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MODDABLE "orange" quality gear ONLY for levels 1-49, very disapointed :-(


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Another good fix (although alternate but still within the rules BW believes that are correct) is implement a social tab where you can put your old armor in and enable or disable the visual presentation.


So you will actually wear your epic gear but what shows up is whatever gear you like.


I can't truly speak for what BW thinks is correct but, their comments and decsions seem to conflict with a social tab system. They have largely avoided outright rulling such tabs out but, the game's design seems to have specifically avoided appearances that have no meaning. Even the orange gear has minimum levels and a base armor value for it's type.

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do people even READ anything the devs say anymore ??


The end game armourings will be becoming removable AND will even carry set bonuses with them.


Not sure what the hold up was, or why it wasn't included in the latest patch. My assumption is they want people to wear the level 50 gear to not hurt the feelings of the fail that designed them.


If I already EARNED the gear there should be NO issues xfering the mods to an orange piece that looks better. It should NOT be hard to implement this very quickly...


Less telling us they are going to do it and more doing it.


Don't tell me, show me!

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I can't truly speak for what BW thinks is correct but, their comments and decsions seem to conflict with a social tab system. They have largely avoided outright rulling such tabs out but, the game's design seems to have specifically avoided appearances that have no meaning. Even the orange gear has minimum levels and a base armor value for it's type.

Thing is if they finally adopt the appearance tab it would look like they threw the towel and all efforts and $$$ invested in the mod system would have been a total waste. Which would mean someone might get fired...


Although they can have appearance tabs, mods, gear dyes and gear matching color option with some tweaking topped with interesting crafting, better player economy and not stinking money sinks.


The main issue being they don't want to give the players the control of their character look, from greenish smugglers down to pink Sith warriors...

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TOR just is not what I expected.


I'm not at all a fan of star wars. I a fan of MMOs. TOR is just lacking in every aspect and an utter joke in the most important aspect for me. Customizing my character.


I am subscribed for one month but even now I'm starting to look for other games.

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Unless Bioware is going to give all orange gear Augment slots and create an orange version of every skin for every model in game, an Appearance Tab is much needed.


99.99% of the people are not going to pass up 196 stat points just to retain a look of an orange social set, PvP/PvE set gear, or orange boss drop.

Edited by illgot
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Unless Bioware is going to give all orange gear Augment slots and create an orange version of every skin for every model in game, an Appearance Tab is much needed.


99.99% of the people are not going to pass up 196 stat points just to retain a look of an orange social set or boss drop.


you're going to be able to crit craft moddable gear to add the augment slot to it.

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you're going to be able to crit craft moddable gear to add the augment slot to it.


And that is what I am talking about. Who is going to use the social gear, their PvP/PvE set gear, or orange drop gear over orange crit gear?


Even lowbie crit orange gear (which is what any smart crafter is going to create) will be better than any of the set gear end game at 50.


Which is why I have 2 crafters already to go to craft a full set of each of the lowest orange set possible.


I'm not going to craft high level orange gear which will only take more time and resources.

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And that is what I am talking about. Who is going to use the social gear, their PvP/PvE set gear, or orange drop gear over orange crit gear?


lol at thread necro.


But wth, I'll bite.


How do you know someone won't be able to craft a thing that'll add augment slot to gear that doesn't have it?


Until we know /everything/ there is to know about the changes, your argument could very well be useless anxiety.


It could have merit. It could be useless.


Arguing without facts is pointless.

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lol at thread necro.


But wth, I'll bite.


How do you know someone won't be able to craft a thing that'll add augment slot to gear that doesn't have it?


Until we know /everything/ there is to know about the changes, your argument could very well be useless anxiety.


It could have merit. It could be useless.


Arguing without facts is pointless.


Who knows what they will have 6 months from now. But as of 1.2 we know no such thing will exist or they would have mentioned it already.


And from 1.2 to when ever, the only gear that will matter is orange gear with augment slots.

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Crit crafted orange gear is going to be rare and expensive, don't expect to log in when 1.2 goes live and buy a full set.


It's only going to be as rare as any other low level gear with an augment slot.


You do not have to concentrate on creating high level orange mod gear. Concentrate on lowbie orange gear which takes little time to make and cheap resources.


And since anyone that cares about stats (99% of the players) will want it, crafters will make as much as they can as soon as they can.

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It's only going to be as rare as any other low level gear with an augment slot.


You do not have to concentrate on creating high level orange mod gear. Concentrate on lowbie orange gear which takes little time to make and cheap resources.


And since anyone that cares about stats (99% of the players) will want it, crafters will make as much as they can as soon as they can.


what if you can only crit-craft end-game schematics?

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DEV's we need this to be dealt with!!! We pay monthly in order to customize our gaming experience to SOME degree. There are a lot of players like myself that put a lot of weight on the appearance of their toon. If I feel like my toon is ugly I will not log on as much and I won't play as often!! That equals money lost for your company. This seems like a simple enough solution. Allow the mods to be pulled out (all of them) from Battlemaster and War Hero Gear...come on!!!! It's a matter of preference that people hate the way end game gear looks that is correct...but it should be a matter of preference if we HAVE to use it or not. Should not be punished for having gear that we like the looks of!!!!
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