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Change Alliance Alert: Lt Pierce, take away the 20 warzone wins/ pvp for him: unfair


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it's unfair for PVE'ers who don't want to pvp at all and have to somehow get 20 warzone wins:mad:

I have to say that it's just as "unfair" as making PvP'ers travel all over a world map clicking things and running errands for a companion in order to acquire them.

Edited by TyrFoge
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Did they change it? It used to be "participate in 20 Warzones, wins count double", so anywhere between ten wins and twenty losses.


The quest still says do the warzones, wins count as double, but trixxie said on another post that her mission hasn't moved on after losses.

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NOTE: Spoilers may present if you read below, but no way to avoid, as it's closely related and finishes on theme.


Honestly, I haven't enjoyed (some) of the challenges they PRESENT for Alliance Companions, at all. Others however are completely reasonable like the Archeologist.


The Doctor 'RAKGHOUL RESURGENCE' or using Crafted Components.

I tried the Doctor, despite having the materials to give, says I don't have them, yet I do so what else he require? In fact 4-8x or more than he's asking, though I've read it may require 800, 600 or 400 of various items depending how many I give and of what. I think that's also a little crazy, but can be further reduced a lot thankfully, will one item earned from the Rakghoul Event.


NOTE: Someone below (thank you) identified, move items out of Material, into Inventory to give to Doctor.


Wookie External Championship.

I also spend a FORTUNE (Several Hundred K) repairing the gear I have, the Wookie Challenge I got defeated badly by the 4th boss and his Pets - and was getting so sad, almost stopped trying. Finally I was only saved by GUILD mate, who suggested I exit that, and restart and instead do SOLO+ after dropping SOLO. As SOLO+ allows you to do with 2-4 friends, and you can still get the Wookie. That should be strongly encouraged more! :)


Qyzen World Boss challenges,

I choose to IGNORE as he was my Companion before. Now at least the Guild often does 1 or 2 World Boss each evening, yet everybody will want different ones. While DISLIKE the World Boss challenge, it's achievable with a Guild who has 10 or more players willing to partake.


The PVP challenge:

I greatly don't even PVP, in any game ever done. I do think they should focus PvP to get it's own rewards that are improved, but I just don't enjoy that stuff at all. I don't even want to do 1 kill in a PvP match, let alone 20 matches. I think the vast majority will do them, then likely never partake again.



♦ I'm very fair, but call a Spade a Spade. Never enjoyed PVP in any game, the ONE saving grace, I discovered dying in PVP doesn't require Credit's to restore Durability. That was the BIG reason I feared doing it, cause I knew most elite players have all 306 gear. So if I have to loose 20 matches to earn the Droid or Pierce, well here I come.


SUGGESTION: Wish they'd reduce Gold Gear repair cost especially of the 300-306, is just insanity to repair.

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I think (know?) the point is that the Devs want to get people to try different types of content, although to the best of my knowledge there is not one that depends on an operation or a flashpoint.

(*) Qyzen can certainly be done, and done quickly, via 3 world bosses. It was easy to finish that alert during the Feast of Prosperity. But the worthy jagganath targets on Hoth are easy to find now that the content is 5 years old ... there's not nearly the camping there was when it came out. The only real issue is the datapad at the base of the holoterminal in front of Qyzen, describing the location of worthy targets, is bugged. A tooltip is supposed to pop up with general descriptions of hunting spots, but its currently bugged just like the datapads on KDY Starship Assembly, the Zakuulan devotional text in Star Fortresses, and the datapads on Dantooine during Pirate Incursion, to name a few. It appears to have broken sometimes after 6.0. There are guides on the 'net with the original locations regardless, so its still very possible to complete his Alert without getting into an operations group.

(*) Lokin is meant to get people to play during the Rakghoul event.

(*) Bowdaar can gain enough influence just doing a few rounds over and over, if you are unable to complete the entire championship. If the smuggler had him up to influence rank 10 he can be bypassed that way. I am pretty sure you can do the [sOLO+] version and still earn influence with Bowdaar. You can take someone with you into the Eternal Championship that way, if you are having trouble even just doing rounds 1-3 over and over. Even still, just like pretty much all those Alliance Alerts, none of them are required companions for your Alliance. Just like there is a theme to the others, there is an appropriate theme for Bowdaar too (he was an arena fighter on Nar Shadaa) so I believe it should still be tied to TEC. The devs spent a lot of time on TEC and discussed it extensively with testers on PTS. It was actually great back and forth, one of the few times during that era I really felt the devs were listening to feedback. They wanted people to play it and enjoy it, and there was nothing wrong with typing Bowdaar to it. As I said smugglers could bypass TEC requirement based on how much influence they already had with Bowdaar.


It's not unfair, especially since classes which naturally have access to Pierce or Forex get them back just bypassing the mission. Actually players with enough Valor can bypass the requirement too, in fact once you reach the required Valor (its either 20 or 40) you can recruit him immediately without completing the 20 matches. I had at least 4 toons (a sage, a guardian, an assassin, and an operative) who had reached high enough Valor Rank before 4.0 even launched that they could get him right away. At a basic level it's not any more unfair than any other reward which has a requirement.


If it no longer triggers on pvp losses, like it did before, I support fixing that. Technically though, because of the Valor option, there is a workaround. You still earn Valor from a loss. I honestly wouldn't even object to lowering the total matches required. But its certainly thematic and appropriate to those two "patriots" for their side that they look for some "bloody hard earned victories" (to borrow his descriptor) on the battlefields before leaving to join the Alliance. Remember, KOTFE didn't launch with any new ops or warzones, so the devs needed some type of incentive for pvp'ers that weren't Troopers or Warriors.


The incentive for raiders was the "highlighted hardmode of the week" system which gave you the top tier gear, normally nightmare/master mode drops, in hard mode. The incentive was an easier path to endgame gear, rather than a specific Alliance Alert. I'll leave it to the historians to debate the relative merits and fairness of that compared to merely participating in 20 pvp matches.


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Oh I don't disagree with many points you've made, I even acknowledged while I don't like the World Boss challenge, it was doable with a guild. If there are other less violent enemy I can do myself, then I'll certainly explore and FOCUS on those. I don't like to be tied to group content for solo content. I like to do things at my own pace, not tied to when someone else might want to.


The Wookie challenge, I got really slaughtered bad however, and cost a small fortune to repair gear. I managed to however overcome it with help of a Guild Mate in Solo+, which perhaps you didn't see above. I'm not really suggesting either of those change, and depending on your gear, if you only require find 2-4 people to do Solo+ with.


NOTE: I will always dislike PVP.


I'm sorry PVP is just NOT my thing, and yet still I tried it once, and was slaughtered badly. I could see enemy all around me, yet couldn't see a single friendly player for the Warzone I did. I mostly feared doing 20 matches though I'd spend a large fortune repairing GEAR, which with PVP does not seem to apply! So then I immediately warmed up to it, even though I still greatly dislike it.


SUGGESTION: Wish they'd expand OPERATIONS Queue, some planets require them done.




I'm still trying to advance the Doctor, but can't find how to give Materials, that I've already got. It shows 24 on the left, and the Doctor on the right, I go to click continue or give, and it reports something is missing? Yet I've checked Materials and have 5-7x of the 24 Quantity he is asking for each item. I also see an event coming up in 2 days to possible earn some others.


NOTE: Someone below identified (thankfully) you have to MOVE items out of Materials, then into Inventory, and says that should solve the problem there too.

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NOTE: I still greatly dislike the PVP option, for Pierce or the Droid, depending on your Faction.


I'm still trying to advance the Doctor, but can't find how to give Materials. If only I could start giving what I've already gathered. :(


1) I get it. Some players hate PvP some hate PvE some hate...whatever. But as far as getting Pierce and Forex as companions goes I still don't see the issue. As another poster pointed out classes that originally got those two companions can bypass doing the PvP requirement and just get them back automatically and ones that don't can achieve them as an option IF they choose to. It's certainly not a necessity to get them we have loads of companions these days so you're not getting kneecapped in any way by not having them. It would be different if the requirement was made on all characters even Warrior (Pierce) and Trooper (Forex) in which they are original companions and I could agree might be "unfair" but not as is.


2) As far as Lokin goes unless something has changed and the materials requirements has somehow gotten broken along the way somewhere (possible with BW and I haven't tried the AA in quite some time but now I'm tempted to try next week) you have to physically put the materials into your inventory bin for the game to acknowledge them. This was the case when we all had bin after bin of legacy storage tabs of our crafting materials and so I am assuming perhaps this is the same situation with the new materials bin/tab.

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Yea, I realize now I'm going to get slaughtered badly in PVP. But it doesn't require you to win or loose, only that you play 20 matches, or half as many for each win as they are worth 2 rather than 1.


So I'm sadly going to do my 20 loss penalty, and then likely never play PVP again. But I'm at 17/20 now, and must have spent 2.5 - 3.5 hours. I think also having gotten on 3-4 good teams who won where most were 306 with augments and such, also gave me 2 success rather than 1.


I'm a bit less concerned about this as a requirement now, especially as I've discovered REPAIR of GEAR isn't required for PVP after being defeated. Still I'm never likely to go back to PVP, except for these recruitment missions; so if each character has to do 20 matches--so be it.

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