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Force charge cd broken


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I made several tickets for that, but as always, no answers.


When the cooldown of "force charge" ends, force charge stay at 0 for several seconds until u can use it again .


When are you going to fix this ?

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It was subject to one of the many weird (and unnecessary) changes they made, giving it 'charges'. Why? No idea. Other abilities that are allowed to refresh (like from proccing Eradicate from a melee hit or Phantom Stride to skip the cd, or how the Force Leap tactical refresh used to work. Haven't played Guard/Jugg in a long time) From the 6.0 update:


Abilities can now have ability charges. This allows an ability to be used a number of times before going on cooldown. Once an ability charge is spent they will begin recharging at a pace equal to the abilities cooldown time.


Then there's the ever persistent bugs with Force Leap/Charge that's plagued the devs for years.

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Did you take the Warmonger utility? If so then drop it and take something else, as it's been broken for months. Devs have acknowledged it, but haven't fixed it. It shows the CD lowered but doesn't actually lower it. Edited by LaVall
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Did you take the Warmonger utility? If so then drop it and take something else, as it's been broken for months. Devs have acknowledged it, but haven't fixed it. It shows the CD lowered but doesn't actually lower it.

Watch out for the difference between the *cooldown* and the *recharge*. If the cooldown is reduced to below the recharge, you won't notice. (If the cooldown is reduced *from* below the recharge *to* even more below the recharge, the change won't be visible at all.)


Ultimately, the concept of an ability with charges that *also* has a cooldown is critically flawed. Recharge abilities should be spammable subject to still having charges and the limits imposed by GCD. (Er, and any other special restrictions, incluing Force Leap/Force Charge's minimum range.)


Alternative: abiltiies should have recharges *or* a cooldown, but not both.

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It’s completely fubar and I believe 99% of problem has to do with them putting that timer animation hand on it. They need to remove that and see if that fixes it.


Or just change the utility point to be like Marauders. I remember when 6.0 released the original utility was bugged, whether you reused Force charge in the time frame or not.

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Ultimately, the concept of an ability with charges that *also* has a cooldown is critically flawed. Recharge abilities should be spammable subject to still having charges and the limits imposed by GCD. (Er, and any other special restrictions, incluing Force Leap/Force Charge's minimum range.)


Alternative: abiltiies should have recharges *or* a cooldown, but not both.


Not entirely true, issue is that the cooldown and the recharge timer doesn’t correspond with one and other, problem is that if they made the recharge timer reflect the cooldown of the already said ability it would fix this issue.

However i don’t know if all recharge timers are tied meaning if it did reflect or so to speak followed the rules of the cooldowns and alacrity would it not break the game by making all abilities with the charge system OP.

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The problem is BW devs are so out of touch with the game and how abilities work/don't work that they will actually create a bad feature that simply doesn't work due to glitches, and instead of fixing such a thing (OPs roll, merc butt blast, Jugg Force Charge, etc. etc.) they will take that ability glitches and all, and even wrap an entire utility around that broken ability. Naturally, that new utility ability will be glitched and corrupted since it's based off a glitched ability in the first place!


Most games know their strengths and weaknesses and they are aware of what is broken and what works great. Not SWTOR. They will gut and remove fun awesome abilities that are not broken then actually build combination attacks and utilities on top of broken abilities, making the new effect broken too. For me it's hard to grasp how they add these daisy-chain ability combinations that begin with a broken ability in the first place, common sense to fix the initial ability so that it works and if that's impossible, remove it and recreate a new one.

Edited by Lhancelot
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