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SWTOR 6.2.x ?


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My question is very simple...


Is the content being released in more then one part?

We waited months for the release of new story content (to me the only part that really matters).

But i find this 6.2 update very lackluster... the Story Chapter while good is way too short and simple.

I have beat it with my main 3 chars in about 1 hour for each, and even if there are minute variations (if you are sith or jedi, or if you killed Senya and Arcann or not), the story plays much the same way.


Hell i even finish faster after the first run (and not skipping any dialogue)...

the Flashpoint attached to this update is the most bland and boring thing i ever encounter... Its like a time sink to make you waste time and think that there is more meat on the bone...


What can we expect for more content? I for one was expecting a full expansion not some small content update (even more after 1 year of waiting).


And im not even talking about the imense bugs that are in this 6.2 and in the story chapter...


Best Regards,



Edited by LordPaulusCobris
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One could wonder why they even have the testserver.

Somewhere in between testing and communication, something is obviously lost in translation.

I believe the devs are talking huttese only and not english.

As a very minimum, their C-class translator-droid is malfunctioning catastrophically.

Edited by Miffypiffy
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One could wonder why they even have the testserver.

Somewhere in between testing and communication, something is obviously lost in translation.

I believe the devs are talking huttese only and not english.

As a very minimum, their C-class translator-droid is malfunctioning catastrophically.


Hello, im sorry but im a casual as it gets...

You know... Work, Kids, Wife...

Can you elaborate?


Best Regards,



Edited by LordPaulusCobris
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In theory the 6.1 and 6.2 are story additions to 6.0, the expansion. So the next expansion will be 7.0 and not 6.something. The next story update would be 6.3 then. The 6.2.x are not going to be story updates but 6.3 should be.


Now 7.0 has not been announced yet but I suspect that it will be end of next year because then the game will be celebrating their 10th year. But that's just what I'm thinking, it hasn't been talked about by the devs yet.


As far as your mains are concerned... sure this a short update. However, as a casual with a family, etc. I'm surprised that you react this way. Let me give you another perspective on why. Create a new character and play them through all the stories. That's what a lot of people do an new players also. That takes a LOT of time. In fact I skip directly to Ossus after completing the vanilla story cause I can't be bothered with the rest in between. It takes too long to do.


So that's what a lot of people encounter and though some might enjoy it others find it tedious. And the longer the game is out, the worse it's going to get for new characters. Now I expected a bit more from 6.0 as it was an expansion. But these story updates in between should be short in my view because it only adds to the stack of story that new characters have to go through.


You main 3 characters, others have 10 or 20. BW has to balance all types of players. So I'm actually happy it didn't take more than an hour to go through. The difference is that the expansions brought one story to fit them all, unlike vanilla, and here we see how that has had poor replay value. The great thing about the vanilla story is that they're 8 separate stories. That means a lot of replay value without getting bored too quickly.


Now I don't actually think that BW have the resources to do more but that's another topic ;)

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My question is very simple...


Is the content being released in more then one part?


There is still more story content for 6.X, we presume, but this particular line is complete and it will be at least a few months before we see anything else.


What can we expect for more content? I for one was expecting a full expansion not some small content update (even more after 1 year of waiting).


Personally, this is on you. 6.2 was never advertised as a full expansion. We, more or less, got exactly what they told us: One story update dealing with Valkorion, and one new flashpoint dealing with the Mandalorians.


They rumored that they'll be announcing 7.0 next year, which means 7.0 itself will likely be 2021. I would anticipate one more story update, probably in the Summer, dealing with Malgus.

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Just a reminder that it took that long because of Covid, as studios were closed for voice acting. Echoes of Oblivion was due this Summer, and Spirit of Vengeance in December. They're both stories updates, not expansions.


I have no clue when we'll get the next update, I came back to Swtor in June so I don't know how fast they release content anyway... but considering the gap between the last two expansions, I'd say we have a while, and I'm guessing we'll get a few more stories updates by then.

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studios were closed for voice acting.


This is not the 1900's, it's 2020. While it may be an era of pandemic concerns, it is also still being globally connected via the interwebs. With the right equipment, people are doing professional level voice work without needing a 'studio', and it is not like there are not any real time communication options with superb audio codecs for cooperative scenes...

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This is not the 1900's, it's 2020. While it may be an era of pandemic concerns, it is also still being globally connected via the interwebs. With the right equipment, people are doing professional level voice work without needing a 'studio', and it is not like there are not any real time communication options with superb audio codecs for cooperative scenes...


You should probably watch the interview they did with Noshir Dalal during the cantina stream.


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The answer is also pretty simple actually. If you are looking for constant story updates every couple of months and a new expansion every year you are definitely playing the wrong game.


-the game is running on the backburner with a very limited budget and crew compared to the top Mmorpgs. EA's focus is on a lot of other games.

-the process of writing and adding new story content is a big undertaking due to the extensive professional voice over work that is required for all 8 classes, with differing dialogue options in 3 languages.

-the main income that the game receives is through the cartel market and not through long term subbing for the story content.


There will be new story updates and at least one new expansion, but you should be prepared to wait quite some time for it.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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What can we expect for more content? I for one was expecting a full expansion not some small content update (even more after 1 year of waiting).


Why would you be expecting a FULL expansion from a 6.2 release? Full expansions get a brand new number. if you expected anything more than a content update than you're the only one.

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The answer is also pretty simple actually. If you are looking for constant story updates every couple of months and a new expansion every year you are definitely playing the wrong game.


-the game is running on the backburner with a very limited budget and crew compared to the top Mmorpgs. EA's focus is on a lot of other games.

-the process of writing and adding new story content is a big undertaking due to the extensive professional voice over work that is required for all 8 classes, with differing dialogue options in 3 languages.

-the main income that the game receives is through the cartel market and not through long term subbing for the story content.


There will be new story updates and at least one new expansion, but you should be prepared to wait quite some time for it.


Hello Thanks for the reply...

But if the game is limited in budget, why 3 languages? Just use English and add subtitles to the rest...

This will save, time and money.


Also is not a good business practice (even more with a game that use subs), to hold months to release new content...

The person, just sub for 30 days, do the small update and unsub for months on end, until some new content appear.


I might say, that even if this 6.2 did arrive on the summer, it would be too little... how about more open zones on the planets? (don´t put more planets, just add variety to the existing planets)...


Shadow of Revan was a nice expansion and did add good story and some "expansion" for the characters to move on...


Im not even going to the 2 expansions of the Eternal Empire story (they where great btw)...

I did enjoy the somewhat closure (again) of the story, but they could have even expanded somewhat that story...

Making some characters return (like thexan and Vailyn), they could give some good character dinamics with some good story quests mixed in...


I see so much potential, and so little in form of a more concise path...


Best Regards,



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Why would you be expecting a FULL expansion from a 6.2 release? Full expansions get a brand new number. if you expected anything more than a content update than you're the only one.



I was expecting more content of this update, not a full expansion (6.0 to 6.2 is not a great leap).

But for this kind of games they should do a 3/3/3/3 Months release schedule, to mantain the subs.


From what i saw, last year what did SWTOR get?


Sure, they are timesinks to keep some ppl going to events and other nonsense stuff.

But the real meat is on the story, the adventures, the places where we go and what we do there...


That is what Bioware is known for... Story that matters

I understand many ppl are allready conformed with this painfull state of affairs, but we as a community must ask more and never settle with less...

They want more subs and money... and we want more content...


Just do the math bioware...


Best Regards,



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I was expecting more content of this update, not a full expansion


I for one was expecting a full expansion

There are very few MMOs that release an expansion every year. Now SWTOR has never really had expansions that were of a significant size.


I blame the cartel market because it allows them to make money without creating much content. If they had brought out significant expansions with all the works (look at WoW or GW2 for example) then they could make money with actual content.


Problem is, this is the only Star Wars MMO out there, so they kind of got us by the balls. There will continue to be a trickle of content and there has been a trickle of content for years now. You apparently love KotFE/ET, a lot of people hate it for whatever reason. There is a sense of irony that people are skipping story content in a game that doesn't have more than a trickle of content coming out, but that's what people do.


So for me I just try to get what I can out of the game and focus on different things like building a guild and such. It's the SW universe and your comments notwithstanding about BWs business model, the business model has been very successful after the initial crash of the game. Last year or so there was a comment by EA that SWTOR made over 1 billion dollars in their life time. GW2 by comparison (an MMO that came out around the same time as SWTOR), has not managed this.


The business model of slow content release and many CM releases therefore works quite well for them. They might lose you as a customer but that's no really a concern for them. They lose players all the time and regain them all the time as well. And as long as the CM spending is good then their job is safe and the servers stay on.


As for languages. It's a German and French thing. Their markets require this afaik. So if they want to do business in the two biggest markets in the EU they have to do this.

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This is not the 1900's, it's 2020. While it may be an era of pandemic concerns, it is also still being globally connected via the interwebs. With the right equipment, people are doing professional level voice work without needing a 'studio', and it is not like there are not any real time communication options with superb audio codecs for cooperative scenes...


"Many voice actors can do voicework from home" does not mean "The various voice actors who do VO for SWTOR, including the 48 voice actors in 3 different languages who voice the protagonists, can do voicework from home."

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There are very few MMOs that release an expansion every year. Now SWTOR has never really had expansions that were of a significant size.


I blame the cartel market because it allows them to make money without creating much content. If they had brought out significant expansions with all the works (look at WoW or GW2 for example) then they could make money with actual content.


Problem is, this is the only Star Wars MMO out there, so they kind of got us by the balls. There will continue to be a trickle of content and there has been a trickle of content for years now. You apparently love KotFE/ET, a lot of people hate it for whatever reason. There is a sense of irony that people are skipping story content in a game that doesn't have more than a trickle of content coming out, but that's what people do.


So for me I just try to get what I can out of the game and focus on different things like building a guild and such. It's the SW universe and your comments notwithstanding about BWs business model, the business model has been very successful after the initial crash of the game. Last year or so there was a comment by EA that SWTOR made over 1 billion dollars in their life time. GW2 by comparison (an MMO that came out around the same time as SWTOR), has not managed this.


The business model of slow content release and many CM releases therefore works quite well for them. They might lose you as a customer but that's no really a concern for them. They lose players all the time and regain them all the time as well. And as long as the CM spending is good then their job is safe and the servers stay on.


As for languages. It's a German and French thing. Their markets require this afaik. So if they want to do business in the two biggest markets in the EU they have to do this.



Great reply!


Well thats true... They have us by the balls indeed...

There is only one SW MMO and nothing more on this universe... And only because of this, they are still in business.

This game is in dire need of an engine update for years now... DX9... pleaseeeeeeeeeee (Valkorion voice)...


But there is so much one can do on the game... I like RPG´s and i like story content... Im not really all that much an MMO player, so i can skip all the multiplayer part...

But because there is no SW RPG atm (i have finished SW Jedi Fallen Order), i don´t have much to go.


I understand that crafting more story and gameplay, do take time, but with the money they make, they could just expand the team and allow a more faster and steady ammount of content for it...


I have resub for 3 months, but after all that is available for the player is gone, i might just unsub again and request a partial refund...


Best Regards,



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You should probably watch the interview they did with Noshir Dalal during the cantina stream.

What Noshir Dalal has is very nice, but is more of an extreme exception to the average VO.


"Many voice actors can do voicework from home" does not mean "The various voice actors who do VO for SWTOR, including the 48 voice actors in 3 different languages who voice the protagonists, can do voicework from home."


In this specific case, not needing an 'official studio' does not default to 'work from home'. While it is one option, if one has the space and resources to do so, it is hardly the only alternative to a 'professional sound booth'. Given the global situation, people in general need to re-evaluate prior 'standards' and consider alternatives that would previously have been discarded as less than desirable or unsuitable.


This also needs to be re-evaluated from the other side of the glass, where the populace needs to adjust their expectations accordingly as well. TBH, given the climate and varying restrictions, I would not only expect a lower voice quality, but I also seriously question any extreme measures or expense to maintain such a standard when there are plenty of other issues to be addressed with the given resources (bug fixes, existing content /mechanic refinement, etc).

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Pretty sure they stated Covid was an issue, you know that virus going around making people lose work, die... stuff like that? A game that uses voice acting for everything would be kind of hard to regularly make content for considering all the rules and restrictions from social distancing
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Hello Thanks for the reply...

But if the game is limited in budget, why 3 languages? Just use English and add subtitles to the rest...

This will save, time and money.

Can't comment about Germany, but in France, pretty much everything is voiced over (movies, tv series, animation, video games...), you still have a choice to keep the original voices most of the time, but it gives more option, and this case, let you play in your own language.


I personally like the french version of this game more than the english one and i'd be pretty pissed if it went from me being able to play in french to me being forced to play in english, especially since there are some of the english voices i trully dislike.


Anyways they started the game with English, French and German as possible options, it's too late to change it now.

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Can't comment about Germany, but in France, pretty much everything is voiced over (movies, tv series, animation, video games...), you still have a choice to keep the original voices most of the time, but it gives more option, and this case, let you play in your own language.


I personally like the french version of this game more than the english one and i'd be pretty pissed if it went from me being able to play in french to me being forced to play in english, especially since there are some of the english voices i trully dislike.


Anyways they started the game with English, French and German as possible options, it's too late to change it now.


Sorry to say... but that is lazy to me...

I understand animation for kids and small children to understand the stories, but for adults... PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE....


In Spain is the same thing, they don´t understand movies in English with Subtitles.... ***??

Im Portuguese, and here we respect ART and the original creators... If the product is made in English, but have Subtitles, that is the way to go...


Not Dubbed versions, just to do the lazy work of the citizens of that specifically country...

This OFC is not a Critic just to SWTOR, but many many games and media do this...


Wasting limited resources that oderwise would be used for better the product itself...


With my very best regards,



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Sorry to say... but that is lazy to me...

I understand animation for kids and small children to understand the stories, but for adults... PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE....


In Spain is the same thing, they don´t understand movies in English with Subtitles.... ***??

Im Portuguese, and here we respect ART and the original creators... If the product is made in English, but have Subtitles, that is the way to go...


Not Dubbed versions, just to do the lazy work of the citizens of that specifically country...

This OFC is not a Critic just to SWTOR, but many many games and media do this...


Wasting limited resources that oderwise would be used for better the product itself...


With my very best regards,




Well, then you don't understand why they decided to offer german and french versions in the first place. Star Wars as a brand is very big in german and french speaking countries and the people that live there are used to the dubbed movies. They make up a substantial portion of the gaming population that is willing to pay money. EA did not create german and french versions out of goodwill, but because they wanted to tap into this market. If they only offered the english version from the very beginning or changed it now, they could save on the localisation front, but they would also lose german and french speaking players that are used to the fact that their entertainment items are translated into their respective language.


Ever wondered why we don't have a chinese, spanish or russian version of the game even though there are far more people that speak those languages?

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I for one was expecting a full expansion not some small content update (even more after 1 year of waiting).

I believe you were not paying attention i n the past few months.

The devs have laid out wat was to be expected in 6.2. So if you imagined anything else, it was not from reality.

A full expansion would be like 7.0, but even then, if you look at what happened in the past, it always was incremental (A starting point with the x.0, followed by more stories with the following incremental updates.

Plus, there is kind of a pandemic in the way, since 6.1 release in mid february. I don't know if that had reached your country. The communication from BW was clear that they had delays for recording and stuff, because of that.

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I Live in Portugal, and belive me there is a pandemic allright...


But HouseWorking is now a thing even more on digital products like games, music, etc...


After almost an year, i was expecting way more than it was delivered... This content is nice but not enough to ask the price of Sub.


So whats next? Another wave of months of waiting for 6.3? I don´t understand how a game is runned like this...

This is an online mmo, there is allways a need of content updates...


I can´t pay what i don´t have... its simple...


Best Regards,



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Just a reminder that it took that long because of Covid, as studios were closed for voice acting. Echoes of Oblivion was due this Summer, and Spirit of Vengeance in December. They're both stories updates, not expansions.


I have no clue when we'll get the next update, I came back to Swtor in June so I don't know how fast they release content anyway... but considering the gap between the last two expansions, I'd say we have a while, and I'm guessing we'll get a few more stories updates by then.


Just a reminder that we got as little content in 2019 as now with global pandemic so let's not even start with Covid excuses. Pointless Anthem relaunch (and initial developement before that) has been sucking SWTOR's resources and manpower away and its been very clear for the past 3 years or so, COVID or not.

Edited by Pietrastor
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