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Paid review of SWTOR


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1. Where does it say he was paid?


2. He hasn't gotten to experience endgame gearing or reputation systems for events, which are really the only major grinds


Kirk, the guy who wrote the article, is a gaming journalist.


That being said, the OP is really off base. The only grind in SWTOR is a grind you intentionally inflict on yourself. The conquest system currently lets almost any activity in game get you a bunch of gear, very very easily.

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Yeah im not sure where people are going with this idea of a grind.


I can tell its not coming from people who've tried to do crafting in final fantasy, or gearing through titanforged loot in wow.



Yknow whats a grind? Getting enough pieces of one type of deco that only drops from an OP or flashpoint.

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1. Where does it say he was paid?


2. He hasn't gotten to experience endgame gearing or reputation systems for events, which are really the only major grinds


1. Do you know any IT/Gaming journalist that works for free?

I don't and I was the IT journalist for three years.


2. We don't know that, we haven't been beside him when he played/tested the game.


Also, when reviewing the products, whether it's a game or software/hardware, nobody reviews/tests half of the product and then proceeds to write a professional review of it.


When you read, let's say, for example, a graphic card's review, does it says, in the review, this review is paid by XY company?

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Yeah im not sure where people are going with this idea of a grind.


I can tell its not coming from people who've tried to do crafting in final fantasy, or gearing through titanforged loot in wow.



Yknow whats a grind? Getting enough pieces of one type of deco that only drops from an OP or flashpoint.


Try running the same Uprising over and over again for 6 hrs every night under CXP boost just to get a higher CXP level and maybe some gear drop.


Try running Gendosian Queen HM to farm enough components in order to craft 258 MH/OH.


I could go on and on, like try getting the same mods, armorings and enhancements for your 306 build just to balance out your toon.

Not to mention running Hammer station until your eyes bleed to get to 306 gear level.


I know what grind is in this game and a "professional reviewer" sayin "there's no grind in SWTOR MMO" is just a str8 plain lie.


Why do I think it's a lie? What would separate SWTOR from other MMO's that he mentioned? Oh right, " no grind in SWTOR". ;)

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Try running the same Uprising over and over again for 6 hrs every night under CXP boost just to get a higher CXP level and maybe some gear drop.


Try running Gendosian Queen HM to farm enough components in order to craft 258 MH/OH.


I could go on and on, like try getting the same mods, armorings and enhancements for your 306 build just to balance out your toon.

Not to mention running Hammer station until your eyes bleed to get to 306 gear level.


I know what grind is in this game and a "professional reviewer" sayin "there's no grind in SWTOR MMO" is just a str8 plain lie.


Why do I think it's a lie? What would separate SWTOR from other MMO's that he mentioned? Oh right, " no grind in SWTOR". ;)


If you're trying to get to 306 IR for the first time, it's your choice to try and do it in a couple of days with hours and hours of grinding the same content. YOU did that to YOURSELF.


I got to 306 just by pvping, having fun the way I normally do. Took about a month of very casual play. That was before they improved the pvp rewards too. It's even easier these days with the conquest changes, you can literally do anything you want to in the game and get tons of gear, just by being in a large conquest guild, which almost any guild can pull off.


Your definition of "Grind" must be anything that isn't immediate and free.

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If you're trying to get to 306 IR for the first time, it's your choice to try and do it in a couple of days with hours and hours of grinding the same content. YOU did that to YOURSELF.


I got to 306 just by pvping, having fun the way I normally do. Took about a month of very casual play. That was before they improved the pvp rewards too. It's even easier these days with the conquest changes, you can literally do anything you want to in the game and get tons of gear, just by being in a large conquest guild, which almost any guild can pull off.


Your definition of "Grind" must be anything that isn't immediate and free.


You have zero clues about me and my definitions.

I didn't had to do anything to "myself" if BW didn't forced the grind on me through my 6 years of playing this game.


Ask anyone here, how much time they've spent grinding 230/242/248 and not mention 258 gear which was the worst grind.

The difference between you and hardcore players is that, we had to get the top gear as fast as possible.


Ask any PVPer and HM mode raider, they will tell you the same.

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You have zero clues about me and my definitions.

I didn't had to do anything to "myself" if BW didn't forced the grind on me through my 6 years of playing this game.


Ask anyone here, how much time they've spent grinding 230/242/248 and not mention 258 gear which was the worst grind.

The difference between you and hardcore players is that, we had to get the top gear as fast as possible.


Ask any PVPer and HM mode raider, they will tell you the same.


You sound like you're resentful of pre-onslaught gearing. Try to be mad about something current.

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You have zero clues about me and my definitions.

I didn't had to do anything to "myself" if BW didn't forced the grind on me through my 6 years of playing this game.


Ask anyone here, how much time they've spent grinding 230/242/248 and not mention 258 gear which was the worst grind.

The difference between you and hardcore players is that, we had to get the top gear as fast as possible.


Ask any PVPer and HM mode raider, they will tell you the same.


So... 5.0 is gearing is GONE ! It's the past . Let it die...


Onslaught gearing is the best in the history of SWTOR, very easy and very alt friendly. The fact that I had to farm Hammer Station 24/7 to get 306 in days was my choice. The game didn't force me to do it.


Every mmo has some kind of grind, including SWTOR. You should be thankful someone is reviewing a 10 year old MMO, paid or not.

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"Another thing I really appreciate is the lack of grinding. I’ve basically mainlined the main quests and ignored much of the filler, yet I’m still five levels above where I need to be for my current point in the story. If there’s one thing I can’t stand about MMOs, it’s the grind, and SWTOR doesn’t have any so far."


He is clearly talking about enjoying the class and planetary storylines and that the game does not force him to do other filler content he doesn't like in order to advance in it. He does not claim that there is no grind in the entire game at all, only in the part that he is interested in. And he even acknowledges that his view is incomplete with the last sentence.


There is nothing incorrect in that statement in order for you to get so worked up about it and immediately jump to the conclusion that he was paid by EA.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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1. Where does it say he was paid?


2. He hasn't gotten to experience endgame gearing or reputation systems for events, which are really the only major grinds


At the end it says

"Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. For more information, go here." Didn't click the links for steam, so not sure if it does pay them, but just pointing out it's the only place saying anything about being paid :)

Edited by DarkTergon
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Some of you people don't seem to understand the concept of a "paid" review. Of course the person in this case is being 'paid' by their employer (or from Youtube views, etc) to write the review, but that's not the same as BioWare paying for the review.
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Some of you people don't seem to understand the concept of a "paid" review. Of course the person in this case is being 'paid' by their employer (or from Youtube views, etc) to write the review, but that's not the same as BioWare paying for the review.


Exactly why I asked where it was referenced as a paid review. I saw nothing to indicate EA or BioWare paid them to write/publish.

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There really isn't grind in SWTOR though. I find that other MMOs were always much more grindy. Perhaps you have a different definition of grind but even the newer endgame crafting changes are hardly worthy of the term grind.


Play GW2 for example and see what endgame crafting is like. Ascended and Legendary gear in particular. You'll run away screaming if you find SWTOR grindy.

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"Another thing I really appreciate is the lack of grinding. I’ve basically mainlined the main quests and ignored much of the filler, yet I’m still five levels above where I need to be for my current point in the story. If there’s one thing I can’t stand about MMOs, it’s the grind, and SWTOR doesn’t have any so far."


He is clearly talking about enjoying the class and planetary storylines and that the game does not force him to do other filler content he doesn't like in order to advance in it. He does not claim that there is no grind in the entire game at all, only in the part that he is interested in. And he even acknowledges that his view is incomplete with the last sentence.


There is nothing incorrect in that statement in order for you to get so worked up about it and immediately jump to the conclusion that he was paid by EA.


Pretty much, now SWTOR used to be somewhat grindy when it came to leveling but ever since KOTFE back in 2015 leveling has been a breeze even if you're F2P, so I don't get OP's criticism here.

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You have zero clues about me and my definitions.

I didn't had to do anything to "myself" if BW didn't forced the grind on me through my 6 years of playing this game.


Ask anyone here, how much time they've spent grinding 230/242/248 and not mention 258 gear which was the worst grind.

The difference between you and hardcore players is that, we had to get the top gear as fast as possible.


Ask any PVPer and HM mode raider, they will tell you the same.


Well that made me laugh. first off he is a player here. So what did you say? ask any player! well that includes him. Second I been playing for 6 years now and to me never had to grind anything. I do what's fun for me, not only did i get that top gear but got it on all servers and multiple accounts. BTW we do have clues about you and your definition(s) by your posts. If I can get the gear on all severs on multiple accounts not really that much of a grind. The simple truth is, do what's fun for you to do, if it's not fun, do something else or at least quit complaining about it.


I note that his knowledge of the history of the game is woefully lacking. He claims that it "just" went free-to-play... (Rather than back in 2012/early 2013, I don't remember exactly when, but before the end of March 2013 in any case...)


On this I agree with you for the reasons you give. The article does seem out of date as you said f2p did start around that time 2013-ish as that's when I started playing. Which indeed does mean it is an old article just recently re-posted or the writer did not play as much as he claims. Certainly did not do much research into the game if it is recently written.


Much of it depends upon what you consider a "grind". Some people consider it a grind to have to run around all 4 bases every time you want to score a run, in baseball. 😂


Yes I guess what's fun for one maybe a grind to another. However as I said player(s) should do what's fun for them, if you must go out to get tip gear in a few days then don't complain about it. (BTW this is not directed at you JQ)

This game has been going now for long enough that player know how it's run. The same thing will happen next time gear changes or there's a new level cap. As such you know t be yet again the same old need new gear. So don't see the point in the complaints, it is what it is and it's not going to change. Well I say that, I happened to like CXP boxes and don't mind how gearing happen now. As said thou I just do what's fun for me to do in-game, if it's not it just doe's not get done. Which there is a lot of in-game I don't like so don't do.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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