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Bring back Flamethrower!!!!!


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Alot of people have already requested this through out the years since they did the change sadly it doesn't look like it's coming back since they basicly took away all channel abilitys away from melee.


It was one of the best abilitys that i would always love to press now honestly it's kinda sad looking it's a little puff of flame that really doesn't look that scary anymore it looks more comical.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
First they took our sideways pistol Unload animation, then replaced our awesome flamethrower/firestorm with a flame fart. They also gave us a rocket minifridge on our back in place of Death from Above. This spec is the only reason I keep coming back to the game, but they keep doing weird things to it, it hurts my soul.
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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 4 months later...
Technically I guess. But it's restricted to tank spec for some reason.

Question for the PT experts out here: Is there any point picking Heavy Flamethrower over Target Rich Environment or Counter-Attack ? Granted, it looks and feel cooler, and reminds me of the old days with the flamethrower and flame engine. But outside out that, is there even a DPS gain ?


The total damage is 50% higher than flame burst, but that's channeled over the course of 3 sec instead of being instant, resulting in a slower DPS. Of course, this is an unfair comparison, since Flamethrower is obviously meant to be used when you proc flame engine and can channel it in 1.5 sec instead of 3. That said, even with that reduced channeling time, is it worth losing the benefits of TRE?

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Question for the PT experts out here: Is there any point picking Heavy Flamethrower over Target Rich Environment or Counter-Attack ? Granted, it looks and feel cooler, and reminds me of the old days with the flamethrower and flame engine. But outside out that, is there even a DPS gain ?


The total damage is 50% higher than flame burst, but that's channeled over the course of 3 sec instead of being instant, resulting in a slower DPS. Of course, this is an unfair comparison, since Flamethrower is obviously meant to be used when you proc flame engine and can channel it in 1.5 sec instead of 3. That said, even with that reduced channeling time, is it worth losing the benefits of TRE?


I think it beats Counter Attack pretty handily, a 50% damage increase on Flamethrower does more than a 10% boost on Rail Shot. Target Rich Environment depends on hitting mutliple enemies with a single Firestorm. In a fight where you can consistently damage multiple targets, it'll be better. However on largely single target fights Heavy Flamethrower will help a lot more than a 3% damage boost for 10 seconds I'd say.

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I think it beats Counter Attack pretty handily, a 50% damage increase on Flamethrower does more than a 10% boost on Rail Shot. Target Rich Environment depends on hitting mutliple enemies with a single Firestorm. In a fight where you can consistently damage multiple targets, it'll be better. However on largely single target fights Heavy Flamethrower will help a lot more than a 3% damage boost for 10 seconds I'd say.

Thanks for the rundown, it helps a tons. That said, I feel the need to point out ERT is unlikely to stay a merely a 3% damage boost, since it can stacks up to 8 times, and It seems fairly easy to stack it up. So on longer fight, you'd probably run at a quasi-permanent 24% boost, I guess, which is nothing to scoff at.


Or so I presume, I didn't run the parser myself, I barely played my PT since this 7.0 release anyway, and the little I tested, I used Heavy Flamethrower.

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I tried playing with the channeled flamethrower a bit in PvP and quickly went back to the instant Firestorm, its just so mucheasier to get multiple people with it when its instant than having to cast it and needing everyone to stay in it for the whole duration, especially with melee classes like marauders or other PTs zipping about 24/7. Edited by Exedong
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  • 9 months later...

So, when my Mando Bounty Hunter hit Level 80, he suddenly got a new option added to Heroic Moment.  Along with the Dirty Kick it already granted, he also got Legacy Flamethrower!  I'm guessing this is how they brought back what y'all are asking for, and I have to say, used at just the right time, it makes a very satisfying finisher in boss fights!  I'm all like "Die in a fire!" 😁

This is the way! :csw_fett:

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