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Some alignment decisions make little to no sense at all.


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just bare in mind that light isnt acctually good, and dark doesnt mean its evil. when i dropped that image from them it was much easier to comprehend. atleast for me.


ps really love the soldier ds ls choise on ord mantell quest. to give the meds to the troopers or some straggelers. when i am a soldier. lol

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This one always annoyed the hell out of me. Apparently, returning the items to the people they were originally stolen from is the DS option?


The entire Trooper story arc is beleaguered by these. You have pacified an enemy and/or bad person, and now you have a choice; A. Kill them (Dark, obviously), or B. Let them go free (Light). Let them go? Let them go?? There is literally never an option to arrest them, confine them, or take them as prisoner(s) of war. I mean, what the heck kind of a soldier are you? Apparently one that has no concept of the due process of law, because you are going to personally decide the NPCs fate right here and now, and either execute them in cold blood or set them free with no consequence for whatever bad thing they did, short of a finger wag and a stern admonition not to be bad again in the future.


Yeah the medical supplies one always bugged me also, personally I think for the trooper following order should have been neutral alignment.


But yeah the whole letting people go issue plays out also on the started world, when you infiltrate the first separatist base you encounter those injured seps who promise if you let them go they won't tell anyone, I mean what on earth? Its not like you are after a planet busting weapon or anything, oh wait yes you are, no soldier worth a damn would just let them go and risk a mission of that magnitude.

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Letting a murderer on Hutta go free is not serving life. He is just going to to to some other planet and murder sentient life forms he thinks are 'just animals" because they are not human. Executing him actually serves life in the long run.


Well, here is the thing about the light side choices (choosing life) or dark side choices (choosing the death option).. the path to either is not omnipotent.. it is not far looking down the road. It is an IMMEDIATE decision right there between choosing life or choosing death. If you kill this person that is dark, If you let him live that is light. Whatever that person does if he lives and goes free is up to him.. and his own darkside choices to make. You (as a player) don't make a light or dark choice based on the actions of the other.. or future actions. It is not judgement. It is only choosing life or choosing death. So you let a murderer go free.. what he does is his own light and dark choices, not yours. But you made the choice to save is life.. so that is light side. These Light / dark choices are only about what's right in front of you. Children are sick now, vs medicine stockpiled for troopers that haven't been hurt yet.


This has all to do with "The Living Force", as opposed to the "Cosmic Force". Lucas has said the Force has two aspects.. the Living Force and the Cosmic Force. All living things generate the Living Force and it then flows into the Cosmic Force like a river flowing into an ocean. When you are alive you are a part of the Living Force, when you pass on you become a part of the Cosmic Force. The Cosmic Force is from where Light Side force ghosts come back from. (Dark side ghosts don't join the Cosmic Force.. they remain trapped in between in a state of torment). It is the Cosmic Force that Qui Gon Jinn speaks of that has a will, and shapes and plans destiny. This is more of a cosmic deity aspect... the Force as a higher power. However the Living Force, the energy field that we all generate, is just "life". These choices of light or dark is whether it affects the Living Force or not.. damages it. Lucas also said there is ONLY the Force (Living/Cosmic) and it's corruption. So to damage the Living Force (causing death) would be part of the corruption of it.. meaning Dark Side.

Edited by xmarcusprimex
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This is a pretty good explanation of living versus unifying / cosmic force. I hadn't thought of it that deeply, and I wish this was actually part of BW's theory for alignment - or that some character in this game would talk about it once, besides just minor references. It would be really cool if there was an unintuitive alignment decision in the game, and there was an NPC like Satele who explained the theory and how it applies even to NFUers.

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Light is not about "good" and dark about "bad". Lightside and darkside are about LIFE and DEATH. Lightside are immediate choices that allow life to continue, and darkside choices are about immediate choices that cause death. The living force is not about morality... it is only about living and dying. The force is generated by all living things (suffering or not).. death would be against that force.


I disagree with this, at least within the context of this game. Life and death are factors in some decisions, but plenty of LS/DS decisions in SWTOR have nothing to do with them.


Whether you are talking to a panel of senators or your contact on a planet, throughout chapter 1 of the trooper storyline there are multiple scenes in which the player must choose between telling the truth about what happened on Ord Mantell (thus earning LS points) or lying about it (DS points). All republic characters can do the mission Planetary Checkup for Fez Burba on Coruscant, in which they can choose between taking back accurate data (LS) or tampering with it for the chance at more money (DS). Nobody dies as a result of your actions, you simply gain DS for being dishonest.


Sometimes decisions don't really involve morality or life/death, but still grant LS/DS points. Jedi doing the Chamber of Speech heroic on Tython get LS/DS points depending on which history they preserve. On Alderaan, imperial players get LS/DS points depending on whether the payment they request is a reward for the Empire (LS) or themselves (DS) when they return the crown to the Queensguard. At the end of the first stage of the Hoth planetary missions republic players are given DS points for accurately stating that the lieutenant in charge of Aurek base-who the game portrays as being in way over his head and not up to the task- should be replaced.


None of those decisions-and others like them throughout the game-have anything to do with choosing Life or choosing Death, but they still grant LS/DS points.

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There’s a new one. A Republic Saboteur choice in Enclave is LS.


the traitorous choice, saving a Sith for pragmatic reasons is considered LS. Keep in mind, this is not done for humanitarian reasons. It’s done to aid the Empire over the Republic. Your companions think you murdered her.


Edited by JediKamo
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There’s a new one. A Republic Saboteur choice in Enclave is LS.


the traitorous choice, saving a Sith for pragmatic reasons is considered LS. Keep in mind, this is not done for humanitarian reasons. It’s done to aid the Empire over the Republic. Your companions think you murdered her.


That one annoyed me... It shouldn't give LS points at all. I mean, how many LS characters are actually saboteurs for the Empire? Come on now Bioware!

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I guess for me, ever since we got the alignment toggle, these ls/ds choices just don't really matter because we get points for everything now. Prior to that, the choices made a difference because unless you had the diplomacy CS, there were a limited amount of alignment choices and the dumb ones were scrutinized at length. But now, meh no biggie. I'll just get my comp to sell junk and earn back the points I lost with this decision.


That one annoyed me... It shouldn't give LS points at all. I mean, how many LS characters are actually saboteurs for the Empire? Come on now Bioware!


My consular main is an LS saboteur, but that's a good example of what I mean about alignment being worthless. The character acts DS. He's a saboteur because he wants power and thinks he should be Grand Master by now. But his toggle is set to LS and he was at LS V when he opted-in, so this is a great choice for him.

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