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Please don't take away fans being able to join the other side.


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This has probably already been addressed, but I love the fact that maybe, ME, as a former jedi knight, might be able to walk on Vaiken Spacedock, as a Sith. I want it climatic AF, not just yea now you are part of our side. I want the jedi that are still alive from Tython, shocked, devastated and surprised. I know it won't be the same with the former Imps joining the other side. But I want it to be just as dramatic. BTW, on a side note, when is Darth Jadus coming back? I am pretty sure a lot of us want him back.
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It would be interesting if they allowed our character's to fully switch sides, unfortunately, I think there are too many variables with allowing them to do a complete faction switch. Would that character be removed from their guild since guilds are faction specific? What if they were guild leader? Would they now do the new faction's heroics? Would an Imp visit Rep side Taris, and vice versa? Maybe they could make a way for saboteurs to travel to the opposite faction's fleet station, but that would require adding new vendors as most vendors are faction specific. It is certainly possible that our saboteur character's could show up on the opposite faction's fleet station during a cutscene. I would love for my saboteur Sorcerer to rescue Master Gnost-Dural, take them to Carrick Station, and personally meet General Daeruun.


With regard to Darth Jadus, I really do not get the fascination some have with that character. To me they are an uninteresting, generic Bond villain, and they have no relevance to anyone but Agents. I would be okay with Jadus returning if they only came back for Agents. I would not want Jadus thrust into a main story role for the other classes unless it was a brief story.


On the other hand, I would love it if Attros Finn (the Mirialan researcher on Coruscant in Act I) returned for Consulars.

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It would be interesting if they allowed our character's to fully switch sides, unfortunately, I think there are too many variables with allowing them to do a complete faction switch.

Yeah, it's a pity really. I would honestly be completely OK with just switching sides in terms of the story and then making workarounds from there.


Supposedly one of the issues is the whole thing with how classes and factions function within the game but I always imagined that a simple workaround would be, instead of refitting the old hubs, making completely new ones.


This would probably be a more clumsy approach, too many hubs can be a detriment to the interactive side of a game. Still, it would at least be something if they were to make two new space stations one for republican loyalists/Imperial defectors and one for the other set.


That wouldn't really solve anything for other parts of the games, like you mention guilds. I'm mostly in it for the story myself so I can't really speculate about the functionality of those areas.

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At least they could make it so our Sabateur characters could visit our (declared faction) strongholds without paying to be smuggled in :-)


And make it possible for us to join groups to play flashpoints on the other side. Talon, Tython, Korriban....

Do heroics from the other side.

They Would have to add to the dialogue.

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This has probably already been addressed, but I love the fact that maybe, ME, as a former jedi knight, might be able to walk on Vaiken Spacedock, as a Sith. I want it climatic AF, not just yea now you are part of our side. I want the jedi that are still alive from Tython, shocked, devastated and surprised. I know it won't be the same with the former Imps joining the other side. But I want it to be just as dramatic. BTW, on a side note, when is Darth Jadus coming back? I am pretty sure a lot of us want him back.


Are you asking if the developers would make it possible that the NPC's on Tython adapt their proximity barking so that they react to your choices? They don't even do that for the vanilla class stories, so I don't see it happening after a saboteur storyline in Onslaught. I mean, they don't even react to the fact the Empire invaded and ransacked the temple in Forged Alliances - Assault on Tython. They don't even react to the fact that most of their order was wiped out in Arcann's invasion of the Core Worlds. Fingeld seems to be standing by that rock just like he was fifteen or so in-game years prior. So, no, I highly doubt you will ever see that.


As regards to a Saboteur Jedi being able to land on Vaiken Spacedock ... You actually get an email from Lana or Theron about them fixing your transponder so that you can land on your factional station if you choose to support the opposite faction during the Iokath story. At the end of Onslaught, your intelligence contact, if you are a saboteur, tells you that you cannot fight openly for the other faction yet. So in the years (both in real-life and in game) the Devs still haven't figured out a way to make it work logistically. I don't expect that your choice to leave your original faction will ever be acknowledged on any of the original content or fleet. For example, the [WEEKLY] operations and pvp mission terminals are faction-locked so you would need a way to reach these terminals forever ... after all, that's why there are two versions of the terminals on Odessen and two versions of the pvp terminal in warzones. You're also going to have to have access to planetary [HEROIC] missions and [DAILY] areas, and those are all faction-based. I think it will only be acknowledged in the story moving forward, which can all be phased content.

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Re: thread title: "Please don't take away fans being able to join the other side."


Pedantry: They absolutely will not take it away, because they cannot take away something we don't have.


Do I think it would be interesting to be able to switch? Sure.


Would I like to be able to switch as a part of the post 6.2 story? Hell Yeah!


Is building that ability likely to be ... hairy, let's say, at the best of times? Danmed Right.(1)


(1) To be sure, it's their job to overcome hairy stuff(2), but that doesn't make the stuff less hairy.


(2) I've overcome my share of stuff that's plenty hairy in my day job of programmer over the last 30+ years, so I understand the sort of difficulties that can crop up.

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The conversation choices definitely make cross-faction flashpoints more difficult than cross-faction warzones. I obviously don't know the conversation structure, but I'd imagine there are going to be significant problems with the way conversations were coded if you have two Jedi and two Sith in a group.
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It would be interesting if they allowed our character's to fully switch sides, unfortunately, I think there are too many variables with allowing them to do a complete faction switch. Would that character be removed from their guild since guilds are faction specific? What if they were guild leader? Would they now do the new faction's heroics? Would an Imp visit Rep side Taris, and vice versa? Maybe they could make a way for saboteurs to travel to the opposite faction's fleet station, but that would require adding new vendors as most vendors are faction specific. It is certainly possible that our saboteur character's could show up on the opposite faction's fleet station during a cutscene. I would love for my saboteur Sorcerer to rescue Master Gnost-Dural, take them to Carrick Station, and personally meet General Daeruun.


With regard to Darth Jadus, I really do not get the fascination some have with that character. To me they are an uninteresting, generic Bond villain, and they have no relevance to anyone but Agents. I would be okay with Jadus returning if they only came back for Agents. I would not want Jadus thrust into a main story role for the other classes unless it was a brief story.


On the other hand, I would love it if Attros Finn (the Mirialan researcher on Coruscant in Act I) returned for Consulars.


That you called Jadus boring, uninteresting, and irrelevant while you had to link the jedi's wiki entry is telling.

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This has probably already been addressed, but I love the fact that maybe, ME, as a former jedi knight, might be able to walk on Vaiken Spacedock, as a Sith. I want it climatic AF, not just yea now you are part of our side. I want the jedi that are still alive from Tython, shocked, devastated and surprised. I know it won't be the same with the former Imps joining the other side. But I want it to be just as dramatic. BTW, on a side note, when is Darth Jadus coming back? I am pretty sure a lot of us want him back.


I would thoroughly enjoy this as well. I hope it'll be possible. :)

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That you called Jadus boring, uninteresting, and irrelevant while you had to link the jedi's wiki entry is telling.


No, not really. I did not have to link the Wiki entry, I chose to. Attros Finn does not get very much discussion, they are a character that is only relevant to Consulars, and there is a rather vocal group on these forums who like to point out how much they do not like the Consular story. My linking to Attros Finn's Wiki entry is me merely acknowledging that not everyone is going to be familiar with ever character in every story. If I, for example, mentioned Anuli as being another character that I would like to be reunited with would you know exactly who it was that I was talking about without me linking the Wiki entry? If you have to Google the name then you simple prove my point. If you mentioned some random character from the Agent story as someone you would like to be reunited with I would very likely have to Google the name because I am not a fan of the Agent story. It is my least played story and I do not pay the characters in it much attention.



BTW, being reunited with Anuli is just wishful thinking because they were killed by the Eidelon during the BH story on Nar Shaddaa.


Still not certain who that is? Anuli was Mako's young slicer friend who had arranged for the BH to transport them off of NS and aided the BH in finding the Eidelon. The Eidelon killed Anuli and so I handed them over to the Hutts.


Edited by ceryxp
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Jadus is not a random character in the agent story. He's the villain of act 1. It's a weak comparison.


True, but I did not compare them. You did. My comment about mentioning some random character from the Agent story was not about Jadus, who is not some random character. I meant what I said; if you name dropped some random character from the Agent story, like I did for both the Consular and BH stories, I would likely have to look them up. My opinion of Jadus as a generic, uninteresting character that has no relevance to the other classes has nothing to do with my wanting my Consular to be reunited with a character that played a part in their story. I would only want Attros Finn to come back for Consulars because Attros Finn is only relevant to Consulars. If they did bring Jadus back I would only want them to return for Agents as Jadus means absolutely nothing to any other character.


Would you want Lord Vivicar to return and play a central role in the story for all classes? Well, we likely will never be reunited with Vivicar because they have a kill option, which also leaves out the possibility of ever hearing from Yuon again, but what about Terrak Morrhage (effectively the Chapter 1 boss for the Consular story)? Think Terrak Morrhage should play a central role in the story? Terrak Morrhage is as insignificant to other classes as is Jadus. Want Jadus back, fine. And as I said in the first comment:

I would be okay with Jadus returning if they only came back for Agents. I would not want Jadus thrust into a main story role for the other classes unless it was a brief story.
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This has probably already been addressed, but I love the fact that maybe, ME, as a former jedi knight, might be able to walk on Vaiken Spacedock, as a Sith. I want it climatic AF, not just yea now you are part of our side. I want the jedi that are still alive from Tython, shocked, devastated and surprised. I know it won't be the same with the former Imps joining the other side. But I want it to be just as dramatic. BTW, on a side note, when is Darth Jadus coming back? I am pretty sure a lot of us want him back.


To walk among the Republic as one of their own is something my Sith Warrior (Marauder) and Inquisitor (Assassin) have been dreaming for years now. This needs to happen. I proudly wear my *PURE* titles wherever I go on my imperial characters.


Jadus was a B.A. He was mustache twirling levels of evil, but was so cool about it.

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