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Protest to fix Hutt Ball


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How about a check box "Same faction combat" and if you click it all warzones can be same faction when you queue.


That way we still get a random rotation of all 3 warzones and the queues can remain as good as they are now, if its an option then the RP whiners won't have to be forced to play against themselves in places like alderaan where it wouldn't make sense in their lore based lives.


For the rest of us who just want to play a game, we get to experience all of what Bioware has created and not be punished for the faction we chose or server we were given...

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Empire Occupy Hutt ball. I will be standing in place and encouraging others to do the same until I am allowed to queue for something else. THIS IS BROKEN


You can leave the warzone at any time. Feel free. No one is forcing you to play huttball.

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Well tough, stop being a spoilt brat. There exists no such thing as a person clicking a button that gives you what you want.


It needs to be brought up at Bioware, discussed, agreed on, signed off, coded, put into a patch, released as a patch, as well as all the other stuff you guys are QQing for so that there isnt' a patch every day of the frigging year but rather 1 that addresses multiple issues.


It's kids crying I want it and I want it now then a minute later another kid crying I want it, I want it now, then a minute later another thread from another kid crying I want it now I want it now that is everything wrong with gamers these days.


Yeah, kids who expect functionality in a game released in 2011 that was present in games as far back as 2005.


Bioware made a horrible decision and people are have every right to complain about it, like they have since BETA.


If players want to wait 2-3x longer in Que in order to avoid Huttball, THATS THEIR CHOICE... I'll never understand why people vilify PLAYER CHOICE.

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You can leave the warzone at any time. Feel free. No one is forcing you to play huttball.


No one is forcing him to play Empire either.


And the info was there pre-release. Just because he didn't check it and therefore made a bad uninformed choice is not BW fault either.


I am really not trying to be mean but he did chose to play Empire, the faction that is heavily over populated.




And also chose to rush to 50 by the sound of it. The game hasn't been out long. If you are 50 on Empire it wont take long to get 50 on Republic too. especially if you are used to rushing.

Edited by Arutassin
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You can leave the warzone at any time. Feel free. No one is forcing you to play huttball.


1. Join Huttball


2. Leave Huttball


3. Re-Que


4. Join Huttball


5. Leave Huttball


6. Re-Que


7. Join Huttball


8. Leave Huttball


9. Re-Que


10. Join Huttball


11. Smash fanboi's head through monitor



No one is forcing him to play Empire either.


And the info was there pre-release. Just because he didn't check it and therefore made a bad uninformed choice is not BW fault either.


I am really not trying to be mean but he did chose to play Empire, the faction that is heavily over populated.




And also chose to rush to 50 by the sound of it. The game hasn't been out long. If you are 50 on Empire it wont take long to get 50 on Republic too. especially if you are used to rushing.


People like you only speed the death of new games. Blame the players for crappy decisions made by developers. If any players was somehow supposed to know how faction balance was going to turn out based on BETA forums posts (ridiculous idea) then Bioware surely must've known but chose not to do anything about it... once again making it 100% their fault and nobody else.

Edited by Kromzor
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You can choose to kill the captain or save the captain, but you will play what warzone we tell you to! haha


I rolled at this one.


Like people are all like "Its not broken, its saving you from waiting for hours!" I don't care I have to wait as long as its not another hutt ball.

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cause we dont wanna wait?


How does allowing players to queue for a specific warzone cause you to wait? If you are empire you can still queue random or huttball and have a fast queue.


But other empire could queue for the other 2 specifically and just have a long queue.


What you are saying makes no sense at all.

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Thread reported of promoting exploits and entice fighting/conflict amongst others with the intent to spam the forum with the same topic.


There are already multiple thread on the same/near same idea and topic(s); that offer positive feed back and include helpful tips and guides, including a sticky.

Edited by RangKer
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You realise the reason this problem exists is due to there being more numbers on the empire side and this being the only BG that you can play against your own faction? In fact this BG was only put into the game with the ability to face your own faction to counter the queues we would have if one faction had a lot more players than the other. Without this BG you would be queueing all evening.


If you weren't playing on a realm with more Empire than Republic and weren't playing Empire you would not have this issue.


I wanted to play Empire on this game but paid attention to what others were rolling as this was obviously going to be an issue if there was a majority rolling a particular faction. All polls pre-release suggested that servers would be Empire heavy and when the game came out logging into realms as both faction and performing "who" checks showed there were a lot more Empire than Republic.


It is for this reason I decided to re-roll Republic at level 14. I would recommend either doing more check on populations before rolling a char or if you have already got a char I would recommend re-rolling Republic.


It may not be the news you wanted to hear but this is the way to fix your issue.


Sorry, this is on Bioware. Pre-launch guild on a pre-launch server, its Bioware's fault they didn't put enough pre-launch repubs on the same server to even things out. This is also a problem with Ilum, as the repubs never go there so it never changes sides.


As the dev is it their job to make both faction equally appealing, they failed, and now they need to find ways to fix it, because 99% Hutball and .1% Ilum is not viable.

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Thread reported of promoting exploits and entice fighting/conflict amongst others with the intent to spam the forum with the same topic.


There are already multiple thread on the same/near same idea and topic(s); that offer positive feed back and include helpful tips and guides, including a sticky.


Telling people to reroll as republic is hardly helpful. I think we all want it fixed, and we just have to pressure bioware to do it.

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1. Join Huttball


2. Leave Huttball


3. Re-Que


4. Join Huttball


5. Leave Huttball


6. Re-Que


7. Join Huttball


8. Leave Huttball


9. Re-Que


10. Join Huttball


11. Smash fanboi's head through monitor





People like you only speed the death of new games. Blame the players for crappy decisions made by developers. If any players was somehow supposed to know how faction balance was going to turn out based on BETA forums posts (ridiculous idea) then Bioware surely must've known but chose not to do anything about it... once again making it 100% their fault and nobody else.


Actually that's incredibly presumptuous. I actually complain about things which are broken that the devs can fix and are their fault. I also call out people who are capable of sorting their own issue out but instead have a tantrum on the forums at the devs.


in this instance you chose to play the over populated faction and can re-roll. It's not something that needs a fix unlike for example the ability lag which is something they can fix.

Edited by Arutassin
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Telling people to reroll as republic is hardly helpful. I think we all want it fixed, and we just have to pressure bioware to do it.


Didn't say anything remotely close to that at all.


So to boil it down on the OP's Topic.


Player made Issues have Player Made Solutions. BW has nothing to do with there being too many Siths on a server, the players decided that themselves when they choose to roll that faction, and to ask BW in anyway shape or form to fix, punish or otherwise step in to fix the problem created by players is enticing a form of hate speech.


The ONLY solution BW can offer to balance out WZs is when they offer new WZ and allow cross server/realm.


Currently Players have their solution(s), it is up to the player to decide on if they rather be apart of it and be useful, stick it out/reroll make constructive threads, or jump ship and try to cause mass hysteria because they didn't get their way and want someone to hold their hand.

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I hope they never change it. I just left my pvp geared 50 powertech with a 1.5m speeder to reroll republic with most of my guild.


If your friends want to actually have fun and not play the, who has more knockbacks and sprints, reroll republic.


If your sitting at 50 like I was and farming wz's. You clearly have no problem leveling to 50 so it's not a matter of it taking too long.

Edited by Aerodi
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No one is forcing him to play Empire either.


And the info was there pre-release. Just because he didn't check it and therefore made a bad uninformed choice is not BW fault either.


I am really not trying to be mean but he did chose to play Empire, the faction that is heavily over populated.




And also chose to rush to 50 by the sound of it. The game hasn't been out long. If you are 50 on Empire it wont take long to get 50 on Republic too. especially if you are used to rushing.

this is a game design problem, although I'm not sure what BW could have done about it. In our era of the internet hate machine there was no doubt ppl would be rolling empire in droves.

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this is a game design problem, although I'm not sure what BW could have done about it. In our era of the internet hate machine there was no doubt ppl would be rolling empire in droves.


how is faction imbalance a game design issue. If you don't want to play huttball constantly, which we knew from the moment of release that huttball would be the emp v emp map, you roll republic. Would you rather have 2hr plus que times just so you can go into voidstar or alderan and probably get stomped there cause those matches are still team games.

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how is faction imbalance a game design issue. If you don't want to play huttball constantly, which we knew from the moment of release that huttball would be the emp v emp map, you roll republic. Would you rather have 2hr plus que times just so you can go into voidstar or alderan and probably get stomped there cause those matches are still team games.


Yes, I would rather have 2 hour plus wait times. I am not joking.


It should be my prerogative whether or not to wait, and I'd be willing to do some serious waiting if it meant no more hutt ball.

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Yes, I would rather have 2 hour plus wait times. I am not joking.


It should be my prerogative whether or not to wait, and I'd be willing to do some serious waiting if it meant no more hutt ball.


While that is great, you sir are sadly in the minority, yes many many people don't want to play huttball, but they also don't want to wait more then 5 min to get into their wz. I have seen this before in other games, they had good que times, people *****ed about 1 part of the que time fix, they made it where you can opt out, and they just *****ed about the que times again.

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Yes, I would rather have 2 hour plus wait times. I am not joking.


It should be my prerogative whether or not to wait, and I'd be willing to do some serious waiting if it meant no more hutt ball.


So you rather punish others because your needs are not meet, even though you picked to be empire, and want to remain empire but soley wish to punish others for picking empire, it doesn't work that way, you either have to grow a pair and stick it out or reroll, or understand that BW is not going to hold your hand and walk you through everything that you want.


I'm sorry I rather have the Option to gain points with my firends and then have a gaming company cater to an individual who is to self rightious to be apart of any solutions.

Edited by RangKer
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