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Force sensitivity/harmonization on barrels ????


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or medtech on hilts, tank amps on dps mods, dps amps on tank mods, etc. etc. etc.


One-size-fits-all. Except it doesn't.


It's BioWare being lazy in their design so they can keep things easy for themselves.

Edited by Tsillah
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{Insert joke here about barrel shaped objects and sensitivity}


Lets be real a sec though. Even though there are a few worthless combos on hilts and barrels, pretty much all of the defensive armoring amplifiers are worthless, even on full time, full tank characters. Barrels with force sensitivity are junk, but they're floating in a sea of junk, the tides of which can only be held back with a thick wallet.

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... I dont get it.

It's easy enough to understand. The amplifiers are 'purely' random.

And yes, it would be easier to just make them all purely random, rather than add more possible bugs by trying to make separate lists for each item. You might call it 'lazy' - I call it 'resource management'. 🙂

Edited by JediQuaker
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It's easy enough to understand. The amplifiers are 'purely' random.

And yes, it would be easier to just make them all purely random, rather than add more possible bugs by trying to make separate lists for each item. You might call it 'lazy' - I call it 'resource management'. 🙂

Well I call it lazy and dumb and a poor attempt at resource management. In case you hadn't noticed, many of their attempts in the past years have backfired and cost them resources to fix. I mean I see your smiley but this is actually a topic that ticks me off when it comes to BioWare. They do so many things that people tell them not to do, then it backfires and then they have to spend resources fixing it.


I'm sure that in 7.0 we'll have a new gear set up yet again. Ever since 5.0 they had this radical set up change for gearing. But for years the gearing set up was fine apparently. If only they could come up with a gearing set up that they could use for much longer.

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Well I call it lazy and dumb and a poor attempt at resource management. In case you hadn't noticed, many of their attempts in the past years have backfired and cost them resources to fix. I mean I see your smiley but this is actually a topic that ticks me off when it comes to BioWare. They do so many things that people tell them not to do, then it backfires and then they have to spend resources fixing it.


I'm sure that in 7.0 we'll have a new gear set up yet again. Ever since 5.0 they had this radical set up change for gearing. But for years the gearing set up was fine apparently. If only they could come up with a gearing set up that they could use for much longer.


Its not lazy, it was intentional. They don't account for amps into the stats equation when balancing content. Amps are simply bonus stats that they made intentionally rng to create a credit sink within the game. The entire point was to get people to spend credits and get money out of the game.

Edited by Raansu
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Well I call it lazy and dumb and a poor attempt at resource management. In case you hadn't noticed, many of their attempts in the past years have backfired and cost them resources to fix. I mean I see your smiley but this is actually a topic that ticks me off when it comes to BioWare. They do so many things that people tell them not to do, then it backfires and then they have to spend resources fixing it.

And many things haven't backfired.


Ge over yourself. "BW didn't do what I suggested, wah, wah, wah." Maybe BW knows things - such as what the engine can handle, what brings in the most subs, etc, that you're just not aware of. 🙄


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or medtech on hilts, tank amps on dps mods, dps amps on tank mods, etc. etc. etc.


One-size-fits-all. Except it doesn't.


It's BioWare being lazy in their design so they can keep things easy for themselves.


sorry to say but it does, having tank amplifiers on dps armorings/barrels/hilts helps you customize your tanking gear as you wish, same with dps amplifiers on tanking gear if that's how you wanna run (and many do). i get all of you just want cheaper amplifiers but you simply gotta accept that this is a very optional credit sink system that a fraction of the playerbase needs to use


think about if you are doing the hardest nightmare raids or ranked pvp, if not you don't need these amplifiers are all and can safely go about your day without spending tens of millions, if you want to do it anyway then that's your choice

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iirc they said in the livestream that they plan to do QOL later in the year to balance amplifiers. Maybe this will be included in that.


It's easy enough to understand. The amplifiers are 'purely' random.

And yes, it would be easier to just make them all purely random, rather than add more possible bugs by trying to make separate lists for each item. You might call it 'lazy' - I call it 'resource management'. 🙂



And many things haven't backfired.


Ge over yourself. "BW didn't do what I suggested, wah, wah, wah." Maybe BW knows things - such as what the engine can handle, what brings in the most subs, etc, that you're just not aware of. 🙄



Wow, I just got this amazing feeling of deja vu. Picture it: It's August 2015 and the usual forum elites are busily inventing convoluted explanations for why we will never get legacy datacrons, why this makes incredible business and programming sense, and why people are entitled for asking, BW knows what they're doing etc etc.


Not long after that, 4.0 dropped and BW made datacrons legacy bound. The moral of the story being that BW doesn't need you to cheerlead for them because past precedent shows that needlessly pointless 'features' like wrong class amps on mods that they can't use are accidents in the process of being fixed (albeit slowly) and not part of some grand design.

Edited by Ardrossan
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iirc they said in the livestream that they plan to do QOL later in the year to balance amplifiers. Maybe this will be included in that..

Yeah the irony is that they called it "egregious" themselves. It's like oh look at that, that's pretty bad. Yeah we're gonna do something about that...later. Totally bypassing the fact that they're the ones who built this egregious system. I mean seriously? If they can figure out that it's "egregious' then they knew that going in and clearly did it anyway.


And hey, the rich are still rich so it didn't target them. If it was intended to then they failed at it and I could've told them already it would because of the nature of the credit sinks. Go figure.

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And hey, the rich are still rich so it didn't target them. If it was intended to then they failed at it and I could've told them already it would because of the nature of the credit sinks. Go figure.


Its taken a pretty good chunk from me. I had a billion credits a month ago, and I've kinda ignored farming and gtn playing to gear up my alts and try to get BiS amps. I'm down to like 100 mil now which is pretty low imo for current inflation of credits. Between credits spent buying set pieces, and credits spent on amps and credits spent installing augment kits (minus the credits spent buying augments since thats recirculated) they've easily taken a couple 100 mil out of the game from me that didn't get recirculated through the gtn and I'm sure I'm not the only player that's done that.

Edited by Raansu
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Its taken a pretty good chunk from me. I had a billion credits a month ago, and I've kinda ignored farming and gtn playing to gear up my alts and try to get BiS amps. I'm down to like 100 mil now which is pretty low imo for current inflation of credits. Between credits spent buying set pieces, and credits spent on amps and credits spent installing augment kits (minus the credits spent buying augments since thats recirculated) they've easily taken a couple 100 mil out of the game from me that didn't get recirculated through the gtn and I'm sure I'm not the only player that's done that.

But why did you gear up? It seems a bit silly to just spend spend spend and ignore the things that make you money. That's why I ask. Cause to me it targets the raiders and not rich players. Some of the raiders may be rich but certainly not all.


It adds 5-6% to your DPS/heals so it's not a small amount that can be ignored in harder raids. So really? Why did you get those amps? Was it raiding? Boredom because you had everything else gear-wise? Was it a sense of completion?


And how do you feel about when the next tier of gear comes out and you have to redo all the amps?

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It adds 5-6% to your DPS/heals so it's not a small amount that can be ignored in harder raids. So really? Why did you get those amps? Was it raiding? Boredom because you had everything else gear-wise? Was it a sense of completion?


Raansu is a pvper so the answer is almost certainly "player masochism".

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But why did you gear up? It seems a bit silly to just spend spend spend and ignore the things that make you money. That's why I ask. Cause to me it targets the raiders and not rich players. Some of the raiders may be rich but certainly not all.


It adds 5-6% to your DPS/heals so it's not a small amount that can be ignored in harder raids. So really? Why did you get those amps? Was it raiding? Boredom because you had everything else gear-wise? Was it a sense of completion?


And how do you feel about when the next tier of gear comes out and you have to redo all the amps?


Why did I gear up? For one I pvp so that's like the one place 306 gear actually works correctly. Two, what else is there to do in this game? All the content is at level 70 minus the 1 raid. This game hasn't exactly had real content in years so gearing up is all that's left to do aside from pvping and credits come easy in this game. Run your weekly FP's both vet and MM and sell crafting mats. You're making easy 10 mil a week on a single toon. Do that on several alts? You're rolling in credits.


And how do I feel about a new tier a gear? If I was worried about that I wouldn't be playing an MMO. Gear resets are part of the norm. FFXI was the one and only game I played where gear resets were not a thing and your gear from 2 expansions ago was still extremely good. Old school FFXI was true horizontal gearing though.

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Why did I gear up? For one I pvp so that's like the one place 306 gear actually works correctly. Two, what else is there to do in this game? All the content is at level 70 minus the 1 raid. This game hasn't exactly had real content in years so gearing up is all that's left to do aside from pvping and credits come easy in this game. Run your weekly FP's both vet and MM and sell crafting mats. You're making easy 10 mil a week on a single toon. Do that on several alts? You're rolling in credits.

Thanks. I did forget PvP in the question I asked and it's a valid point. Especially in PvP I would say even. And yes, that's the point exactly I made back when this expansion came out: Gearing is all that's left to do really and instead if it being content driven it's credit and RNG driven now...so you blew 900 million credits on it because you could, but that leaves you at the same place...with nothing left to do. That's been my gripe from the start because I knew gearing up was really fast in this expansion as long as you have credits. You'll recover easily but crafting mats only make that much as long as only a limited amount of people do it. So it's not a solution for everyone.

And how do I feel about a new tier a gear? If I was worried about that I wouldn't be playing an MMO. Gear resets are part of the norm. FFXI was the one and only game I played where gear resets were not a thing and your gear from 2 expansions ago was still extremely good. Old school FFXI was true horizontal gearing though.
I'm fine with new gear tiers myself but the amps make it so much worse. I can deal with upping gear but not RNG and credit driven amps. I guess that's where I draw the line. I really hope that the supposed changes coming for amps are going to be significant.
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Why did I gear up? For one I pvp so that's like the one place 306 gear actually works correctly. Two, what else is there to do in this game? All the content is at level 70 minus the 1 raid. This game hasn't exactly had real content in years so gearing up is all that's left to do aside from pvping and credits come easy in this game. Run your weekly FP's both vet and MM and sell crafting mats. You're making easy 10 mil a week on a single toon. Do that on several alts? You're rolling in credits.


And how do I feel about a new tier a gear? If I was worried about that I wouldn't be playing an MMO. Gear resets are part of the norm. FFXI was the one and only game I played where gear resets were not a thing and your gear from 2 expansions ago was still extremely good. Old school FFXI was true horizontal gearing though.


There's some bad things of course, but one of the great things about ESO is the horizontal gear progression. I still use some of the armor sets I made 4 years ago, new sets are statiistically balanced with the old, just differing effects to keep things interesting. Combined with all the content scaled to max level, ESO avoided so many issues that SWTOR fell into.

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