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The Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint, (story mode)


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Since the story isn't implemented don't know why am I there in the first place and I just have one of my own clas companions. Until I clicked on a panel then suddenly I have some guy I don't know in a cut scene. Cut scene ends I am already half dead because I imeedialty appear inside boss flaming circle of death. So I died. I eventually killed him by ressing and running out of his red circles. but I hate these bosses which are clearly not meant for imperial agents or smugglers who have to stay in place to launch their attacks.


Second boss is worse . Can't stop to get off a shot at alt. Constantly moving to avoid him so he targets companion who is instant killed before boss targets me and I'm dead in two shots. Clearly not ready for story mode. I'm guessing supposed to have a different character who helps deal with this boss not just my class companion.


Oh walking through kitchen I felt like I was back in the Festival of Prosperity.

Edited by RameiArashi
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I understand this is PTS but please take these into consideration.

1. "Jump puzzle" should be a short cut for those who like them, and for those of us who can't, there is another route to progress. I am not very good with them but if I were there are other games I would play. I gave up on the Makeb DataCron for this very reason. It would be nice to bring those back. My point an interactive FP where if I were a slicer I could pass that area.


2. The first couple area the number of mobs was ridiculous or were they there just for looks and decor? There was one room where my "route" didn't have me interact with the majority. I don't like it when "added difficulty" only means throwing more mobs at you.


3. The first boss, the one after the first cut scene with the "new guy" was to me, not hard but at the same time not engaging with my sorc and companion who's level 50. I just for the most part DPS race and luckily my comp kept me well above half. If there were mechanics I didn't see them with my run. The sheer amount of hitpoints he had made me wonder if I already make it to the boss. Please for the Love of the game, make the rewards kinda match the difficulty. Ie if the boss takes a while to kill then maybe you don't have the gear to down him very fast. You shouldn't be rewarded with low crap gear. I am not sure but maybe it's just a pts thing.


Again never made it to the last boss cause I couldn't get past the Jump puzzle.

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I tried to do it but I gave up. I'm a long time player and i realise that on the PTS my character is weaker because it's missing the legacy perks and stuff, but dying 3 times in the first 2 rooms is not fun for me. I play a smuggler healer and a maxed out Shae Vizla as companion. Not being able to sneak around the mobs because the hounds smelled me is exactly the thing that made people hate the KotFE chapters - forced fights with tons of mobs. This didn't look like a story mode flashspoint, the big waves of mobs made it feel just like a vet uprising. i was able to reach the boss, but dying in 12 seconds after dying a couple of more times because the adds i skipped were still there just made me ragequit immediately. I understand people like engaging challenging content but make story mode feel like an easy mode for the people who just want to see the story, because not being able to finish content is just frustrating.
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Yeah, it's a "wee bit," overtuned. I first attempted with a smuggler dps and rank 50 heals comp; got wrecked a few times in first mobs. Stealth is constantly being broken so can't stealth by. got wasted by first boss. decided i'd give it a try on a tank with a healing comp. grabbed my sin; got to heta, i think the 4th ish boss. comp was instantly capped by some bomb mechanic. my tank with 88% defense and 70% shield / absorb with my cooldowns went down on the second shot... should also mention first several bosses had to use (2) full entire uses of heroic moment, each fight was still over 10 minutes. lastly tried my veng jugg. this time was shredding the mobs. bosses going down pretty easily. in the part with the hentai tentacly pr0n monsters i landed kinda behind them, and figured what they hey i'll skip these turds and went to the door... annnnd couldn't progress or go back after that, had to reset fp... go through everything again and once again, get to heta again and same scenario as with tank, healing comp is smoked first bomb attack and i go down after second hit, with reflect on. i also noticed several mobs that had some that were not up to level 75, there were several 11s, 59s, etc. I think once they get this properly tuned it will be pretty alright, but for now, i dunno how anyone can get passed heta, unless you're on a ranged toon with decent movement like a sorc /sage or bh / mando.
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Made it to the last boss. She quickly takes out my companion and I with those sticky grenades. They hit for 124,000 to 143,000 and she throws them about every 20 to 30 seconds. No time to really heal. Also, on the 3rd boss, there is nowhere to hide from his sniper shots, even if you hug the wall or consoles below him.
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I made it to the last boss in SM on Infiltration shadow. With Lana (lvl 50). I can survive 4 grenades if he throw them at my character. This grenade can be cleansed. But how we suppose to do it with companion in SM? I will try it on my merc and see what happens. :D
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i think its an nice easy fp (played with lvl 12 heal companion till the last 2 bosses, than switched to an lvl 40) it could be more challenging (i play an fury marauder) but the last boss was for me impossible, any hints for this?


i like the design and the wall trophy (i think we get new decorations in the future :D)

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I never saw a jumping puzzle. Thanks for the warning though.


Neither did I, and I made it to the last boss before I died. It was rough with at least 5 to 10 minute fights all the way up with the first bosses, soooo draggy on those fights. But yeah, the last boss, not a chance almost an instant death. This has got to be fixed where we at least stand a chance. I am a 75 smuggler, maxed affection Shae, and geared up when I came over from reg server. Did ok up until that final fight.

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I made it to the last boss in SM on Infiltration shadow. With Lana (lvl 50). I can survive 4 grenades if he throw them at my character. This grenade can be cleansed. But how we suppose to do it with companion in SM? I will try it on my merc and see what happens. :D


I try with my Sith Warrior and Vette. This boss one shot Vette with grenade.

I don't know if it's the real Story Mode, but it's very hard. Even with the first boss I died 3 times. He spam too much the two spells he has in stock. It's hellish.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I got to the second boss and had to quit the flashpoint. The ability that tethers you to your companion flung me outside the bridge so i had to jump to my death to reset. On the second attempt i had my heroic moment up, had the boss to half health and out of no were I was one shot ( I had full health on myself and my companion). The first boss has a stupidly huge health pool and hits like a truck. His cycling through the fire bomb and sweeping flames had me doing almost three full cycles of the kolto tanks around the room to stay alive. The flashpoint is in my opinion a little broken and the enemies hit extremely hard for a story mode version.
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First Boss - Massive health pool. Was able to finally kill him but it took almost 10 minutes for the fight.

Boss on the bridge (second boss i encountered, 3rd set of kolto tanks i saw so maybe third boss?) Has an uppercut attack that one shots my helper and one shots me.


i noticed that this story mode did not have the helper droid as all the others do, also being forced to use a npc with no affinity build seems to be a small portion of the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Made it all the way through to the last boss got their health nearly down to zero twice each time they just one shot me and my nearly useless npc companion who dosent heal you at all really and for the drops you do get is just not worth doing it to be honest.
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Made it all the way through to the last boss got their health nearly down to zero twice each time they just one shot me and my nearly useless npc companion who dosent heal you at all really and for the drops you do get is just not worth doing it to be honest.


I looked at my Rass Ordo's stats after the patch and he's still listed as influence 1, not 25. Also, the adds have too many health points and hit too hard for solo-story mode. I think they're still tuned to veteran to be honest. Hopefully the metrics will show that this flashpoint is not doable by everyone and they'll tone it down some more.

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  • 1 month later...

I have attempted this flashpoint many times over the last week, and it's impossible to complete.. i wish I could have someone like Vette or Jaesa as my companion...


The flashpoint is broken, and I'm thinking about not even doing it, and complete the rest of the story.

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I have attempted this flashpoint many times over the last week, and it's impossible to complete.. i wish I could have someone like Vette or Jaesa as my companion...


The flashpoint is broken, and I'm thinking about not even doing it, and complete the rest of the story.


I have managed to do it twice now. Once with Jedi Shadow 254, and Gunslinger 275. Both times were a slog. I had to use Legacy Abilities on snipers and run to stations for healing...took 2 attempts with Jedi....and got real lucky.


Sooo many silvers that took forever to plow through....absolute garbage rewards. No gear dropped above level on second run with Gunslinger. Just equal or lower. Why the system thinks some gear is higher because it has an extra/different stat eludes me. Maybe it thinks the stats are more appropriate even though lower rating????


Only recently began playing again after 5+ years so still catching up on changes.


Story Mode feels geared towards 2+ players or really high geared 75s...Won't be doing it for fun or drops thats for sure. Its listed on my only do this if I have to list.

Edited by DragonSire
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  • 1 month later...
I am new to the whole MMO thing. This is my first and I have mostly had a blast. I am trying to get my Sith Warrior Juggernaut through the last boss on Spirit of Vengeance. He is level 75 with 288 gear. I have my comp set to heal. I get through everything, although the second boss took 5 tries, but I cannot get past the last mob on the last boss . If I focus on the sharpshooters, the heavy shooters kill my comp. If I focus on the heavy shooters, the sharpshooters kill me. I have tried it at least 10 times and just rage-quit out of the flashpoint. I will probably have to do the whole thing again. I read in other posts that I should focus my comp and myself on the sharpshooters first. Does that work? How do you keep the heavy shooters from running up behind you and killing you while you try to deal with the sharpshooters? Do they not agro if you don't leave the platform?
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I am new to the whole MMO thing. This is my first and I have mostly had a blast. I am trying to get my Sith Warrior Juggernaut through the last boss on Spirit of Vengeance. He is level 75 with 288 gear. I have my comp set to heal. I get through everything, although the second boss took 5 tries, but I cannot get past the last mob on the last boss . If I focus on the sharpshooters, the heavy shooters kill my comp. If I focus on the heavy shooters, the sharpshooters kill me. I have tried it at least 10 times and just rage-quit out of the flashpoint. I will probably have to do the whole thing again. I read in other posts that I should focus my comp and myself on the sharpshooters first. Does that work? How do you keep the heavy shooters from running up behind you and killing you while you try to deal with the sharpshooters? Do they not agro if you don't leave the platform?


hi Winnie, you seem Lost


Sorry, couldn't resist :D


Anyways... Unfortunately you accidentally posted in the PTS (Public Test Server) section of the forums.


What you'll probably want to try instead is the 'General Discussion' section (for the LIVE servers) here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=255 ....and maybe look for existing threads on your same topic , like this one here for example: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=991299


Or, you could even try the 'Flashpoints' section here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=79 ....and look for another similar topic thread as yours, like this one: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=991108


Good luck!

Edited by Nee-Elder
more links for struggling newbie
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Nice pun. Sorry about posting to the wrong place. First time posting anything to one of these forums. Thank you for the helpful links. I now have more things to try and a more appropriate place to ask more questions.


No worries! These forums can sometimes be a

, if you catch my drift. :csw_jabbapet:


( myself included btw, from time to time :( )


Anyways, take care!

Edited by Nee-Elder
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