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Protest to fix Hutt Ball


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Apparently all you been seeing and only reading is "you must only play only huttball" because of your level of frustration seems astounding.


I feel you need to take a break from the internet, MMOs, and probably just sit back and read a book or take a nap (would say go outside but it damn cold out there), in general just relax for a few days.


Very relaxed ;). Just bored.

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There is no reason for it to take several months to allow a choice to queue into something specific. From what I've read, they were aware of this problem a long time ago during beta. Of course I didn't know about it myself because I was only included in the big beta weekend. At the very least, I expect to know if and when this will be solved. And where are you getting several months? Is there a dev post or something? Sorry, I'd search for it, but I can't search for anything.


I get my estimation based on experience with MMOs and as a software developer. Here's some education in the field:


1) Not all issues in Beta are addressed by launch. The high priority ones where people can't actually play the game, are addressed first.


2) You only have so many developers with so much man power and hours to fix issues.


3) Programming fixes and new functionality is not quick. Code is connected to other code. When you change something you risk possibly breaking something else. To lessen that possibility a lot of testing is done, bugs reported, fixed and more testing. Depending on how big the change is, the longer it takes.


4) You and probably thousands of others are reporting issues. Again, issues where people actually can't play, are higher priority. Be happy that you're in the game. There are still people who aren't because of issues.


So between what you want, and what several thousand other people want, they're going to have a pretty full list of things to do. It takes time to understand what the issues are, design a fix, and then implement them.


5) Fixes and additional functionality aren't usually added little by little. They are usually packaged for rollout with other fixes. What usually happens in the developer meeting is they pick out a list of things they think they can get done by a certain deadline.


Each issue is assigned to certain team members/groups and it gets worked on. By the deadline, those issues are either addressed or needs more time for a solution. Not every issue will have a perfect solution the first time around. They either can release a not-so-perfect workaround for speed, or wait longer for something more solid.


So you see, it's not that simple to just ask for WHEN WILL THIS GET DONE!?!?!


There's a lot that goes into programming. Hopefully this will open your eyes to why you can't expect things to magically happen. There are way more other issues than you're aware of. Just because you haven't experienced the other hundreds of issues, doesn't mean that the only issue is Huttball.

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Guess I'll go play more hutt ball now.


EDIT think they can atleast take the annoying announcer out of it? lol


I agree the announcer can get quite annoying after the 211th time of Huttball (I had a toon on Imperial)


What it comes down to is, make your expectations for several months before possible changes, and hope you get pleasantly surprised sooner.

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How bout I just afk through every hutt ball until they fix it? I'm not changing factions just so I can play other warzones - that's a terrible solution.


How bout they just let you queue for different warzones? To hell with the wait.


Or, you can leave it if you get it and instantly requeue without penalty!


Oh man, that would require you to press an extra button. Bullocks to that I say!


You rolled Empire, the dominating faction in terms of numbers. Huttball is the only WZ that can be faction vs same faction. Deal with it, reroll Republic, or whine on forums. See which one gets you to your solution faster. Hint, whining won't help. I tell that to my 4 year old when she whines about taking a bath.

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Or, you can leave it if you get it and instantly requeue without penalty!


Oh man, that would require you to press an extra button. Bullocks to that I say!


You rolled Empire, the dominating faction in terms of numbers. Huttball is the only WZ that can be faction vs same faction. Deal with it, reroll Republic, or whine on forums. See which one gets you to your solution faster. Hint, whining won't help. I tell that to my 4 year old when she whines about taking a bath.



nice...i really liked the 4 yo comparison.




@meelays...no one said u have to play warzones. go level by questing like the almost everyone else....get to 50.


You are where u are because of choices you made. kinda ironic, thats the bw montra. you chose empire....u chose to q for warzones.....now u complain about the results of your choices. hahaha. your tears are like tiny morsels of ecstasy.

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Or, you can leave it if you get it and instantly requeue without penalty!


Oh man, that would require you to press an extra button. Bullocks to that I say!


You rolled Empire, the dominating faction in terms of numbers. Huttball is the only WZ that can be faction vs same faction. Deal with it, reroll Republic, or whine on forums. See which one gets you to your solution faster. Hint, whining won't help. I tell that to my 4 year old when she whines about taking a bath.


Somebody else brought up requeue'ing, but it doesn't work. I just get placed back in the same hutt ball match again and again.

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Squeaky wheel gets the grease. If we get enough people to afk through it, maybe they'll fix it sooner.


Or maybe they'll implement a solution to ban you joining the queue as a penalty.


That would be sweet as whiney crybabies have no place ruining other peoples fun, because they 'don't like it'



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Found a more effective way of getting my point across. grab the ball and just dance with it.


You uhh do realise that the ball explodes if you hold it long enough right?


I'm really confused by all the whining being done over huttball, I mean its football sans the tightpants. I thought you americans loved football?


In all seriousness its an innovative pvp game, that is only getting more and more fast paced as players figure out how to pass the ball and use the arena to its full potential. The only frustrating part of this game is how gimmicky knockbacks and stuns are when used in conjunction with the pit/acid/fire. Huttball is ridiculously fun when the ball is moving around being passed, and strategies are actually being formulated. By grabbing the ball and hiding, you are essentially pausing the game for a minute or so. Rather than whine that the game is boring, try actually playing it. A good game of huttball is 20 times more exciting than a match of "who can aoe the doors the longest" (intelligent groups expressly do this on voidstar, its how you win as defence)

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What needs to happen imo is a multi server battle group.If there is a lopsided amount of one faction or the other and since hutball is faction on faction there simply isnt enough to go around.Bioware made battle groups,or just made the queue for pvp multi server and not just ours that would certainly help...
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What needs to happen imo is a multi server battle group.If there is a lopsided amount of one faction or the other and since hutball is faction on faction there simply isnt enough to go around.Bioware made battle groups,or just made the queue for pvp multi server and not just ours that would certainly help...


wont fix a thing, empire outnumber republic by 3 to 1 on every server, do some math, if you expand your pool size but your entire group is biased, will it fix the bias?

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So, what, you're going to say it's BW's fault that more people want to be Empire than Republic? What do you want, that they forced people to play on the other faction?


Nothing they can really do, they even made the classes mirrors so there's really no one side being better- this is just a matter of more people wanted to be imperial than republic....


Or maybe an indicator of faction populations like another game (or games) had/has?

Be able to see which servers are heavier on Empire pop or Republic pop?


Another problem that seems overlooked in this discussion is the issue of guild deployment...There are a great many people playing on "Full" or otherwise overpopulated servers and dealing with queue times due to the fact that their guild was deployed to that server...Along with 300-500 other guilds...


Part of the reason for the guild launch program was supposed to be to keep server populations and faction balance...Well...Balanced.


This is a legitimate gripe (unlike many of the senseless and trolling QQ threads on these boards).


Server and faction population balance needs to be one of BW's top priorities. The systems deployed to aid with these problems were massive failures and the player base had very little heads-up on how said systems would work.

Did everyone have a choice to roll on a server other than the one their guild was deployed to? Yup.

Was it an educated choice? Nope.


And...How many people are really going to ditch their guild and/or friends just to play somewhere that might or might not be any different?


Hopefully this will get fixed or addressed with server moves or something.


/Close Rant.

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How about a check box "Same faction combat" and if you click it all warzones can be same faction when you queue.


That way we still get a random rotation of all 3 warzones and the queues can remain as good as they are now, if its an option then the RP whiners won't have to be forced to play against themselves in places like alderaan where it wouldn't make sense in their lore based lives.


For the rest of us who just want to play a game, we get to experience all of what Bioware has created and not be punished for the faction we chose or server we were given...


Pretty good idea.

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