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Why I'm done with PvP


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Live stream was a let down for me. Nothing for reg pvpers. Feels like if you are not 1% ranked player then pvp in this game isn’t for you.







Expect the worst and you won't be disappointed. It's getting to the point that I am considering quitting PvP. Since 90% of my limited play time is PvP, that's another way of telling you that I am getting close to considering quitting the game.

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I don’t know what else to say except you are right. I just hope Bioware can give you the tools in the near future to help that endeavour. For me personally, I’m getting a bit too long in the tooth to actively participate in guilds to help train or rebuild.


It doesn’t help that I’m not playing pvp at the moment because I’m not enjoying any aspect of the current systems Bioware have in place. I’m not sure being in a pvp guild would change that for me.


Maybe Bioware have a plan and we don’t know what it is yet. I really hope they reveal that plan in the coming live stream and it has lots of positives to help rebuild regular pvp from the ground up. Sadly, most of my optimism for this game has been replaced with pessimism over the years. I now need to see proof before believing things will change for the positive. There is still a little girl inside me that truely hopes Bioware have a plan to turn this all around and make pvp great again. Maybe one day she’ll get her wish.


In the mean time, I truely wish you the best of luck getting the community to rebuild itself. I hope others feel the same way and will come together to help you.


Oh, I have no interest spearheading the renaissance of the pvp community. I am content with pvp and just roll with it now. As I have stated in the past, I don't have any issues with the changes nor people grouping for premades. I do understand the concerns now though and simply made a suggestion as to how I thought the pvp community could help itself by trying to unify.


Although I do still enjoy pvp, I just am not as passionate as I once was to partake in such an undertaking. Plus, it would take a lot more than me to fix it. With that being said, if the community started to make the effort, I would certainly try to help be a part of the solution.


I know I often have a tendency to seem a bit self centered from time to time, but I would honestly like to see the pvp community regain its glory. I would like to see everyone enjoying it and having fun again. :)

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I’ll be completely honest, I have as OP put it “ceded” or “thrown” matches to the other team if I felt like it was an inevitable loss. Not proud of it. I shouldn’t do it, but there is a real incentive to have the match end quickly and queue up again rather than rage quit and be stuck with a 15 min lockout. I’ve run the hutball the wrong way and passed to the other team. I’ve let people cap, intentionally fighting off nodes. I’ve sat in a corner afk. I’ve /stuck in arenas. I’ve pulled teammates into fire traps as a sorc. Yes, I am a scumbag. Would I still throw matches if loses counted toward weeklies and there was no lockout? Probably. Wins would still be better than losses and I’d still want to get the losses over quickly. At the same time, I find myself throwing more often now than I was before these new rules were implemented.
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When i saw swtor staff reply on a topic in pvp forum i was shocked and i read comment and realised he was saying you posted it on wrong section and i am moving your post to trash section. What a clown team.
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two and a half months later. Is the team going to go beyond monitoring feedback anytime soon and actually do anything?


Short answer - no.


Just resubbed after a year to see where things are and guess what, same place they've been for almost a decade now. PvP is unimportant and neglected.


There is no point attempting to communicate or to get a reply, it's an exercise in insanity. By Einstein's definition, right? Insanity is doing the same thing over an over and expecting a different result.


Such as something improving the 50th time you ask for it.


P.S. Georg Zoeller is the only dev that ever talked to us about combat, listened and seemed to care. No one after him could rise up the the same level of communication, nor caring.

Edited by Monterone
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There is no point attempting to communicate or to get a reply, it's an exercise in insanity. By Einstein's definition, right? Insanity is doing the same thing over an over and expecting a different result.


Such as something improving the 50th time you ask for it.


P.S. Georg Zoeller is the only dev that ever talked to us about combat, listened and seemed to care. No one after him could rise up the the same level of communication, nor caring.


Which is another way of saying there is no point to caring about this game for the players either. If they don't care about us, why should we care about the game?

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Which is another way of saying there is no point to caring about this game for the players either. If they don't care about us, why should we care about the game?


Unfortunately, based on the past 9 years or so, it appears to be that way. If things haven't improved in a decade, it's a slim chance that they ever will... but hey I do believe in miracles, that's why I re-subbed. I keep hoping they'll hire the right person one of these years.


I would love to put my own foot in my mouth and be proven wrong because that would mean we'd have a fun game to play, but I just don't see any steps being made in that effort and reading these PvP forums is just depressing, so I can't be the only one to think that way.



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They do a lot of things very well, TBF. But dealing with bugs (e.g., instant death dropping out of gate, desync with roll/leap) that make it to live and rebalancing specs aren't among them. This last set of "story" felt a bit sparse as well. I was away for over a year (closer to two) and there was only maybe 3-4 chapters added to the story. When I had left the game, story was updating maybe once or twice a month? (not sure exactly, but it was regular and around thereabout).


there's also that weird sense of irony when you complain about something, be careful what you wish for:

  1. I hate backfill. Stop making me backfill!
  2. I hate people leaving/I hate people ignoring objective!


  • deserter debuff if ppl leave = fewer ppl leaving = fewer ppl backfilling. I mean...ok. it's not wrong. I was thinking more along the lines of having the option to accept a backfill when I take a pop or when I queued, but ok. that was one route. lmao
  • penalty for leaving (deserter debuff) should cut down of ppl leaving mid match (although I would think it also means fewer ppl in queue, but who knows?). but it's clear that changing the "wins" requirement for pvp quests was designed to make ppl try in WZs instead of getting the free carry or sandboxing objective maps. again, I mean...it's clearly pushing for that positive goal of keeping ppl in WZs and getting them to "care" about objectives. I know it's upsetting, but there is a pretty awesome sense of irony to the changes. lol (miss my laugh emoji. what happened to the laugh emojis???)

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[*]penalty for leaving (deserter debuff) should cut down of ppl leaving mid match (although I would think it also means fewer ppl in queue, but who knows?). but it's clear that changing the "wins" requirement for pvp quests was designed to make ppl try in WZs instead of getting the free carry or sandboxing objective maps. again, I mean...it's clearly pushing for that positive goal of keeping ppl in WZs and getting them to "care" about objectives. I know it's upsetting, but there is a pretty awesome sense of irony to the changes. lol (miss my laugh emoji. what happened to the laugh emojis???)


This was just a terrible change. There is no mechanism to pick your own games, no mechanism to make sure you don't end up in a game with players you don't want to, no way to choose not to get back-filled into losing games... but then you are forced to do all those things and penalized if you drop the game. Even though losing games grant you no score and don't advance quests. Total ripoff.


To be frank, since I re-subbed a handful of days ago, I still drop back-filled games and so on, I just don't wait 15 minutes to re-queue; instead I log off and find something else to do.


This change, if anything, is making me re-think subbing for another month. Some design flaws just make you scratch your head... do the devs realize games are meant to be fun? Are there sadists on the dev team?

Edited by Monterone
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To be frank, since I re-subbed a handful of days ago, I still drop back-filled games and so on, I just don't wait 15 minutes to re-queue; instead I log off and find something else to do.


This change, if anything, is making me re-think subbing for another month. Some design flaws just make you scratch your head... do the devs realize games are meant to be fun? Are there sadists on the dev team?


This is the underlying issue with these changes. They make people not want to play.


Im completely astonished that Bioware haven’t revisited these changes to at least tweak them or reverse them until other changes are made to pvp.


An idea might seem like a good one at the time and the logic behind it may seem sound in theory, but if it doesn’t pan out the way it’s expected to or has adverse affects, most people stop and reconsider.


Bioware don’t seem capable of stopping this experiment or putting it on hold until other changes can come too. They would rather let it run its course, but by then, it maybe too late for reg pvp in this game to recover.

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This was just a terrible change. There is no mechanism to pick your own games, no mechanism to make sure you don't end up in a game with players you don't want to, no way to choose not to get back-filled into losing games... but then you are forced to do all those things and penalized if you drop the game. Even though losing games grant you no score and don't advance quests. Total ripoff.




yeah. I mean...just enjoy the luls of it. the quests were never anything to take seriously. I just used it as a game within the game and a measure for when to switch alts.


in a more important matter (to me!), can someone explain W. T. F. happened to the laughing emojis? :(

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oof. leveling an assault spec and 5-6 games in, I get a pop. click join. it doesn't join. still shows me in queue. can't leave. so I logout. when I log back in and queue again, I have the deserter debuff. ah. BW. you complete me. Edited by foxmob
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Galactic Seasons....


Receive bonuses for conquest.


Lets, as pvp'ers, look big picture here, just for a second. The devs give huge conquest points for completing the weekly based on wins. Devs also decide to give out participation conquest pts AND points a day for winning (1-3). So, on average, lets say a pvp'er, could get 200k conquest points a day. They add a lock out for the poo poo'ers (to prevent people to hop for easy wins) AND make every win 1 pt to help encourage a winning. Winning issues more conquest.


Asking them to revert it back will affect their plans for conquest. I seriously doubt they will change it, there are a lot more players who care about conquest (just look at the conquest leader boards) than pvp. Sorry, just where we are at now.


I have given suggestions as to how to complete the weekly on 3-4 characters a week. I have told you all how your "voice" could become more creditable. But instead, we who have our own forum, just complain...threaten un-subs...and consistently discredit the devs, because it only about us.


There is not another forum like it. Why most stay away.


I love the reads in the pvp forums. I am sure the devs do also. If I were a dev, I would sit with a cup of coffee in the morning, with a group of co-workers, and enjoy. Some good laughs would ensue because of the entertainment.


If you want some credibility again, I suggest you all create some powerhouse pvp conquest guilds.....that included ranked teams, and solo players. Take advantage of the system vs crying about it....every....single....day. Let the premades flow....WIN.


This is not a difficult concept.

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Galactic Seasons....


Receive bonuses for conquest.


Lets, as pvp'ers, look big picture here, just for a second. The devs give huge conquest points for completing the weekly based on wins. Devs also decide to give out participation conquest pts AND points a day for winning (1-3). So, on average, lets say a pvp'er, could get 200k conquest points a day. They add a lock out for the poo poo'ers (to prevent people to hop for easy wins) AND make every win 1 pt to help encourage a winning. Winning issues more conquest.


Asking them to revert it back will affect their plans for conquest. I seriously doubt they will change it, there are a lot more players who care about conquest (just look at the conquest leader boards) than pvp. Sorry, just where we are at now.


I have given suggestions as to how to complete the weekly on 3-4 characters a week. I have told you all how your "voice" could become more creditable. But instead, we who have our own forum, just complain...threaten un-subs...and consistently discredit the devs, because it only about us.


There is not another forum like it. Why most stay away.


I love the reads in the pvp forums. I am sure the devs do also. If I were a dev, I would sit with a cup of coffee in the morning, with a group of co-workers, and enjoy. Some good laughs would ensue because of the entertainment.


If you want some credibility again, I suggest you all create some powerhouse pvp conquest guilds.....that included ranked teams, and solo players. Take advantage of the system vs crying about it....every....single....day. Let the premades flow....WIN.


This is not a difficult concept.


And that is why reg pvp is going to die because the devs aren’t interested in pvp as such. They are catering to the conquest guilds and that’s it.


If you don’t like conquest or want to be in one of those guilds, then things like reg pvp for casuals becomes a chore and unenjoyable. Not everyone wants to premade or be in big guilds that pvp.


Sadly, Bioware seem to be on this path where conquest is the real end game in swtor and all content is filtered through that construct. It doesn’t matter if filtering it through the construct ruins the activity as long as it doesn’t upset the conquest ecosystem :rolleyes:


They may as well get rid of regs and just make everything ranked. So your arena group, solo and objective pvp is based on the same ELO. You can still have seperate ranked charts for each activity, but the system ranks you by your over all ELO when queuing. No more hidden ELO for objective pvp because it would be on the website for everyone to see. Plus, it would encourage the current ranked players to play to win in objective pvp because it would hurt their overall ELO for the other queues.


Then you wouldn’t have ranked and regs pvp. You’d just have pvp :cool:

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Get used to it. I am done speaking in this forum because it like talking to a wall. One day you all will get it. Until then, get used to being ignored.


We are the only group that has our own forum.....and it is a $hit show for regs and ranked. Good show all, good show. Nice to now we utilizing the power given....not very well at all.

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Get used to it. I am done speaking in this forum because it like talking to a wall. One day you all will get it. Until then, get used to being ignored.


We are the only group that has our own forum.....and it is a $hit show for regs and ranked. Good show all, good show. Nice to now we utilizing the power given....not very well at all.


First, every group has their own forum section.

Second, what power? We’ve never had any power except to unsub.

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tbf, I just spent a night leveling assault spec solo queuing in the mids group. aside from literally forgetting how the spec works and having no muscle memory for the binds, things were fun.


the pops were reasonably quick. the map selection was oddly small.


no problem doing dailies and finished the weekly in ~20 WZs, which is about what you'd expect for a solo/carry. wearing aug'd 252s from early 2019/late 2018? did a night in 75s on arsenal. I find it unlikely that ppl aren't finishing the daily (one win?) in a night or the weekly in a week. but the wins-only rule and deserter debuff are def...like...lul. I don't think that's helping. but w/e.


as the night progressed I stopped thumbing reflect or enet when I wanted dfa or ho, and things got better. I like hb and vs, but they did seem to pop at an unusually high rate when 8v8 maps popped. would be curious to learn how that algorithm/formula/whatever works.


edit: xp from pvp is garbage though. I'd have been 75 twice over running through story chapters solo with full cut scenes.

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As much as it pains me to say it, Solo Ranked is the most viable form of PVP this game has to offer at the moment .


In these past months in dedicated all my game time to it and whenever I que unranked, I am shocked to see how garbage it has become over the years.


It was much better in late 4.0 early 5.0 , but over the years due to dev lack of caring , it's a PVP parody .


This game likes very much to put veteran premades vs teams that are composed of mostly new players and bads. I just don't understand the fun in that. I have nothing against premades, I consider them normal in an MMO, but man... running around with a team that has players that don't focus obj, don't guard, don't call, don't focus healers, is just a waste of anyone's time . Why would you want to participate ? Also , the new win only requirement makes it much much worse .


So for this reason ranked is the only PVP form that is fast and it's totally random players with real competition . Not really sure what Bioware's intentions are with unranked, but it needs some kind of help . Also, it's not the players fault they have no clue about how they should PVP with their classes. This game offers them 0 help in that regard and 0 incentive to actually learn the classes.

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Well said Ellie. Completely agree. I used to pvp all the time and then, they made these changes and I quit. It really tells you something, how idiotic the devs are, that they could not see this coming a mile away? anyone who plays the game could. 90% of people in the queue are there to get their daily and weekly done. If that is not longer possible, and it isn't, they'll leave, just like I and many, many others did.


TL:DR forcing players to behave a certain way inevitably backfires.

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Also, it's not the players fault they have no clue about how they should PVP with their classes. This game offers them 0 help in that regard and 0 incentive to actually learn the classes.


I'm not attacking you, I just don't want to spend more than the 30 seconds I already have trying to tally it up, what does the game do for any other aspect of the game?


below are the categories I could think of (maybe more?):

  1. learning your rotation and selecting skills for pvp/pve
  2. how to play each map
  3. how to play arenas
  4. how to play gsf
  5. how to play FPs generally and each one specifically
  6. how to play OPs generally and specifically
  7. HTF do you gear in this "conquest" model? (lul -- ok. that one may be specific to me, but these boxes and the junk gear in them are getting on my nerves)


I'm sure there are aspects of the game I'm missing, but not sure what else requires instruction, but if you think of something else, throw it up there and assess how BW's doing at it.


I genuinely am curious about this. my experience in general is MMORPGs throw you out there and you learn through humiliation, external web sites, or guildies who are better than you.

Edited by foxmob
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