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Rass Ordo Companion Level?


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It seems to vary by character.


I have played Spirit of Vengeance twice since yesterday. The first time was on an Imperial Sniper. It was still a bit of a slog and Bask Sunn hit like a brick. I noticed Rass was still Influence Level 1. I completed the FP but checked on my Sniper today and Rass is still showing level 1.


However, I literally completed the FP less than 30 minutes ago on my Jedi Shadow. It was a breeze by comparison (and they both had comparable gear levels). Rass was Influence Level 25 (I even saved a screenshot of it). Bask also went down quite easily. While I can't summon Rass on my Shadow, he is still showing Influence Level 25 on my Companion / Alliance sheet.


Given the discrepancy, I checked on a third character, a Lightning Sorc. While I didn't run the FP, I hopped into the beginning. In this case, Rass was Influence Level 1.


Bottom line: It seems to work on some characters, but not others. What accounts for that variation is unclear.



Edited by Jdast
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  • Dev Post

Hi folks,


You're right, Rass Ordo's companion influence should be at 25 in the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint.


I've transferred the information concerning this issue to our team. I'll update you when I have more information.


Edit: If Rass Ordo is not at level 25 during the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint, try to reset the phase and quest.

Edited by CommunityTeam
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I just attempted the phase / quest reset as well. Didn't work for me either. Regardless, I'm pleased that you guys are aware of the issue.


If it is helpful, I have a bit more info to add. On two of my characters, I entered Spirit of Vengeance and Rass Ordo was at Influence Level 25. The common link they shared was...Both had attempted the FP prior to Tuesday's patch but encountered the Esc / Cutscene bug and could not complete the FP.


On the two characters entering for the very first time since Tuesday's patch, Rass Ordo was Level 1.


I have no idea if that is helpful, but there it is.



Edited by Jdast
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Confirmed here too!

I played the Spirit of Vengence FP twice:

  • once with my Shadow before update 6.2a. Rass was level 1 during the FP but switched to level 25 after the patch;
  • once with my Juggernaut after update 6.2a. Rass was level 1 during the FP and has remained level 1 since then.

This seems to confirm that the patch corrects Rass's companion level only for characters who entered the FP before update 6.2a.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi folks,


Our team is currently looking into the bug with Rass Ordo's level when he joins you for the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint - Solo/Story Mode.


For now, there is no additional information. I'll inform you in this thread when I know more.


Good to hear but as of now the fp is not completable solo. Please fix this.

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Hi folks,


Our team is currently looking into the bug with Rass Ordo's level when he joins you for the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint - Solo/Story Mode.


For now, there is no additional information. I'll inform you in this thread when I know more.



I'm quite certain that there are many who will be glad to see this one fixed !!

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I know this won't mean much, but...Thank you BW for keeping this post up to date. One of the major complaints in the past was BW ignoring the issue.


I know you don't have new info to report, much less a solution / patch. Regardless, it's good to know this is still on your radar.



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Hi folks,


Our team is currently looking into the bug with Rass Ordo's level when he joins you for the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint - Solo/Story Mode.


For now, there is no additional information. I'll inform you in this thread when I know more.


Please take a look at his AI as well. As someone who's supposed to be a Mandalorian, he's a total idiot tactics-wise...unless standing alone in the middle of the raised platform during the final boss' second mob wave fight --and thereby becoming the prime target -- is some sort of Mando courage test.

Edited by TarotMage
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's good to know the Development Team is singularly focused on Operations and Ranked PvP. /sarcasm


Before I get a: "We can multi-task response" -- consider this...


1) When Augments and Amplifiers were announced, BW said they were primarily relevant for Ranked PvP / Operations PVE-wise;


2) We now have changes to Augments and Amplfiers;


3) The main storyline is bugged and overtuned by Bioware's own admission;


4) It has been 18 days since Bioware acknowledged this point w/ a cursory post (which I applauded in this very thread in the spirit of promoting communication); it has been 42 days since they deployed an ineffectual patch to fix it; and,


5) Let's account for variation. When Traitor Among the Chiss came out, it was pointed out that the FP was tedious by yours truly. Eric acknowledged that point almost immediately and announced changes. Bioware fixed it within a week. Yet, somehow, someway, BW can't do the same thing after 7 weeks with Spirit of Vengeance, but is happy to focus on Amplifiers and now Uprisings.


Conclusion: I'll let you arrive at your own conclusions about where Bioware's priorities lie with the new Development Team.


:csw_jabba: <<sips martini>>




P.S. We are not talking minor graphic glitches here like Theron wearing no pants in a cut-scene cinematic; we are talking MAIN STORY LINE.

Edited by Jdast
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Hi folks,


As previously mentioned, I'm updating you concerning this bug.


We're aiming to fix Rass Ordo's level bug in our next Game Update 6.2.1. I'll keep you posted if there is any change.


TYVM for update.


IMO if this issue (and the cutscene ) are cleared up this FP should be just fine !


Best of luck !

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I personally hope with this issue, Bio will stop forcing companion on us for story.


My solution? Put npc needed for story as a third wheel and let us choose whoever we want, doesn’t mind if they don’t show up on cutscene either.


Totally agree been wanting this for awhile!

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Welp just attempted Spirit of Vengeance again. Rass is still showing up in the Companion/Contacts box as a Level 1 companion and if there's been any changes made then I can't see them. He's still dying against those incredibly annoying mobs before I even make it to the second boss!

If they're not going to fix Rass; at least take Spirit of Vengeance off SOLO-STORY so that DPS and Tanks can team up with Healers to get through the FP?

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