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Please remove the legacy deserter Lockout timer from Regs


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Bioware, I get why you introduced the lockouts, but the way you have it set up is detriment to the long term good of the game (at least from my point of view).


I’m sure I’m not the only one who occasionally experiences disconnects to the server.

And while it’s not often, when you disconnect from no fault of your own and then have to wait out 15 mins on every character before you can requeue regs, it’s rather annoying.

Add in that the pops are slowing down already at my time of day and 15 mins can become 20-25mins.


I’m not suggesting getting rid of it completely. Just make it character based again and not legacy.

I would also suggest getting rid of it entirely for lowbies and Mids because the pop wait times are getting longer and longer after people leave due to stupid match making not working.


I tossed in the proverbial pvp towel today after experiencing 4 DCs in 2 hours and being abused by team members who incorrectly assumed I was trolling them (why I would I leave a winning match with less than 2 mins to go?)

I had a 3 hour pvp play window available and ended up being only able to play for 1 & 1/2 hours due to the lock outs and then slow pops.


Please, it’s not ranked, it’s regs. People aren’t queue dodging or wintrading, so why do we need a legacy lockout for regs?

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i have probably one of, if not the worst ISP's in 'Murica...


I dc on a daily basis; the 15 minute lockout, let alone the legacy wide lockout is complete overkill.


Let the ranked man-babies deal with that nonsense if you think it fixes something (i don't but w/e).


Most PvPrs just wanna have fun without worrying about legacy lockouts...especially unintentional dc's due to m*therfckn Spectrum being the worst.

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Bioware, I get why you introduced the lockouts, but the way you have it set up is detriment to the long term good of the game (at least from my point of view).


I’m sure I’m not the only one who occasionally experiences disconnects to the server.

And while it’s not often, when you disconnect from no fault of your own and then have to wait out 15 mins on every character before you can requeue regs, it’s rather annoying.

Add in that the pops are slowing down already at my time of day and 15 mins can become 20-25mins.


I’m not suggesting getting rid of it completely. Just make it character based again and not legacy.

I would also suggest getting rid of it entirely for lowbies and Mids because the pop wait times are getting longer and longer after people leave due to stupid match making not working.


I tossed in the proverbial pvp towel today after experiencing 4 DCs in 2 hours and being abused by team members who incorrectly assumed I was trolling them (why I would I leave a winning match with less than 2 mins to go?)

I had a 3 hour pvp play window available and ended up being only able to play for 1 & 1/2 hours due to the lock outs and then slow pops.


Please, it’s not ranked, it’s regs. People aren’t queue dodging or wintrading, so why do we need a legacy lockout for regs?


i totally agree with this , character lock out is ok not legacy or even better no lock out at all

The lockout make the que much longer now , as least on my server Satele shan , and many times i back filled in to mid match and i cant leave without penalty


and reg is for casual like me , i dont need stay on games i dont want to play

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Heh yeah, I dced from a warzone last week for the first time and when i logged back in I noticed my toon has this lockout, so I said: Ok, ill relog and play another toon till i can que. I relogged only to find all toons to be locked out :D


Yeah, when it happens due to connection it kinda sucks, but I do not think thre is a way to seperate the people who disconnect and who leave games on purpose and relog toons to do the same.

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Heh yeah, I dced from a warzone last week for the first time and when i logged back in I noticed my toon has this lockout, so I said: Ok, ill relog and play another toon till i can que. I relogged only to find all toons to be locked out :D


Yeah, when it happens due to connection it kinda sucks, but I do not think thre is a way to seperate the people who disconnect and who leave games on purpose and relog toons to do the same.


Maybe true, but for the love of god, it’s regs, not ranked. No one loses ranking or points. It’s not needed to be this strict for regs.

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Bioware, I get why you introduced the lockouts, but the way you have it set up is detriment to the long term good of the game (at least from my point of view).


I’m sure I’m not the only one who occasionally experiences disconnects to the server.

And while it’s not often, when you disconnect from no fault of your own and then have to wait out 15 mins on every character before you can requeue regs, it’s rather annoying.

Add in that the pops are slowing down already at my time of day and 15 mins can become 20-25mins.


I’m not suggesting getting rid of it completely. Just make it character based again and not legacy.

I would also suggest getting rid of it entirely for lowbies and Mids because the pop wait times are getting longer and longer after people leave due to stupid match making not working.


I tossed in the proverbial pvp towel today after experiencing 4 DCs in 2 hours and being abused by team members who incorrectly assumed I was trolling them (why I would I leave a winning match with less than 2 mins to go?)

I had a 3 hour pvp play window available and ended up being only able to play for 1 & 1/2 hours due to the lock outs and then slow pops.


Please, it’s not ranked, it’s regs. People aren’t queue dodging or wintrading, so why do we need a legacy lockout for regs?


Bioware doubled down on a hasty, poorly conceived "solution" that snares people who are innocent of deserting. This policy has encouraged non-participation (afking when the warzone goes against a team) and discouraged ordinary pvpers from enjoying a mode of gameplay due to connectivity issues. I was incensed about ONE debuff, through no fault of my own. I cannot imagine if that were a daily affair. I'd probably quit.

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Nope BW dont you dare...last week or so Ive seen god awful win trading..literally entire teams ignoring stuff and standing in corners to let the other side win or showing up in gear that is even lower than what you will get by default on Odessen. Ignore the crocodile tears. Do nothing to assist this behavior. Make it hard for them. Hell if this behavior continues make the lock out longer. Im sick of this sad pathetic whining! They are just sad because they can't queue sync and win trade. Ignore
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Nope BW dont you dare...last week or so Ive seen god awful win trading..literally entire teams ignoring stuff and standing in corners to let the other side win or showing up in gear that is even lower than what you will get by default on Odessen. Ignore the crocodile tears. Do nothing to assist this behavior. Make it hard for them. Hell if this behavior continues make the lock out longer. Im sick of this sad pathetic whining! They are just sad because they can't queue sync and win trade. Ignore


We're asking for that in regs. You believe it is just to punish those who suffer unfortunate circumstances in your crusade to punish those who desert? Yours is a measure of petty and churlishness I can do without. Your petulance is telling.




So please...by all means, put me on ignore.

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Nope BW dont you dare...last week or so Ive seen god awful win trading..literally entire teams ignoring stuff and standing in corners to let the other side win or showing up in gear that is even lower than what you will get by default on Odessen. Ignore the crocodile tears. Do nothing to assist this behavior. Make it hard for them. Hell if this behavior continues make the lock out longer. Im sick of this sad pathetic whining! They are just sad because they can't queue sync and win trade. Ignore


People win trade in regs? If that’s the case then you should look at why.


Firstly, Odessen popping too much or not giving players an alternative to choose the maps might be why they are standing in the corner when Odessen pops. Another reason is you can get teams that just don’t try to win in Odessen. So some people give up and afk till it’s over. In both cases, the legacy lock out timer simply won’t help your situation and is actually detrimental.


Secondly, if people are actual wintrading it’s because they aren’t winning matches to finish their missions. You get nothing else out of wintrading in regs. So if that is happening, then it’s obvious the changes to completing the missions through wins only is having a detrimental affect on players and so they are taking steps to complete the missions the only way they know how. The legacy lockout also doesn’t prevent this, in fact it encourages it.


Both these examples suggest an even bigger issue. That is players aren’t having fun because they can’t always complete their weeklies by just playing or they aren’t having fun because certain maps pop or the match making puts you with people who don’t care about winning.


Having the legacy lockout doesn’t prevent this attitude or feeling. In fact it re-enforces people’s resolve to wintrade or afk or worse, to stop queuing to play pvp. Which is more detrimental because less people play, which means worse matchmaking probability, which means more one sided matches, then more people decide that wintrading is the only way to get weeklies done.


The only place that a legacy lockout is needed is for ranked to stop people from manipulating the queue for ranking and rewards (people actually pay real money for this. They don’t do that in regs).


Sadly, your situation isn’t going to go away with keeping or removing the legacy lock out. Your issue is the way they changed it so only wins count now.

What Bioware need to do is go back to the points system of wins vs losses. But instead of it being the old 2:1 ration, they should change it to a 4:1 or even a 3:1 ratio. I believe the 4:1 is probably the better option. But Bioware should be willing to test it and if that doesn’t work, consider the 3:1 ratio.


I hope I’ve cleared up why you are incorrect in your thinking that keeping the legacy lockout will help your situation.

If you think everyone is whining, maybe it’s time to consider why they are? It’s probably because they aren’t having fun under this arduous system. When people don’t have fun, they either don’t play (which is bad for the game) or they lash out. Telling us all you are sick of the whining certainly sounds like you aren’t having fun either.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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People win trade in regs? If that’s the case then you should look at why.


Firstly, Odessen popping too much or not giving players an alternative to choose the maps might be why they are standing in the corner when Odessen pops. Another reason is you can get teams that just don’t try to win in Odessen. So some people give up and afk till it’s over. In both cases, the legacy lock out timer simply won’t help your situation and is actually detrimental.


Secondly, if people are actual wintrading it’s because they aren’t winning matches to finish their missions. You get nothing else out of wintrading in regs. So if that is happening, then it’s obvious the changes to completing the missions though wins only is having a detrimental affect on players and so they are taking steps to complete the missions the only way they know how. The legacy lockout also doesn’t prevent this, in fact it encourages it.


Both these examples suggest an even bigger issue. That is players aren’t having fun because they can’t always complete their weeklies by just playing or they aren’t having fun because certain maps pop or the match making puts you with people who don’t care about winning.


Having the legacy lockout doesn’t prevent this attitude or feeling. In fact it re-enforces people’s resolve to wintrade or afk or worse, to stop queuing to play pvp. Which is more detrimental because less people play, which means worse matchmaking probability, which means more one sided matches, then more people decide that wintrading is the only way to get weeklies done.


The only place that a legacy lockout is needed is for ranked to stop people from manipulating the queue for ranking and rewards (people actually pay real money for this. They don’t do that in regs).


Sadly, your situation isn’t going to go away with keeping or removing the legacy lock out. Your issue is the way they changed it so only wins count now.

What Bioware need to do is go back to the points system of wins vs losses. But instead of it being the old 2:1 ration, they should change it to a 4:1 or even a 3:1 ratio. I believe the 4:1 is probably the better option. But Bioware should be willing to test it and if that doesn’t work, consider the 3:1 ratio.


I hope I’ve cleared up why you are incorrect in your thinking that keeping the legacy lockout will help your situation.

If you think everyone is whining, maybe it’s time to consider why they are? It’s probably because they aren’t having fun under this arduous system. When people don’t have fun, they either don’t play (which is bad for the game) or they lash out. Telling us all you are sick of the whining certainly sounds like you aren’t having fun either.


As ever, you spell out the issues well. I could not agree with you more if...cannot find a proper analogy. Trust me, I agree with you as much as is possible.

Edited by Sappharan
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If they insist on having a deserter lockout in regs it should be no more than 5 minutes, and it should be for the character, not the account. I definitely understand the need for a 15 minute lockout etc for ranked, but it's ridiculous that they applied it to regs as well.
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If match making was remotely good I'd be all for the lockout since healer/tank impact is far larger than a DPS.

But sadly, all I get is against premades with no healer and a tank who doesn't guard.

Most of the time it's no big deal, but it does get very stale and boring fast.

If I don't get that it's often a steam roll. There's really no in-between, the rare occurrence it isn't is the reason I queue in the first place.

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If match making was remotely good I'd be all for the lockout since healer/tank impact is far larger than a DPS.

But sadly, all I get is against premades with no healer and a tank who doesn't guard.

Most of the time it's no big deal, but it does get very stale and boring fast.

If I don't get that it's often a steam roll. There's really no in-between, the rare occurrence it isn't is the reason I queue in the first place.


Funny you say that. I was just about to post how the match making is soooooooo bad (even in lowbies) where it puts whole lvl 40 teams against 4 x lvl 10-15’s. And while that sucks in arena, at least it’s over fast.


Sadly, it’s a highly aggravating experience in a map like Hypergates where one side gets a premade of all stealth or all ranged at lvl 35-42 vs a team that doesn’t get 8 players and the highest is lvl 22 and the 5 other players aren’t even lvl 16 or understand the map.


And yes, I know it’s lowbies etc and it’s where people learn, which is fine. But how can they learn when they class stack the other team with experienced players and sometimes in premade’s. The only thing that happens is they get farmed. Have a really bad experience and don’t requeue.


This isn’t just a lowbie problem because while you don’t have the character lvl disparity in lvl 75, you do have players that are under geared (no set bonuses and poor stats or no tactical) and inexperiences players vs premades of all kinds (including ranked players).


The whole experience isn’t fun when you are losing match after match through no fault of your own except poor match making, lack of map choice and against premades vs pugs.


You get nothing for losing now and you can mostly tell within 30 secs of the match starting that it’s a loss. At least when you got something for the loss it was not a complete waste of 10-15 mins. But because you get nothing now towards your mission completion or your conquest achievement, I can understand why people want to leave.


So people do one of three things, they afk and wait it out, they leave and stop playing the game or they help the other team win faster in the hope it speeds things up.

When you get people doing any of those things, it doesn’t matter how good you are or if you are trying because it’s a loss of team cohesion and it’s a loss. At least when people could leave, you might get some good back fillers who might even it out. I’ve won many matches in the past like this.


And if you back fill now you can’t leave and you know it’s a loss because the team has resigned to losing. When I would pop into back fills before these changes, I still felt optimistic that I might be able to turn the game around. Now I pop inTo a back fill and I feel instantly dejected and want to claw my eyes out. I can’t leave and it’s not my fault I got back filled, but I still get punished if I leave.


I’ve said it before that I understand the reasoning for the lock outs. But the lack of rewards for losing, the lock out penalty for leaving, the lack of map choice and the terribly broken match making, only exacerbates feeling like I never have fun in pvp anymore and I don’t want to play it. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling like that. I want to play for fun and get some enjoyment. I am not having fun and at the end of half my pvp sessions and I feel like crap and never want to play ANY part of the game again.


My wife says I should stop playing if I’m not having fun and I’m starting to listen. If only Bioware would listen to our feed back and understand that many of us aren’t having fun anymore since they made these draconian changes.

It’s pretty simple, they can keep the changes and not listen or continue to lose players because they aren’t having fun.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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If they insist on having a deserter lockout in regs it should be no more than 5 minutes, and it should be for the character, not the account. I definitely understand the need for a 15 minute lockout etc for ranked, but it's ridiculous that they applied it to regs as well.


This^. It was a "fix" nobody asked for or wanted.

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While agreeing with everything else in that post, I want to highlight this (emphasis added). It is a good description of the negative spiral ahead of us:

Both these examples suggest an even bigger issue. That is players aren’t having fun because they can’t always complete their weeklies by just playing or they aren’t having fun because certain maps pop or the match making puts you with people who don’t care about winning.


Having the legacy lockout doesn’t prevent this attitude or feeling. In fact it re-enforces people’s resolve to wintrade or afk or worse, to stop queuing to play pvp. Which is more detrimental because less people play, which means worse matchmaking probability, which means more one sided matches, then more people decide that wintrading is the only way to get weeklies done.


It'd seem obvious that a game developer would make all parts of the game fun; unranked PvP is not as much fun as it used to be for many players now.

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Please remove the deserter lockout timer all together. Unless you are giving a reward of equal or greater value in regs as compared to flash points, these penalties shouldn't exist. Heck, Flashpoints have less of a penalty for deserting then regs AND they can get better rewards.
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GSF is horrendus for people coming and not doing anything at all,or constantly suiciding non stop or just flying around,when called they dont even bother answering,,as for pvp regs lockout,,keep it,,im in star forge and the few times it pops,,right away 1-2 kill themselves right as the match starts and spam over and over for the rest of us to do the same ..1 commando just used his basic attack all night obviously making us loose,,,since we can`t name the people,,2 of them in gen chat openly admit to what they are doing and don`t care at all,,so for how many reasons people want this to be change,,,i say keep it as it is,,,
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People win trade in regs? If that’s the case then you should look at why.


Firstly, Odessen popping too much or not giving players an alternative to choose the maps might be why they are standing in the corner when Odessen pops. Another reason is you can get teams that just don’t try to win in Odessen. So some people give up and afk till it’s over. In both cases, the legacy lock out timer simply won’t help your situation and is actually detrimental.


Secondly, if people are actual wintrading it’s because they aren’t winning matches to finish their missions. You get nothing else out of wintrading in regs. So if that is happening, then it’s obvious the changes to completing the missions through wins only is having a detrimental affect on players and so they are taking steps to complete the missions the only way they know how. The legacy lockout also doesn’t prevent this, in fact it encourages it.


Both these examples suggest an even bigger issue. That is players aren’t having fun because they can’t always complete their weeklies by just playing or they aren’t having fun because certain maps pop or the match making puts you with people who don’t care about winning.


Having the legacy lockout doesn’t prevent this attitude or feeling. In fact it re-enforces people’s resolve to wintrade or afk or worse, to stop queuing to play pvp. Which is more detrimental because less people play, which means worse matchmaking probability, which means more one sided matches, then more people decide that wintrading is the only way to get weeklies done.


The only place that a legacy lockout is needed is for ranked to stop people from manipulating the queue for ranking and rewards (people actually pay real money for this. They don’t do that in regs).


Sadly, your situation isn’t going to go away with keeping or removing the legacy lock out. Your issue is the way they changed it so only wins count now.

What Bioware need to do is go back to the points system of wins vs losses. But instead of it being the old 2:1 ration, they should change it to a 4:1 or even a 3:1 ratio. I believe the 4:1 is probably the better option. But Bioware should be willing to test it and if that doesn’t work, consider the 3:1 ratio.


I hope I’ve cleared up why you are incorrect in your thinking that keeping the legacy lockout will help your situation.

If you think everyone is whining, maybe it’s time to consider why they are? It’s probably because they aren’t having fun under this arduous system. When people don’t have fun, they either don’t play (which is bad for the game) or they lash out. Telling us all you are sick of the whining certainly sounds like you aren’t having fun either.


Win trading in regs is a direct result of the change in the daily/weekly missions, The lockouts are just the icing on the cake. The missions for the daily/weekly regs are no different then the missions for Ranked, where you have to win a match in order for the match to count toward the total number of wins you need to complete your daily/weekly.


In my opinion The lockouts should be changed back to a character based lockout rather then a legacy based lockout, I too have disconnected in a few matches and have unfortunately had my nights ruined by this lockout system.


As far is dailies/weeklies go, Keep the Ranked missions the way they are, but switch the missions for regs back to what they were before these horrendus changes.. 2 points toward your total for a win and 1 point toward your total for a lose.

Edited by jediharrsion
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GSF is horrendus for people coming and not doing anything at all,or constantly suiciding non stop or just flying around,when called they dont even bother answering,,as for pvp regs lockout,,keep it,,im in star forge and the few times it pops,,right away 1-2 kill themselves right as the match starts and spam over and over for the rest of us to do the same ..1 commando just used his basic attack all night obviously making us loose,,,since we can`t name the people,,2 of them in gen chat openly admit to what they are doing and don`t care at all,,so for how many reasons people want this to be change,,,i say keep it as it is,,,


This makes no sense. You want to keep the deserter lockout, despite it being what prevents these people from leaving and potentially getting replaced by someone competent?

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Trolls are out today in pvp. Can’t even ignore them because legacy ignore is broken and the only option is to leave the match if you don’t feel like being crapped on by arse hats. Which means you eat a 15 min lockout debuff before you can requeue. Answer me Bioware, how that is fair when we are just trying to escape abusive personalities?


I’m really hating this game system more and more each time I queue pvp because we get penalised if we leave or we have a terrible time if we stay when there are issues.


We get repeat maps we don’t like, teams who don’t try, matchmaking that doesn’t work, personal trolls, server disconnects and to top it off, nothing for losses when the reason for some of the losses is a poor match making system.


We’ve got zero recourse in this system that just punishes us for things beyond our control. We can’t leave or we get penalised and if we stay we are often wasting our limited game time or sanity (mental health) because we get nothing for it.


Please Bioware, for the love of god remove the Legacy lock out timer for leaving regs. You can keep the character one, just remove the legacy one. It’s not needed in regs and is causing more issues than it solves.

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