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Is SWTOR dying?


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well, covid 19 sir?


It's been going since they rushed the Kotet end and dropped monthly chapters, been a steady decline since which has declined even further since Covid. We've gotten maybe 2 chapters worth of story in the last 2 yrs. The year before that we got maybe 3 chapters worth of story if that. It's been a rapid downhill slide.

Have barely logged in to play at all this year, just not fun without steady story to look forward to. If I find something else worth subbing to month by month I'll likely drop SWTOR sub, for now I'm still clinging to a little hope of improvement, but don't expect to see it.

Edited by Suzsi
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Ahh, reminds me of back in 2013, ran out of content faster than when we were waiting for the release. :p


Not seeing any Star Wars related competition or huge breakthroughs in games around the immediate corner therefore,

like star craft 2; we are not gonna see a new age SWTOR or this version going anywhere soon.


I would suspect the GTN is were the real money is at then, story content/subs.


You could crap in a box and brand it, "star wars", and it will sell with a stable shelf life.


They will milk this cash cow till it bleeds from the utters. ;)

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Well, I suppose if you consider the game began with hundreds of active full servers and now 10 years later there's what, 5 active servers? So yeah, I'd consider that dying or near death.


Luckily the game still sports a fun space-barbie outfit design system perfect for RPing a toon in the Star Wars universe, and a rock solid story driven quest series that was created at launch. The original chapters dev work and stories are truly masterpieces, and the voice acting is still unmatched both in quality and quantity.

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Well, I suppose if you consider the game began with hundreds of active full servers and now 10 years later there's what, 5 active servers? So yeah, I'd consider that dying or near death.


Luckily the game still sports a fun space-barbie outfit design system perfect for RPing a toon in the Star Wars universe, and a rock solid story driven quest series that was created at launch. The original chapters dev work and stories are truly masterpieces, and the voice acting is still unmatched both in quality and quantity.

Well it was never hundreds of servers but yes they don't have as many. But as others have said it wouldn't have just launched on steam if it was. I agree the story is good. I just completed my second run of all the expansions. Once as imp now as pub.

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Ahhhhh its the good ole "SWTOR is DYING!" thread.... Oh how I have missed these!


<heads to the kitchen to pop some fresh popcorn> Anyone want anything while Im up? :rak_03:


Extra .. EXTRA butter on the popcorn ?? Yeah !! I'll take a large bowl please !!


[/settles down with extra large Mountain Dew]



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