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QOL issues you would like to see Bioware address


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Hello! Newbie who is already aggravated beyond reason by a silly, silly thing.


In the Legacy window, all those subcategories for achievements start out expanded. It takes an annoying length of time to scroll down past them all to get to the one I want (events is most common and it is waaaaaay down) or at least to minimise the other topics (flash points, companions, etc.) to get it more accessible. And then zoning once resets it so they're all expanded again! It gives me the eye twitch.


Please, set those sidebar topics to minimised by default. It is way easier to scroll past a short list of topics and open out the one you want than to have to scroll past literally everything every time.

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Another unrelated thing: Crew Skills interface could tolerate a few up-shines.


Why is there no search option? If I know I want to make a FlubbyJubby of Doom, I need to change orders, scroll about, miss the blasted thing twelve times, and eventually find it. Type and search (like is already in the Materials Storage interface) would save me many precious seconds.


Piggybacking on that, I'd love a Favourites option. If I tend to make FlubbyJubby of Doom frequently, then I can mark it as a Favourite, which makes a new section up top with just that listed, so I can get to it even easier! Working on getting the MkXs you don't have? Fav the Mk0s you need to make and smash until you have the Mk1s, de-Fav and then repeat with the ones you don't have Mk2s, and so on. Found a couple of Dyes that sell really well so you make daily? Now they're Favs and listed together up top for easy access. Want an armour set but don't have the mats yet? Fav the parts and you can keep checking what you're short or if you can make it yet.


Final area that may be way pipe-dreamer. Legacy shopping lists. I want to make a MacGuffin on CharA but am short things that CharB gathers. That's fine, I'll go spend some time on CharB and fire out Companions a few times. Except...what was it I was short? Have I got enough now? Relogging multiple times is aggravating, so now I have literal post-its scattered about the PC. If CharA could add the pattern to a Legacy Shopping List that is visible on all characters like the Achievement Tracking, CharB can see easily how much more of what is needed and when the list is fulfilled. This functionality has been poorly implemented in other games, so not sure if it's just way more difficult to implement than it appears, but I would like to think the Legacy-wide Materials inventory makes it easier, so can dream on.

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The best QOL thing Bioware could do for me would be a massive bug squash.




I think most people would agree with this...too many bugs.....just don't mention them in front of olbuzz ;)




Another would be to remove the legacy lock out from reg pvp


Can't see it happening any time soon, not with what they've been saying on the threads. Maybe when/if they see how it's affecting PvP, they might /shrug

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I want to name my toons whatever I want (provided they meet naming current naming restrictions). If there's a duplicate name out there, so be it. Enough with the stupid symbols, uncanny names, and other related naming issues from server merges etc.

Don't forget that "must be unique" *is* one of the current naming restrictions.

Been here since the start and I would think that a new player that cannot name their toon what they want would be an instant major turn off of the game. Please address this.

Probably not as major as you think.

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GW2 added a series of hidden numbers after the name, something a player chooses to see or not. Aries.0001, Aries.0002.

Interface setting "hide player id numbers" or something to that effect.

Those numbers are for the account Display Name, not character names. Before you say it, yes, I do know whereof I speak. In GW2, I am Steve The Cynic.3217, but only my character there can be Belisarius Deka. There is no system of characters called "Belisarius Deka.0001" etc.

And you normally don't have reason to send mail in game to another player that isn't one of yours, a guildmate, a party member, or an ops member other than to spam real world credit sales. Seriously consider that, I haven't send one in 9 years of playing. If fact, there is a warning not to do so, I believe.

What if two people in your guild choose the same character name *and* the same Legacy name(1)?


(1) Legacy names have been non-unique since patch 1.3.7 in September 2012.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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And you normally don't have reason to send mail in game to another player that isn't one of yours, a guildmate, a party member, or an ops member other than to spam real world credit sales. Seriously consider that, I haven't send one in 9 years of playing. If fact, there is a warning not to do so, I believe.


I have sent items/credits to people not on any of my lists. It can happen. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

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Ticketing System updates

  • When responding to an in-game ticket via email, include the text of the original ticket (and updates) so we have an inkling of wth they are taking about when referencing a ticket we put in 2+ weeks ago without having to long into the game to figure it out.
  • For years we have been having in-game tickets closed on us without explanation, and only recently has it been explained that (for some bizarre reason) we can not see any responses to our tickets unless you close them.
  • READ the tickets, preferably by someone that has some comprehension and fluency of the language it was written in.
    - eg: (T# 38299228) a question about what appears to be an entire flock of malfunctioning icons gets a response that I should put my post in the suggestion forums??
    Please, for the love of all, either fix the system or replace it already.
    Survey Result: Just let HK-55 take it out back and have it for target practice.
    2nd Survey result: He can also have the people that improperly respond to tickets as well

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I really wish the programmers installed some kind of search function in the Legacy Achievements window.


It's impossible to find anything in that window quickly. You have to click on multiple things in order to find what you want.


Yes, that would be welcome :)


Qol change that I really really would like to see is the following:


Make the ui and ability placement spec specific. It is so tiring to constantly move around abilities on your quick bars after swapping spec...


we've asked before for a 'Loudout' , at least I think that's what they called it, so basically when you change specs, you can load in ability bars, etc that are already set for that spec.

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oh now hold on one minute there skippy, a functional website? now you just gone too far.

this one has clearly lost their marbles, time to call the jawas with the padded jackets....


may as well ask them to do research level work and have them list reference points on the pro/con discussions for the decision process... cause , you know, curious minds want to understand the decision and priority process that they do use to reach such momentous occasions...

Edited by Kaveat
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Better Material Inventory Windows

  • GridStyle
  • Scrollable <>


More Legacy Unlocks

  • Maps (Planetary)....maybe map vendors on planet
  • Material Cargo Bay Object (Ship & Stronghold)
  • Purchase Crafting Supplies in Ship/Stronghold
  • Unlock Trainers (Strongholds)
  • Speeder Improvements (Knockoff Protection)


Longer Crew Missions

  • + Hours
  • Very high rewards
  • costs double current level....for when going offline


Use more Treeviews in Windows!

Crafting would benefit from this:






Strongholds Decorating

+Furniture Type

>Sub Category


WorldBoss Appear on Map

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oh now hold on one minute there skippy, a functional website? now you just gone too far.

this one has clearly lost their marbles, time to call the jawas with the padded jackets....


I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I should know better. I'll be good for now on. Really. I promise. ;)

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Better Material Inventory Windows

  • GridStyle
  • Scrollable <>


More Legacy Unlocks

  • Maps (Planetary)....maybe map vendors on planet
  • Material Cargo Bay Object (Ship & Stronghold)
  • Purchase Crafting Supplies in Ship/Stronghold
  • Unlock Trainers (Strongholds)
  • Speeder Improvements (Knockoff Protection)


Use more Treeviews in Windows!

Crafting would benefit from this:






Strongholds Decorating

+Furniture Type

>Sub Category


These ones I like a lot, and 100% support this. Just the knockoff protection for speeders makes it worth it.


Longer Crew Missions

  • + Hours
  • Very high rewards
  • costs double current level....for when going offline


WorldBoss Appear on Map


The longer crew missions, I'm not so fond of. I would prefer a more general crafting overhaul, with actual abilities and time to spend by your character instead of companions, at least for the high level recipes. This would in turn allow them to "ease" said high end craft by lowering the materials required by implementing an actual system that makes player think and reflect on what they can use. At the same time it makes crafting "more accessible" by reducing the cost of said crafts, but at the same time you'd have to be good at this system in order to craft high level recipes.


But that's my two cents.



And for world boss, how would that work on let's say... Tatooine, where you have to make it spawn by clicking on a Jawa ?

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Bring back purple crystal schematics (I deleted a toon that had that. Grrrr).


That's a good one for sure, I don't understand why most of the schematics were removed with 4.0, or even their drop rates lowered to an absurd degree. (I recall that you could once drop fairly frequently some black-purple or black-blue crystals somewhere, maybe the gree operation ?)

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That's a good one for sure, I don't understand why most of the schematics were removed with 4.0, or even their drop rates lowered to an absurd degree. (I recall that you could once drop fairly frequently some black-purple or black-blue crystals somewhere, maybe the gree operation ?)


The Black-Purple Color Crystal's (End/Po/Cr) were physical drops in TfB and EC that had to be equipped (bound), then removed and RE'd for a chance to obtain the schematic.


I never saw any dev comments as to why the ability to RE the crystals to obtain the schematics was disabled (one of the more persuasive points was that this was part of their push to strip/restrict more desirable cosmetic items from the game to redirect players back to the CM), but I also agree that the move, whatever the reason, was bone headed and annoying.


The Ma crystal was available from the PvP vendor on fleet for credits, and afaik it is still there if you just want the color for a cosmetic piece.


As an alternative, If you are amenable to other purple crystals, check out :

SWTORISTA: SWTOR Purple Lightsaber Crystals



There are a few of us still kicking about that still have the schematic(s), and while the market fluctuates in cost for the crafted crystals, I do not recall that they have even been overly stupid in price (at least not for very long). That said, the mats are not overly demanding if you want to collect them and have some crystals made:

  • 2x Corusca Gem G6 Treasure Hunting
  • 4x Lorrdian Gemstone G6 Treasure Hunting
  • 8x Blue Polychromic Crystal G6 Archaeology
  • 2x Upari Artifice Bonded Attachment G6 Artifice
    - 4x Primeval Artifact Fragment G6 Archaeology
    - 4x Upari Crystal G6 Archaeology
    - 4x Cortosis Substrate G6 Vendor Mat


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The Black-Purple Color Crystal's (End/Po/Cr) were physical drops in TfB and EC that had to be equipped (bound), then removed and RE'd for a chance to obtain the schematic.


I never saw any dev comments as to why the ability to RE the crystals to obtain the schematics was disabled (one of the more persuasive points was that this was part of their push to strip/restrict more desirable cosmetic items from the game to redirect players back to the CM), but I also agree that the move, whatever the reason, was bone headed and annoying.


The Ma crystal was available from the PvP vendor on fleet for credits, and afaik it is still there if you just want the color for a cosmetic piece.


As an alternative, If you are amenable to other purple crystals, check out :

SWTORISTA: SWTOR Purple Lightsaber Crystals



There are a few of us still kicking about that still have the schematic(s), and while the market fluctuates in cost for the crafted crystals, I do not recall that they have even been overly stupid in price (at least not for very long). That said, the mats are not overly demanding if you want to collect them and have some crystals made:

  • 2x Corusca Gem G6 Treasure Hunting
  • 4x Lorrdian Gemstone G6 Treasure Hunting
  • 8x Blue Polychromic Crystal G6 Archaeology
  • 2x Upari Artifice Bonded Attachment G6 Artifice
    - 4x Primeval Artifact Fragment G6 Archaeology
    - 4x Upari Crystal G6 Archaeology
    - 4x Cortosis Substrate G6 Vendor Mat



I still have the schematics on my main character, so I'm all good, but it's annoying to have to login on this one specifically to craft for friends who also have artificer but no schematics. And still, Mastery Crystals will be useless as long as there is no cosmetic tab for weapons. In the same line, being able to RE for crystals schematics and in-game gear/loot schematics (don't even need to have stats, you could just get the schematics for a lvl 1 cosmetic gear for all I care) would do wonders.

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There are many crafting options that could /should be added to the legacy system, but it seems that BW in general does the bare minimum when it comes to crafting and washes their hands of it as fast as they can like it was some steaming pile of poodoo they didn't want to touch in the first place. Of course, the same could be said for many other UI /systems as well, but crafting really does feel like it keeps being treated like a leper.

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There are many crafting options that could /should be added to the legacy system, but it seems that BW in general does the bare minimum when it comes to crafting and washes their hands of it as fast as they can like it was some steaming pile of poodoo they didn't want to touch in the first place. Of course, the same could be said for many other UI /systems as well, but crafting really does feel like it keeps being treated like a leper.


A shame when you see how important it is on every mmo and how carefully monitored these systems are.


But in-game economy is also something carefully monitored usually. We've seen how that turned out.

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They do not even monitor, let alone moderate, general chat which gets downright disgusting at times, and +60% of it violates all posted rules and expectations - yet they still do nothing about it without being prompted to, and even then it usually takes a super charged cattle prod.


This puts any 'faith' in their monitoring of anything well into the negative percentile.

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