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Sorry, this game is another Conan.


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The honeymoon feeling is wearing off for many players and they are finding out, it just is not that great. Yes, it is a good game-but it is very standard and a little too basic.


Getting to 50 was a breeze. Getting crew skills to 400 literally took hours. There is no challenge to this game at all. 3 Wzs and they are very, very broken. How many times must I log into Huttball, find it has already started and then get tossed out because I am stuck in the start zone behind the barrier.


The classes are not diverse enough and endgame offers nothing at all to keep this game afloat.


Yes, I agree with everyone else--stop comparing this game to WOW, it is not even close to a WOW. It is more on the level of DC Universe Online and sadly--will no doubt meet the same fate as DCUO and be f2p in a year.


I like the game, it just has nothing really to offer for my $$$.


Flame away, just mark my words and we will see in a year.


IT WAS JUST RELEASED! *** is wrong with you people? Go back to WoW. Geez.

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Partying sucks, I'd like to be able to leave a group without having to have the party leader kick me. If there is this option, PLEASE INFORM ME. I can't find it anywhere.


Right-click on your portrait, Group->Quit Group. Done :)


PS: I am adding the OPs words into my almanac of words to mark in 2011.

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Urgh...this game is not about getting to 50, it really isn't. It is about enjoying the story, enjoying the ride there. This game is not about rushing there, BioWare has stated this time and time again, this game isn't designed to be difficult. For God's sakes I can go through Heroic areas alone, just enjoy it. Make new characters, see new stories, wait for them to add more stories, and so on.
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This thread had me wondering a bit. Those who labels this a single player game with mmo-content, what exactly is a mmorpg for you people?


Alot of the complaints I read here, I don't see. Maybe I been lucky with only encountering 5 bugs in the game. (2 light ones, 1 delay of talk animation, 1 of weapon not sheating properly and a few unuseable nodes). I seen worse scenario's in games that has been out for years, rather then a week or two.


Or so much single player content? Feels no diffrent to any other game I tried for the past 7 years. I grab a quest, I go do it. Some are done solo, others arn't.


So in the end, I can't guess on my own here what people expect a mmorpg to be?

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The title of this thread is the single dumbest thing I've seen in the GD forum ever. Congratulations, OP, you did something that I didn't even think was possible.





P.S.: Read my sig line, since you know so much about AoC.

Edited by RagnarokJC
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Still waiting to see that negative post that doesn't mention WoW.


I don't think the community can do it.


People have been brainwashed by that game and cannot ever move on to anything new. Gotta give credit to Blizzard for being able to do this to millions of people.

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Gotta love the fanboi armada that comes in after these posts, lol. yeah it was a bit trollish in nature, I'll give the op that, but man, you fanbois crack me up way more than the troll posts.


Gotta love how whenever people disagree with a negative thread that they all must be fanbois instead of people that just enjoy the game and have a differing opinion.


Seems like everyone that doesn't think "This game is average and will fail" is a fanboi nowadays.

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lol.. saying its another conan is far too harsh.. that game was COMPLETELY unfinished after lvl 20, and incredibly bland combat with the exception of finishers


+ had a client that caused crashes all the time, even high end pc´s had lag, the DX support wasnt working ...


AoC was a pre alpha, today its a good game tho!


Regarding SWTOR, I like it and it runs smooth. I am not sure yet what awaits me at lvl 50, if there is no content atm then I still can lvl many chars until I am done with this game.


MMO`s are not about getting phat lewt at max lvl, dont believe what wow has teached you, its a bad example of a working MMO, which wasnt always the case - vanilla did rock.

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AoC was a fun game at release, but suffered from really bad devs that kept nerfing everything. I expect 25-50% of the people from release to leave with the first couple of months. That's how things work these days. Players that haven't seen anything but WoW keep trying to jump to new MMOs. They expect everything to be like WoW. Whip through game to the end, then post how they are bored and the other MMO is so much better. After much whining and drama, they leave.


Maybe SW is big enough to buck the trend but I doubt it.

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The honeymoon feeling is wearing off for many players and they are finding out, it just is not that great.


yes and now provide the statistics for that 'many players'.




or is it just your own opinion passing as a fact.


'many people like to eat bird dodo !'

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This thread had me wondering a bit. Those who labels this a single player game with mmo-content, what exactly is a mmorpg for you people?


let me answer you in their stead :


mmo for the people who cram in the mmo forums of hardcore progressive mmos basically can be summarized as :


making your statistics on your gear progress by gathering 0.1% drop chance rewards by repetitively grinding through 'end game' instances/raids through excessive effort for aeons .





we also are afflicted with a huge number of these here, mainly due to the fact that blizzard has seen how badly this affected subscriptions, gameplay content (only 5% had had seen molten core or similar endgame 'content' for example) and therefore led to a decline in the mmo eventually - and then proceeded to nerf their game to make it more accessible.


aaaand they drop in to the next big mmo as they always do, they are here, they are already level 50 and they already had had started complaining about how this game was not hardcore enough since when they were level 10.




there you have it.


this is the insatiable menace of mmo gaming. in their mind, their opinion, their preference, their 'endlessly effort requiring pathetically rewarding gear progression/achievement' surpasses ALL. basically it is what gaming should be, for them. ANY game that is not as such, is some kid's toy. (as if simulations, strategies do not exist).


ANY game therefore, has to be like that, and anyone who is not foolish enough to grind/toil for 2-3 hours every night and then sit in front of the computer in tension and effort through 4 hours 2 week nights without even taking off to going to the loo, is not a 'gamer' but something they deride as 'casual' or 'carebear'.


in case you noticed, they have rushed to level 50, did not enjoy the content, did not enjoy the story, did not enjoy the scenery, did not explore the game - they 'achieved' level 50 and now complaining.




in fact, there is NO mandatory definition of a mmo. swg was a mmo. eve is a mmo. ANYthing can be a mmo as long as it is massively multiplayer. there is NO requirement for gear progression or end boss beating through long efforts.

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I eagerly anticipate the next major patches and expansions of this game, almost as much as i anticipated this game itself, to witness where it is going from here.




now that im finally back in after the patch launcher issues im excited to see how they progress this game.


What they have released is by no means perfect but I cant help but feel optimistic about its future


There is only so much polish you can add from beta. Refinement of the product comes from issues and feedback after the final release.

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in addition, coming here complaining about how they hit level 50, how they did 'everything' and how the game is 'bad' and 'lacking' and they cant find 'anything' to do this and that, are just subconscious and implied expressions of 'look look ! im so good that i beat this game so fast. all see my achievement'.


the extent of expressed malcontent, boredom, disgust is proportional to how much they want to stress their success. they have succeeded SO well that they are now bored proportionally.




there is no fix for this kind of mindset. the only way this mindset can be happy, is continually acquiring games they did not 'beat' yet, and 'beating' them. noone, no company, no game can satiate these people.


i have been there. i have done that. when you are like that, you are insatiable.

Edited by Enako
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The honeymoon feeling is wearing off for many players and they are finding out, it just is not that great. Yes, it is a good game-but it is very standard and a little too basic.


Getting to 50 was a breeze. Getting crew skills to 400 literally took hours. There is no challenge to this game at all. 3 Wzs and they are very, very broken. How many times must I log into Huttball, find it has already started and then get tossed out because I am stuck in the start zone behind the barrier.


The classes are not diverse enough and endgame offers nothing at all to keep this game afloat.


Yes, I agree with everyone else--stop comparing this game to WOW, it is not even close to a WOW. It is more on the level of DC Universe Online and sadly--will no doubt meet the same fate as DCUO and be f2p in a year.


I like the game, it just has nothing really to offer for my $$$.


Flame away, just mark my words and we will see in a year.



Ok seriously now... how much they pay you... is it a worthy profession ?

Cause if they don't pay you, the alternative is being stupid.

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let me answer you in their stead :


mmo for the people who cram in the mmo forums of hardcore progressive mmos basically can be summarized as :


making your statistics on your gear progress by gathering 0.1% drop chance rewards by repetitively grinding through 'end game' instances/raids through excessive effort for aeons .





we also are afflicted with a huge number of these here, mainly due to the fact that blizzard has seen how badly this affected subscriptions, gameplay content (only 5% had had seen molten core or similar endgame 'content' for example) and therefore led to a decline in the mmo eventually - and then proceeded to nerf their game to make it more accessible.


aaaand they drop in to the next big mmo as they always do, they are here, they are already level 50 and they already had had started complaining about how this game was not hardcore enough since when they were level 10.




there you have it.


this is the insatiable menace of mmo gaming. in their mind, their opinion, their preference, their 'endlessly effort requiring pathetically rewarding gear progression/achievement' surpasses ALL. basically it is what gaming should be, for them. ANY game that is not as such, is some kid's toy. (as if simulations, strategies do not exist).


ANY game therefore, has to be like that, and anyone who is not foolish enough to grind/toil for 2-3 hours every night and then sit in front of the computer in tension and effort through 4 hours 2 week nights without even taking off to going to the loo, is not a 'gamer' but something they deride as 'casual' or 'carebear'.


in case you noticed, they have rushed to level 50, did not enjoy the content, did not enjoy the story, did not enjoy the scenery, did not explore the game - they 'achieved' level 50 and now complaining.




in fact, there is NO mandatory definition of a mmo. swg was a mmo. eve is a mmo. ANYthing can be a mmo as long as it is massively multiplayer. there is NO requirement for gear progression or end boss beating through long efforts.


Well said. +1

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I sort of enjoyed the game. but there are some bad immersion killing things in the game and some bugs. I'll name a few.


-There are a lot of dialogue options that are misleading and results in you character saying something you did not want him to say.

-Your character can end up kissing an npc without even touching the flirt options.

-Companion item comparison is broken.

-Companions sometimes just stand there when your in battle.

-Lightsabers stuck on while in idle form, walking around with lightsaber poking threw your head.

-when monsters follow you, and when they run back to there spawn point it looks like they got propellers in there bums running super fast. lol


The main thing that made me cancel my subscription was that you had to play it mmo style, if your dps, you need healer or tank companion, exc.

What i wanted was the freedom too play the way i want, without dying over and over again killing immersion and just feel like quiting cause i dont feel like im powerful. I wanted this dps companion cause i liked her a lot, and i also liked my character witch was dps as well, but you cannot do that or you will die lots, witch kills immersion and then whats the point of playing through the whole story of feeling powerful and unique. If that is broken and i feel like a peasant who cant kill anything without popping potions and doing cheap tricks to win a battle is just lame. In a single player game when you die what happens? you reload and try again, so you actually did not die, you went back in time and tried again until you succeed, you never actually die. in this its like your an idiot dying over and over again, and the major problem is that it does not mix with this story driven stuff, i wish it was like kotor play the way you want, choose who you want with your and you can still kick some *** and feel powerful yet be challenging enough. Kotor 1&2, mass effect, jade empire and other games such as oblivion, skyrim and fallout 3 / newvegas in those games i felt freedom, uniqueness and powerful. i feel this game failed in that department.

Edited by locustwars
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