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Leveling healer - Super weak healing why?


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Trying to level a healer in flashpoints, from level 25 to 35, havent got past 35 yet due to this, is awful. people expect you to heal even though they could just hit a kolto station, and your heals are incredibly miniscule and bad.


How am I supposed to increase my healing as Scoundrel healer? is there a stat I forgot to focus on? Can't keep people alive worth sh**. Maybe at max level healers are better, but who's going to level as one?

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Thats why most people level as dps then respec to tank/healer once at 75.


So its intended that leveling as a healer be pointless? there is no rational reason for healing to be so weak compared to higher levels.


I mean I would not put any kind of intentional scam or bad design past anything owned by EA but still..

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Healing is weak at low levels, the same as dps are weak, and tanks are weak. You simply do not have the abilities/utilities that high levels have.


Anyone who expects a low to mid range heal or tank to be as effective as a level 75 is basically clueless about how bolster works in this game. (Meaning if a level 75 is complaining about your low/mid range healing, they are in the wrong, not you)


That said: I think the best way to learn healing as you level is either to run flashpoints with friends (pugging is never a good idea for actually learning) or to take your companion, set to dps, and do planetary heroics at, or slightly below, your current level.


Get to level 50 or so, by then you'll have almost all of you healing abilities, and then look up guides for your spec to see if you missed a few tricks of the trade (so to speak) as you levelled. If you hit max level, and feel confident, you can walk into a vet flashpoint with your companion and see how well it goes. It can help you learn how to handle aggro on your healing toon, while also healing someone else.


I know some people say 'level as dps than switch to heals', and that might work for them. On my part I found it was easier to really learn a spec by levelling in that spec, and reading all the tooltips for the abilities and utilities as I got them. That way I have a better understanding of how things actually work, rather than blindly following a guide.

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So its intended that leveling as a healer be pointless? there is no rational reason for healing to be so weak compared to higher levels.


I mean I would not put any kind of intentional scam or bad design past anything owned by EA but still..


I assume you mean Veteran FPs. In there you have to supplement your healing with the healing nodes. The damage is overtuned because it's role neutral. So whenever I take my healers to Veteran FPs, even at 75, I make sure to use those healing nodes. I make it my responsibility to use them in fact because the DPS need to DPS.

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I assume you mean Veteran FPs. In there you have to supplement your healing with the healing nodes. The damage is overtuned because it's role neutral. So whenever I take my healers to Veteran FPs, even at 75, I make sure to use those healing nodes. I make it my responsibility to use them in fact because the DPS need to DPS.


The problem is the healing nodes give a big burst of heals to the person clicking them, and small heals to everyone else.


They should really be clicked by the player who has aggro.


Although a level 75 healer should be able to keep up with the healing without anyone using the nodes. At least if the dps with aggro knows what a dcd is.

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Trying to level a healer in flashpoints, from level 25 to 35, havent got past 35 yet due to this, is awful. people expect you to heal even though they could just hit a kolto station, and your heals are incredibly miniscule and bad.


How am I supposed to increase my healing as Scoundrel healer? is there a stat I forgot to focus on? Can't keep people alive worth sh**. Maybe at max level healers are better, but who's going to level as one?

Level sync is not perfect, and it seems to me to jump around a bit depending upon what planet you're on (or flashpoint you're doing), what your current level is, what your current stat balance is, etc.

You may find that at some point you'll start to do much better in FPs just because the level sync is different.


In any case, if you are healing in a Veteran FP, feel free to use the kolto stations to assist you. If there's no tank, you can run into excessive need to heal the squishier dps'es, in which case, don't feel under-powered because you need the help of koltos.


Any time I've tried to level up a healer, I've ended up switching to dps while levelling and then re-configuring as a healer later.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Someone else shared this
, and as a healer myself I think it has some great tips for you to apply to your situation. Pay close attention to Lessons 2 and 6.


"healing in MMOs" lol.


Dude I've healed at least through extreme trial content in FFXIV for years. its not the job I do best, but I know how healing in MMOs works.


in SWTOR healing is far far weaker before level cap than any other game I've played which has healers.

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My main role in SWTOR is healer. My main is a merc healer but I also have sorcs and operatives (as well as the pubside equivalent). You are currently playing a dot spec healer. Operatives really dont have big bursty heals. They are fun to play. I have never had any issues leveling up healers as actual healers. I highly recommend checking out some of the guides out there to help you figure out how to use them best.


When you are low level, you dont have all the abilities true, but that shouldnt stop you from being able to complete fp's or story content. Veteran FP's have kolto stations for a reason. Hell, even when Im on my level 75 main healer who is all decked out gear wise, I still use the kolto stations just so I can focus on dps for efficiency.


In conclusion, if you are having trouble getting into your healer operative... maybe try another healer class and see if that fits your play style better. I highly recommend the Merc (but im not biased at all).


<3 Sara'Dominique


Edited to note: You need to go into your preferences and UI set up to change group set up to Ops Group and also show the text info on health bars. I also take the time to enlarge the debuffs and enlarge health bars so i can see whats going on with my group.

Edited by JediJoy
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Yeah I'm sure a max level healer is fine, but its dispropotionately weak before then sometimes I cant even see the healthbar move when i cast heals on people.

You'll find that even at level 75 you're not fine in many Veteran FPs. That's what I'm telling you. In Master FPs you are because you have a tank and you have no healing nodes there.

Edited by Tsillah
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You'll find that even at level 75 you're not fine in many Veteran FPs. That's what I'm telling you. In Master FPs you are because you have a tank and you have no healing nodes there.


That's the thing. even with a tank, in vet FP I am reliant on the kolto stations to keep people alive.


the scaling in MM must be way different.

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That's the thing. even with a tank, in vet FP I am reliant on the kolto stations to keep people alive.


the scaling in MM must be way different.


Yep, exactly that. So in Veteran FPs you are resigned to using kolto stations on your healer. Your heals simply won't do.

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"healing in MMOs" lol.


Dude I've healed at least through extreme trial content in FFXIV for years. its not the job I do best, but I know how healing in MMOs works.


in SWTOR healing is far far weaker before level cap than any other game I've played which has healers.


I bet the issue is that you are running vet flashpoints which are role free. More often that not, you don't have a tank (or the game decided to throw not one, not two but 3 tanks at you!) so depending on which flashpoints you are doing, it might no be easy to keep a DPS up that is being pounded by a boss or a bunch of adds.


Just an example, Ortuno in Depths of Manaan hits pretty hard, it's already a full time job to keep a real tank alive in master so take a guess with a DPS doing the tanking...


I am lvl 75 so obviously I have the luxury to do so but I stay clear of vets, they are not worth the trouble. Tacticals, veterans... they may have changed their name but no role never worked and never will.

Edited by demotivator
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"healing in MMOs" lol.


Dude I've healed at least through extreme trial content in FFXIV for years. its not the job I do best, but I know how healing in MMOs works.


in SWTOR healing is far far weaker before level cap than any other game I've played which has healers.


Dude it's a funny video but by all means please tell me all about your e-peen :rolleyes:

Edited by Ardrossan
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Yep, exactly that. So in Veteran FPs you are resigned to using kolto stations on your healer. Your heals simply won't do.


Is that some ham fisted poorly thought out attempt at making the kolto stations matter? Cuz they already matter 90% of the time since the queue doesnt give a healer most of the time.

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Dude it's a funny video but by all means please tell me all about your e-peen :rolleyes:


No E-Peen. I know I'm not a great healer lol. It's why I dont heal Savage content in FF14, (really mechanics intense compared to SWTOR) becuase its way too intense for my meh healer skills. I tank for that stuff.


Just didnt want to waste time watching, and forgot that was the joke video, yeah I saw it before a long time ago, hillarious.


but no role never worked and never will.


Not actually 100% true but true in SWTOR given our circumstances. I've played a lot of games where roles didnt make a ton of difference so long as people played decent or close to it. SWTOR will never be one of those sadly.

Edited by DaZeeZee
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Yep, exactly that. So in Veteran FPs you are resigned to using kolto stations on your healer. Your heals simply won't do.


Are you running in groups of mostly low/mid level players? That could be the problem, you need to be plus level 50 to have most of your dcds available. Bolster just isn't that great for taking a level 25 up against level 70 enemies. More health doesn't do much when a low level has nothing to reduce incoming damage.


If you're having trouble running with higher level characters, I don't think that's a scaling issue, but rather a player issue. The dps just are not using defensives properly.


I say that because I've solo'd vet fp with level 70 to 75 chars (post 6.0), and you can't use the kolto's when you run Vets solo. Granted, I'm running as dps with a heal comp, but I can assure you that my heals are a lot stronger than any comp can put out.


*To the OP. Scoundrel heals get their hots early, and those should be pretty strong even at mid level. You don't burst players up after they hit, you keep the probes ticking throughout the fight. Even at higher levels, when you do get some bursty type heals, they work a lot better if the probes are already ticking. If you're used to reactive healing then both Sage and Commando heals are better for that type of healing.

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*To the OP. Scoundrel heals get their hots early, and those should be pretty strong even at mid level. You don't burst players up after they hit, you keep the probes ticking throughout the fight. Even at higher levels, when you do get some bursty type heals, they work a lot better if the probes are already ticking. If you're used to reactive healing then both Sage and Commando heals are better for that type of healing.


I'm a fan of DoT heals actually, very good for the more fun playstyles of healing. problem is if anyone who is not the tank gets aggro for even a couple seconds, they easily die before I can cast any of my more burst heals to save them.


If its only one person taking major damage, and moderate aoe damage on the others, DoT healing is enough, but sadly Vet FP pugs are nothing like that. its more like a drunk chicken with its head cut off than any kind of organized play.

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The real problem with the FP's is that there is no inbetween of Story and Vet mode. Story mode is stupid easy and Vet is like playing russian roulette based on the FP you get. That meaning that some are pretty easy and some are ridiculously hard without a holy trinity. Sure i could take story mode missions but that is not going to be worth my time, the the loot or the experience. Vet mode at least has solid exp and usable upgrades as rewards. They really should allow companions in vet mode if there's no dedicated healing class,especially with a group os low levels scaled up with 1 or 2 heals at their disposal.
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]I bet the issue is that you are running vet flashpoints[/b] which are role free. More often that not, you don't have a tank (or the game decided to throw not one, not two but 3 tanks at you!) so depending on which flashpoints you are doing, it might no be easy to keep a DPS up that is being pounded by a boss or a bunch of adds.


Just an example, Ortuno in Depths of Manaan hits pretty hard, it's already a full time job to keep a real tank alive in master so take a guess with a DPS doing the tanking...


I am lvl 75 so obviously I have the luxury to do so but I stay clear of vets, they are not worth the trouble. Tacticals, veterans... they may have changed their name but no role never worked and never will.


At level 22 the ONLY FP's you can run outside of story are Vet FP's. I don't count story mode because the exp is garbage and so are the rewards. What is the point of running those?

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If you're having trouble running with higher level characters, I don't think that's a scaling issue, but rather a player issue. The dps just are not using defensives properly.

Oh I'm sure that's part of it. I try to LOS pull things and people just stand there and break up the mobs, they ignore cc's and just attack them, they don't interrupt, stealthers aggro mobs because reasons and they definitely do not use DCDs and generally have no idea about mechanics.


From my experience (and I only do Vet FPs sparingly these days) whatever it is, it's just not doable without hitting the kolto stations. #puglife

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The real problem with the FP's is that there is no inbetween of Story and Vet mode. Story mode is stupid easy and Vet is like playing russian roulette based on the FP you get. That meaning that some are pretty easy and some are ridiculously hard without a holy trinity. Sure i could take story mode missions but that is not going to be worth my time, the the loot or the experience. Vet mode at least has solid exp and usable upgrades as rewards. They really should allow companions in vet mode if there's no dedicated healing class,especially with a group os low levels scaled up with 1 or 2 heals at their disposal.

Story Mode is Solo Mode and you do get to bring companions in Veteran Mode. Just not in the GF but if you enter via the entrance or wait and kick someone or someone leaves you can easily replace them with a companion.

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Yeah healers are better in low levels than they used to be, believe it or not they used to not get their best abilities till 60-70 it was horrible leveling them then!


But as others alluded, it's more efficient to level a DPS class, I typically don't like to do that though because I like to practice and learn my healer skills as the toon advances, not pour out 50 abilities and then try to learn them all at one time.

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