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I felt a great disturbance in the Force........


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I agree with you OP, and so do most who read your post. They just can't bring themselves to admit it is all.

I cancelled today. I tried, and tried. But I don't even see much of a chance of future changes helping this very simple, dated game.

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What a let down of a game. I eagerly anticipated the release of SWtor. I held back from "beta test" previews. I followed fansites and ate up news of the release of this "amazing" game.


Now I wonder what all the hype was about?


This game does nothing original. The "Story" is just a glorified version of AoC voice acted story lines. The game mechanics scream WoW. PvP which is horrible btw is a huge step backward from what mythic did with WAR.


THe voice acting... nice touch... for the first 5 or 6 quests after that, it's skip skip skip skip. It's jsut a delay to get to the quest. For all of you who said "I don't like to read quest text" well you're not gonna want to wait around and have some NPC tell you why you need to blow up boxes of droid parts. Over done in my opinion.


I don't care about the bugs, or how polished this game is. It's an out dated pile of crap. Maybe if this were released 4 years ago it would have been something fresh, however it's way behind the curve.


So i wish the best to SWTOR prove me wrong, but I've unsubbed maybe i'll check it out again in 6 months to a year.


But for now... NEXT!

I can see it now

SWTOR had a great PvE voice acting but the rest was totally outdated which led to its downfall. given time Im pretty sure all the features this game is missing will be added along with new expansions, so yeah 6 month will do it.

One of my main disappointment was ship battles which is something they could've abused had they done it right.

I mean how cool wouldve it had been if you could go against the republic in an open world ship battle with your guild?

Edited by maximusedward
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What really puzzles me is why people keep writing how much they were waiting for this game, and how hype the felt, just to login, playin a few levels and shouting "What the crap are all these voiced cutscenes?!" -> skip, skip, skip, skip -> nerdrage.


Beside the fact that i may not be into all these facebook or twitter things, but seriously, nobody cares about "i quit" posts.



Anyway OP, so long and thanks for all the fish, may you find what you seek in another universe.

Good game to everyone!

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Why does so many people ***** about a game feedback? This is his honest input about a integral game mechanic. And he is right!



I played now 3 times a Jedi to the mid 20's and believe me, when you had the story 1 or maybe 2 times, after that you start skipping! And you realize that all the talk as nice at it is, is just a simple almost everytime same dialog, just with different characters. Maybe you can trick 12 year olds to not see this but for the average "player", this gets boring fast.

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Why does so many people ***** about a game feedback? This is his honest input about a integral game mechanic. And he is right!



I played now 3 times a Jedi to the mid 20's and believe me, when you had the story 1 or maybe 2 times, after that you start skipping! And you realize that all the talk as nice at it is, is just a simple almost everytime same dialog, just with different characters. Maybe you can trick 12 year olds to not see this but for the average "player", this gets boring fast.


Just saying something sucks doesn't make it 'feedback'...

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If you have problems with the game, and have contructive criticism to give and perhaps suggestions for improvments, please come to the forums and make a thread about it.


If you just dont like the game and want to whine, no one cares. Move along.


Could somebody PLEASE just sticky this....

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Just saying something sucks doesn't make it 'feedback'...


I really don't know if these people really can't tell a whine from feedback or if they are just playing dumb. What you think? Total retard? Liar? I think BW should make obligatory to post your age next to your avatar, at least I know when I am talking to a kid....

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I don't see how anyone could say the story isn't that good. Go ahead and bash other aspects of the game, but to say the story isn't any good is just pure hogwash.



There are SO many awesome dialogue and morality choices that I just can't imagine anyone being unhappy with this title. Even if you consider it as a single player game. I can't even remember being this delighted and awed at some of the dialogue on my Smuggler and Inquisitor characters - and I'm still under 20 on both.


This is Bioware 'Mass Effect' style awesome. Where you sit there at the final menu choice of a quest and think ... 'oh crap how do I answer this one'


And, of course, the game-play is top notch IMO. Guild stuff, Heroics, crafting... It doesn't feel as hugely open-world as WoW did, and I miss that, but I still can't put this title down.

Edited by FarVision
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The short sidedness of that comment is astonishing.


You think this 'MMO' is going to be around if the majority starts feeling the same way as the OP.


What makes you even think they would, the majority is enjoying the game as it is, and not whining here how they dont enjoy it.:confused:

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I despise WoW. let me start with that.


I knew going into SWTOR it would resemble warcraft in some way. I just didn't think they would keep the same mechanics and just put up a SW theme to it.


Voice Acting: It is fine in the large story arcs. But adding it to every quest.... WASTE OF TIME!


I don't need to hear why you want me to search for the missing holocron. Just give me the quest and let me be on my way. It was neat for the first hour. after that it's skip skip skip skip.


Using voice acting in multiplayer quests is also a waste of time, how many times have you run those low and mid level instances? hearign all the dialouge once or twice.... SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP..... then WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT cause some jagoff is listening to the pointless dialouge.




PVP: Who's idea was it to throw low level and high level players into the mix together? sure you can bump up a player stats to match, but did they forget about the skill sets?




If it were open world PvP thats one thing, but to mix and match in warzone is just a bad idea.


The dated gameplay.......


Jesus at least try to do something fresh.


Remember Tabula Rasa? fresh concepts with it's "dynamic" base fights, and mob spawns. Better action oriented gameplay, part shooter part tradional MMO.


Rift: again "dynamic" points of interest, events play out aroudn you. You don't go seek it out.


but BW(mythic) and EA stuck with a WoW clone. Didn't they learn from Warhammer that going that route was fail? So they did it again but this time added VO..... COME ON!


They got my $60.00. That lets me say this:



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