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PvP rewards now based on wins


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If you are competitive, run with a group / guild of similar people, and play during peak hours, this is probably a good change.


If you are more casual, run solo, and / or play during off-peak hours, this is probably a negative change.


My bet, even with all the changes to rewards and conquest for PVP, less players will play - why bother getting farmed by some premade over and over on a map you hate AND getting nothing for your time AND being unable to leave until the clock runs out or get penalized.


Of course the above is for general unranked - ranked should always be based on wins (which is why it also should not be for things like mat farming).

Edited by DawnAskham
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The win traders will still win trade. The premades will still farm the pugs. The only thing that will change is that now even fewer players will bother with pvp.


The solution for most players will be to not PvP at all.


These two responses are what BW fails to understand will happen. In a few months when they see unranked is a wasteland, rather then revert back they will spend far too many resources coming up with new ways to "fix" unranked, yet ignoring all our suggestions. Had they introduced the unranked changes AND added the ability to choose which unranked warzones we want to queue for, the changes would be far less of an issue. Since they haven't, I'm not bothering with unranked until they do. As a solo player, unranked was the one "group" thing that I liked because you were not forced to continue with a ****** wz map.

With no story until a least the end of the year, poor unranked changes and broken events, the incentive to stay subbed is very low right now.

Edited by Sarova
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The problem with the change is pretty simple: two teams fight, there can only be one winner. That means: if you lose, you get nothing (I know, pretty obvious, just when spoken out loud it feels different).


As a consequence: you can do as good as you want, if you lose -> bad luck. Now this might be a good thing for all those "it's like in real life - the winner takes it all" folks, but this is still a game about progressing gear etc., so you need funds. And while PvP is fun per se, it will still most likely suffer from this, seeing that losing actually really affects you, which means the ************ will intensify.


We'll see, how it is going to develop, though I am not too optimistic.

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The problem with the change is pretty simple: two teams fight, there can only be one winner. That means: if you lose, you get nothing (I know, pretty obvious, just when spoken out loud it feels different).


As a consequence: you can do as good as you want, if you lose -> bad luck. Now this might be a good thing for all those "it's like in real life - the winner takes it all" folks, but this is still a game about progressing gear etc., so you need funds. And while PvP is fun per se, it will still most likely suffer from this, seeing that losing actually really affects you, which means the ************ will intensify.


We'll see, how it is going to develop, though I am not too optimistic.


It's a good point, especially about 'progressing gear' after all, if people aren't getting to gear up in PvP, they'll go back to farming HS again, and we'll staart getting all those posts back.

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The problem with the change is pretty simple: two teams fight, there can only be one winner. That means: if you lose, you get nothing (I know, pretty obvious, just when spoken out loud it feels different).


As a consequence: you can do as good as you want, if you lose -> bad luck. Now this might be a good thing for all those "it's like in real life - the winner takes it all" folks, but this is still a game about progressing gear etc., so you need funds. And while PvP is fun per se, it will still most likely suffer from this, seeing that losing actually really affects you, which means the ************ will intensify.


We'll see, how it is going to develop, though I am not too optimistic.


That is a good point, that all the time invested in PvP can = zero results if you lose.


I don't think any two people will completely agree precisely where the balance should be.

On one hand, you have players leeching PvP for what they want and then abandoning matches or doing nothing.

On the other, you have people who actually want to participate in PvP for PvP's sake and see each match to its conclusion.


Just going by what I see on these forums, the second group doesn't at all appreciate the first.


Originally I thought winning matches to progress made total sense, but now I can see how players won't participate in PvP if they know losing matches means the same amount of time that they could have put in elsewhere at least means progress of a kind rather than zilch.


I really don't know how EA would ease the concerns of everyone participating in PvP. People in one category or the other, perhaps both, will somehow feel slighted regardless what EA does.


Just my observation.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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