in the grenade example the dmg registers before the grenade hits so that isnt the problem.

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